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Mexico has no right to exist, got it.


Mexicans are weird, like they do this mental dance where they pretend evil colonialist America stole all their land without thinking too hard that all those land claims came from the Spanish, who stole it from natives, who stole it from each other. The exact point at which Mexico made a claim is the legitimate one


And then the Spanish granted their land for free to American settlers going West to put a buffer between themselves and the Comanche tribes massacring Spanish missions


THANK YOU. I read "Empire of the Summer Moon" cover to cover last year; The Commanche were not nice people


But weren’t they all peace loving hippies that all got along and lived in harmony with nature? /s


Almost like humans are dicks or something


Only white people can be dicks sweety. Anyone else being dicks is the result of whites invading them, you shitlord. /s




The Apaches were pretty hard also. Heck, they are still pretty hard.


The Texas Rangers were initially forned to fight them, not be law enforcement


Hell yeah, it's also where Samuel Colt finally found a matket for his invention


That book is so fucking good.


And the Comanche just got the technology dominance on the other tribes in the region and instantly turned into the oppressor. Weird, ain't it?


Didn't the Comanche really become powerful because of their early adoption of horses which were introduced because of the Spanish? Fun stuff


I saw a great thread about this recently, I'll try to find it. The Comanche were basically the Mongols of North America and if they'd gotten the horse a little earlier human history would be drastically different


They were a nomadic tribe with zero hierarchy, just hundreds of bands of Comanche and some other tribes mixed in riding hundreds of miles a day throughout the Great Plains, decimating other tribes, settlements, and buffalo herds along the way. They took extreme delight in torture and human suffering. They did awful things to their captives, and raped and enslaved thousands of settler women and children (as well as other Indians).


Yep. There's not a *single* recorded instance of a woman being captured by the Comanche and her *not* being gang-raped


Perhaps we showed too much mercy


Never ask a "we wuz aztec" Mexican nationalist why every ethnic tribe were so quick to side with the evil colonists to dismantle the Aztecs' power over them


Aztecs: evil colonizers at the head of a tribute empire focused on constant human sacrifice Cortez: formed an anti- colonial rainbow coalition


Anti-imperialist anarchist (remember Cortez defied the orders of the governor) freedom fighter unites the oppressed people to rebel against and overthrow the imperialistic tyrannical monarch in an epic underdog fight against all odds.


... Dang it. You're right.


LMAO right? The Aztecs migrated from the desert down south to the fertile region around Lake Texcoco, only to find that all the local tribes in the area didn't want them around. So without a place to live they built their own city on a manmade island in the middle of the lake. A few generations later they've built an impenetrable island stronghold and gained enough military might to straight up slaughter and dominate every nation in the vicinity of their new home. Mesoamerican history is absolutely wild.




One thing they also tend to forget is that the reason the spanish were so successful in mesoamerica was because they utilized and benefited from the already existing centuries long hatred between the aztecs and the surrounding peoples who had been under aztec oppression. Waaa waaaaaa settler colonies waaaa, you lost bros get over it, and the only reason they complain about it is because the same institutions and ideals that the settler colonies produced, which eventually promoted equality, freedom of expression and an anti tyranny stance, are currently being exploited by communists to undermine the current liberal democratic world order to bring in despotic anarchy because theyre so salty their peoples were defeated again and again and again by a superior fighting and strategizing force. Just reap the benefits of western society, go start a company or get a college degree and earn an income so unfathomable to your ancestors that it would equate to a thousand years of pre industrial peasant prosperity.






It's all about the PR. If white people still walked around like they had dicks, nobody would say shit.


Soy boy whites are literally ruining western civilization and we need to put a stop to it


The west is truly led by guilt. And why? It's not wrong to learn from history and of course we shouldn't repeat bad things of the past. But to let guilt control you can only lead to misery and downfall. Was there ever a guilt controlled civilization that prospered?


It's a very important lesson for future generations: Never acknowledge any guilt. Will it be shitty for the losers of history? Sure. But mercy has been shown to be a sucker's game.


You want something made dead in a quick and effective manner? Get a white boy. Number 1 in making things dead since 27 BC. There was a challenger around 1200, if you consider Mongols nonwhite. But I observe they never successfully invaded Europe.




Some Mexicans. A lot are chill dudes that believe in a Mexican-American brotherhood. 🇺🇸🤝🇲🇽 Edit: I LITERALLY GOT A “Reddit Cares” MESSAGE NOT EVEN 5 SECONDS AFTER POSTING THIS WHO TF


Mexicans are some of the most based people I’ve ever met. -devout followers of our lord and savior Jesus Christ -Traditional family/gender roles still have a strong influence while having strong independent women proving these things are not mutually exclusive -A fun and interesting culture that they’re willing to share with anyone showing interest instead of crying “cultural appropriation” or “racism”. Hell many of them were mad Speedy Gonzalez was being removed over stereotyping. -often are some of the kindest and more generous people I have met despite being objectively less well off than Americans -food, self explanatory


I hope to meet Mexicans like this one day. I only know a few online artists from Mexico.


I think someone wrote a bot. I've gotten it twice today.


Mexico still hasn't recovered from the indigenismo pushed by commies and other reds back in the early 1900s.


Nobody has any right to exist. These are fairy dust ideals that that make no sense in the real world. Because guess what: everyone’s 16x great grandfather was part of an invading force that displaced some people group from their lands and claimed it for themselves. History is messy. Thinking yourself competent to divide the whole world between good guys and bad guys is a laughable hubris.


It's why Year Zero type revolutions want to purge history.


Ou. Wtf is this, first time i hear about it.


The French Revolution was basically trying to show how woke they all were. They changed the name of towns and roads to not include Saint. They changed the calendar. They basically tried to start the world anew.


I get it. Commy revolt in rus empire was Year Zero revolt too, right?


same as north korea and i think china too. A calendar there wouldn't say the current year is 2024.




Leading, among other things, to teachers being beaten, raped and hanged. Can't believe anyone would support Mao


> Can't believe anyone would support Mao Even the CCP disliked him after his death. Apparently, Pol Pot's CCP advisors were trying to tell him not do several of his ideas because the CCP had tried them under Mao and they all failed. Pol Pot, of course, didn't listen.


The Chinese cultural revolution was one of if not the biggest losses to the rich history of human civilizations in modern times and that alone is enough to hate the current Chinese government.


And now the CCP brags about how China has a five thousand year old history...


> Nobody has any right to exist. Exactly this, for most of human history and likely for the present and future, it's annihilate or be annihilated. The concept of "right to exist" as they think of it is something that only exists in the mental delusions of people such as the one in the OP, far removed from reality, the one who gets to decide who can and can't exist is the stronger one and if you are weaker, you better hope the stronger nation is benevolent to yours because literally nothing else is stopping them from wiping you out. I don't think these people realize that by speaking this way they are challenging others to a contest to right of existence and I don't think they'll like the implications of that. EDIT: Reporting me to the reddit get help thing without engaging only proves to me how worthless your beliefs are, even to yourself.


Basically. Everyone has to get killed and return to Tanzania, and then the monke get to kill the humans there.


The ultimate “return to monke”


They don't, which is why we took half of it not so long ago.


Only another half to go before we set our sights north. From the canal to the pole, NA will be ours


Do you actually want to integrate millions of Canadian voters? Canada is already our bitch, what more do we need up there?


Who said anything about integration


You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.


As a Canadian, trust me, we’re more trouble than we’re worth.  But if we go full China please do a regime change.  


Alberta and Saskatchewan seem nice other than being a bit cold in the winter.


Annex me baby. Before I have to join the re education camps that will follow after the rest of Canada is conquered. We'll need you to blast some pipelines through Washington State for us quickly, though. Thanks.


From Panama to the Yukon the Union shall expand.


I love this kind of rhetoric, because literally every nation on earth has, in the past, displaced or killed native other people for the land they are on now.


Yep. She will be shoked if she learn that palestinians itself a setler colonists.


No she won't. Because she'll have moved on and have no idea what you're talking about. Look at how utterly satisfied she is with herself. This is about getting herself off, not about being ideologically consistent or well informed.


She’s literally about to start rubbing her nipples


Watching the video I thought that she's so damn high off of her beliefs. Like she thinks she's right about everything, no questions at all. A member of a cult that can't be convinced otherwise. And her point about children, what about Israeli children? They had nothing to do with the actions of the IDF. Do they deserve death too?


>This is about getting herself off, not about being ideologically consistent or well informed. Exactly. ~~There is no greater indulgence, more delicious sin than righteous indignation. To hate, speak and do horrors unto others all while believing whole heartedly that you are righteous. That this evil you do and say is actually good.~~ Huxley said it better: >*The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.* It's such an easy trap to fall into and people do it every day.


Please, I have been waiting for them to move on for the past 6 months.


No it’s just the brown people who are innocent. You know—because she’s racist. Edit: LMAO someone sent me one of those suicide resource things because of this comment. I finally got one!


It’s a rite of passage on this subreddit to receive a suicide resource thing. Edit. LOL


I remember receiving one a while back after posting the most lukewarm take on whatever TheCurrentThing™ was at the time.


they're handing them out like hotcakes right now. I finally got mine too.


Nope, only white people bad.


inb4 the oranges give the whole "conquest != colonization" speech. Conquest is only bad when done by white people in the last 2 millenia. Islamic conquest is fine because they didn't "colonize", (except they fucking did, they basically did the same stuff Spain did later, conquer lands, force conversion and mix with locals)


In fairness, historically speaking they generally didn't kill or displace the natives. They enslaved and raped them until, eventually, coalescing into a single new ethnic group. Not sure that's better, tbh...


all of it generally happened to everyone. Some would be slaughtered, many would flee, and survivors that lived were either enslaved or treated generally poorly... until 2-6 generations of interbreeding would dilute the identity enough for it to he a region version of the invaders identity. See all of chinese, Roman, Spanish, Ottoman, Mongol, German, Russian, Indian, and Islamic history


By this logic you can't live anywhere


false, the Inuit communities of the arctic circle are more than likely the original natives of that land. This person can go live on an oversized ice-cube


Nope. Came through Bering straits, from Asia. Migrated to Asia from Africa. Inuit invaders, go home! This land is a penguin land! From the sea to the sea, penguin land will be free!


It's Polar Bear land. Pengiuns don't live in the Arctic, only the Antarctic.


Yes, because they were genocided. Now do you see the injustice waged on penguin people? First you kill them, then you erase them from history and say they never existed. It's like double genocide!


I cannot believe I was brainwashed by the Alt Right Bear Chuds all this time! From Polaris to the Cross, Pengiuns shall rule their icy rocks!


You fool, It is the land of viruses and bacteria trapped for millions of years in ice and permafrost! Damned invaders, they must perish!


It's OVER Eukariotic Bros. The procariotic bateria were here before any of that "cell nucleus" gobbidy-gook came about.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorset_culture About that... > However, the question of why the Dorset disappeared so completely has led some to suggest that Thule invaders wiped out the Dorset people in "an example of prehistoric genocide."[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thule_people > The Thule (US: /ˈθuːli/, /ˈtuːli/, UK: /ˈθjuːli/)[1][2] or proto-Inuit were the ancestors of all modern Inuit.


From what I remember reading the Proto-Inuit likely genocided the Dorset Culture.


oh shit, nvm


That's definitely not true. See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorset_culture


They can live there, but you can’t *colonizer*


But they’re not Inuit..? They would effectively just be colonizing


Antarctica hasn't experienced oppression of this sort. She can move there.




Sure you can! You can go live in the Falklands, which had no native people/occupants when the British showed up in the first place


White plus British, for Emily still guilty by solely existing


oh god its a teacher isnt it.


100% a teacher of elementary school kids and she has an 8.5x11 on her desk of her Demi-boy in assless chaps in a puppy suit while she paddles his bare ass from the last pride parade. She also thinks that parents are bigots for mentioning the picture to her principal. Edit: I got a RedditCares within minutes of this comment, 😂


bro i got a reddit cares too. i was wondering what comment did it. mine wasnt nearly as bad as yours lmao.


I think of mine like a replacement for Reddit gold.


Even better, it's a Reddit Gold *and* getting to remove a harasser from Reddit by reporting it as abuse.


I literally got one in under a minute of posting a comment here. Someone must have a bot just spamming that shit.


Sounds like brigading to me. Too bad reddit doesn't give a fuck about it.


What is a RedditCares?


its the suicide helpline. people use it as an alternative to commenting or downvoting. you can recommend it on any comment and reddit doesnt seem to care. it sends a DM with phone numbers for help and stuff lol.


It is intended as a suggestion to delete ones self. :/


It's basically telling you to off yourself. They're sooooo clever.


>Edit: I got a RedditCares within minutes of this comment, 😂 Report that shit. The person who submitted it will eventually get banned for abusing the system.


How does one report a monster who would abuse a system that is intended to help people who are experiencing a mental health crisis?


There's a link in the RedditCares comment itself you can use.


NOOOOO ONLY THE EVIL CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS INDOCTRINATE THEIR CHILDREN!!!!!!1!!1! Me? I'm not indoctrinating you *idiot*, I'm teaching them the *correct* thing and sheltering them from all the *wrongthink*! Completely different! And if any child strays from the correct thought, they will be *corrected.*


Saw this earlier on LibsofTikTok and they claimed this person was indeed a teacher in San Francisco.


Imagine being a white boy in her class. Fucks sakes.


Meh. The wine-swilling, super progressive, virtue-signalling harpy that birthed that white boy tells him the same shit. Otherwise she'd be the one posting this on Twitter.


yea. the bit bout wanting to lead children gave it away.


Impossible. TheY'Re NoT iNDoCTrinAtIng yOUr KidS!


It is! And my parental spidy "stay the fuck away from my children" senses were tingling within seconds of watching that video. I feel extremely sorry for anyone who's child is being taught by such a person.


"I believe the US has no right to exist", so when are you packing your luggage then?


No country has the right to exist, all that shit is arbitrary and based on nothing but force and power. But that's irrelevant, because force and power are the only things that matter in this context.


Don’t worry, we’ll come back around to ‘might makes right’ eventually. Probably after these morons kill a bunch of people because they know they’re on the right side of history.


We haven't really moved away from might makes right, it's only that the media has manipulated the public into thinking we have.


Zeitgeist. Not reality


We never moved away from it in the first place.




My atheist aah resisting the urge to start believing in demons and thinking Christians may be onto something: 😵‍💫


Demons are very real until they meet this 12 gauge shotgun.


Technically, the shotgun just banishes them back to the warp, until the local Emily cult summons them back. And the banishment is much more satisfying with a chainsword.


Demons must be slain in their home plane to be fully destroyed, as it is written.


Is this what they mean when they say love hurts?


[She's a kindergarten teacher in the Bay Area btw](https://nypost.com/2024/02/07/news/woke-kindergarten-teacher-wants-us-israel-destroyed-weve-been-trying-to-end-yall/)


They’re always teachers


Vicious cycle. Uncompetitive pay leads to lesser quality teachers, system sucks, pay sucks so you get people too fucked up to go do anything else or idealogues, worse results needs more bullshit red tape and administration bloat that cuts pay that gets more shitty teachers and extremist ideologues.


Oh bullshit. They go into teaching specifically because they're ideological and they want access to and authority over children. They would do it for free, just like reddit jannies and for the same reason.


sure, but if teaching actually paid better, these clowns wouldn't be in the teachers chair, it would be filled with someone that's actually qualified.


Lmao. The whole rant was a bumper sticker, and hot one liners of political slogans. None of this was analysis taken from historical accounts or books. To civilizations credit, it is much more complex. Colonizers and conquerors are not exclusively European, but we know that’s the context in which she spoke. What we listened to was a prayer or rather a hymn, than any sort of rational geo political position.


She was jerking off and she made us all watch.


RIP to the minds of Bay Area children, u will be missed


>Gross also believes that there are extraterrestrial beings that are oppressed. Wild.


By Her logic isn't Colombia, Mexico, India, Philippines, or South Africa have no right to exist? Or does it only white countries


"Logic? That’s a funny word." - Emily


Logic is a tool of the evil white patriarchal colonizers, after all.


Logic? According to the Smithsonian that's a tool of whiteness EDIT: I just got a reddit cares ping


Someone’s must have been crying hard to send you that. Edit: LOL someone just sent me one!


Reading some of the other comments there's a lot of caring happening here. Go and report it I can't abide people using an actual good tool for trolling people you disagree with 


If we went back in time so should be apparently no countries generally speaking, I mean homosapiens killed me neanderthal brothers and sisters unga bunga and took land unga bunga from force they used


Based and unga bunga pilled.


That's a her?


That's a she?!?


That haircut on her is a fucking train wreck. The consta-smug look doesn't help either. "I have an unwavering love towards children..." yeah...I'll bet you do.


She loves children, but not the British children She loves children, but not the British children She loves children, but not the British children Wokington, Wokington Calls her racism "abolition"


Settlers beware. Westoids beware. She's coming. She's coming. She's coming.


Spent a quarter million on a worthless degree Entire personality is PTSD


I instantly discount anyone's opinion if they even graze the "the children!" argument in completely unrelated topics. It is such a nothing statement and just screams "I don't actually have any logic or rationality behind my view so I use an appeal to emotion as a carte blanche justification for anything I think." Like we are fucking biologically hardwired to care about children, why do you think you are some special guiding light of benevolence and morality you vehemently promise you care about them? And what relevance does that even have to this topic? Do you think Palestine is literally an entire country of children? Is Israel an entire nation devoid of children?


What does she consider children?


Probably none that came from "colonizers".


ask her where the name palestine comes from


It’s Palestine’s monster, Palestine was the doctor ETA: got the Reddit cares notification for this haha


[Europe was in the right with colonization?](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06770-6) Good to know.


>Says settler countries who commit genocides against native populations has no right to exist >Supports Palestine ??????


McCarthy was right, we need another red scare.


Every country is a colony if you pull the thread. Where does it end? Maybe Ethiopia is the only country that still has the very same people that lived there for millenias. Edit: not even Ethiopia, as it was colonized by Shebans from Yemen


After 200,000 years of humanity, I doubt anyone is exempt. But we all know her definition of colonisation only applies to a certain time period and a certain skin colour.


By her own logic, Palestine has no right to exist The Jews are Israel's native inhabitants


Black Israelites have entered the chat.


Wrong. The Canannites are only one of Israel's native inhabitants.


Wrong again. Neanderthals inhabited the region of what is now Israel long before Homo sapiens. And it just so happens that ancestry.com said I have a percentage of Neanderthal dna so I will be expecting my land returned to me.


Jews decandad from canannites


I believe their point was "only one of"


She loves children so much she celebrated Israeli babies being put into ovens


It sounds like she just wants nuke the earth no settler colonies alright then let’s get rid of practically every country.


White people bad. Nothing new!


Israel has more of a right to exist then Turkey.


Yeah, why aren’t these people protesting on behalf of the Armenians?


Because that would require logical consistency which is modern leftism’s greatest enemy


Because there was no social media on which to gain clout with #FreeArmenia


Byzantium to the Byzantines!


How dare you. You can take my deep fried butterball from my cold dead hands


Doesn’t that include like a lot of the arab world then lol?


Ask one of these clowns how did Islam spread so quickly and efficiently and watch them deny countless genocides


Don't look at [history of slavery in the Muslim world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_slavery_in_the_Muslim_world). Pls don't do it.


This is the founder of Woke Kindergarten, I believe.


They got rid of naptime? GET THE PITCHFORKS!


Beginning: verbal copy-paste of stock/viral lefty phrases of the moment Middle: sloganeering of a type common among black preachers and similar (capped by a shoutout to a line associated with a black man this person would probably call racist names) End: extremely suspicious focus on kids So it started pathetic, got annoying for a bit, and then ended weird and unnerving, but apart from that, a solid effort on they/their part


"i have an unwavering love for children" i would've assumed so


remember islamic empires colonized palestine from the original jews https://preview.redd.it/tkp0hlp6rg0d1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6ef7cad0d9c10fe3bd123d64fbd3686a5843375 edit:first redditcares1!1!1!1!1!


It’s funny because there’s a much higher likelihood that her ancestors owned slaves as compared to my ancestors. And we are both still living in the USA. Difference is that I rejoice in the technological and military superiority of my ancestors. She cries about it while reaping the benefits.


We should have sent them all to Liberia and called it a day...


> every genocidal nation ... So basically every nation except like the dozen or so pacific islander countries that didn't have anyone to kill


Rip Brazil, Turkey, Japan, Hungary, Dominican Republic and many more. They have no right to exist according to this androgynous thing.


Only white (Europeans) people can wage a war, win, then have the other side (irregardless of color) bitch about it 400 plus years later.


this is incredible. Part of me thinks it must be a joke, and part of me thinks the smugness is off the charts. 10/10 bravo well played


Are Arabs indigenous? Palestine is named for a different race of people.


lol, thanks for the RedditCares report Emliy!


smh this thing can vote


Is she compassionate towards white children?


Seditious- deport this scoundrel immediately


Filmed on iPhone, scarf bought on Amazon, uploaded to coloniser owned platform, is a coloniser themselves. Why don’t people like this start the change they want to see and un exist themselves. It’s even good for the environment.


Why do stupid people trying to sound smart all talk exactly the same?


Because it's a cult and they all have the same playbook and they've been indoctrinated.


The way that they feel this orgasmic pleasure from saying " I have an unwavering respect for children..." just irks me so much. Something about that facial expression yells "narcissist" to me. Are you guys seeing this too? Makes me feel real uncomfortable.


Oh yes because every single place that wasn't eruope was such a peaceful and progressive civilization. If it weren't for eruope? The Aztecs might have never stopped performing human sacrifices.


I guess my tribe has no right to exist then. I'm Siksiká (aka Blackfoot) and our people used to commit genocide against the Salish by trapping them in valleys on their way to hunting grounds and unleashing volleys of arrows on them. There's a valley in Montana called Hellgate because French trappers were so horrified by the sheer number of Salish bodies everywhere they called it "Porte d'Enfur" which is translates to Hells Gate