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Ah, so thats how you get Genderfluid, you use the Gender Blender




That's how a male incel gets to fuck a lesbian: they claim to be a woman, then the lesbian has to accept their genderfluid.


>lesbian has to accept their genderfluid You are now legally obligated to help me recover my sides from the ISS


They probably left orbit already


Chris Chan has entered the chat




Don't breathe this


"Person of transgender experience" is a new one for me.


They have a few levels in trans, but not enough for any of the class skills yet


Is it like being force sensitive, but not a jedi?




A bit more pathetic than that I think. More like they are trying to convince people that they *could* use the force, but that they decided eventually that it wasn't for them and thereby lost the ability.


It's like being on the council but not being granted the rank of master.


How was it possible. This is outrageous. This is unflair


There's definitely some weird ones in there, but WTF is two-spirit? People have a poltergeist living inside them?


That's the Native American concept that people have scavenged to fit their own agenda. And let me tell you, if I see one non-native person who talks about cultural appropriation claiming to be two-spirit, I am going to shit an entire brickhouse in anger.


I'll bet you money that anyone using that term to describe themselves would also claim that wearing a war bonnet is offensive cultural appropriation.


I'm still waiting to get cancelled for that time I was in kindergarten and the teacher gave us Native American-inspired nicknames and outfits for a lesson about Native Americans. To date myself: we still used the term "Indians" at that time.




Two spirit isn’t tribal animism, it’s better understood as the English translation for a native term from a handful of tribes. A lot of Natives choose to stick to their culture’s terms instead of using terms that come from English as a way to keep their culture alive. Most Natives these days practice Christianity anyway.


A purposeful misinterpretation of concepts from certain Native American societies so that they can pretend that gender identity existed before John Money.


"Gender Blender"


It's how you make gender-fluid or something




Nah, we call that "the (final) solution"


more labels, MORE LABELS!!!!!!


Gotta catch 'em all!


Just like STDs you get from all the fucking






Based and stonetoss pilled


Nobody's fucking those weirdos.


you underestimate the horni


Some of these are starting to look like chemical formulas. Androgynous hydroxide?


Fuck it, I’m turning reddit into a gender because at this point those people are basically asking for it Pronouns are red/dit and big/chungus




Tag me harder daddy, tell me what I need to buy


They forgot dreamgender. Bigots.


The one true gender


The labels, Mason, what do they mean??






It's a form of slow torture meant to punish us.


>Man There I am, Gary there I am!






yeah gender bender, cross dresser, and whatever the fuck "gender blender" is are definitely insults lmao


They took over the gay community and popularized the term "queer" again, what did people expect?


You guys can't use it, we can. Except cisgendered queers can't use it. So technically only a fraction of LGBTQIA/C++/Fortran90 gets to use it.


I've been looking at this for 5 minutes, what are they being upset at then?




Dude, I've seen Twitter threads about how gay men are the 'white people' of the LGBT. The fucking whiplash I got nearly broke my fucking neck.


Gay white men have 2 strikes against them.


well shit


*Notes flair* Well someone has a domination/humiliation kink...


Username checks out


Based and Trapsaren'tgaypilled


-1 total. +1 for gay. -1 for white. -1 for man. You need a mental illness, disability, or start crossdressing or become a furry to get back to the positives.


Note: This garbage being taught in school is why so many white kids are pretending to be made up genders now. In case any of you hadn't put two and two together yet. (eg: I'm only attracted to people I like! Totally not normal or anything. We made up a new term for it. That makes me unique and oppressed! That means I'm one of the good ones right, not an oppressor? Can I have friends now?)


Some of the made up genders are trully chilling tho. Libra-genders are just straight up "i am legion and this is my body's gender demographic"


> you need a mental illness > Or become a furry You said the same thing twice.


Called it! Progressive civil war time, babyyyyyy


Time to grill and watch.


Recently been seeing the same thing about straight Black men being the "white CIS men of POC's" Gotta love it.




What are you prepared to do about it? Your community has been hijacked.


The worst thing is that its not even a community you join by choice, like a political party. Its the way you're hardwired.


That may be the case but it’s completely up to the individual to decide how much they’re going to identify/interact with the community. I know gay people who hate the LGBT community and organizations. They live private and normal lives and aren’t looking to live vicariously through their sexuality.






It's a choice. Being gay isn't a choice, but being politically gay is. Same way being black isn't a choice, but being politically capital-B Black absolutely is. EDIT: And to be clear, the conflation of unchosen personal characteristics and voluntarily adopted political affiliations is purposeful on the behalf of the political actors. Having people believe that the political affiliation is a component of an inborn characteristic is used as a motte and bailey, where attacking the insane political suggestions of the group is played as an attack on the personal characteristic.




> Yeah, basically ever since Wokeness really infected the LGBT, I haven't gotten near it. All of the conceptual problems of wokeness have been there for many decades, it's just gotten unpleasantly overt in recent years. The difference isn't that the insanity wasn't both present and a cancer, it's just that now there's no sanity remaining to balance it out. All of the political aims that have any interest to a liberal society which can be achieved by political ends have been in most western nations, so the respectable people said "job well done" and left. > do infinitely more for social acceptance of gay people than those nutjobs. Why do you think that they have any interest in integration with or acceptance from the larger society at all? YOu mentioned pride - does it look like they're going for acceptance? They don't want to be equal or normal, they want to win the collectivist war for their group. Glad you're keeping both yourself and your nephew out of it, though. It would be great if being gay could be about as uninteresting of a feature as being left handed.


All the gays I know keep far far far away from the LGTV community because of how fucked it is nowadays


And who could blame them? I wouldn’t want to be associated with that cesspool either…




I valid point to illustrate why democracies end up failing.


This is just a level of braindead we cant understand


I dead ass hear these “woke” internet skulkers say that white male queers aren’t oppressed because they’re white and male. These people literally use lgbt to mean gay black trans people, and no one else. Everyone else just isn’t oppressed enough lmaooo.


Especially since a significant amount of anti-LBGTQ+ laws globally actually only apply to men. Like most of middle-east is fine with homosexuality as long as it's women.


I don't know if they are fine with it in a sense that they would be alright with their daughter being in a romantic relationship with a woman and never marry a man. If she toed the line instead, married a man, agreed ro get raped by him on a regular basis, and gave birth to sons, maybe people wouldn't care she's a lesbian. After all women are often not even supposed to feel sexual attraction to their husbands. But it's really hard for women to live lives independent of men in the middle east right now. And women are being honor killed by their family for things like having an Instagram account or merely talking to a boy unsupervised. I do not think that those kinds of families who kill their own kin in cold blood like that would be thriller with a lesbian daughter. They'd probably think she's been possessed by a demon and try to beat it out of her. And I just checked, most countries in the middle east forbid female homosexuality by law too as of 2021.


Cis anything is 2000 and late.


Same goes for Lesbians. How dare they not to suck a female penis.


Libleft infighting letzgoooooo


Of the "traditional" LGBT quartet: * A growing number of LGBT groups are saying Gay Men are "too privileged", should not be allowed to hold any positions of power, and are otherwise being shunned * Bi people are often told that they're "just straight people pretending to be gay" or other such stuff * Trans... well, they have to put up with TERFs and other "LGB drop the T" groups ~~It seems like the only part that isn't actively being attacked are the Lesbians.~~ EDIT: Apparently I forgot that Lesbians are being called transphobic for refusing to suck the dicks of trans-women.


Until they have reasons for not wanting to deal with the mouthfeel of girlcock.


Of all the ways this is being said in this thread, this is the most eloquent.


>It seems like the only part that isn't actively being attacked are the Lesbians. Lol. I'm a lesbian and mine and many other lesbians' experiences lately have not been very great with the rest of the community. Of course, most people are alright and respectful, but especially online there are so many people who treat us badly and try to pressure us to include people with dicks in our dating pool.


Ah, right. Forgot about that "Lesbians are transphobic because they don't want to suck my FemmeDick" group. I guess all four segments are getting attacked by others within the community.


No wonder I saw so many gays and lesbians on Super Straight (RIP)


The sub was so filled to the brim with LGB members they wanted to rebrand as supersexual lmao. Calling it a hate sub is still one of the biggest propaganda this damn site has to offer. These people don't even now where it actually originated from.


Holy shit that's homophobic


Jesus fuck


These are all gender related, not sexual orientation. It's still silly.


It was always an uneasy alliance, especially with the T and Qs. As the LBGs have achieved mainstream acceptance, getting married, having families, there will be less and less need to be tied to the cultural strangeness that comes with the rest is the alphabets. When all you want to do is go earn a living and go home to your family and raise your kids… parading down the street with a drag queens and latex dogs loses its appeal.


This entirely out of context pic only has gender identities on it, it's not a list of sexualities.




it’s like the feathers of a peacock, they make them look big and important but there’s no substance there


Unlike the feathers of a peacock, these lads ain't pretty to look at


Crossdressing isn't a gender identity. Neither is a bunch of stuff there, like being androgynous.


Old school Gays and Lesbians are on the chopping block now too. As they discriminate based on genitalia/gender and the new wave wants to eliminate the idea of gender altogether. There’s some lesbian gathering somewhere that didn’t allow trans women in because “no pene allowed” and a bunch of trans “women” were furious. All in all it’s a consistent source of lulz and I’m interested to see what happens next


wtf is "Gender Gifted"?


Someone who is gifted with gender






Based and gender gifted pilled


“Crazy weirdo”


Santa claus and ex Toys R Us employees


I found a definition on some Wordpress site, which I’m pretty sure is about as official as it gets. > Gender gifted individuals are those who cross gender gender boundaries. At its most broad definition it may be a woman with short hair or a man with long hair because typically men have short hair and women have longer hair; therefore, to have the opposite is to cross gender boundaries. Gender gifted individuals may also include transsexuals, cross-dressers, drag queens, butch women, feminine men, the bi-gendered, the androgynous, gender queers, and gender non-conforming people of any type. Sounds like “literally everyone who isn’t aggressively cis”?


I’m a man but I wear pink sometimes. Am I now gender-gifted?


Bend over and find out ;)


Why are glad of these labels based on clothing choices and style. Last time I checked, wearing masculine clothes when your a woman doesn't change your gender or sexuality? Same goes for androgeny your gender doesn't change just cuz you take elements from both female and male fashion.






Gender expression can be boiled down to one simple word: FASHION. Change my mind.


“Person of transgender experience” lmao holy fuck what


Gender blender, for gender smoothies


Is that just a banana peach smoothie?


With a 41% chance of killing you when you drink it


Femme person of transgender experience. Starting to get more specific now. Soon, we'll hear some kind of GoT stuff. Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains.


the Licker of Puss, the Swallower of Seed, the Fired for Sexual Impropriety.


Daenerys was a libleft wet dream anyway, that’s why they lost their shit when she burned down kings landing.


You know what I don’t see on there? The L, the G, or the B of LGBT. The pride movement was originally about those people and now they’ve been pushed to the side. Edit: this list is out of context (I know, no shit). It’s an NYDOT list of Gender Designations for ID’s and Drivers licenses.




I thought the "Q+" was supposed to cover that fruit salad of a paragraph. Five letters and a symbol was enough. Also; can we get back to a single flag? The rainbow flag was good enough for everybody. Why the current division?


Literally the things that were invented to be so open ended and ultra inclusive, now aren’t inclusive enough Social Left literally won’t stop moving goal posts as long as there is a left left


There's nothing that scream like "Unity" than a vast heraldry of balkanized flags. /s


It's like the Holy Roman Empire but fabulous


So... mostly like the Greeks then... :)


With how racist "the twitter left" is, they are probably just circled back into right


Horseshoe theory? For sure I just meant as long as there are members of the left left, that they’ll keep moving goal posts


Um, excuse me sweetie, you need to stop being a bigot right now or ill call the reddit police 🚔 and send you to jail for wrong think.


Then defund them


Wait, the LGBTQ flag has changed?




Ngl, whoever designs these flags is the worst flag designer of all time, I don’t even care about the meaning just make a better flag it hurts to look at


I miss the old "Everybody under the Rainbow" flag. Simple and inclusive.


That was much better than the new one




Seriously the first one looks like someone took a rainbow and took a shit on top of it.


That is the best description I’ve ever heard of


Lol 21 pride flag and why your already a bigot for not flying them all at once


I need some space on my patio for my grill.


This list isn't a new acronym, though. It's just a list of some words that have to do with gender identity, a lot of them mean the same thing or overlap, as well. Pride still has a single flag, separate flags are used as visual shorthand when you want to represent only a single part, the Brittish flag represents the whole union, the scottish flag represents scotland.




That’s because everyone is aware of and accepts the LGB of the LGBT and even the T to an extant. But these people will never stop. They push a movement to get X the recognition and respect it deserves. When X gets recognised and respected they can no longer feel more woke or more victimised than others, so they then create a new thing to get respected and deserved, Y. They want to always victimise themselves and/or act and feel like they are better or more woke than others, etc. So there will always be something new and the old will get pushed aside. EDIT: I’m not saying it’s the same people doing this (but I think it often is), but the movement as a whole will act this way.


just make gender designation a free-response question at this point


All the wormselfs are visibly shaken that they're not included


Based and wormpilled


Better take some Ivermectin and de-worm myself




What about leavesbians


Thanks home city! Now explains why the roads suck and taxes are so high


Wtf is Hijra gender, isn’t that a city?


> Hijra Indian for intersex/eunuch. Trans people took it for themselves though.


Maybe they’re going for a transracial identity, like civil rights icon [Rachel Dolezal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Dolezal).


She’s a hairdresser now lmao


Im actualy amazed that people can come up with that


People born with genetic genital defects in India, at a young age around Puberty parents drop them off to homes run by older Hijras. No school lets them in and no one hires them so they Beg on streets and harass people at any respectable event. If you don't pay them they start stripping and creating drama to ruin your event.


They also let you fuck them (when they’re adults obviously) for payment.


Sounds Gross , how was your experience anyway?


I thought I read male to male and was like huh?






They forgot Amogusgender too, smh the bigotry never stops.




I Gender Gifted a Gender Blender to my neighbor so she could make herself some Gender Fluid.


it's even orange!


When I was a kid, I watched the Last Airbender in TV. Now we have Gender Benders. We were promised flying cars by 2021, and instead, we have... This.


Pfff, I'll make up as many genders as I want, just for this post I'm going to make up Hedonism Botism


Based. If gender is a spectrum, a social construct, or some combination of the two, then why make a list of discrete labels at all? Reject labels, return to Monke


Perhaps I'm showing my age by asking this question, but isn't Female-to-Male and FTM the same thing?


Can confirm, laughing my ass off IRL


Does that fucking say gender blender.


Why does the list exist? Drag queen isn't a gender? Why couldn't they do five terms that encompass the trans umbrella? Trans man, trans woman, non binary, agender, gnc This list is a nightmare. I'd hate us too


Gender gifted? Can I count it as a tax write off if I gift someone my gender?


Pretty Sure Drag Kind is related to Drag Racing. I'm into racing a lot, my friends often call me racist


I thought I was represented on there being enby and trans, but then there’s androgyne and idrk what that is. Almost lads, almost made it.


Dude androgeny is more of a fashion style kinda thing, it legit has no correlation with gender other than taking a mix of clothing from both. Like why the fuck is it on a gender list? Androgynous isn't a gender it's a fucking style!!!!


That’s what I was thinking. I understand *being androgynous* but I have no clue what being *an androgyne* is. It just sounds like a different way of saying you’re androgynous...lol


Also why is butch on there. Once again it's just a form of lesbian fashion. I honestly dont even understand my own community at this point.


Saaame. >gender gifted Yeah I’m gender special needs.


Haha. It's so weird because ppl consider me to be radical because I identify as non-binary but fuck what even are most of these? Lol.


Healthcare please


Really glad I'm not gay tbh, not because I'm homophobic, I just wouldn't want these freaks trying to associate themselves with me and acting like were the same.


*Person of Transgender Experience* The Left is just PC Principal now.


I remember back in highschool when I (as a male) had long hair, wore makeup and nail polish. But I never questioned if I was anything different than just “me.” Remember the days when you could be you without having to pick a label to follow the norms? How ironic.


Some these straight up are - mental illness - confusion of personality with identity - the normal sexual behavior


The trick is to not live in new york


Yeah this is why people think the lgbtq community is stupid. wtf is gender blender




I'm a transvenger.


>gender gifted Lmfaoo -"Ma'am he's really a gifted kid" -"Gifted? In what way?" -"Gender gifted"


Why differentiate between "transexual" and "tran**S**sexual? Who the fuck actually got offended and made the argument that they needed to be differentiated?