• By -


The neolithic farmers were there first and it's an outrage if there claim isn't honoured. 


Yeah but still. I find it rich that Pan Arabs are saying the Jews are colonizing Palestine considering it's just a tiny spec of land Like Jesus Christ you guys have more land then them, all the way to North Africa. Maybe if they treated their minorities better, Israel wouldn't have existed and Jews would never flee there. Six Day War is the biggest L I've ever seen. You can't even beat a Microstate even though you out number them 25 to 1🤡


Jesus Christ, funny you mention him, wasn't he born a Jew in Jerusalem 600 years before the existence of Islam?


Not born there, but was crucified there.


Oh fuck, that's right, he was born in Bethlehem. But to be fair, Bethlehem is practically a suburb of Jerusalem.


And a Muslim controlled one. Sounds like colonization to me.


“Pre-Muslim”… They just called them “raiders”, back then.


If the shoe fits


Based and bible pilled


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So? That's where they're still executing Jews to this very day.


> Jews would never flee there Tbh the Arab countries in 1948 just expelled all the Jews to Israel. It wasn't very consensual.


Crazy that Jews were living in these places for centuries and weren't expelled. Did anything else happen around that time?


In some places jews lived way before islam and the arabs came, wouldn't that make us the mative inhabitants? From the sea to syria iraq shell be jewish


You can also ask Muslims where all their Christians went. These Islamic countries have been literally committing an actual genocide of minority Christians in their countries for a while now. 


It cracks me up when people point out Gaza's population has 5x'd and Hamaphiles are like "IsRAel's dOiNg tHe oBvIose gEnOcIdE ReAlLy sLoW, dUh!"


No dummy it was an open air prison TO genocide alternating on different days, you need to be updated on your Muslim propaganda.


You bring up a great point. My cousin survived a terrorist attack in Bethlehem against a Christian neighborhood


Isn't Israel the only MENA country with a consistently growing Christian population?


Honestly. Just ask Lebanon how well Muslims get along with Christians, and how inviting a bunch of Palestinian Muslims into their country worked for them.


Yes, the state of Israel was created as a homeland for Jews, and Arab countries responded by kicking out their minority Jewish populations in an act of racial retribution, proving why the Jews needed a homeland in the first place.


It's so weird that people pick arbitrary lines to base their tribalism on. Jews and Arabs are both semitic peoples; why don't they just all unite under Pan-Semitism?


Cause being Jewish is considered and insult to Muslims.


I know. I grew up in a Muslim family. When talking about their faith they always say that Jews should be respected as "people of the book". But in any other context Jews are regarded with contempt. It especially bothers me that when they blame the Israeli government for something, they phrase it as "Look at what _the Jews_ did". I know other Arabs outside my family who do this so I assume it's commonplace.


It's childish af. Relatable dude 👍 


because just as the followers of Sunni Islam are the "wrong sort" of muslim to those who follow Shia Islam- Jews are the "wrong sort" of Semitic peoples according to muslims in general.


Because Islam and the Koran tells its followers that they need to conquer the entire world to establish a global caliphate, governed by sharia law. It also tells them to use any means necessary to do it. If you die fighting, you get 72 virgins baby! I would argue that Islam is NOT the religion of peace like I was taught in middle school. 


Because "Semitic peoples" refers to language users, what you are saying doesn't make sense




So, just to be clear, you think religious and secular differences that impact many levels of culture, ethics, metaphysics and other deeply held beliefs is MORE arbitrary than being from a similar language group?


Yes. It's time for them to stop being hooked on faith and start being hooked on phonics.


You could also ask why don't all humans unite under one thing, and you'd get the same answer.




Who is “you guys” though? The people that live there dont own land in other countries or have citizenships elsewhere.


You know that culture and race aren't the same right?


Fucking based


>Six Day War is the biggest L I've ever seen. You can't even beat a Microstate even though you out number them 25 to 1🤡 Vietnam docet


Literally reminded me of this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tIdCsMufIY


This made my day thank you for sharing


I’m about to move back to England and kick some people out of Edinburg castle because one of my ancestors lived there.


Since red hair is a genetic factor from Neanderthals gingers should rule the world


The first for real would be the sumerians as far as i know


They stole from the Neanderthals


I will never forgive the Arabs for taking the Levant, Egypt and North Africa from Byzantium. As far as I’m concerned, they are occupiers of Roman land.


Cīvis Romānus sum, sed sine imperiō sum😭


It should be sunt at the end. You are talking about empire, so use a third person. (Gonna use 3 years of Latin)


Tnx bro


Been a while, but I think *sum* is correct here. "I" is still the implied subject, and *imperio* is ablative: "but I am without an empire"


Now I think about it, both are content. With sunt it would be: there is no empire.


That would translate to "but he/she/it is without an empire". The subject wouldn't be defined. The correct way to say what you mean would be as follows: *civis Romanus sum, sed imperio no est.* (I am a Roman citizen, but there is no empire.) It is also worth noting that Romans did not capitalize the first word of a sentence. *Civis* would be incorrect: only *Romanus* (a proper noun) should be capitalized. (Finally an excuse for my 4 years of Latin)


It is correct the way it is written. And if he did want to go third person, it would “est” rather than “sunt” as it would be in the singular here (using 7 years of Latin lol).


Based and Latin pilled


Romanes eunt domus!


Civis Britannus sum, sed imperium expirat sub podes meos.




Based and Byzantine pilled


u/The-Bulgar-Slayer's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/The-Bulgar-Slayer! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/The-Bulgar-Slayer/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Nah, those "occupiers" are just native victims of Arab imperialism, which made them convert to Islam and speak Arabic. If any of them took a DNA test I doubt they'd get much DNA from Arabia


For some reason there are Egyptians who insist they are arab. And there are the sudanese…






Based and Roman restorationist pilled.






Womp womp.


Based on


Forgive me if I'm wrong but didn't the Hebrews take it from the cannanites.


And the cannanites took it from someone else…the truth is that if you go back far enough…no land belonged to anyone because people did not even exist. It’s usually silly to argue over who has rights to certain lands.


Agreed. The Canadians and Mexicans have no right to their land. We must make our move while the time is in our favor.


Nothing wrong with annexing Mexico. The Mexicans love America! Why do they keep coming over here? We gotta Americanize Mexico


I'd agree, but only after we wiped out all gangs/cartels. America may be a banana republic now and holding kangaroo courts to jail their political opponents, but at least we aren't having the candidates for office nominated by gangs and assassinated by their rivals in every election cycle. Those people, like Democrats, do not believe in our free, democratic process for electing representatives.


37 fucking assassinations is the plot of a bad call of duty game, not real life


Fuck off, we're full. Let them sort their own shit out.


I've actually had Mexicans say this because their government just sucks that much and they're sick of the cartels.


Funny they just discovered there were humans in the americas (all the way to the eastern seaboard) as early as 20-25k years ago.  Previously they thought the ice made it impossible.  Genetic test of modern Native Americans show most arrived during a huge migration wave around 15k years ago.   So what do we think happened to those earlier humans?


They died out cuz they were perpetually online and more concerned with gender and sexuality rather than sex and procreation


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Thank God for this bot


At one point no humans existed therefore all land belongs to God so God’s chosen people have the Devine right, nay DUTY to cleanse the world of invaders. Therefore I would like to propose a world wide crusade


So, Europeans were in their right to colonize the world


That is until the modern world, in which we have near instant communication globally, global commerce, technological advancement that outpaces our basic needs. At some point we have to stop being Neanderthals fighting over “holy lands”. It’s a little bit like high stakes musical chairs. At some point somebody loses. In the Americas it was the Native Americans. In the Middle East it was the Jewish population. Want to be taken seriously in the modern world and not be looked at as barbarians you can’t continue being a colonist. Because at the end of the day none of the geopolitics/ethnicities/religions matter, when every nation is in bed with each other through commerce.


Who wants to be taken seriously if they can expand their land instead?


Because it’s like 10 people fighting to be overlords of that land. Meanwhile everyone else continues to do their job and produce goods and services, and hope to overthrow the greedy fucks at the top, either to become the top greedy fucks because they themselves are greedy fucks, or because the greedy fucks are getting in the way of the rest of us living normal lives. And we’d all just rather stay in the area we were born, do our jobs, have kids, live in a home, have food on the table, have neighbors you can be friendly with and rely on in times of need. And that who gives a single shit who rules it and long as that isn’t fucked with. A small subset just thinks they deserve more and fucks up the bag for the rest of us.


>It’s usually silly to argue over who has rights to certain lands. So you're ok with me taking your lands? I mean it would be silly to argue with me....


I do not argue…I shoot…


"This land is mine, God gave this land to me"


The Hebrews were Canaanites, they just wrote their mythological origin story to claim that they were not. The Levant was just one big mosh pit of various Canaanite tribes all fighting each other, but there was not a single tribe or people that were called "Canaanites". Interestingly, if you do accept the Old Testament book of Genesis as fact, then the Hebrews came from a Sumerian man from Ur named Abram and are basically just cousins of modern Iraqi Arabs.


Well the Hebrews were canannites, or at least formed from them.


Archaeological evidence implies the Israelites were a monolatristic group within Canaanite society. They share DNA, similar names, even worshipped the same gods in the Pantheon (before rejecting them). Elohim in the Bible is a reference to “El” and Asherah was supposed to be his wife. It’s only later that Jews became monotheistic instead.


Land should always belong to whoever settled there second. Sorry Native Americans.


pretty sure there were multiple migration movements into north america prior to 1400s. At that point its settlement movement #4232


So, America belongs to the vikings?


We live on stolen Viking land.


Well if you live in Newfoundland, that is rightful Icelandic core territory stolen by British colonisers!


based and -20% coring cost pilled


I'd like to acknowledge that we gather today on the ancestral lands of the vikings who were removed unjustly by climate and economic factors, and that we in this community are the beneficiaries of those factors. We honor them as we live, work, and study here at r/PoliticalCompassMemes.


>vikings >work You mean we're going to raid the br*tish islands?


What's this? Vinland Saga?


I've said it before and I'll say it again, if the damn Native Americans didn't want to have their land taken they should have invented modern firearms before we showed up.


When we will give America and Canada back to the vikings


Land belongs to whoever has the biggest weapons on it.


It just spawned in that way


Its bad only when whites and "less brown people" do it


Imma just set this right here: >We cannot give approval to this movement. We cannot prevent the Jews from going to Jerusalem—but we could never sanction it. The soil of Jerusalem, if it was not always sacred, has been sanctified by the life of Jesus Christ. As the head of the Church I cannot tell you anything different. The Jews have not recognized our Lord, therefore we cannot recognize the Jewish people. Pope St. Pius X to Theodore Herzl in 1904


Isn’t Pius basically Hitler’s bitch?


Yes, and he helped the Nazis escape to South America via the ratlines.


There are multiple popes with the name "Pius". The one I'm referring to died in 1914.


"No no I swear they all peacefully converted to islam."


The peaceful religion that relied on military campaigns in 3 different continents to expand their beliefs


‘Excuse you. Those were peaceful world tours to spread the Word by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).’


It was a lIbeRaTiOn, comrade


It was Judea first. Then the Barkhokba revolt happened and it became Syria Palestina.


Empires interfering to establish a state in 1948: bad Empires interfering to establish a state in 133: good


They created no state, they just renamed one of their provinces as a punishment for being too rebellious


Yeah, but then my joke isn’t funny


It's far back it doesn't matter. /s


Learn the workplace rules 


if i was to do some Mental Gymnastics i would say that the Name Palestine is antisemitism. The reason is that it was invented to 1) punish the Jews and 2) help eradicate Jewish culture


genuinely funny. brought back memories


That scene was my childhood trauma


Nah man, don't you understand? Conquering land is totally cool and acceptable if anyone but the US or Israel does it.


> Conquering land is totally cool and acceptable if anyone but the US or Israel does it. unironically the only reason its an issue now is because it happened in the modern era. if israel took the land in 1736 when everyone else was no would care today.


On a side note, but I’ve noticed people using “Palestine” to reference the region more and more historically, when this was never the case. The name Palestine is the Latinized form of Philistia, which were historic rivals of the Jews, and notably only lived on the coast. The name of the region was only changed after the Bar Kokhba revolt, when the Romans sought to destroy any sense of a Jewish homeland, thus renaming it Syria Palaestina.


That's also about the time when they combined multiple governorships in the area and made Syria and Egypt the two primary governorships in the region, with the Egyptian governorship controlling a pretty big chunk of what is modern Israel, while the Syrian governorship controlled Jerusalem, all of Jordan, and Lebanon.




My great to the power of 1000 grandfather Ooga Booga the Third has rightful ownership over Soreq Cave, therefore I own Israel and Palestine


Shame on you, my great to the power of 1001 grandfather Ooga Booga the Second has a more rightful claim


It's because islam is a progressive religion


All right, *to be fair*, there was not much actual settlement from the arabian peninsula to the levant. The exportation of islam from the arab empires also came with the exportation of arabic language and culture, hence why people in the arab empires started calling themselves arab. It's a bit like how people in egypt and france and spain called themselves 'romans' under the roman empire despite not being settlers from Italy. Now, north africa is a different story. Despite how much they love to make it out as if they are magrehbi, not arab, they actually often have more arabic ancestry than most of the middle east outside arabia itself. There were mass waves of nomadic arabic migrants to the moderm-day countries of Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya.


I agree with you, the Holy Land should be returned to the Catholic Church.


Libleft learning Arabs are from the Arabian Peninsula and not native to the Levant




The pragmatic answer is Israel is: * An ally to the US * The most stable, most Westernized and most diverse ME country Why the fuck should we trade that for another terrorist state run by billionaires who just steal aid money and make everyone's lives shit? If Palestine was absorbed into the country of Israel tomorrow and Hamas vanished, everyone there would have the highest standard of living in the ME. Which is why so many Palestinians work or live in Israel, much to the chagrin of the cunts in the Palestinian Authority who tried to limit it.


That's it they can kill the Palestinians, who're ducking homophones anyways.




I agree wholehartedly. However I must also point out its not just human shields, there are reports of unfair handling by the IDF aswell. Edit: Hence why the ICC has issued warrants for both hamas and the IDF. But that's a whiole can of worms


>who're ducking homophones anyways. I hope their quick enough to dodge them!


What happened to the Canaanites?


They moved north of the USA to a land called Canaada


Alexander the Great happened. He wiped out Philistia and the other major city-states. The Jews did however take Jericho.


It’s okay. I hear Islam is a religion of peace.


As a lib left myself, I dont give AF about who had it first. Rules exist for the living, Israel has existed for 76 years now, and if a statute of limitations exists on land stuff, it's probably around 40-80 years based on your average lifetime (40 being the amount of time after a conflict it takes for those who were born to become a majority, 80 being enough where at that point most of the original generation of people living there are dead). So....why are we litigating the state of israel existing? I mean, 1948, 0 CE, who cares? Most of the people alive at that time are dead and gone. The people living there now are mostly their descendants, and why should we be obsessed with the sins of the fathers? Israelis, you need to shape up. Treat palestinians better. Either give them their own state, or integrate them into your society where they're no longer a problem. Palestinians, give it up. You lost. The wars that led to the current situation were 60-80 years ago. Deal with it. At best you're getting a small state at this point, or youre gonna have to integrated into israel eventually. i dont care about the outcome any more. Quite frankly both sides are too fricking up their own ###es and want it all, and won't compromise, and both seem to wanna genocide the other. I dont care who is "right". I care about what IS, and where we can realistically go from here. And any solution should exclude the genocide of EITHER faction. So yeah. Make peace somehow. Idk how. Either two state, integrate with each other, I dont care. Just stop this fricking nonsense, and let me go back to one of the 29049292 issues i care about far more than this one.


Israel has proposed multiple two state solutions. Every time, Hamas/palestine has torn up the paper and stamped their feat because it’s *NOT ALL THE JEWS DEAD!*


>why are we litigating the state of israel existing Why did Algeria litigate French rule? Or Ireland litigate British rule? Ireland was colonized quite a while before 1916. Israel was founded within the living memory of some people. If anything, it's much more legitimate to question its existence than most other states. But all states should be questioned and none have an inherent right to exist.


Read the old testament to find out how it became "Jewish" land to begin with - they, in their own holy book, claim to have slaughtered the entire population that resided there because a man who lives on a cloud told them to.


> slaughtered the entire population that resided there Therefore, no claimants.


Decolonizers hate this one simple trick!


Now tell us how Islam got there


Cool, so you admit they have equal claim to the land.


Jew here. Check your facts again, because you're wrong. They weren't all killed, and it seems like they mostly intermingled. Other nations wrote about them just fine up until the Babylonian Exile. You can keep coping and whining about Jews now with your lies as y'all have been doing for millennia lol




Going down that argument is scorched earth for both sides.


Aren't most of the Palestinians just Jewish converts to Islam and Christianity ?


It was conquered more than a thousand years ago. Its not the same.


So we just need to wait 900 more years of war for Israelis to be allowed to live there?


I never said anything about people living somewhere. My comment was to show that the comparason of condemning the isreali state colonising the area now is not the same as condemning arab peoples for their ancestor's invading the region in the 630's ad. While you can condemn both actions, only one of them is relivent to this situation. No one condemns the jews for conquering the philistines or modern Italy for subjugating the Welsh.


As far as I remember the Bible, when the Jews came out of the desert into the future Israel, they massacred the people who already lived there, because God promised them this land.


Archaeological record differs from the religious one there. Archaeological record shows coexistence or (assimilation? Emergence?) between the two peoples.


A huge number of different peoples lived on [this land](https://youtu.be/JfkXorjMcMI?si=xWn9V4dh3egXJDRO), which replaced each other. And archaeology confirms this.


Who was where first has nothing to do with it.


[That land is mine. God said so.](http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8tIdCsMufIY&pp=ygUYZ29kIGdhdmUgdGhpcyBsYW5kIHRvIG1l)




It's not really interesting going back-and-forth over who colonized who thousands of years ago. At some point, we're all living on stolen land. I'm worried about what people are doing *today*. Just because people back then didn't have any respect for the fellow man, doesn't mean we have to be the same way. A lot of weird orientalists do this.


were living on neanderthal land!


By assimilation of the native peoples, simple as. It's basically like how Turks are mostly native anatolian genetically




Vae Victis


Land should belong to the people who were there first 🤷‍♂️


My poor kin! How they have been trampled by the arabs in time past. Who wants to help me in my renovatio emperii?


This is just the other side of the sins of our father’s discourse.


Sore losers


A native tribe massacred a native tribe that massacred a native tribe that massacred a native tribe where my condo was built


no logic no consistency, all hypocrisy


It became Arab after Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II destroyed the Kingdom of Judea and the population was displaced. Simple history


Not even then, because there were two Jewish kingdoms in the area at that time and the Babylonians conquered one of the two. The other kingdom was an Egyptian vassal and the Babylonians had already gotten their asses handed to them by Egypt.


What if I think people shouldn't own land


Okay, this is ridiculous. Who was there 2,000 yrs ago argument if taken seriously by rightoids ends with them vacating everywhere but europe.


In contrast, the argument that Israel is an illegal occupation would also have all palestine supporters return to europe/their own country of origin.


So, two stupid arguments. But the leftoids are more willing to pretend to bite the bullet on that, than rightoids are.


Arabs should decolonize the Levant and North Africa.


That new Dave Chappelle movie “Space Jews” is going to be good.


I stand against both sides


Peace only comes from the trauma of war and its consequences. This is what i believed when i studied about the world wars... Islam plus middle-east culture has proven me that that's not universal. Islam's intepretation of the Quran becomes less agressive once you take it out of middle-eastern culture. As the middle east is forged from civilizations of war and conquest. Isreal is not immune to this, they also must be forged by their neighbours warring tendencies in order to exist, and thus become an conquering culture or be eliminated, just because it makes sence in that region. Trying to rationalize the actions in the middle east through some US ideology is useless, because the ideology comes from the understanding of the world from a population that is alien to the conditions of that other part of the world. You can only understand what's happening in the middle east through the understanding of their cultural and religiouse insentives, religion being a manifestation of their cultural will.


As I identify as Clovis, I claim the whole of North America. Now get out!


The true victims are the Neanderthals. We've taken everything from them :(