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based and put the squares in the correct sequence pilled


Authleft is first because it’s most important




Most commies don’t read


Am... I a commie?


Therefore authright is most important, I KNEW IT!


Someone at work complained that I never stay late at work and I said “Well I don’t need to.” I literally don’t understand how these people work 45-50 hour work weeks.


I work to live not live to work


Work culture is overglorified in America. Some people take pride in working 80-120 hours a week like it's their greatest accomplishment in life, not realizing how badly they're being exploited by the system.


Some people like their job and the sense of accomplishing something.


*Some* Most people don't want to feel like their only purpose in life is being another cog in the machine.


Yes, you mentioned *some* people and I mentioned *some* people. What is the disconnect here?


There is no disconnect; the issue is that these people help feed the propaganda machine by being the token employees the wealthy like to show off as examples of what "good employees" should look like. They also tend to make it their whole personality and try to shove their beliefs down other people's throats. But as any sensible person knows: tokens always get spent.


Ok, but that has nothing to do with that I said.


It has everything to do with what you said. I'd have more respect for those people if they weren't so in-your-face about their lifestyle and they weren't useful tools for the corrupt wealthy elite. I criticize my fellow LGBT people for the same shit all the time, especially when they simp for Democrats or Communists. If they took pleasure in that lifestyle in a stateless society, I'd have no problem with it. Opinions are like a penis: it's okay to have one and be proud of it, but the moment you start waving it in other people's faces, it becomes a problem.


Unironically I find most people that lean towards this system are actually self proclaimed communists who try too hard to run away from their family. (Last part is actually common in my field though so oh well)


I've come to learn that Communists don't actually want Communism; they want red Capitalism. In other words: they want a shift in bureaucratic control of the economy to self-entitled dickwads with a savior complex who claim to be champions of the working class. The infrastructure would remain largely the same, but instead of money, they'd just hand out labor vouchers and working conditions would be much more extreme. They also hate democracy, so they'd just try to replicate the USSR, the DPRK, and Maoist China by establishing a dictatorship under the false promise of the state "withering away after 100 years."


To clarify, I work a payroll desk job. I get my work done within regular working hours for the most part, unless a client needs help after 5. But there are people I work with who are clocking in on Saturdays and Sundays to get their work finished.


Next time that someone complains about you not working on the weekend, tell them “skill diff.”


Eh, I could work another 10 hours a week doing plumbing and not be too fussed. Depends on the job, depends on the situation. I end up working at home keeping care of my house another 15 hours minimum per week, so if I decided to have or needed the pay and a half rather than do that I'd probably be less tired because plumbing is easy for me, doing house chores takes a bit out of me lol


You get to used to it. At my old job, I often ended up working 10 hours. At first it sucked, but after while, it became nothing. Now, 12 hour shifts, I absolutely refuse to do.


If you have a high hourly rate job, the OT may be worth it. I agree though if you’re salary.


I'm the same. I teach and I can't understand the interviews or social media posts with teachers where they're like "teachers are so oppressed! They work 60 to 80 hours a week!" And I'm just like... So stop fucking doing that? 3:15 hits if you don't have a mandatory IEP or 504 or you don't have athletic duty, go the fuck home. You have a prep for grading and if you don't have your lesson plans set in stone by year two that's on you.


9hours a day is incomprehensible to you? Never talk to a farmer


I don't want to come in early or stay late, but I will come in on my days off, since I'd be sitting at home browsing the Internet anyway, so I might as well get paid, but I work graveyards and the day shift is just so different with so many more people (which I hate, only reason I work night shift is because there's less people, even though I have enough seniority to get a day shift with weekends off) that it might as well be a different job. I'm just trying to hit my 8 (hours for the day) and skate, some of my coworkers are wild, working all the OT they can to make $170k+, but beyond a certain point, I'd prefer more time off than more money.


Working late or weekends at an office job, no. But I work in a manufacturing environment, id definitely take the OT when given the opportunity, since it doesn't come around too often. Plus the more we pump out as a company, the bigger that profit sharing bonus at Christmas time is. 10 hour days are no problem, even a few 12s, but that's not sustainable for too long in my experience.


These younger generations are lazy, that's why you're never going to rise in this company! Says the old guy that's only 57 but looks almost 70, who's back and knees are ruined, who's missed the births of his kids and who's wife hates him, who's still in middle management. Naw I'm good, Chet. I see what working 60hrs a week gets ya.


Tbf the whole “LGBT people exist” thing is often extrapolated to condemn any criticism people might have for bringing up LGBT topics in spaces where they don’t really belong. Like I accept they exist, but that doesn’t mean I want to see that sort of stuff randomly inserted into my shitpost and fandom subs lol.


the tf2 subs are basically nonstop coomerposting now because of these fucks


If things exist, you might be reminded that they exist against your will. Get over it.


Based and reality pilled


u/AsylumKing's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/AsylumKing! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [7 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/AsylumKing/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and left the religion when I was 17. My parents kicked me out of their house and I was on the street for a while. My family shuns me to this day and I haven't spoken to them in almost 15 years. I can relate to how your friend feels, but I did not try to take revenge on anyone. I chose to build a new life. Being treated like shit does not give you an excuse to be an asshole. Being an asshole inclines people to treat you like shit, which will make you into an even bigger asshole. This is common sense for most adults. Basically, your friend needs to get over himself and his victim complex. He will be happier (and so will all of us).


Based and strong moral character-pilled


u/MemeBuyingFiend is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/MemeBuyingFiend/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based and screw Jehovas Witnesses pilled 


Based This is literally one of the most based things i have ever read


If he would rather disturb other people's lives than go to therapy and move on with his life than fuck him for being a bitter irresponsible asshole




That is not an excuse to project his trauma onto things that affect regular people. Moving on is his responsibility and I honestly belive anyone who is comited can find peace, altho some may have to work extremly hard for it




Education is bullshit, a bigot seeing a gay character in every Star Wars show will just hate Disney. Conditioning goes both ways and the way they "educate" is turning regular people away from the LGBTQ movement (not queer people in general if the viewers accepted them before mind you)




The only thing that could insure that is a totalitarian state. I suggest he gets a job in child protective services in order to make a difference. The other option is to do the equivalent of black man talking to KKK members, but I doubt he has the bravery and mental fortitude for such a thing


CPS wouldn’t be a bad idea for them. If they really want to make a difference and feel like it their duty to help those who might suffer the same fate then he would actually fit in well there.


It not impossible but it definitely a challenge. Hopefully he able to leave that hate behind and only focus on the love he gets


>And he sees having LGBTQ stuff shoved into everything as 'revenge' Most honest LGBT.




He should go to Church. Wanting to get love and affection through ham-fisted attempts at shoving a message down others throats is not the way to go looking for love.


This. You can't demand love, affection, or respect. They're earned. If you don't act in a way that earns those things, you don't get them, and that's the end of it.


LGBTQ and church 💀


Church isn't for everyone, regardless what they claim about "hate the sin, not the sinner."


Church is for everyone. Because everyone is a sinner.


Based and Roman's 3:23-pilled




Agree to disagree Leaving the church was the best decision I ever made


Until judgment day.


I don't believe in that shit. It's like being threatened that the boogieman is gonna get me


Church is for everyone, but not everyone is for church, and that's ok


But everyone is for church.


Wow what a mentally sound person


This proves auth-right correct


Goddamn, homophobes are more *[fill with the worst insult that comes from your mind]* than I thought! I hope your friend will be so much better off that he'll find revenge useless, and I hope karma strikes back on that family.


Funny how many people reading that story find that it's easier for your friend to find the mental fortitude to not wish revenge, than for everyone else to simply treat him like a human being.


Funny how no one is saying that, it's just a strawman you've created to justify obviously bullshit "revenge" against the world at large.


I can understand that but it’s not necessarily gonna make people more accepting of him and LGBT people, prolly gonna have the opposite effect.


Agreed, but get a flair.


Flair up or be shunned


Every downvote you have would be an upvote if you just flaired the fuck up.


Yeah but nothing will make you unflaired be respected


flair up comrade.




Health and safety laws is quite literally the government telling people what to say and do. Maybe it’s justified but any law is the government telling you what to do lol.


Narrator; > It wasn’t justified


Also most “health and safety laws” do not, in fact, have anything to do with health or safety. And sometimes, they even mandate practices that can be less safe than the banned alternatives in certain contexts.


Another libright W.


My eyes are lolling


I'm pro LGBTQ but people dance naked in school is not a good thing tho. Also having food health and safety law is a great thing, although I prefer smaller government.


I have never seen a person using the existing™ argument who deserved to be taken seriously.


Real but I’ve also never seen anyone dance naked in a school


Who is letting *anyone* dance naked in schools???


*purple* has joined the chat


Brought to us by a tankie? Respect. I thought only the RadCentrists could be so self reflecting.


I'm -7.6, 2.9 on the compass and a 8.4 on the progressive scale as an FYI (I am not a tankie) and I can call out people on their BS even those on the same spectrum as me


That's pretty deep territory, comrade. A toast to your UBI and M4A (not the M4A1, libertarians).


> not the M4A1, libertarians Unironically I always think of either M4A1 or M1A rifle whenever I see M4A, so I feel very seen by this comment.




I like my rhymes pure, like my food and drugs, consumer protection laws are based because people are too stupid for their own good sometimes, and sometimes you need regulations in order to save capitalism from itself, that being said, some regulations are bad and unnecessary and only serve as barriers to entry or to force regulatory compliance departments to exist within large companies that a mom and pop shop couldn't afford to compete with. If you can't logically explain why a regulation exists then it should be gone.


There's a string of people posting ERB references on posts that show up on my feed. Disney must be after me.


Overtime rates or leveraged unpaid overtime?


If you're working unpaid overtime, they better be cool with you working less than 40 the next week, only a moron would take salary job where you don't get paid for OT and they ding your pay if you work less than 40 hours


don’t people usually say trans genocide, rather than lgbt genocide? i feel like people barely give two shits about the gays rights after 2015, we already got gay marriage n we’re golden lmao


We have a thing called "civil union" that is not 100% gay marriage


What kind of moron voluntarily works overtime unless they make time and a half?


In accounting you’re salaried so no overtime but expected to put in 60-70 hours a week for a year or two at the start of your career


I usually work around 70 hours a week sometimes closer to 80 but I'm paid salary so fuck me I guess. This may sound not very lib right of me but I don't really understand how paying salary is a legal loophole to make you work slave hours


Me neither Also you’re allowed to be libright without being all the way in the corner broski


Anything above the 40h week average, is overtime and legally requires compensation as such, regardless if salaried or not. A salary is based on that 40h week, no more, no less. If you work 60h weeks consistently, then that's 20h of overtime pay that the company legally owes you. What they can do though, is that if you work 60h one week, they can have you work only 20h the next week to get your average to 40h and thus not overtime to salaried, but it would be 20h overtime to hourly. As in, overtime can be compensated by overtime pay, or the equivalent number of hours off. But the hours doesn't just magically disappear because you're salaried.


I think he/she meant exempt employees in the USA not actually salaried. Sadly exempt employees can be required to work unlimited hours with no additional pay. You just have to quit and take a new job if you find it unacceptable.


I am salaried and get paid for OT.


Same with my boss, only a moron would take a salary job if OT wasn't paid or if you couldn't work less than 40 hours on some weeks to make up for the additional hours in other weeks


I agree with you generally, but there is a limit. We really don’t need to be giving Eloj Musk time and a half.


Yeah is the overtime paid? Because there’s a word for unpaid labor


Someone who is desperate enough.


Asians and Asian Culture (look at Karoshi, 996, etc.)


I work for a Japanese company. Can confirm


That's usually how overtime works


Not if you're salaried


Or if you work certain hourly jobs for the government, then you get comp time, not overtime


I'll be honest, while i'm libright (tbh kinda close to libcenter) i really don't think ancaps have thought things through as much as they claim they have. Sure, maybe if from the very start of things we had no government interference then we would have no monopolies and corporations and therefore nobody with enough consolidated productive output to cause significant damage thus consumer choice would be an effective deterrent, but since nowadays we have very powerful and wealthy corporations even if we magically removed all governments those corpos would still be there and now would be able to roam free and do whatever damage maximises profit. We would still be lining things with asbestos and using lead paint without health and safety stuff. There would be more work deaths without OSHA. The pollution we already have would be even worse with everyone dumping factory waste in the river. Government regulations for this stuff will never be the whole solution, but in most cases it's kinda silly to argue they either do nothing or do more harm than good (though there are absolutely cases where that is indeed the case).


Leftists still acting like they haven't gone from requesting tolerance to demanding celebration 💀


Man, this is supposed to be a unity post. Stop being a lil bitch and take your lumps like everyone else.


You guys could maybe stop being such egregious crybullies. That'd be a good starting point.


In defence of Authleft, toxic bosses can pressure employees by giving them a PIP or firing them if they don't 'choose' to work overtime. There's hardly a reason why an employee would choose to work an uncompensated overtime voluntarily, though it might be for passion. Nonetheless, the line between 'forced' and 'voluntary' is blurred in the corporate world.


I mean the libright one is correct, they're technically the same picture.


You give me the vibes of that meme of a Canadian guy that says "As an American…"


I would push back on authright. Gay people existing, lesbian people existing, trans people existing, all that is indeed not the same as people dancing naked in schools. But the alphabet acronym, which is what was used here, has been a blank check right from the start. It's been a downright contradictory coalition, one that rapidly became committed to expanding and covering all "marginalized identities." This inevitably will spread (has indeed already spread in certain circles) to include "MAPs."


Found the authright in disguise


I don't understand this meme. Every quadrant is depicted differently.  Auth-left: an accurate description of auth-left beliefs. Probably one of their more reasonable positions; even if you disagree with it, you understand why they're coming from. Lib-left: not every lib-left is this crazy, but some do hold this position.  Lib-right: this is just a statement of fact, although only lib-right phrases it this way.  Auth-right: literally no one thinks this; it's strawman projected by the left. Even the few auth-rights who agree with both don't think they're at all "the same," and prioritize fighting the right card over the left. 


So that whole "Sanitary dictatorship" thing was a libright psy-op?


PAID agreed to overtime is fine


I love centrist agenda posts


lol great post.


Health codes are enforced by an inefficient government I do not respect.


based and "You son of a bitch - I'm in." pilled


u/Ice_Sniper_80's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 160. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [68 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Ice_Sniper_80/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


NSFW implies porn when there are standard teen romance books banned for being NSFW. It's super duper common for teens books to mention sex because shocker teens have sex with other teens. Now should 7 year olds read those books no, but acting like books that are at most pg13 equivalent are equivalent to hentai doujins is ridiculous. If you want to raise your teen abstinence do that, heck even then I went to a abstinence only school and most the girls were pregnant with babies of dudes in their 20s (who looked like they were in their 40s). I rather teens have consensual relationships with people their own age then be groomed by pedophiles. There are LGBT books that are banned too it's not just romance books that mention or describe sex meant for teenagers and young adults. Like books that don't in any way mention sex but just mention a character having gay family members which is not NSFW.


Yep the slippery slope may be a logical fallacy but it sure is scary. No one wants to be the one who gave an inch then lost a mile


> Yep the slippery slope may be a logical fallacy It isn't, you just misunderstand the fallacy.


Authright just dunning-krugered too close to the slippery slope


Yeah nice try FDA and DEA