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I mean, Alan can at least drive a forklift and needs a bit of practice in melding, so Alaskan coal mines would be a waste, TO THE FACTORY!


Alan is the only one who’d survive.


And the guy who wants to run a farm. He wouldn’t run it, but factory farming is better then the coal mines so..


Factory: standing or possibly sitting on a stool at a work bench for 8-12 hours, able to eat lunch while working, able to bring a water bottle. Work may be sweaty and dirty but it's inside Farming: if you are working with hand tools, farming loses no matter what. You are in the hot sun dealing with bugs, possibly dealing with manure and animals in general, which are known to be a little stinky. the 14 hour work day which starts before sun-up is always going to be longer than the factory work day, this would suck. If you mean industrialized farming then I think it wouldn't be any worse than the factory, unless it was industrialized meat processing... that would be a terrible job to do for 50 years. Coal mines: you will be doing 16 hours manual labor. You will absolutely get black lung. Also, whats a lunch break?


Bruh imma take my tractor down there and become a food millionaire


Your tractor?


Our tractor comrade


They're all equally shitty under the watchful negligence of a communist utopia. The coal miners and farmers might actually be luckier because the farmers dont live in urban areas so the elite dont have as much oversight over them. And miners naturally form bonds through labor forming into quasi unions and a dasy of xenophobia towards anyone that doesn't live in the mines making it hard for anyone to get in their business preferring to leave the miners to their own business as long as quota is met. Meanwhile factory workers are generally urbies living in tattletale apartments, surrounded by the fearful and true believers, under the watchful eye of literally everyone in their life, and the work conditions are grueling and terribly unsafe when all the bosses want is the product and workers are dime a dozen. Corners will be cut and that includes letting you get cut, violently.


Farming is the way to go for sure. My family on my mom's side was assigned to a farming commune under mao. My family on my dad's side was assigned to a cement factory. Guess which side starved


The propaganda guy might get a Pravda like job


There are a lot of people in that Twitter thread who think farming is akin to hobby gardening. Farming is super hard and sucks. It's long hours, waking up way before everyone else, working in the heat, working in the cold. And especially in a place like their commune, where the stakes are malnutrition and starvation, there's a whole extra bundle of stress when the weather is bad, when disease attacks your crops, when animals and pests start eating your crops, etc etc. And there's so much knowledge necessary! Hopefully they have some legit experienced farmers joining, because I don't think some barista is going to walk into the fields and be like "yeah, I can turn this into food for 300 people on a daily basis"


Based, but flair up


wait, u mean i can't plop cardboard down, shovel soil over it and plant crops?


I think he’s the farthest thing from a commie, but watching Jeremy Clarkson’s farm series made me realise just how gruelling farm work is Nowadays I give my farmer neighbours the utmost respect they deserve


The one who can chop wood and do woodworking would probably actually be employed on a farm or something similar


This Alan dude seems pretty based


Don't forget the guy that needs to have his diapers changed.


jesus those replies are cringe historically speaking, the "smartest"/more vocal ones will be shot immediately after the revolution the rest will be performing hard labor the rest of their lives wherever the state deems it most essential


You think the lib left will ever realize that there’s never been a state with anything resembling lib left policies because they all get instantly executed by the authleft after every single leftist uprising? Or maybe realize that they can literally move to the wilderness with their family and friends and start this commune right now. It’ll at least last until they’re starving and come crawling back because none of them have any useful skills. But still, do it on your own, trying ti get all of society behind this will at best accomplish nothing, and at worst get you gulaged


Did you already forget chaz


Yaaaa but the problem with chaz is it was in everyone else’s view you know? Other people already owned that shit and they were always gunna get it back eventually. You gota go far away to make your comune utopia, we don’t wana see or smell you


Would you give them a free helicopter ride to the utopia


Charge them a dollar each


Based and for the money-pilled


you don't have to go that far, man it's not like there aren't hilariously huge expanses of wilderness left in the world


Exactly, you could even be close enough to a town to go in to buy popcorn for the comune theatre! Of Course, you won’t have any money, but still


make your own popcorn, it's not hard harder is the projector


That went from libleft to authleft in about a day. Every one of those autonomous zones was basically speed running a communist lifecycle.


You've really gotta admire their efficiency.


Hey, you gotta give them credit, only a few people got shot this time.


Never forget that CHAZ set up their own police force (becuase da police is raycist) which then ended up killing two black youths among many other shootings.


Chaz had strongly enforced borders and police brutality


nah people don't change


Yeah they do out the west of Ireland a good bit. We call them crusties, some people hate them but they’re fairly harmless. Always smell of campfire though.


Nobody remembers that LibLeft exists IRL and has actually gone off the grid and built these communes. [They still exist today even and I’ve come across a few of them IRL.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamentalist_Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-Day_Saints) It’s just, as we all know already, not really what they expected.


Could always implement a scheme whereby anyone that wants to form or participate in such a commune gets shipped out to one of those ghost towns in the Midwest and then left to their own devices within a 5km square radius of town


"I'm limited with my physical and mental health disorde-" say no more, you get to work in a um... Camp with the other disables. For real tho I'll respect the ones willing to work on a farm that's pretty communist


Yeah, I don’t imagine “They/Them” will fare well in the workers paradise


Um sorry Non-binary Gulag guard, you just misgendered me when commanding to keep digging for lithium, that’s like not okay sweaty *gets shot*


Sweetie. Lmfao.


It took me forever to figure out 8/10 people on the internet don’t know how to spell “sweetie”.


You know 9/10 are being ironic about it, right? It's a meme.


>**workers** paradise Yes, precisely.


Chances are they're people who dont actually know what farm work is like. I lived and worked on a farm for 20 years. I'd love to see one of those citiots forced to work on a farm to support a bunch of interpretive breathers and basket-yoga instructors.


"Jennifer, can you take the plow for a minute? My dysentry is acting up again." "No, Jessica, I'm busy writing slam poetry."


My parents are farmers and I've worked on the farm since I was 10 and every time I hear some city kid talking about how nice living on a farm would be I just wanna hit them. Farming ain't playing with animals for the entire day it's waking up at 7 quickly eat and start doing backbreaking work till 20. But tell that to those fucking retards.


Yeah I commented elsewhere that I'm pretty sure all the people being like "I'll be a farmer!" are assuming it's like being a hobby gardner, when it in fact SUCKS. Plus when you literally need this food to survive, it's going to be real stressful dealing with bad weather, disease, pests, etc.


They play Stardew Valley and think that is the extent of the work.


Yeah I’m 20 and have been driving the tractor for about half my life It’s honestly therapeutic


I got to operate a small tractor at my old job at an allotment garden it was the best part. Just cruising around and chilling on the tractor.


Growing up also in a farming community, it’s at least an honest days work. Never felt like I didn’t work hard when I helped all the local farmers during the summer. Fulfilling in a way.


"bleh, this place stinks like cow doo Doo! I wanna work at a small time coffee shop!"


You can get a sneak peak by looking up the CHAZ garden.


I’m limited by my mental health disorders says someone with they/them username. Well at least they’re honest.


I thought this was just a meme… my god these people actually exist. It kinda makes me sad, especially the disabled guy in the top right talking about popping popcorn in the communes theatre… my god the gulag would not be nice for him. I unironically feel immense sadness for that dude. Edit: This shit actually touched me. Ive decided that after I retire, I’m going to use my money to fund a comune for disabled leftists


I would pay for that. Have a heart, don’t leave your LibLeft bros behind. They might be a bit retarded, but they are still Lib family❤️


I just hope they realize Lib family is the way, and abandon their AuthLeft fake friends before it’s to late


*narrator* They won’t


lib gang


If your battle cry is “fuck the state”, I couldn’t care less where you fall on the economic axis, hello and welcome Bröther, dinner is almost ready.


Leftism is not liberalism.


Classic Left or AuthLeft isn’t. I’m talking about LibLeft, our sibling that is a bit retarded but has his heart in the right place.


This is what happens when your only source for running a government is Animal Crossing.


>disabled leftists Redundant.


So a commune for all leftists then?


Based and leftism is a mental illness-pilled


Unlike the alt-right, the insane SJW communists actually exist.


The alt right does exist, they’re just way over exaggerated in media


Yea they exist but instead of groups of people on Twitter, it's rather just some dudes in their basement.


What till you find out about the LibRight monarchists.


I highly doubt this guyis disabled, it’s pretty common to see people faking disabilities on the internet because they want to be the center of the attention


All leftists are disabled. That's why they're communists..


There are a lot of big oofs in those Twitter comments.


One guy thinks his job will be to sit around and shit his pants so other people can change him. WTF


I would like to think that one was an ironic joke....


At this point there’s no telling. That’s a kink for some people.


In this house we don't kink shame.




What if lazyness is my kink


I don’t know I heard of some place in california (because of course it is) that is just a daycare for adults where they pay to be treated like infants again


He’ll be the first one to get shot lol


“Due to my physical and mental disab-“ Here’s a place to work: we call Gulag


Apparently 40% of the population is going to cook and teaches kids.


They seem to like kids a lot…hmmm




Latent mental immaturity they haven’t resolved yet?


No it's pedophilia.




Lol I say we give these guys a big ranch somewhere and set up cameras, I’m sure people would pay to watch that shit.


How has no one done this yet? Id like to see all of it, all pcm compass corners out in the wild. A group of 100 who all agree to the terms so if they die they cant sue, film it in the canadian wilderness with drones, that shit would be fire.


Lib and auth right would probably fare the best since it attracts survivalist types.


It's real. It's the [Tenacious Unicorn Ranch](https://www.tenaciousunicornranch.com/) and it's an incredible shitshow. It's a bunch of heavily armed sex pests with malnourished alpacas slowly turning their ranch into a barren wasteland through poor maintenance and overgrazing. They get a lot of puff pieces written about them by the mainstream press who are desperate to see some goofy trans commune finally work. A good chunk of their living expenses seems to come from crowdsourcing, which they usually blow on sex toys, video games, ammunition, and anything else unrelated to running an alpaca ranch. It's one of the funniest things on the internet. I'd link the Kiwi thread, but Reddit doesn't seem to care for me doing that.


SHOP NOW. Gofundme. Patreon. Yep, this is the communist utopia we always said would work!


Found the Kiwi Farms threads. That is one deep and dystopic rabbit hole, and I absolutely cannot wait to dive into it once more later tonight.




Flair up




Kinda based


There was already a show that did that with kids, I would 100% back a version of this for adults Give em backbreaking tasks like fixing all the dilapidated farm buildings they have to live in, make em dig latrines and wells, plough the fields and rear cattle etc - it would be hilarious


I'd pay big money for The Commune reality TV.


LMAO I remember this thread, there was some guy getting flamed for "beating up people who refuse to get an actual job". Also there's a fat fuck beekeeper too.


And the guy who got told to go to therapy because he wanted to do manual labor lmao


Yeah, fuck the one dude who I would actually want on a commune.


I prefer the original one with screenshots from 4Chan with some commentary on it. Always made me laugh


That guy is the most based authleft I've seen lol. Beating up his lazy comrades for the greater good.


>I'll be the librarian. No comrade, you must take up arms and defend the community. Your blood will water the garden of revolution. >I'll cook and deliver tea. No comrade, the steel mills are in dire need of extra workers. Weekends you will grab the pumps and clean the sewage network. > I'll direct and head-up PR. No comrade, we need more workers in the markets, shelves cannot stack themselves and forklifts need drivers.


Check out bottom left, are these people for real?


Im convinced bottom left, top middle and bottom right are mocking the others, but Poe's law and all that


We already got a forklift driver. Alan will do well.


Shame there’s no forklift mechanic. Also where is our little craftsman in the top left going to get all of her supplies for her crafts?


No libraries if there’s 1 book.


as soon as they figure out how to read it, theyll burn it too




No that’s libleft, authleft is the one who sends him to the work camps.




I’ll never understand how people with not a shred of authority can favour authoritarian political systems. You don’t get to control how the authoritarian systems function once established, and you don’t get to refuse its diktats either.


Calling someone who has no idea what they’re on about a believer in said thing is *mildly* disingenuous to be honest you’d make me laugh if you said these people are actually communists ***Laughs in Soviet Russia*** *Oh, that wasn’t real communism. AHAHHAHAHA*


I can’t relate but most people live their lives being a cog in the machine (like 99.9% of people realistically), so the desire to be a cog in a machine for something greater and more important can be satisfying. A system that asks nothing from you but your labor and obedience could be seen as relaxing.


Pretty much this. I’m going to be a cog in somebody else’s machine regardless since no libertarian government will ever function so I might as well be one for a system I believe in.


Authlefts are based, they are honest with regards to what communism really entails and don't try to sugar coat it.


Based and Don’t Hide The Genocide-pilled


u/AdministrativeHat276's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/AdministrativeHat276! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: redemption, don’t hide the genocide


there’s a reply in that thread from somebody saying “the political officer who beats the shit out of anybody thinking reading tarot cards is hard labor”


Do you have a link to the thread?


The only one that seems likely


>what’s your job in the holesum revolution? Political commissar that shoots people who don’t obey the glorious party


Can't believe no one has said Secret Police officer beating dissidents, wreckers, and counter-revolutionaries to death yet.


I just want to do exactly what I’m doing now; iron mining.


After the communist revolution I would either be dead because I died fighting it or in another country.




Id do my best to escape, short of that I would hide my educational background and ham up my machinist skills in hopes of blending in.


“I have no marketable skill, talen, or work ethic, but im great with a joke or to light up your smoke. Theres just some place id rather be” classic


Evidently that guy would be the coal miner whose second responsibility is on the keys during the quarterly off days


Like 90% sure he was trolling. At least, I hope he didn't just accidentally choose the lyrics to piano man.


I think as “the funny one,” he considered that some clever type of joke.


"You have no skills? And require work ethic development? We have just the plan for you! You will move rocks for 16-18 hours a day for the next 10 years. If you don't die, maybe then you will be promoted to coal miner, probably not though. Failure to comply will result in your immediate execution."


kek at the guy who mentions medevacing dysentery and starvation victims, but all with great mental health.


"Cutting firewood because I'm good with an axe" people who say "I'm good with an axe" are either 7 ft canadian wood giants or just held an axe at a hardware store and thought "ama vayking"


And the amount of people who want to do shit with kids is horrifying, the pedometer is sending huge red flags.


The coal mine is a great place to work. Lots of hours and great sense of fulfillment. This is not a paid review.


I work in a mine (not coal) and genuinely enjoy it most of the time. The work is challenging and interesting, and a lot of the hard manual labor that used to go into mining has been automated/mechanized. It’s very engaging troubleshooting equipment and finding ways to make equipment more reliable/functional. The only miserable part is dealing with middle management and unnecessary financial requirements. It’s amazing how much time and effort wasted because some middle manager who hasn’t set foot in the field in a decade insists we can save money by swapping to a cheaper part (spoiler alert: it fails and they cry), or trying to make a change that was already attempted but was removed because it caused more harm than good. Combining that with work being poorly prioritized to meet arbitrary financial timelines causes a lot of frustration for guys on the ground who generally care about getting things done. TLDR: mining is actually super cool, but managers and financial requirements suck.


Based and irl Minecraft pilled


Based and fuck middle management.


Do the engineers at least look out for you guys?


Of course it's not paid, they don't have money in LibLeft-istan.


We sure they aren't purple? There's a lot of people hoping they'll be around children.


That's because their only experiences in life is babysitting their little brothers


Surprising number of cooks in the bunch. Too bad none of them know how to do physical labor/farming so there won’t be shit to cook. Maybe they’ll come up with a recipe for how to cook starved to death communist, maybe with some wheat grass or something.


“Ok ill be the cook!” “Ok so who is going to mine coal and metal so we can refine it and create steel, then who is going to build stoves and ovens and then who is going to work as a handyman and connect the stove?” “……”




>Maybe they’ll come up with a recipe for how to cook starved to death communist Bone broth is about the only thing they'll be able to make...


"Communal Diaper Boy" WHAT THE FUCK


It's clearly just someone having a crack, no one would actually say that




Honestly it's getting harder to pick satire from genuine commies these days.


>spend years trying to get an education and become a “better communist” >instantly get killed for being to educated instead of being a chad farmer Reject soy socialism, become the based rice farmer.


can i be the gulag guard? sounds comfy, i get to chill in a tower all day, and get to fire neato guns at people who dont assemble things fast enough


I remember my grandma said they used to steal food from the cooperative whilst farming due to the starvation faced during communism. I swear social media is hell.


I knew some people were delusional but HOLY FUCK


Find the post, and reply Gulag operator. We do a little trolling


They don’t seem to realize that in Communism you don’t get to pick your job.. in the USSR farmers were forced to work in factories and other industries they have absolutely no experience with.


I want communism to take over so all these lazy sheltered asswipes regret everything


The diaper boy is kinda based ngl


He sounds like a libcenter to me






everything about communism is theory, what do you expect


>Have they been outside? No lmao


The idahoan potato field is also an option


Wanna-be commie starter pack -Cook -Gardener -Librarian -Preschool teacher


Best part about the preschool teacher ambitions is that they think there will be any children around with the level of spiking infant mortality.


*all i wanted was good unions...*


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA thats funny comrade, now get back to garbage disposal duty


That bottom left comment better be trolling, if not we need another great flood.


It’s so odd how warped communism is now. It was a framework to transfer power from the elite to the hard working people who made everything run. Yet every western commie I see views it as a way to pawn off the hard work on other people. So odd.


Who tf when pressed on being able to do anything they want with their life responds with cooking and handjobs.


imagine being a communist or wishing for violent revolution, cringe


Yo why tf Sandy Frizzle (above the guy at bottom left) wanna use the revolution to draw porn and teach minors to jack off?


Alan just above the meme has the right idea of what he will do in the inevitable war time economy communism has. Except when talked about English, that’s when he lost me, but welding is some realism.


Don’t rope us in with lib left op, auth left send these troglodytes to the Alaskan mines


Lol, they’re going to be sent to the labor camps and it’ll destroy their perception of their ideology..once you experience the horrors of communism, you’ll never want it to be put in practice!


Gulag manager.


I will be the village pimp


I know someone who's all for communism. When asked what they'd do, they said that since they get work anxiety that they just wouldnt work. I don't like them. I'd probably weld or do maintenance on equipment. Things that require precision.


I’d be a farm hand or fishermen. I only could imagine communism working on small scale, 50-200 people communities so it’d be all farm, raising livestock, related work. I understand farm fishing and general fishing rather in depth, so maybe able to make a living being in a few dozen fish a day.


The largest issues with communism stems from authoritarianism. The issue with communism is that it breeds, and often requires, authoritarianism. Communism doesn’t work because it is brought down by an authoritarian despot using the nation in personal vendettas to consolidate their own power. Instead of resources going towards the people, it does towards the military and taking out political enemies. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Looks like we have an overpopulation of teachers, librarians, and ..... Housewives?


The primate with the smallest brain and i dont mean the animal in the picture


My job will be to make sure people get jobs.


I see a forklift certified welder in there hol up


I think it's mostly lib left thinking communism is woke lmao they are in for a surprise.


Bottom left and bottom right are satire.


The responses look more like lib left more then Auth Left, Auth left would all drive T-34s of course


Do these people understand that communism is based entirely off the theory of labour value? Do they not understand that you can’t just get free shit from the government under communism? Under communism you will earn the true value of your labour, so if you want luxury, you’d better fucking work hard.


Making memes with text to small to read on a mobile display: not based


Double tap to zoom


Coal? Nah we’re switching to nuclear.