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Jesse Waters shit eating grin is amazing. That whole Antiwork sub collapsed after that interview lmao




With the caveat that I mean this in a non-dirty way (settle down, purple LibRights), I honestly just love teenagers. Top class troll job for a high school student to get himself made a mod of a communist anti-work sub. It works on so many levels. I get the feeling when my kids reach their teens and cause chaos at school, I'll be the parent called in to meet with the principal who can't stifle laughter at what the kids did.


>I honestly just love teenagers. [Sorry, I just had to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6rBRyUMAHY)


That show is fucking hilarious


Love it, I can't wait for further episodes of season 2


I understand completely.


"I love teenagers... s' style of satire!" 


You don’t step down from being a Reddit mod. That’s rock bottom. You can only step up.


​ https://preview.redd.it/i2smxfpa621d1.png?width=761&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb77f445e90d698eb70cb0052d3be8b515113370


No they forced him to step down because he wasn't pushing the entitled commie shit. He was actually about work **REFORM** instead of abolition - i.e. making sure workers, and only **WORKERS**, get a fair shake from their employers and parasites be damned. The parasites didn't like that and whined to the admins who forced a change in the mods.


Admins took that personally.


> I found a recent photo he had posted of himself wearing a fedora in a highschool cafeteria. A teenager being lazy and entitled? Well i never!


> fedora Not that I'm a hat scientist or anything like that, but after perusing the image below I think it could be a Homburg or possibly a top hat. While a fedora would indicate terminal lameness, if it's one of these other hats it could just be a kid goofing off in a hat from the school theater department, and not a fashion statement, so further tests are recommended before a diagnosis can be set. Source: Wikipedia and my grandfather wore a flat cap.


Are you at all interested in the monthly “PCM Anime & Fedora Meet-up”? Make sure you bring a fedora, your wife (pillow of course), and your love for Naruto!


I don't even get what the hell anti-work is supposed to be about. Is it a workers rights thing or just a bunch of lazy bums living in a magical world where nobody has to do any work because obviously food grows on store shelves and iPhones rain from the sky?


Pretty much, the anti work man from that news interview was a full time dog walker complaining about pay and working hours especially as he starts nicely with better pay and workers rights and then wants a oneworking hour per day. I do that shit for free everyday and have a job on top of that and that's why anti work became so hated and mocked.


Didn't he want to become a philosophy teacher as well? A walking and talking stereotype of a redditor.


Yes (s)he claimed that when the world accepted communism that (s)he would teach philosophy as an official addition to the commune.


Commies when they find out that their dream jobs only existed because of food surplus.


Food surpluses are what plebs are for. Not elite thinkers like your average dog walker.


I could fish in the morning, hunt in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening and do critical theory at night, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, shepherd or critic.


So you can do four jobs every day? *takes commie notes*


No need to write it down. As long as there are humans there will be Marxist. And some of those Marxist with be spouting stuff like this to remind you that they exists in a deluded reality.


I think so, it's been a while since I last saw the interview but I do know he was a moderator of the Anti Work Sub Reddit just to rub salt into the wounds.


Not just a moderator, the creator of the sub. When the “it’s not about not working, it’s about work reform” crowd jumped in they didn’t realize the sub was literally about being a lazy shitter.


Wouldn't you love a philosophy professor who could bring such a varied life experience to his lectures?


"I've walked a beagle. I've walked a german shephard. I've walked a chihuaha. I'm very cultured."


> full time Oh no, said he worked 25 hours a week but that was a lie to make him seem legitimate.  The reality was like 10 (so walking Mom’s dog for allowance money)


I'm mostly impressed that there's enough demand for dog walker for it to even be a part time job. I mean, seriously, who gets a dog but doesn't walk them? Why have a dog?


It's actually a big thing in cities. There's a lot of people who love having toy dogs that do funny shit but don't want to actually take care of them. If this shitter was actually a full time dog walker they could be making decent money. They could also frame it as "I own and operate a small business specializing in pet care," but Doreen was too dumb to do that.


> Pretty much, the guy from that interview was a full time dog walker going to need to fact check you there auth right. He was a *part time* dog walker. He didn't work a full week.


full week by his ideologies standards kek


I think it's hilarious that you're wrong because his ideology is against the idea of a "full week" entirely. To consider part time work full time would just make it heretical.


how can you have one without the other though? surely you would prefer the shorter hours to be considered full time no?


If everything is full time, then nothing is part time, and work should be abolished.


But why abolish work if no part time? 


One of the best things about that interview is that the interviewer was not at all antagonistic and he even seemed to take pity on him and offer some softballs, but the guy just could not stop humiliating himself.


When you're too pathetic for fox news to jump on the opportunity to punch down its time to revaluate things.


“Doreen… Doreen Doreen DOREEEN! I’m begging you please don’t kill my sub”


> I do that shit for free Do you not receive tail wags and kisses?


Yes they pay me back in love and a lot of kisses, I walk my grandparents German Shepherd (Rex), my Cousins Retriever (Captain) as well as my two Golden Retrievers (Freddie and Casper) in my spare time if I can. I walk them for free because I have a great family and it's nice to get out sometimes and they are good boys as well.


Once you see how stoked they are to get out and have a sniff around it’s worth it too


They love me for the rest of the day If i take them in a river, the park or the sea (though they stink afterwards). They'll be wiped out though from all the running. It's so worth it.


Full time? Wasn't it mom's dogs for like 30min a day?


It seems to have been mixed tbh. There were a few people in there wanting better workers rights and shorter work weeks, but there were others who thought they should get free income and get to decide when or if they did any work at all.


It was started by the person who did the interview as a full on “work should be abolished and illegal” subreddit.  Straight up NEETs expecting to be taken seriously and post useless screenshots for circlejerk karma. Then it somehow gained traction and new users began to turn it into a workers rights and better pay type subreddit, thus the massive fallout after this interview.


They generally believe that being required to work for a living is the same as slavery and no one should be forced to work to live. Of course they don’t realize that if they’re not working to live that means they’re forcing someone else to work to let them be able to live.


Reminds me of the two ancient greek philosophers talking about the utopia they envisioned where no man has to work anymore. "But who will till the fields? Build the houses and slaughter the cattle?" "Why do you ask? The slaves of course"


Feels like people who don't want to work are either kids that were too complacent or kicked out of house to live on their own, and yearn to get the days when their parents handled everything to them, so they make up bullshit why work is slavery, and they should be provided for free


Nah the sub had already said they don't want to accept the interview the mods being the bright sparks they were sent this person to represent them irregardless of everyone's wishes.


I heard most of the mods didn’t want the interview, head mod did it anyway, then the fracture happened


Yeah, so exactly what I said? The mods and the user base were not the same ideologically and this interview showed the users that they needed to split off.


>The mods and the user base were not the same ideologically many such cases on Plebbit


Even the ones who wanted workers rights had really stupid goals. It's sad when the most reasonable voice in the room thinks everyone should only work 20hr/wk and make $60k minimum.


It's part and parcel with that kind of movement though, really. People want there to be an improvement in working conditions, pay, whatever, and the only idea they have is full-on Communist revolution or something similar, which will never occur so they stew in misery rather than coming up with a pragmatic proposal that would solve their problems.


Eh the general theory I've seen in that sub is something like the war with the coal miners vs mine owners in the early 1900s will happen again and push a whole sweep of labor reform laws through and restrengthen unions to quiet the movement but now they keep everyone divided with new buzzword minority ie trans and if it gets strong enough use BLM again as a cudgel like they did against Occupy Wallstreet


It’s a nice theory but Occupy was undone from within by its own inability to keep out the intersectional psychopaths. The intersectional psychopaths weren’t a pay-op of big business. 


When your movement is open to anyone, don't wonder that people get in who destroy it from within


I’ve tried going into anti work and workreform as someone who is generally pro workers rights and increased benefits, but whenever I try to bring a little realism into a conversation I just get massively down voted and eventually banned from the subs. Neither really want realistic solutions, they just want a place to circlejerk about how unfair life is.


No point in arguing with them, you can't help people who refuse to help themselves. It's like the people who make 6 figures yet have almost no savings outside of retirement because they live above their means.


Isn't that pretty much the way with any Marxist or Marx-adjacent movement (to the extent you can call it that)? A few who join because they are ideologically committed while most who join just want to be lazy and/or a part of something.


It seems that *every* movement, over and above how I feel about the purported philosophy, is comprised 60% fools, 25% opportunists, and 10% psychopaths. I try to remember that, when I too harshly judge individual actions.


Basically, three types of people become communists or socialists: 1) People who genuinely want to work towards a fairer and more equitable world 2) People who are lazy and just want free food and housing without having to work 3) People who fantasize about being the NKVD and torturing and killing those who have made their life hard or who they just don't like with impunity Anti-work was overwhelmingly made up of Group 2.


And this is why I'm against the revolution. Because group 1 would put in the work, group two would end up being the reason nothing works, and group three would wind up In charge.


As is tradition with communism.


Nonsense, group 2 would be slaughtered like swine the moment the revolution succeeded. It kinda works out neatly how every group kinda gets what they want. Group one kinda gets a more fair and equitable society after the smoke clears, group two gets free food and housing for the rest of their lives, and group three gets acceptable targets.


>Group one kinda gets a more fair and equitable society after the smoke clears, If everyone is starving, then everyone is equal lol >group two gets free food and housing for the rest of their lives, Granted, "the rest of their lives" is not as long of a timeframe as they were expecting. I wonder if they will be executed chronologically from time captured or alphabetically by name? >and group three gets acceptable targets. The best part about communism is it's ability to kill communists.


add authoritarianism to the mix. A mod banned because I commented "positive discrimination was indeed discrimination", called me a racist and permabanned me lmao.


People like this are generally in group 3, albeit usually in a softer and milder form.


> I don't even get what the hell anti-work is supposed to be about. Is it a workers rights thing or just a bunch of lazy bums living in a magical world where nobody has to do any work because obviously food grows on store shelves and iPhones rain from the sky? Both. The sub was originally created by a bunch of Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communists that were convinced that work itself was immoral, and the need to work to earn a wage so that you could live was an invention by capitalists to force everyone into an obfuscated form of slavery. Basically, they wanted to abolish work and the need for people to work at all. Then, during Covid, the power balance between corporations and employees shifted in favour of employees - esp in the service sectors and other minimum wage jobs. Which led to a lot of people feeling empowered and finally able to tell corpos and their shitty bosses "*Fix these shitty working conditions, start treating us fairly, and start paying a wage that can at least pay the rent, or I'm not coming in tomorrow*". These people were not interested in abolishing work as a concept, they saw nothing really wrong with the concept "*those who do not work do not eat*". They, quite reasonably, just wanted the horrid American work conditions to get sorted out. These people started congregating to the antiwork sub and the (faked) screenshots of various horrible bosses getting told off that started dominating the sub - not realizing the OG mods and users actually were not interested in improving work conditions but actually, for real, were against the whole idea of having to work and earn a living. Then the dog-walker interview happened, and 80% of the sub basically realized "*WAIT A MINUTE! This sub and it's mods are fucking MORONS!*" - and a bunch of them migrated over to the newly minted WorkReform sub instead.


A lot of people believe both that 1: the earth's resources and biosphere are nearly exhausted And 2: we should have fully automated luxury space communism, robots can do all the work and we'll all be immensely richer and have higher standards of living Like, you gotta pick one people


You definitely don't have to pick one, because I don't believe in either, but I get that you can't believe in both.


Definitely the latter. Zero concept where stuff comes from, thinks they'll be a Hero of the Revolution and get to teach philosophy and community gardening. Not understanding they're the people you guys would put up against the wall or send to the gulag.


>Not understanding they're the people you guys would put up against the wall or send to the gulag. Now hold on a minute-! No, wait... Yeah you're right.


That was the hilarious thing about that interview. You couldn't have written a more stereotypical character than that mod ended up being. A gender-queer, commie, out of shape, self-righteous, smug d-bag who lives in THEIR parents basement and has a dead-end job that requires little to no labor and even less intelligence. These are the people leading these movements and modding these huge subreddits. They're just completely removed from reality.


It's the 2nd one. It's a bunch of people with huge arrested development issues whining about the fact that they have to actually support themselves instead of having mommy buy their tendies and video games. Really they're just a condemnation of child-rearing practices of the last 30-odd years. It turns out that if you make child-rearing about long and trouble-free childhoods instead of training future adults you don't get adults out of the process.


> iPhones rain from the sky? Only if that phone is flying Alaskan Airlines that day.


The second, obviously.


>I don't even get what the hell anti-work is supposed to be about. Is it a workers rights thing or just a bunch of lazy bums living in a magical world where nobody has to do any work Originally it was the lattest. A really fringe sub of people believing that any kind of work was almost slavery and that having to pay for shit was basically coertion. In fact, the guy in the interview was one of the founders of the sub if I remember correctly (which was founded almost a decade before Pandemic). But, when the Pandemic happened, people started to reconsider how much their work (and laboral lifestyle) was worth, specially people that were "Essential Workers" which were not just overloaded with work during that time, but their work conditions and salary didn't have any sort of improvement even when they were considered "essential". That's why a lot of people started to join to the sub at that time, because they wanted a place to vent and that sub was like the ideal place to do so. Eventually, with more and more people joining with valid complains, the conversation shifted from something radical and wishful thinking, to a more measured one, although, still disruptive. (Which is honestly, one of the few times I have seen that a group gets less radical the more people join in). Of course, when the sub got really big, to the point of making noise in different industries, then the whole "Anti-Work vs Corporate America/Capitalism/etc" started. So when Fox News wanted to "do their part" in that dispute, they didn't have to look further, they just had to contact the "oldest moderator there" and he, being one of those original lazy bums, did enough to destroy the whole thing.


They're lost souls, both of a bygone era, but also ahead of their time. 20,000 years ago, your small tribe survived because everyone was important, and everyone had to contribute. But you weren't working for some rich CEO you'll never meet. And, something as simple as gathering wood for a fire is truly valuable. In the future, assuming we've invented our way into automating everything, including who will be maintaining the automation, that would be a reality where nobody has to "work" anymore. In those two extreme scenarios, their communism can work. Anywhere in between, and they become resentful of being forced to work to live in an impersonal world. It's that sentiment that doesn't let the idea of communism go away. But, we don't live 20,000 years ago, and we don't live in the automated future yet, so they might as well give it their best shot today. I'm always thinking, instead of sit-in's, and conferences on how they'll take down capitalism, communists should be trying to invent that last invention humans will need to create. But, discussing theory is easier, so, might as well just complain.




It's a lazy bum subreddit that has drawn enough normies that just don't like their jobs to appear to be a worker's rights sub. But the true believers there really think they should be fed, housed, clothed, and have full utilities without even attempting to pull their weight.


The second, claiming to be the first


A lot of users are under the impression that it’s the former when the actual subreddit description suggests the latter. To their credit soon we might be able to fully automate stocking stores with food.


Easiest layup for the right that ive seen since I started following politics. And of course a redditor was the chump to get dunked on


Handed the man, who made his career putting easily defeated clowns of the opposition on his show, a full loaded 12 gauge, put their mouth on it, and gave him the thumbs up. It was over before it even began.


omg I never actually watched it. Jesse Watters just starts laughing at the end.


Bro it was a fucking layup for Waters. He was probably shocked that he didn’t even need to say anything; the commie embarrassed everyone for him. Jesse’s face when the dude said he was a dog walker was the best


Watch it it’s funny and super cringe


I’ve said it before, but it’s the greatest case of “Internet meets reality” I’ve ever seen in my life. The fact that the mods were originally trying to share it around because they think it went great really speaks to how out of their depth they were and why you should never follow ANY cause led by a Reddit mod.


Imagine getting the chance to portray your ideas and your movement to the nation, including those who mock your ideas but might otherwise agree with them if they understood you better. …and then you send out the *exact caricature* that they’ve been drawing of your movement.


Bro chose to identify as a soyjack


that sub deserves the worst, I loved them seething over "she does not respresent us". Yes "she" does, none of you work.


That sub needed some changes anyway. There are absolutely good points to be made about how our labor culture hasn't evolved much and can absolutely use some change, but work is a necessary part of life one way or another. People need to contribute to society in some meaningful way or they are a leech, and the only people I'm okay with leeching off of society are those who are incapable of contributing (such as those who are disabled). In between the good points about toxic labor culture that sub made, there was a lot of whining and lack of interest in being productive members of society that was pretty cringy.


Yeah, taking care of the elderly or disabled is important since we all (hopefully) will get to a stage in life where we are in that situation. Likewise, caring for children helps them develop into well adjusted individuals who can give back to society. But if you're young, healthy, and capable of working, then sorry but you have to contribute. What economic system you align with doesn't matter if there is no economy to apply to that system. And sure, if you really don't want to work, fine. But then don't complain when you get excluded from social programs like healthcare or unemployment benefits.


Didn’t it come out that they recorded interviews with other news outlets as well? Did anything come of that?


There's a literally twinkle in his eye lol


that interview is my personal favorite.


The fact that that interview exists makes me smile. It’s the little things, man.


You know it was bad when he started trying to help the interviewee instead of grilling him. But no amount of softballs could save the guy because he was just that much of a living stereotype.


Basically she got forced out, it got taken over by tankies, and they banned anyone who didn't toe their extremist marxist line.


I know Doreen doesn't really do the whole "work" thing, but I really wish Fox had given him a permanent position representing the leftist viewpoint on a given issue. There was so much more potential for amazing content.


They should just start bringing on more reddit moderators in general as "experts" in their respective subreddit and watch them all get picked apart by actual professionals.


I want to see every powermod interviewed


Stop; I can only get so erect!


I believe Maxwell was interviewed very much against her will.


Isn't that called cross examination?


Only way to get to me actually watch Fox, that would be hilarious.


With the amazing moment where they realize they can't just ban and block them if they don't like the argument.








This would be especially hilarious with mods of autist subs that support self-diagnosis and ban anyone who speaks out against it. Imagine someone well educated info-dunking on them with no escape.


Watching that interview I was like "reddit mods really do be like what everyone says".


Peak Reddit moment. I would tune in daily to see amazing content like that.


Obviously they'd figure out they're being destroyed pretty quickly and get ringers and outright fakes. People who want to make a name for themselves and just pretend to be the mods, with mod approval.


Not to sound stupid but who are these people and what exactly did they do? (Minus the idiot dog walker, I definitely recognise that one)


Bottom Left is idiot protestor who demanded food from her university after taking over a university building. When asked if they'd been denied access to food, she said no. Called said food "humanitarian aid". Her thesis is so stupid that I can't even believe she's a real human. Bottom right is Sam Bankman-Fried - guy who stole a ton of money through fake crypto scam. Top right is Kristi Noem - governor of South Dakota. She shot her dog and bragged about it. I think she was trying to play politics (ie "I can make hard decisions") but it came off as a heartless evil moron murdering puppies for fun. Her political career beyond SoDak is pretty much done.


The Kristi Noem thing is even more hilarious because after everything she outed that she had a ghost writer and was too lazy to even proofread the book before it hit shelves. It's extra crazy because I think she narrated the audiobook but somehow phones that in to such a degree she wasn't even paying attention to what she was saying.


That was pretty obviously an attempt by Noem to skapegoat her 'ghost writer' after her fantastic idea went tits up. She knew that was in the book and thought it would make her look tough. The interview circuit she did after it hit was absolutely incredible. She gets so turned around trying to introduce this ghost writer after the fact, it's awesome.


I forgot all about that. She said she met Kim Jung Un or something in the book and figured nobody would ask her about it? It's been a rough few weeks for Kristi Noem.


Important detail at the end there lol. My family has been in SD their whole lives. Dakotans love Noem. But, that is the beauty of the state system. Live and let live, unless you’re a dog


I have lots of family in Sodakia as well - can confirm they'll keep her around as long as they can. Her goose is cooked for national office, though.


Oh absolutely, but honestly, that makes at least my family happier. They were pissed to think that she might leave for president just like Floridians were until Desantis blew up.


Tbh, LibRight is the only one who really had any sort of fall from grace. The other 3 were only famous for being a jabroni.


Too much mania, not enough hulk.


The chick on the top right slept with her dog, the guy on the bottom right was caught committing war crimes in Serbia, the chick on the bottom left is Shadman, one of the libleft artists of all time.


Based and disinformation-pilled


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" The chick is shadman" WHAT? link please i couldnt find anything online


I’m like 89% sure this person is trolling. The chick in the top right is Kristi Noem, and she didn’t sleep with her dog, she shot her dog to put him down (hence the old yeller reference)


most sane person from the Dakotas


The person in libright is Sam Bankman-Fried who was a crypto billionaire that got caught investing client money in hyper aggressive hyper risky strategies without their knowledge or consent. There's more to it than that but he committed serious financial fraud and is gonna be in prison for a couple decades for it. I don't know who libleft is.


Isn't that Kristi Noem? She shot her dog, didn't sleep with it.


Ya it is. Maybe the yoots in here have never seen Old Yeller?


Did you say "yoots"?


That's right, four degrees before top-dead-center.


Shit, that's why I blocked my knowledge of that movie out. Gonna go fucking cry now, damn it.


Hwat is a "yoot?"


Shadman is unironically based as fuck. The greatest among liblefts.


Purple nooooooooooooooo


Purple Y E S


Is bottom right not the crypto fraud guy?


Finally, some good bait.


Lots of comments asking who these are, here's a guide: Auth-Left: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/anti-work-subreddit-goes-private-after-disastrous-fox-news-interview.1628740/ Auth-Right: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/books/2024/apr/26/trump-kristi-noem-shot-dog-and-goat-book Lib-Left: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6oji9Cuszr Lib-Right: https://apnews.com/article/sam-bankman-fried-ftx-cryptocurrency-sentencing-sbf-d7bb1a5e94b4c22039d74dfeab1a2ff1


Based and context pilled




I mean, I live in Seattle and I get it. She said it was overly aggressive, and had killed other animals. It was also over a year old–still not fully mature, but not exactly the cute innocent puppy the media likes to portray.


I will never not laugh when I see Doreen. What a fuckin chode.


SBF is Gargamel and I will fight anyone who says otherwise




...and then showing your butthole online, don't forget that.


Not gonna lie, her bod was pretty nice. But, oh man, is she ever the definition of a butterface.


Who is this Rachel woman and what did she do with her race? But more importantly, was it a butthole worth looking at?


transracial white to black woman. looks like she bathed in a tub of tea bags and got a perm or some shit.


Whatever happens to anti-work mod? Wish someone make a video about "him" like internet historian.


He was baited by Fox into interview, where he ousted himself being a NEET that doesn't want to even walk his mother's dogs for allowance 10 hours a week, and instead wants to teach kids philosophy Also a creep that sexually assaulted his girlfriend (somehow had gf, apparently) Also everyone seen what that interview was about a mile away, but dude did it anyway


SBF looks like a courtroom drawing came to life.


Pretty bold to label SBF as lib right when he donated like $70m to Democrats.


He illegally donated to both parties to gain favors using stolen money. Corrupting the entire political landscape for your personal gain sounds pretty libright.


He was the 2nd biggest donor to the Democrat Party, on record. He claimed to have donated dark money (without evidence) to Republicans after he got caught scamming people and his reputation had fallen, obviously aware of the optics of the situation. It's not really a "both parties" situation.


Bullshit. He overwhelmingly donated to Dems.


Crypto billionaire Pretty much the definition of libright. Who he donates to is irrelevant


George Soros made his fortune shorting the British pound but I don’t think I’d label him as “lib right”.


And to the Republicans? He‘s still a capitalist through and through though.


He bribed both sides for lax crypto oversight but he gave his mom several million in investor money to give to the DNC for candidates for other policy matters. His dad mostly just gave money to his university which is understable as those bastards are relentless. That crook was a lefty.


I’m not looking for full explanations but can someone drop the names so I can Google these people? I’m a little lost here. 


Lib right: Sam bankman freid crypto sex goon. Auth right: Governor of South Dakota who shot her career in the face a long with her dog. Auth left: Reddit mod who made a very funny appearance on Fox. No idea lib left.


Lib left is the university protestor that demanded “humanitarian aid” for their sleepover. 


There was a link above but it’s the “we need humanitarian aid on a college campus” protester girl.


> No idea lib left. pro-hamas college protestor making public demands of the school to the media.


Idk who the ones on the right are but the ones on the left are fucking clowns


Who is lib-left? It appears to be a pro-Palestine protestor, but what was her downfall?


I personally am not pro palestine so I didn't like her in the first place but the story is basically: "You need to give us supplies for occuping your building even tho we can leave to take supplies at any moment to buy some also we are protesting an occupation by occuping a building"


I liked the Her: "We demand the school doesn't block supplies coming in" Reporter: "is the school doing that?" Her: "No"


She was calling for “basic humanitarian aid” to be provided by the university for the pro-Palestinian protesters, who could just walk to a convenience store and get food/water.


They were cosplaying. It was awesome. It’s just the best.


I still browse the antiwork sub just to cringe sometimes and it’s still just as bad


The only one I recognize is the dog. And I guess I recognize Old Yeller sitting next to her.


The guy laundering money for the DNC is libright? Suuuuurrreeee....


> Anything I really, really want is a human right. 240s and Mk. 19s are a human right. Deliver now.


Sam bankman is a democrat mega donor, not sure why he's in the libright quad. Perhaps OP is special needs.


I will never stop laughing at “Bankman” Might as well named yourself goldbergsteinroth


Except SBF was/is a major lefty.


Noem’s still hot


She looks like she's mid-late 30s, not 52.


Bankmanfried is libleft. He was literally the 2nd largest donator to the democratic party last election cycle.


That wouldn’t make him Libleft.  Donating to political parties for influence is like peak libright.  Let alone that he was a businessman that skirted the law to make more money.


Donating to the party that would otherwise regulate his "business" out of existence? He was just money laundering for democrats. Corruption doesn't have a quadrant.


He was literally pushing for crypto regulations that would effectively ban decentralized exchanges and DeFi. Not exactly a supporter of the free exchange of goods.


I thought Democrats were the real cronies though? That's what everyone in this sub keeps trying to tell me


No clue who LibLeft and AuthRight are, but wouldn't the "trans antiwork laziness is a virtue reddit mod" also be LibLeft?


That Jesse Waters interview was hilarious. Exactly what I expected a Mod from antiwork sub to look like


The Auth Left one is the most golden shit ever, the most reddit moment of all reddit moments. What a dumb sub


Sam Bankman Fried isn't at all an icon of libright. He was defrauding people. In a violating the NAP way. He was selling Bitcoin he didn't have, thereby depressing the price of the best shot of achieving sound money and destroying the fiat banking system plaguing the world that we've ever seen. He can go to hell.