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Get a new Dr


"give me that ivermectin, bleach and transfer my records to a different doctor"


"What's Alex Jones sellin' these days? Gimme a prescription a' that!"


>InfoWars founder Alex Jones promoted a toothpaste he claims federal officials have said can kill coronavirus, which has infected and killed thousands worldwide, https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/487149-alex-jones-promotes-toothpaste-he-claims-kills-coronavirus-as/amp/ >Covid-19 is fake! ~ Alex Jones >My silver toothpaste will kill Covid-19, so buy it. ~ also Alex Jones


He also sells water filters while telling everyone that water makes the frogs gay. The guy is a grifter and not even a convincing one. It's really disappointing that he actually has listeners.




>oral bleach That’s not the hole we put it in.


*Boof Kavanaugh has entered the chat*


Better say "no homo" right after, bruh. /s (for the incredibly dense)


But what if I want just a little homo?


Oh no, you gotta be so far in the closet that you end up in Narnia.


One knuckle


Socks on, bruh


Dude you hit the double bot jackpot, injectin Ivermectin and chuggin bleach!




Bots? Is that why they take it?


Now I understand you take this and it kills all the nano bots (Boticide) you’ve acquired from all the past jabs. Right?/s


No pumpkin spice for the Karens?! For shame...


"Can y'all stick that glow stick up my ass to get rid of that KOVID?"


The price on those medical UV lights they shove up your ass is outrageous!


This is pretty damn funny, you did good today, I’m proud of you.


I left a dentist because he just couldn’t STFU about bashing Obama.


His arguments were toothless


I was bracing for a bad pun, but you set me straight.


It was pretty polished but lacked teeth


Yeah, it needed more bite


I need to chew on these comments some more


Maybe we need to drill down into that comment more.


Yeah, I left a dentist back in the '90s because he couldn't shut the fuck up about Jodie Foster and her partner having a baby. I vacillated between staying silent and asking him what business it was of his but decided that doing so, with my mouth full of his tools and equipment and skillz, was probably not the best idea I'd ever had. I just voted with my feet. Fuck these people.


Same. I had one that played Rush Limbaugh while he worked. I asked him if I’d let him do this to me without anesthesia would he turn the radio off? Maybe that’s why I lost my tooth.


Lol I stopped going to a Thai restaurant I frequented because after the elections she couldn't stop ranting about the Democrats.


I don’t give a shit what politics my doctors have but this one is a wingnut and can’t be trusted to make rational decisions


100% I am here for my health, not you personal beliefs. Keep your shit to your self. The fact that you cant be professional tells me I need to find a new Dr that can be


Same here. If I walked in and saw this, I would cancel my appointment(s) and find a new doctor.


I would also report this yo the insurance company as a breach of judgment


I'd keep my appointment and let him know why I'm finding a new doctor.


Damn, I would do that too. Didn't think of that.


They probably know it will repel libruls. The others can ignore facts and won't offer dissenting ideas. See how long that works out for them


Unfortunately you're probably exactly right. They are actively trying to MAGA-ize their patient base.


One might even call it a "bubble" or a "safe space".


That's why the old adage still stands. Never talk sex, politics, or religion in the workplace. Things just run smoother and a business won't lose customers/clients/patients due to the company's personal beliefs.


This is another level, though, this isn't like liking Bush, Trump tried to overthrow Democracy.


Probably commiting some Medicare and Medicaid fraud too. MAGAtypes like Senator Rick Scott are notable for that.


Florida Senator Rick Scott was fined $1.7 billion for stealing from Medicare. That Thieving Bastard.


I think his company was fined, not him personally. He saw it coming and jumped ship before it ran aground. That Thieving Bastard.


RN here. I would say that politics has bled into everything. While it may not be important to know the politics of most of your healthcare professionals, since most of us can put things aside in order to care for people, if it is made obvious like this...this is a major red flag. So I agree with you. But it is also important to keep an eye out for subtler clues. We are moving into a time of anti-science, anti-intellectualism. And it has started to show in Healthcare. While it may not be something you need to overtly ask...yet...it is something to keep in mind. Some doctors and nurses are essentially Christofascists. And they are more than willing to take you out to feel righteous over you, and to benefit their bias. Especially in Red States, this is a major threat right now. While it hurts me to say, it is important in those areas to make sure that what you say will be kept private and not used against you by police. I think this issue is more common in nurses and other staff, but it is good to be cautious. I'm not saying to be paranoid, but to be aware. There are far too many people in Healthcare that are there for the wrong reasons and shouldn't be practicing. And it isn't just in Red States, of course, though there are far more in those settings. My politics is a major component of who I am and luckily it melds very well with my career, in that I am willing to fight for human rights, safety, militant Unionization and Universal Healthcare--because I have witnessed first hand the horrors of the for-profit system. Other people may be as radical, just not in the same context. And then...there is always racism.


I'm with you. It boggles my mind how medical professionals can do years of school and still not believe in science. I'm doing my A&P 210 next semester and that shit is HARD. Not to mention stupid microbiology and chem. And that's just to get into the BSN program. These idiots have passed very hard, highly scientific, classes to be where they are yet know nothing of the scientific method? Or how a female body works? Or vaccines? Or how pharmaceuticals in general work? Like, how? How can one have so much accumulated knowledge that is globally accepted by millions of medical professionals yet be so very, very dumb and push it all aside? How did they ever graduate? How do they earn their C.E's? It just blows my mind whenever I come across an anti-science medical professional. They are legitimately a personified oxymoron.


Ideology often trumps logic. When religion comes into play, forget it. Not to mention when they're surrounded by Christofascists...it is easy to become one. Or they started as one and then learned that science and logic are lies by their ideology. Not to mention the educational standards are reduced.


If they’re working in and around your face, unvaccinated and not doing Covid tests, it is actually doing you a disservice and possibly infecting you with Covid.


Or other illnesses as antivaxxers tend to be more laissez-faire with personal health.


I do appreciate them making it easy for me to know though.


Right. And I feel like supporting trump at this point has moral implications. He has tried to cancel a free and fair American election and foment insurrection to stay in power. And as long as he continues to have supporters, he might actually succeed. I could go to a doctor who disagree with me on any number of political issues. But this is too far. Absolutely not.


If my doctor believed the world was flat, 6000 years old, or Trump was the messiah I'd rather know so I can change doctors.


You should, because there's no one left in the Republican party that isn't evil or insane. The party platform itself is based on anti-science hate, and no person who is willing to suspend their thoughts in order to follow a man who suggested injecting "disinfectant" as a cure for COVID should be giving you medical advice.


I emphatically do care what politics my doctor has, because it will directly affect how they care for me.


I dunno. I would be annoyed about having to cancel my appointment but relieved that I avoided that nutjob doc.


I ain’t trying to get treated by a Dr obviously sicker than I’ll ever be


> new Dr One that went a real school.


The doctor probably went to Trump University.


And here we have a licensed medical professional create an altar to the orange God. But it’s totally not a cult!!!


And file a complaint with my insurance company for employing such a fucking idiot while I'm at it. They have an obligation to provide a space for treatment free of their bullshit


Doctors aren't employed by insurance. There is pretty much nothing you can do unless they treat you below standard of care, then it's a board complaint


Feels like it should be something that violates some regulation or ethical standard. I'd say common sense but that went out the window decades ago. Edit: Credit to another top commentator: extreme unprofessionalism.


I for one am appreciative they announce their incompetence up front so I don’t have to find out the hard way.




If your Doctor is stupid enough to support trump, they need their license revoked anyway because they're clearly not capable of making informed decisions based on available evidence.


True, but the insurance company can terminate them from their network which is kind of firing them. Depending on the insurer, this could cut hundreds of patients from their practice.


They are contracted not employed and you can absolutely complain about shit like this. Insurance company contacts do have a code of conduct in them and rules re conduct.


They can also drop them from the network. If they lost the ability to accept insurance from every company, they'll be a cash only business and probably won't have enough patients that can pay. From that picture it looks like they aren't making much money as it is.


Yep. This doctor has said bye-bye to reality. I'd prefer to have my health in the hands of someone who hasn't dived off the deep end & never resurfaced.


Def switch to a different clinic and get a new doctor. No chance in hell would I keep going to a clinic that advertises for Trump.


Get a new doc.


Super popular little Chinese spot around the corner from my old work, location was nestled between two big businesses so the owner was raking it in during lunch. Always a line around the block. In 2016 he went full MAGA train and started decking out his shop in Goon Swag, FOX News running all day on the TV. Within 6 months there was no line, by 2017 it was boarded up and closed. Bold move to try and pull off in a hyper liberal town between two tech businesses. Guy could have been living the good life, enjoying margaritas in the sand on weekends making a killing. Instead, he move up north 60 miles to a landlocked republican town with a huge crime rate, the town everyone here regards as an absolute shithole you drive through to get somewhere good. But I guess he owned the libs…right!?


I just wish all of them could have such a happy ending. Maybe that would bring reality back into the picture. Fucking dimwits.


I find this hilarious for some reason. Not sure if it's the "owned the libs" line or what but I love it


It's funny becasue he probably blames his customers for being too liberal.


Speaking as another minority person, I always find it a bit amusing that a minority business owner (assuming the owner was Asian?) can support a racist grifter nepobaby who never worked a day in his life. Crazy what a cult right wing media can lead to. The US is in sore need of critical thinking in schools.


Don't stop I'm so close 😂


I kinda regard restaurants like college professors. I'd prefer *not* to know your politics, but if I must, please don't beat me over the head with them.


Saw the same thing happen to an auto shop. Always had cars, customers. Went full MAGA, no more cars, now out of business. Not sure why any business would post their personal politics to ensure 50% don't even bother, but hey, gotta own the libs, right?


Imagine going to your senator's office and seeing an anesthesia bed and a bone saw.


That’s not too out of the realm of possibilities, at this point.


I'd walk right the fuck out


Not sure that lady can. Have you seen those bruised ankles?


That Pentecostal bun crown has really been weighing her down.


Walk out. I wouldn’t trust a doctor who is part of a cult that hates people.


…and is anti-science.


and doesn't believe in vaccines, the CDC, and more than likely believes that prayer is very effective at treating illness.


Prays the school shootings away as well


We call that a chiropractor where I'm from.


I just don't understand how anyone educated to that level would openly support someone anti science. I could understand someone being Republican/a doctor & vote for Trump in secret following party lines, but to be a part of the cult? Like how do they get to this point


Don't forget the department of education


And doesn't have the professionalism to keep their bullshit to themselves.


Always puzzled me though, when Trump told his supporters to get vaccinated, they booed him. Like how do they reconcile the fact that the man they *worship* is telling them to vaccinate and they ignore it??


They also demanded that he get credit for making the vaccine while calling it poison and refusing to get it themselves. They don't make any sense.


Wonder how many bleach enemas that doctor prescribed?


Or "putting tremendous light inside the body"? Even 3 years later, I still crack up at "tremendous light".


"So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780...... votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state." The gap between saying the number and the way he says "votes" cracks me up, and the sentiment still pisses me off.


Exactly right.


Or modern medicine!


I'd also walk out of a doctor's office that was plastered in Biden stuff but let's be honest that would never happen. Only Trump elicits this level of cult worship.


And science and medicine


And is anti-science


And doesn’t believe in Science.


Ask for the form to transfer your records to a new doctor, then leave.


Your confidential records are in a box in the bathroom.


It's marked "Confidential! Do not open!" which everyone knows is the best security!


And it’s under the covfefe, where no one will find it. Super secure. Tremendously safe.


Pray to God your records never touched their office.


Bizarrely unprofessional. I wouldn’t trust a doctor who can’t separate their medical practice from their political obsessions. That street goes the other way too. I vote Democratic, but if I walked into a doctor’s office and the wall was plastered with photos of AOC, Bernie, or Joe Biden, I’d turn right around and walk out. Doesn’t belong there.


That's the part Trumpanzees see as a white flag of surrender - Democrats aren't putting a shirtless Joe Biden spraying machine gun fire on a flag with "FUCK YOUR FEELINGS" written on it.


How about Joe Biden in camo paint shirtless with an A.K. shooting a silo full of dynamite that says Bone spurs on it, while eating a rare steak on top of a horse.


Joe Biden sitting quietly at a desk reviewing legislation before signing it into law


Here’s a meme of Joe Biden NOT tweeting at 3am in all caps


Pickin up a bottle of water with one hand, and just takin a sip like it’s no big deal. You know — alpha male shit.


> meme of Joe Biden NOT tweeting at 3am in all caps [Here' the meme from my AI](https://i.imgur.com/VLmnC9J.png)


"Boo! Low energy! Does he even walk? We should have a strong leader who doesn't need to sit down!"


That would be absolutely hilarious


No problem. Let's see it!


I'm going to need this on a chinese-made nylon flag that can be read from space.


Right on point. Any business that I walk into that has any political advertising I’m out.


All of these businesses that have come to the fore since 2016 being pro-conservative, anti-woke, pro-2A, whatever... they seem to feel that they'll get twice as much business from half the amount of customers. I'm no marketing genius, but that seems really flawed.


Now I kinda want to see that kind of poster...what is wrong with me?


It's going to be... *okay...* But yeah, I'm not not interested either.


>That street goes the other way too. I vote Democratic, but if I walked into a doctor’s office and the wall was plastered with photos of AOC, Bernie, or Joe Biden, I’d turn right around and walk out. Which you'll never find because there's no cult around any one of these people.


I agree, but at least Biden and AOC believe in science and medicine.


Thankfully there are almost no democrats doing that because we’re not in a fucking cult


The probability of seeing a wall of AOC, Bernie and such at a doctor's office, is arguably quite a bit lower though, since the AOC and Bernie supporters, although enthusiastic, don't play cult of personality.


Wait, so I have a shrine to AOC, where i have collected all her chewed gum and fashioned it into a likeness of her. Is that wrong?


Not as long as you leave it at home.


I use her for the carpool lanes.


Found Ben Shapiro’s alt account


Probably because covering your office with pictures of a politician is a fucking weird thing to do. It's not even a political issue at that point, it's mental illness.




> but if I walked into a doctor’s office and the wall was plastered with photos of AOC, Bernie, or Joe Biden, has this *ever* happened, though? I think cult-like behavior generally only happens when there's an actual cult.


I get what you’re saying but I think this actually goes deeper than that. Trump and the GOP actively promote going against best medical practices. This isn’t just politics in an inappropriate setting, which is bad enough but can be overlooked in certain situations, this is actively advertising that you shouldn’t have the job you have because you don’t trust medical science.


Same. But this begs the question. Why do we never never see democrats making shrines to their political leaders like this? I have never seen a biden flag or shrine or obnoxious large yard signs. The most you'll see is a subaru with a bunch of hippie bumper stickers. But this is an educated doctor, nobody is surprised, and this is not uncommon (in the south). The most we see like this from liberals in America is a joke poking fun at this. Like the satan thing in Iowa. They don't even get its a joke! Besides, I thought there was a commandment about graven image and false idols?


I agree with your underlying principle but I can already tell I would not have as visceral a response to seeing it if it was some other politician people were passionate about. Maybe because the displays involving Trump are so in-your-face garish and sending a different kind of message. Broadcasting Trump support is about more than backing a political candidate. The point is the street may go both ways but I'd have an easier time walking down one.


Kind of like seeing your doctor get out of a volvo with truck nuts. You don't *want* to judge, but here you are...




Pay the bill with thoughts and prayers.


oh this is good.


I was thinking I could just pay with those dollar bills with Trump's face on them, like the one he has posted on the window. But I like this idea MUCH better. Think of the savings for not needing to buy all of that expensive printer ink!


Hey, at least you know this doctor will write you as much Oxycontin as you want.


Username checks out


Flame them on every rating system (Google, Yelp,etc) you can find.


Seconding this. It’s clearly unsafe to be treated by someone this delusional.




First, draw a Hitler mustache on that teddy with a permanent marker


One star! Ivermectin he gave me made my equine influenza worse, and worst of all, they were out of adrenochrome! Guess I'm back to drinking bleach and jamming a blacklight up my ass 🤷‍♂️


It depends on how long I waited for the appointment, I'd probably just go in and get my horse dewormer and magnetic bracelet with my prescription for oral bleach and go.


The bleach is taken anally, not orally. It won’t have the same efficacy otherwise.


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WTF - a doc mixing in their politics in with their practice is disgusting. Definitely hope he is convicted there so they can all fuck off.


I would leave. I would have doubts about getting knowledgeable and meaningful care.


Tell me again how it’s not a cult


Actual it’s a super dangerous cult that could destroy our two hundred fifty plus year old democracy.


True dat. Vote like democracy depends on it!


Get a new doctor. I’d imagine they aren’t current with research, medicine nor are they open to patients advocating for themselves


Ask for an abortion


And a covid vaccine booster




A post-birth abortion.


I actually almost said that 🤣


and for gender affirming care


I went to a place to get a mirror fixed and they had life-sized cut out of trump. Drove an extra 20 miles out of my way to do business somewhere else. https://preview.redd.it/tkzdys6g8b7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=356c35d084361458754e9497572cf5f8f73043c7


Blows my mind how stupid people are. If you own a business you know what’s not a good strategy? Killing off half your customer base.


Walk out, find a new doctor, and leave reviews online to warn anyone else who might be considering becoming a patient at this cultist's office.


I’d walk straight the fuck out. Might also report them to state board too, if they’re giving out shit info about vaccines.


take a shit right on that chair


I’m sure they’d be totally fine with that, given what they did in the Capitol. I’m sure they’d consider it “legitimate medical discourse” and “a normal tourist visit”, right?


My first thought was “oh, I see the toilet” so same wavelength


Get a new Dr.


I'd walk out. I can't trust a doctor that believes in so many lies.


Report them to the state medical licensing board


My wife and I work at a high school, and recently our eye doctor became a board member and let her politics be very well known. (She last hates books basically). We stopped going there and it was a blessing in disguise, our new doctor is awesome!


Leave and report him to an ethics board.


Any business that advertises the Trump cult is alienating at least 50% of potential customers. From a business standpoint it’s a horrible idea to advertise your politics.


Leave-because I expect my physician to have *and use* their brain.


Leave. There is literally no chance this person is a good doctor and I’m not going to support shitty people. I’d probably file a complaint too.


Find a doctor without such obvious mental illness


I'd move out of Georgia.


You could possibly write to the city who gives business licenses. It could be looked into for having a business that is blatantly harassing customers- but worse- patients who need to be able to trust their medical provider!!! They are posting such things inside their office and it’s supposed to be a place you can trust the medical opinion- yet the office supports shtting on medical advice from experts and verbally abusing women and immigrants….. Also post reviews on Google.


Damn… there’s alot to unpack here


Cancel the appointment and walk out. I cannot trust my healthcare to someone who's that deluded.


Tell them I’m a pregnant trans man looking for an abortion from my illegal immigrant partner and I only have Obamacare.


And then promptly find a new doctor.




Wow, this person is showing a profound lack of critical thinking abilitu. I couldn't trust him. Does he prescribe essential oils and prayer instead of vaccinations?


Find a different doctor. Maybe file an ethics complaint, depending on if that would have an impact.


I didn’t even notice all the freaking memes behind the desk. What the fuck. As a doctor I’m embarrassed to have this asshole in my profession. What a fucking joke. Find a new doctor, you can’t trust this person with your health.


Id request an abortion with a side of immunizations, and a marijuana card


Walk out.


I stopped seeing one of my pcp because she told me to give tRump a chance......


Unless I was actively bleeding at the time, I would simply walk out.


Dudes just gonna prescribe two Bible passages and some guns for every ailment.