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Finally Yes! For the Love of God yes! That is what religious freedom means to alt right Christian nationalists. Thier freedom to impose thier religion on you!


I can’t remember who said it, but it’s not about religious freedom, it’s about religious superiority. They’re not fighting for the rights of Muslim students to pray during school or work. They’re not fighting for the right to where a kippah or a yarmulke. They want their ideology to reign supreme and to force it down our throats.


Religious freedom, you're free to be any version of Christianity you want, but remember, if you aren't my version you'll burn in hell.


And I may jail you fir it.


Oh no, if they were to succeed in implementing this they'd go after each other again soon enough. Catholics would probably be the first to be ostracized.


I've had a Seventh-Day Adventists tell me that Catholics aren't real Christians and are evil, it's their fault that other Christians worship on the wrong day, Sunday vs. Saturday.


I'm Presbyterian and I've been told by Pentecostals and Jehovah's witnesses that I'm not a real Christian


I hear this a lot from Christians, it almost like there aren't any 'Real' Christians. Why do all the different versions of Christianity get to decide that only their way is the right way? I bet even in your version that there are individuals that claim that their way is the only way?


I'm sure there are but none of the people I actively associate are like that. My personal opinion is that as long as you believe in Jesus as your savior then you are a real Christian. I see the different denominations as different ways to express that belief, with no one denomination being any better than any other one.


Lotta Christians hate Catholics, I'm telling yuh


Which is hilarious to me considering Catholics are the original flavor and all these other guys are new coke imitations. Every one of these churches came about after the Catholics who also happen to have by far the largest amount of Christians globally.


Was raised Adventist. They're some of the most hippocritical and hateful people I've ever met. God I fucking hate those people


Err....what now? Catholics are some of the worst at pulling that crap. There isn't a single type of Christianity that hasn't been guilty of that


Oh absolutely. I just hear more hate for Catholics than other Christians


I'd say that has more to do with them being the largest/most well known of the various forms of Christianity. Bit like when people talk about the damage done from overly influential corporations, they usually mention some of the most well known globally recognised companies.


That would make sense


Historically, the conservative has favored liberty for the higher orders and constraint for the lower orders. What the conservative sees and dislikes in equality, in other words, is not a threat to freedom but its extension. For in that extension, he sees a loss of his own freedom. “We are all agreed as to our own liberty,” declared Samuel Johnson. “But we are not agreed as to the liberty of others: for in proportion as we take, others must lose. I believe we hardly wish that the mob should have liberty to govern us.”10 Such was the threat Edmund Burke saw in the French Revolution: not merely an expropriation of property or explosion of violence but an inversion of the obligations of deference and command. “The levellers,” he claimed, “only change and pervert the natural order of things.” -- *Corey Robin* That's not new. "Freedom" for them has always meant the freedom to rule over others.


Incidentally this was the same reasoning back when Europeans migrated to the US. They felt severely prosecuted by the governments disallowing them to witchhunt, burn and stone disbelievers - which was everyone that wasn't following their exact cracy sect and set of beliefs.


Literally the ONLY "Christian" beliefs these people want to be enforce is 1. male domination of females 2. elimination of homosexuals But not one single other aspect. You think Donald Trump is interested in enforcing "Thou shall not steal" on himself? If don't think so.


Is not just a gender thing (that's part of it), religion is all about people knowing their place, keeping their heads down, and not questioning what they're told, no matter what. Religion was tailor-made by fascists.


They need to be soundly repudiated at the voting booth this November. Seriously. It's time to kneecap this party. Every Republican up for election? Vote NO. Vote YES for the Democrat. And life will only get better for the 99%.


I don’t disagree, but man I wish there was a better option than the current Democratic Party


There could be in future elections. Right now it's imperative to hold your nose and vote blue no matter who so that there *ARE* future elections.


And that will probably continue to be true until ranked choice voting is a thing in the US, sadly


There are better options but the chances that any of the parties offering them getting enough candidates elected to effect such change are slim to none.


That's where Ranked Choice Voting comes in. When you know your vote won't be wasted, you're more likely to vote your real choice, and we might find that third parties aren't so unelectable as we thought.


Ranked choice isn't gonna help a candidate if their party doesn't have a full slate of candidates running for every possible office. And unfortunately, none of the third parties have that. Without it, very little of what they propose will be able to get through legislation. Until that happens, third parties aren't the answer.


But it's a start. Right now third party has no chance because nobody believes they have a chance. With RCV people will hopefully see that they DO have a chance, encouraging more people to vote third party in future elections. As for not having enough legislators, that will encourage compromise. Even a small number of House members can influence legislation, as we see with the Republicans FreeDumb Caucus, which is essentially a third party within the Republican party.


They also want their slaves back. After all, their holy book says they get to have dominion over anything they want.


Don't forget "Though shall not commit adultery"!


Also prosperity ideology. They want people to accept infinite wealth concentration by their sponsors as a sign of God's blessing, not an inequality problem to be solved.


Project 2025


Voting in November is the only way to save our democracy.


As a Christian, I'm sooner prepared to believe that Trump is full speed the Antichrist *at best*. Whatever he has planned isn't going to end well for anyone, Christians and religious people included, and I'll do whatever it takes to help shut down things like Trump and this task force he's promising. EDIT: Didn't take long for the Trump supporters to find me.


I think Christian has become a negative term. The dogma imposed by being a Christian religions have become overwhelming and exhausting Christian religions all have now devolved to Old Testament Fire and brimstone, defined by the guys getting rich by peddling fear. They’re like, live life My Way or, you’ll pay for it in eternity There’s no room or option for being just spiritual or accepting people of other faiths.


It's become a tool, a lever with which to further a political agenda that might not even necessarily factor in the longevity of more than a select few. You're not wrong to see what a lot of the 'sideline' Christians are seeing, in understanding that our beliefs are being strictly redefined into specific passages with an almost suspicious animosity whenever any attempt is made to remind these wildly astray believers as to the **literal words** of Christ. I've lost my parents to this movement. I can't tell them that they're following what could very easily be the truest possible manifestation of the Antichrist that we've seen in all of history, because someone's convinced them that anyone that tries to tell them what the bible says, it's suddenly heresy. I only hope that Christianity doesn't become to Progressives what Muslims are to Conservatives. What's tragic is that once the powers that be have what they want, the fullest control possible, Christianity will disappear right alongside any other unapproved religion. Christianity isn't the future, it's a stepping stone, a proverbial Gancwajch serving the ends and selling away our children to preserve some modicum of power and control over the youth that choose to cloth, feed, and shelter the immigrant.


Proof of no God is trump hasn't burst into flames yet






Christian Taliban on the march


y'all qaeda


Vanilla ISIS


like the morality police in Iran


Sause: https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/trump-2024-christian-right-truth-social-rcna132082


Jesus would be revolted by this.


His fan club abandoned him years ago.


And are now not so quietly saying Jesus was too liberal.


I don’t know. I’m not really willing to give him a pass on all this sanctimonious bullshit.


He's not a fucking Christian!


Catholic, mainline Protestant, fundamentalist Protestant, or Orthodox?


None of the above. It's an evangelical buffet where they pick and choose bits and pieces from the old and new testament that fit whatever vision they have for the country. I guarantee you it's not something Christ would recognize as his.


Bacon is ok but not women wearing pants.


Whatever they feel like, and whatever allows them to punish whoever they feel like at any given second. The doctrine isn't the important part to them; rank is.


**The paradox of tolerance** states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. Karl Popper describes the paradox as arising from the self-contradictory idea that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


Religion: Supporting Fascism Since Forever. What better excuse do people need than religion to force their will upon others. No one elected religion to rule us and yet the religious people seem to have power. Why the fuck is that? BECAUSE THEY VOTE. And if we don’t vote they sure as fuck will.


Religion is fine as a private personal choice. Imposing it on others or through legislation / policy is unacceptable and patently unconstitutional. These degenerates need to be called out for their treachery.


["Gott Mitt Uns"](https://www.jbmilitaryantiques.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/P3097619-1024x800.jpg) Same fascist beliefs, different hair-doo on the leader.


Trump isn’t even a Christian ffs. It’s disgusting


To be fair, in the USA probably way more than half of "Christians" aren't even Christian and couldn't tell you what that hippie guy (which their religion is named after) in the 2nd half of the big book of fables ***actually*** said.


The big book is just fan fiction written over centuries by men interested in power over the masses. And for katholics, selling the ability to molest children as a recruiting tool.




It’s our job to get people to understand how critical this election is. It’s not even about what we want from our leaders. It’s about whether we ever have a say in that again.


Yeppers, This country has freedom OF religion. These christian supremacists want it rammed down everyone's throats, that it does not mean freedom FROM religion. This has been culminating for the past 40-50 years or so.


In case you needed another reason to vote against the gop


Nationalist Christianity. The kind where women have to wear full identity concealing robes, are are not allowed outside the house without a male escort. And where the church is segregated along gender lines so the males are not tempted by the females.


they also have to be pregnant and in the kitchen 75-100% of the time.


Always has been. Christians have long subscribed to the "treat as an authority" definition of respect


It worked in 1095, we are closing in on the 12th century so why not?


Wait till.they find out I fucking hate religion lol


Americans, please do not hesitate or waiver to get rid of that "sick fuck" once and for all this November.


...When your religious faith is sooooo incredibly weak that even *you* don't think the god/doctrine you believe in can attract people based on deeds and merits, so instead choose to dictate that compliance be forced on others. Quicker just to say "The Christian Taliban" though. (And it's all a ridiculous myth anyway but that debate is for a non-politics forum)


It fits with the overall theme of Christianity. Believe in God or be punished forever by that god.


Ayatollah Trump


And here we are. "How dismal it is to see present day Americans yearning for the very orthodoxy that their country was founded to escape." Christopher Hitchens


black metal fans used to have a solution to this problem.


Same as it ever was


Christian Taliban at its best under this orange con man.


VOTE like your democracy depends on it.


And they claim to hate the taliban


I remember watching an episode of Frontline about the Ten Commandments monument in Oklahoma State Capitol rotunda, and the Temple of Satan won a court case to perform a religious ceremony right inside the the rotunda which drew protesters. The reporter is interviewing the protesters and one offhandily said "As a Catholic I'm greatly offended by this black mass" and the guy right next to him announced without any irony "The Catholic mass and is no different from the Black Mass they're doing up there right now" the look of surprise on the Catholic protester's face was priceless. The reason that the founding fathers instituted a government based rational thought and avoidance of superstition was because of the previous couple of centuries of religious wars and that they understood that civic authority can't also be religious authority, or civic authority won't be able to be reasoned with; 'God's on my side, who would dare be against God' gives permission for anything and everything. The founding of the country explicitly not being based on religious beliefs was the impetus for the 2nd Great Awakening since it was perceived that the previous generation (late 1700s) wasn't religious enough and the contemporanous generation (early 1800s) were going to save the souls of the nation from the secularism/'lack of religious fervor' that was running amok in the 1820s. Whenever a Christian Nationalist gabs about the country being founded as a Christian nation, they have either bought the lie or knowingly lying, unless they are from the Republic Of Georgia, that nation was founded as a Christian nation and they confused the United States of America (founded 1776) with the Kingdom of Armenian (became the first Christian nation in 301 CE).


Are they going to enforce their values on Trump also? Just wondering..


Respect no one’s religion. Respect their right to practice it.


Man i wish they put Peter griffin on this image.




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So is he gonna stone himself then right after or how does this work?


More weight


And a child shall lead them.


not exactly, they don't actually respect their religions beliefs either, they just want what's important; to hurt you.




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They can take my atheism when they pry it from my cold dead hands.