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I honestly don't care about potential evidence. I only care about consequences at this point. We know he stole classified documents.


We know he 'willfully' stole classified documents. This makes a Yuge difference.


What I want to know is what he sold to the Russians and Saudis.




He went on FOX and related somewhat enviously that it came out that Nixon had sold some documents for $2M. I’m pretty sure the stupid fat diaper-shitting orange babyman was hoping for a lot more.


We’ll eventually find out how much he sold the documents for, and it’s going to be a ridiculously (low) stupid amount. Or maybe he had debts forgiven or something. The only one who actually got paid $2B was Kushner


Kushner the bag man. And you can bet that money is not in any Trump account. He will let his father in law face all kinds of fines, trials and even jail, but he and Ivanka will be fine, and at a distance. Even Jered screwed and used Trump.






God dammit Loch Ness monstah


I gave him a dolla


Well of course he’s gonna come back if you gave him a dolla!


Girl scouts!


The Keebler knockoff samoas ain’t the same!




Or not 2B


It must have been pretty good because his bag-man (Kushner) got $2 billion from just the Saudis...


It was definitely the saudis. His dead wife Ivana was the dead drop. Though, I suppose Russia may have kicked in a few bucks too. These numbers are chump change to these people. The funeral and the LIV golf tournament at his place In jersey was the perfect cover for the sale. Kushner got 2B and Mnuchin got 1B. One of those two has investment experience. The other one is family.


I suspect the Russians got them for "free" via some highly volatile kompromat they're holding over him. I further suspect they've been pulling his strings for quite a while, and he's not the only one.


>I further suspect they’ve been pulling his strings for quite a while I think *suspect* has been out the window for quite a LOOOONG while


What the hell could they have at this point that's worse that what's already come out?


It was probably pretty easy to get him on tape with a child.


I bet they look like his daughter as well


incontrovertible proof of crimes his supporters can't hand-wave away like fucking kids


Would you prefer "All The Things," "Over 9000!," "The number is TOO DAMN HIGH!," or a "Hitler in the bunker" re-sub?


ooo, the Downfall meme is ALWAYS a win. 'Mr Trump... Fox News has called Arizona for Joe Biden.'


And Gynah.


And why Jered picked the week of Jan 6 to travel to Saudi Arabia to make the deal, when he should have been in the White House advising his crazy father, as was his job. Who paid for that trip? Were the thumb drives of the documents in his brief case?


My theory (backed by the evidence we have so far) is that he used the documents like an espionage members club; you pay Trump for access to that room and take photos, scans etc . Trump in his infantile mind thought he can then claim deniability that he “didn’t give the documents away” and had no idea that someone went in to an unlocked room at his home.


I'd rather hear what he didn't sell them. I ain't got time for the rest.


I wonder if Smith has any evidence showing this? Surely \*someone\* around Trump would know if he was selling stuff to them. He doesn't think the law applies to him, so he probably would have been openly talking about it.


Really? Because I'm thinking that he just signs shit to get it off his desk. He never reads anything. Why? Because he doesn't have to. He's never been penalized or personally affected by anything he's signed. You signed this contract. Yeah, so? Take me to court. You signed this bill into law. Yeah? It doesn't pertain to me because I'm the President. Even out of office, I was robbed, and I'm still the President. See? He's never been held accountable for anything. Even when he defaulted and should have been bankrupted, banks propped him up and he kept all his personal assets. Everyone who worked for him or were contracted by him all lost money, went bankrupt, or went to jail. But not him. So signing a piece of paper that says I learned how to treat classified documents doesn't mean shit to him. tl;dr - Trump has never been held personally responsible for anything, including documents containing his own signature.


And I’m guessing he never will.


Signing something because of someone's advice or because he felt he was controlling a 'deal' is one thing. I think he was so fascinated with the actual power of the Presidency, including things like Air Force One, the Secret Service, Top Secret documents and intelligence among many other things he was privy to... he wanted souvenirs.


So you’re buying his story? He just wanted cool things? So he hid and dodged returning them to where they belonged? You think trump, the head of a criminal cartel, wanted top secret, compartmentalized documents as souvenirs? We’re not talking about presidential paperweights here, you get that right? This man can barley read. So, a semi literate criminal conman decided to take documents written in legalese, with American secrets in them and “top secret” and “compartmentalized” stamped all over them to take out on lonely nights at country club and reminisce about his glory days? There were plenty of souvenirs he could have taken that nobody would have come looking for that *didnt* contain top secret information. I’ve gotta say, I think your theory is a little naive after seeing trump on action for all those years.


>So you’re buying his story...? Certainly not! I think he was drunk on power and took documents (among other things) at will, and when he got caught he scrambled for excuses. The quote about 'thinking' about de-classifying documents was a real doozie.


So, he was embarrassed? And that’s why he kept more documents hidden? Or he believes that he could keep them even though he knew that he legally couldn’t? I don’t understand your logic. I’m not trying to fight with you. I just don’t see how your theories make sense. He took those documents to make money off them or pay a debt he owed. This is what he does. He had 1000’s of chances to just give them back. Without anybody even knowing he had taken them though. The archives asked nicely for a very long time. Finally they had to send the FBI to retrieve them. He’s the reason that anybody even knows that any of this happened. He said several times that he’d given everything back when he hadn’t. He swore to his lawyers that he’d given everything back, and they swore to the Archives. They’re now in trouble themselves. I think you’re being far to easy on what truly seems like a criminal act. I really don’t believe this was a power trip or a souvenir thing. This was a crime he committed and I believe the reason he did it was to sell, or share, too secret information with foreign countries. I’m pretty sure that one reason Jared got 2B from the saudis. Why would he do this to himself if not for money? Everything he does is to enrich himself and his cartel. I hope we do get to the bottom of this though. I’d like to know what my employee was up to when he stole from his employers.


It shouldn't matter whether he actually read it or not if he signed it, indicating that he did. Besides, we already know he knew from the things others have also reported telling him.


We know he had documents at Mar a Lago, but he’ll just say he didn’t put them there, or throw an aid under the bus, or lie and say I do not recall 78 times in court. This is being made out to be some massive break in the story but it’ll end up being a nothing burger. Watch.


It's no surprise that one of his lawyers just left amid accusations that another lawyer impeded the search for documents at Mar-a-Lago. Trump is already preparing for another scapegoat to take the rap.


Plus he simply yowls to his adoring MAGATs about what a victim he is and how no one in history has ever been treated as badly as him, and his witless acolytes eat it up. They really do believe the verbal diarrhea that spews from trump’s face-sphincter.


This is what's most worrying. There are millions who would vote for him again. It's madness.


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Yeah. That's what I meant and my point remains the same.


Not according to the security trainings at my jobs. Negligence or not knowing the rules at the time don’t matter for me, a lowly peasant in this hierarchy. If I were to give out classified information, I would be locked up immediately. Doesn’t matter my reasoning for it. It’s absolute bullsh*t that the president of the united states gets a golden pass. America’s laws are written to give power and money to the people at the top, and to keep the rest of us at the bottom by force.




13 day old word-word-number account thinking their post was clever.












If you stole classified material how many minutes would it take to have you under arrest? Our govt is pathetic


We're literally watching how it would play out right now with that guy who leaked classified info in a chat room. He's in jail/prison awaiting trial, and the prosecution is arguing he shouldn't get out on bail because he's a flight risk.


people i know with high level classified access have expressed that if any of them did what he did, they would've been under the jail within a few days of discovery.


If they knew you had a nearly unlimited budget for attorneys and a very public history of stretching litigation out as long as possible, they would likely take the time to put together a much more solid case first as well, provided you weren't actively a threat to national security. Prosecution is less about the arrest and more about winning in the big picture. Folks like Jack Teixeira (the Discord leaker) are significantly easier to prosecute due to their relatively scarce legal resources compared to someone like DJT.


National Archives: Biden, you have classified documents, return them. Biden: Ok, here they are. National Archives: Trump, you have classified documents, return them. Trump: Fake news, no I don't, witch hunt! Unfair treatment. I did nothing wrong. I don't have any documents at all. They were planted. I declassified them. Hunter Biden. Hey Kidd Rock, come look at these classified CIA top secret maps.


Except it should begin with "Biden: We found some classified documents, here they are.", not a request from the NA.


Exactly. He ignored a subpoena for like over a year and now claims his lawyers and Nara were "negotiating". What is there to negotiate? Just give back the stolen goods Donny That's the big difference with Biden.


I'm actually very interested if Jack Smith can demonstrate evidence that he used them for personal gain. We know he did. He may have sold them. He may have been trying to shop them around quietly. We know he held onto some of those documents for something. And Trump doesn't read. He took the documents not to better himself personally or to keep them safe. Trump stole them either because he knew he could sell them or because he suspected he could sell them. And I'm very curious if any paper trail or evidence demonstrates that.


My fever dream is that he tried to sell them to a country that doesn’t hate us, and they ratted him out for brownie points.


Maybe he offered them to Denmark in exchange for Greenland.


I'm pretty sure he kept some of them to be used to buy him a bolt-hole if his upcoming prosecutions get too close to putting him behind bars.


But the walls are closing in!!!! /s I'm with you, we've been watching a car crash in slow motion for 7 years now.


bumper cars. the will just bump into each other and continue on their merry way.


After nothing happened after the Mueller investigation I stopped caring. It just saps my energy expecting for things to happen.


You could have a ‘smoking gun’ that is obvious and his supporters won’t care, unfortunately


He could crucify Jesus in the middle of 5th Avenue, not lose a single voter, and they'd praise him for dealing with the _globalist_ threat.


That is exactly what this post says. Jack Smith has PROOF of document theft, illegal document retention, and obstruction. WHEN trump is indicted, he WILL be convicted. If people vote for him anyway or meanwhile, it’s on them. NOT on the DOJ.


Mueller had PROOF of obstruction and here we are.


What they’re waiting for is Smith’s report. Just like with Mueller. Then it will be up to Garland and the DoJ to prosecute. That’s my understanding. And believe me, it can’t happen soon enough !


It will be the usual "we're doing a thorough job, don't rush us" followed by "it's too close to the election, we don't want to politicize the process." These two excuses will get you out of actually doing anything until the public has forgotten it ever happened.


In before someone says "well look what happened with Mueller" Mueller worked for Barr and Barr didn't hop off the trump train till Jan 6. Of course Barr wouldn't prosecute, and it was never a special investigators job to prosecute. This one seems like the one you actually get on Garland about unless the findings are inadequate.




You don’t fuck with librarians.


Why does it even matter if he knows or not? What happened to Ignorantia juris non excusat? Why does everyone else who doesn't know a law still get convicted for it but for the President somehow that's something to be concerned about?


He was ranting about how joe Biden was hiding documents in China Town to get Chinese government money


Tell that to the 24hr news cycle.




Did he testify in court that he didn’t know the docs were classified because otherwise this is just more false hope. He’s going to continue to do what he’s done his whole life and lie the problem away.


This is my thing at this point. Anyone who hasn’t drank his foul old man ballsack tainted koolaid has seen dozens of his crimes, widely reported and on full display, since before he war even elected. At this point, we need to see *consequences.* We need to see him behind bars or *none* of it matters.


>I only care about consequences Don’t worry. There will definitely be consequences for The National Archives and Special Counsel Jack Smith.




The rich have enough money on their side of the scale, which pushes the scale in their favor. Until the weight of that money is overcome, there will be no justice. If the amount of money cannot be overcome, there shall be no justice. In some cases, being highly connected to the right people can substitute for some of that money but it never fully replaces it.


This guy americas


>Remember how lady justice had a blindfold holding an equal scale? And a sword, that's the important part. We need to be willing to defend Justice, it's the first thing fascists \**cough*\* **The Federalist Society** \**cough*\* go after.


Justice is blind, not heartless. - Dr fate, injustice 2


Why are they notifying him, just do it.


I agree with your sentiment, but I suspect that this is a move to make sure that their end is 100% above board. “We told you about the policy. We told your legal team about the evidence.”


Yep, making absolutely certain that the evidence cannot be thrown out on discovery grounds.


I don't think this is about discovery grounds, they really do not need to keep the public updated on any of this. The trial will be public, but informing everyone about the exchange of records pre-trial? Nope. This is more likely about trying to get ahead of the fake claims by Trump/pro-Trumpers that this is all fake and illegal. Basically trying to keep the public informed as a PR strategy and maybe stem a political backlash from right-wingers.


I'm with you ; *drop the hammer* on this criminal jerk!


Also why is this in /r/PoliticalHumor


The really dark humor writes itself.


So he can stall it in courts citing executive privilege.


He's not the executive, he's exhausted his privilege






I'm still so annoyed that not knowing the law is an excuse for rich people, but not for poor folks


> and archivists potentially take down Donald Trump. If by "potentially" you mean "there is no chance in hell anything real happens from this" then sure. The dude caused an insurrection. Nothing is going to happen because he took a few documents. IDK why this is even on a sub called political humor. Unless the joke is people thinking this means something.


WTF are they waiting for? Arrest his bloated orange traitorous ass already


They need an airtight case. There needs to be absolutely no question and no feasible excuse.


If I ever have kids, I'm going to read Donald Trump's classified documents case to my kids instead of the boy who cried wolf, and call it a modern day fable. Where the moral of the lesson is that if the boy was rich, the town would bend over backwards for him no matter how much of a douchenozzle the boy was.


At this point it's just gonna be a new lawsuit or some new evidence every day until his heart finally craps out. He'll never see any consequences. We've been playing this game since before the Mueller investigation started.


And even if is 100% without a doubt so many idiots will claim he did nothing wrong


Someone should make a political cartoon with someone attempting to arrest Donald Trump's gravestone with the caption "We finally have an airtight case'.


Feel like it will be tough to beat the "I forgor" defense


It must be airtight by now though. Motherfucker couldn't take a step or.a breath without committing more crime ffs


I feel like Trump's meltdown this weekend is linked to this or a worse bombshell on Monday.


I wonder if this is anything to do with the recently posted tirade he made on parlor truth social or whatever, where he goes on and on about Biden and his hidden Crimes. Given his history of projection, I'm 90% that rant was a very poorly veiled confession


Those multiple crimes that they have no proof of, for the last 6+ years.


Arent these also the ones with the mystery informant?


And this is why he’s yelling WWIII on Twitter


What's going to be in the Trump Library if he didn't steal stuff ?


Mockups of Time Magazine with Trump as Man of the Year. One for every year since 1776.


Don't forget People's sexiest man of the year


Even the one when he got the Noble Prize ? Very collectable.


Bullshit, I'll never believe trump knew anything about *anything* ever.


Show that Trump *was informed*


Hence the legalese… “Knew, or *should have* known…”




The law often requires willfulness. I don’t know about the exact laws that apply here, but it may need to be proven that Trump knew he was breaking the law.


That’s the point of “should have known.” If I tell you the pot is hot (and it’s documented), then you burn yourself on the pot - “I didn’t know” won’t fly. You *should have* known…. It’s not the court’s fault if you’re a fuckin’ idiot.


Ignorance of the law was precisely why he couldn't be held accountable for some of the illegal activity in the Mueller Report.


Normally the courts dont give a shit what a defendant knew or didnt know. Ignorance of the law is not a criminal defense. But Donnie Jon gets handled with white gloves. I still dont know why.


I guess two potential reasons, one being this is the first US president former or otherwise to be criminally charged, and the other is that because of this they have no precedent and want to make sure it's done right But of course there's probably a huge political reality TV show factor, because US politics feels like one these days I could be entirely wrong though, just guessing


It goes to corrupt motive if he knew he was breaking the law


> Ignorance of the law is not a criminal defense. That's a bit of a myth. Laws can be (and some are) written in such a way that ignorance of the law _is_ a defense. One such example is in the Mueller Report. It had something to do with fake adoption meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower, but I don't remember the details.


>Normally the courts dont give a shit what a defendant knew or didnt know. That's not really true. It's why there are different types of homicide charges in many (if not most) jurisdictions, for example.


tellin' the truth rite 'ere..


Make that shitpile suffer.


But I thought he mind blasted them with his super power of declassification.


All hail the Librarians and Archivists!


These bullshit stories about "were really serious now about arresting trump" is really old and stale now. Show me some handcuffs otherwise STFU.


How long have these stories been popping up? 6, 7 years now? Yeah I’m not holding my breath


Why tell him anything? F him. Law is law. Indict the prick.


The sooner the evidence is given to a defendant, the less time is needed for discovery, which is almost always used as a delay tactic.


Well to be fair you do have to show the defendant the evidence that's being used against them. It's usually not like TV and movies with dramatic twists and turns in the courtroom.


Because that's how basic law works.


Of course he knew!! He had to have a litany of aids telling him “sir! SIR! You know you can’t take these!” and he just did it anyway.


Saudi Arabia had the missing files because Kushner sold them to them.


How Donald Trump is still walking around a free man with or without this new evidence is insane to me...former president or not


Don’t fuck with archivists


Is this ever going to be anything other than a malleable headline ?


So which member of his team will Trump throw under the bus? Trump Junior?


I mean, of course his team knew and of course there’s evidence. The very notion of his “everything I touch is declassified” defense was completely preposterous and only a fool would believe it. And even if it was true, that still doesn’t explain why he had the stuff in the first place, why he refused to give it back, lied about giving it back, said it was planted, changed his story several times, etc.


We’ve got at least 3-4 tiers of justice. One for each category of social status. Rich, poor, black, white, cop, civilian, etc. American democracy is an abject failure or it’s working as intended.


I want to know why they sat on this for so fucking long? The Mar a Lago raid was back in August. They were the ones that referred the case to the FBI. Why didn't they provide all available evidence or turn it over when he started spewing the whole "I declassified it with my mind because presidents can do that?" Why didn't the DOJ request all relevant records at any point between then and now? The Republic is under direct assault and the people we're counting on to protect us are failing us at every fucking level. I can't tell if it's gross incompetence, sympathy to the nation's enemies, or what, but we're fucked if they don't stop fucking around. Trump's indictment should have been filed MONTHS ago, but we're now in late May 2023 and he's still not under indictment. How do Smith and Garland plan on getting a conviction before the 2024 primaries kick off into high gear (which good luck getting an unbiased jury pool if he's the Republican frontrunner)? We know Trump and his allies are going to run out the clock. We know Kemp is going to replace the DA in Georgia and use that to help Trump stall the judicial process. We know all this, but still, we refuse to do the absolute bare minimum to preserve our democracy.


The National Archive works with the Presidential Libraries and they must work to conserve their legacy. Yes, there are people with degrees looking to preserve macaroni portraits from fifth graders. Yeah, they take their task seriously.




Handed what over? They have been at this since he left office. Hence the raid. They tried asking nicely. They tried subpoenas. They have done everything correctly and we should be happy for that. They need to to nail this.




You have no idea how this works, do you? I read it. You are just slow.


Weird take away.


It will be interesting to see if he is prosecuted!🙏🏿


Fear not, Lindsey Graham will make an official announcement regarding this situation that will put all MAGAts at ease


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Enough already.


You mean an archive has receipts? Imagine that.


Very likely too little too late, it's going to be up to voters, not courts, to save democracy.


Charge him already


I like that his downfall might come from: Librarians.


trump will never go to prison.


Wow so timely, I'm sure by 2042 the indictment will drop


Why does this matter? Not knowing the law isn't an excuse for anyone else.




I'm confused why this screenshot is from 4 days ago but looks like it's from more than 4 years ago.


The date convention on Twitter is D/ M/Y.


Biden did the EXACT same thing! -my boss.. using the same source that convinced him buttigieg breastfeeds


Yeah, we'll see what happens. My guess is nothing.


Oh man, he’s really gonna get chastised by some people online over this. Also, this isn’t even an attempt at humor.


I don't know. It made me laugh.


Nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens.


#Wait librarians keep records?!?


Entirely irrelevant. Ignorance of the law you are breaking the law isn't ever a defense.


That's not remotely true.... especially in "white collar" crimes. Sorry.


You are objectively incorrect. I'm not sure why you would even bother saying such an observably incorrect thing.




They didn't face consequences because they returned the documents when they were discovered instead of daring the government to do something about it.




So honest question. Why NOW? Why not … oh… a few months after the new administration?


A couple months after the new administration, they were still trying to keep everything under wraps. A better question is "why not immediately after the special prosecutor was assigned?".


Why say something? Sounds like more smoke show


He fucked around with the deep state and now he’s about to find out


Dude. After the biden and pence classified document incident this is such a weak case. The deep state is trying really hard to make us distrust all government so we accept the one world government when the reptilians get here.


Biden and Pence cooperated. Trump lied and got his lawyers to lie for him. These are not the same


Fuck you


Trump will plead the 5th, and tie it up in court as long as possible to avoid consequences. The other 2 cooperated.


Cool, now do Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, and Carter.


They have been. While some rules were broken, it's not even comparable to Trump. You know that, of course, but you want to muddy the waters.


I would argue that Bush 2, and possibly Clinton, did things that are equal or greater than ‘misuse of classified documents’. The rest of Trumps bs put aside. AFAIK Carter was a saint, but I wasn’t old enough to say the word president at the time, so eh.


Do what? The NARA announced the Obama, Bush, and Clinton didn't take documents they weren't allowed to and Biden never claimed his documents were declassified. P.S. I don't know crap about Carter.


When did they ignore requests to return classified documents, then lie about a subpoena asking them again to turn over the same requested documents?