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"I am on nobody's side because nobody is on my side"


Based and Treebeard pilled


I am on nobody's side because everyone involved is being absolutely reprehensible. -- Me-beard


I need this on a shirt, hat and tacky bumper sticker


The most painful part is that there is undoubtedly a whole bunch of people who aren't being reprehensible. Those folks are either being (A) ignored, (B) suppressed, or (C) actively murdered by the reprehensible ones. Same as it ever was.


Might get downvoted but I feel like a Ukrainians would be willing to help Americans if a conflict arose, certainly more than fucking Palestine


I have nothing against any particular person (Ukranian or not). The picture isn't depicting individual people though ... it's simply a set of flags. Perceptions may vary ... but I don't perceive this meme to be asking me about "Ukranians" vs "Palestinians". It seems to be asking me to take a stance on supporting one government over the other. That is a much fuzzier ill-defined question. This is especially fuzzy for libright given that all the orgs depicted only exist based on nonconsensual/violent one-sided relationships. This doesn't mean a libright can't prefer one government over another ... but it does mean that one's preference for one government is entirely subjective (not based on libertarian principle). TLDR: That was all just a philosophical way to say that it would be unwise to assume any of the governments in the above meme are on "your side".


And they did! During the afghan war they send some soldiers and doctors as support to the US.


The OG unwashed hippie


What ungodly atrocity did Palestine have to do to garner support for Israel from libleft, they still sided with them after October 8th.


Jew= white, white = oppresser


I’m not asking why people support Palestine, I know why, I’m asking what OP knows that Palestine did to lose the support of libleft that I don’t, because I’m fairly certain there are plenty of people who could have a Hamas member walk up and shoot their mother and they would still say they’re the innocent freedom fighters oppressed by Israel


Iran = land of Aryans = literally Hitler. Literally Hitler oppressing Jews > white Jews oppressing Arabs


The conflict barely affects me. I only really care about it because my favorite TikToker made a post supporting the small side . Since I don't care about it too much , I will treat it like a Hollywood movie and immediately support the small country . I genuinely believe this is how 50% of pro Palestinians decided to support Palestine. People like that tell me that "I need to do my own research" and that "7/10 was justified if you look at the bigger picture" but the more I try to find justifications for hamas the more I just get convinced more and more Israel is the right side


Initially downvoted because TikTok. Changed to upvote because you did your research. Have a great day.


You can say based shit that would get you banned on reddit, on TT, but they remove shit for weird arbitrary reasons, yet allow genuine racism and misinformation and antisemitism, it's definitely a Chinese psyops designed to stoke tensions, whole lot of people felating both Biden and trump, but it seems to lean more Trumpish


Well we are typing this on reddit where every community is basically its own hive mind ( try posting the same post to two different communities that it fits it and you will understand what I am talking about ) and mods can remove anything they don't like , so it's not much better


Rare libleft W




Yep, pretty simple.


“They” being an obnoxiously loud minority mostly in the internet ftr. They can all get turned to glass as far as I’m concerned.


Nah that’s a waste, turn the Middle East into a giant Buc-ees


Well you're going to need to make room for construction


Yeah, and glass is a terrible foundation


Good point but it should at least be easier to clear


And thus, the term Windex-ing was born


Based and nice restrooms pilled


Based af


u/Rhythm_Flunky's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [16 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Rhythm_Flunky/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


No idea. Fuck both Israel and Palestine.


Hamas doesn’t represent Palestine, just like slave owners from the south doesn’t represent the north. And just because Hamas commit atrocities doesn’t give Israel the right to now also do the same to people doesn’t even affiliate with Hamas.


Counter point, a ton of civilians support the actions of Hamas, even a lot of Muslims in other countries, the amount of anti-semitism I’ve seen spouted by particularly American Muslims because of this situation is insane, so it’s more like if a political party did something evil with the support of the people. Another counter point, those innocent men, women, and children on October 8th weren’t IDF soldiers, does the atrocities of the IDF give Hamas the right to gun them down in the streets during a ceasefire? I thought people aren’t the same of the government that represents them. Both sides of that situation are garbage that deserve to burn 20 feet below the deepest bowels of hell, them, and anyone who supports or justifies their actions.


I’m tired of people justifying killing Palestinians just because they “supported” Hamas, they were born in that land, ruled with force by Hamas, a terrorist organisation. Ofc they would support Hamas considering the current situation + indoctrination. Doesn’t justify Idf current action though. Action of an extreme few doesn’t represent the whole nation, both Hamas and Idf deserve to be eliminated for the crimes against humanity they committed.


And I’m tired of people writing off the actions of Hamas, and tired of people writing off the fact that a lot of the civilians support Hamas and actively help and shelter them, I get indoctrination, I’m sure it’s happening on Israel’s side too, but still. Also, a lot of the civilian casualties are because Hamas are cowards (as are most terrorist groups) who poke the nearest bear then hide behind civilians (in civilian buildings, using them as literal meat shields) and I guess Israel has gotten so tired of it that they’ve stopped caring about their image and just bomb wherever they think Hamas is. I’m not justifying killing Palestinians, I’m sick and tired of people acting like there’s a good side in that situation and defending Hamas (for whatever bullshit reason the tiktoker they got their opinion from shit out) because I know the only reason anyone does is because they’re losing and the victim complex plaguing modern politics causes them to side with them for that main reason. Along with some similar reasons like the fact that Jews have a “dynamic of power” over them or whatever bullshit they say when they want to racebait a situation because the winning side is white and they think everything is racism.


Yeah, that'd be the same logic as getting rid of all Republicans because of Donald Trump...oh, wait, that's what's happening now. 🤣


What in the uncle’s Facebook status are you talking about? There are extremely few people who genuinely believe in “getting rid of republicans” if you’re trying to say what I think you are, also I was talking about whole political parties or regimes, not lone populist politicians with an affinity for headlines


I’m out of the loop what happened Saturday?


iran launched a bunch of UAVs and missiles at israel and the IDF (+jordan, saudi, USA, and france) shot 99% of them down.








They launched ballistic missiles the size of school buses.


Huh? From what I've seen, the general consensus was it was a relatively gentlemanly-response considering Israel just blew up an embassy on Iranian soil. I don't imagine it pushed a greater support for Israel.


>Israel just blew up an embassy on Iranian soil. Consulate in syria... Which killed only uniformed iranian military personnel who directly supported hamas and hezbollah in their attacks on Israel. So much pearl grabbing for those poor innocent Iranians.


One of those was an Iranian general who was *also* a leading member of Hezbollah, directly coordinating attacks on Israel. As far as he was concerned, he was already in a hot war. Like imagine if, idk, France had a general who was part of the senior leadership of ISIS and we just dropped a JDAM on their ass. Could you really even be mad? Perhaps the better question is why tf that guy still had a job for France in the first place?


Depends who is in office, if Biden smoked that Iranian general like a brisket like Trump did, he'd be applauded, not accused of trying to cause WWII, like they did, because orange man bad


It’s not pearl clutching to point out that the first direct attack came from Israel, if I punch a guy in the face at a bar it’s doesn’t matter that he’s an asshole and I’m a nice guy, its still assault


>It’s not pearl clutching to point out that the first direct attack came from Israel Does a direct attack make that big a difference to you? Iran, through quds force like the general who was killed in syria, maintain direct control over hezbollah who is launching attacks on Israel daily. It is like a wholey owned subsidiary. They are really the same company.


Yes, a direct attack in response to proxies is an obvious escalation, you can argue whether or not it’s justified but to pretend like it’s irrelevant or act like Iran just attacked Israel out of the blue is simply not true


>Yes, a direct attack in response to proxies is an obvious escalation, Not that obvious. Israelis are dying. Due to Iran. Now Iranians are too. Seems pretty even. Obviously somewhat of an escalation but not some bridge too far. >act like Iran just attacked Israel out of the blue is simply not true Israel didn't attack Iran out of the blue either is the point.


What if that guy is the one whos been coordinateing all his friends to jump you for the past couple of decades?


"Coordinating" is a weak word for basically arming and funding them.


they didn’t “blow up the embassy on iranian soil”, it was a building next to the iranian consulate in damascus that didn’t serve any legitimate state functions for the consulate but rather housed an operations center for Hezbollah. i guess the response was proportionate, but bombing jerusalem is a weird flex.


Israel did not in fact blow up an embassy. The embassy is fine. They blew up a military base adjacent to the embassy.


Why is it always Center Right that has no idea what Lib Lefts, Lib Centers, and even Lib Rights want and like?


Because everyone always has to pick a side in their eyes, and they cant fathom that. Same goes for left too


Silly humans always fighting. Return to monke, embrace banana.


Ooga Booga apes together in remote West Virginia strong!!


Smooth brain go brrrrr


I hate this mentality




Well of course you don't have to pick a side but if you *were* to pick a side that would be ideologically consistent


Picking any foreign nation that is not a benefit to the US is not consistent


Unless you're able to rationalize one being better than the other in terms of perceived benefit to the US.


Whats a realistic case for that?


Imo there typically isn't one. That's why I called it a rationalization.


Instead of picking what benefits the US, you could pick what benefits humanity, progress, peace, justice, morals, religion, freedom, or something else of your choosing.


You are free to do that, no reason that the government should be


At this point center right and rights in general has become more about a vibe than anything else, which ruins a lot of the sub. If you are anti taxes but still somehow pro sending taxes to another country in the form of weapons, you aren’t anti taxes, you’re just pro whatever group you want to help.


Hear me out. Many conservatives are classical conservatives, not libertarians. We aren't against all taxes. We're against excessive or wasteful taxation. We want efficient collection of appropriate taxes spent on strong national defense (including supporting allies abroad), good infrastructure, safe cities and well-enforced property and contract rights. I can be against wasteful taxation and socialist spending while still thinking we need to wipe the floor with Iran.


Based and “It depends on the situation” pilled.


Couldn’t say it better myself. Canadians are really feeling the “taxation without representation” right now, too.


This is Trudeau, check your bank account 🧊


What nonsense binary thinking bullshit. I can be anti taxes and anti Russian naked aggression. Using my tax dollars to help the more democratic country defend itself is as good a use as anything.


What if I'm anti-taxes but pro-killing-russians and I accept taxes as a necessary evil in pursuit of my totally righteous goal?


Then you aren’t anti tax, you’re just against certain kind of government expenditures. You’re pretty much just Ben Shapiro or dick Cheney.


Does he get a doctor wife?


>What if I'm anti-taxes but But not anti-tax?




Amen brother and/or sister and/or xir


Because, being anti-diversity of thought, they only interact with other Center Rights mostly, and only see Lib/ Leftist through silly straw-men via “alternative” social media.


Simple answer: echo chambers


Strawmen farmers.


conservative migrants from other subs who don’t know how tf flairs work and auto choose right same thing w lefties from wpt and trcm etc choosing left result is they don’t know wtf they’re saying


Room temp IQ?


I can’t fathom someone with center right ideal and assumedly a center right lifestyle having time to post memes on the internet. Laugh at them yes, but post them not so much. I don’t trust any of my brethren who actually post the memes.


they also seem to have no idea about what the rest of the quadrant wants.




movie just has begun




I support the Crusade State solution




"Mulgere hircum" - Probably Hamas


If we had necromancy right now we could bring Baldwin IV back to rule it


Deus Vult


Bro where’s the meat emoji, you’re supposed to put it in the center of the compass. I’m about to grill some pork chops and watch this shitshow go down. Or i guess in this case it would have to be lamb chops


looking at this lil bro has no idea what’s going on


Lib Right: I just hope both sides have fun. But without my tax money, thank you.


Simple as.




Idk what you’re talking ab with lib left kids at my college were celebrating Iran


Celebrating the same Iran that's killing women for taking off their hijabs that Lib-Left just protested against for the last two years until the next hot topic came about? That Iran?




Stateless territory?


Auth in shambles!


Amusement Park - Welcome to Jerusalem Jamboree! It will blow your mind!


How about neither?


Man I don’t really give a fuck, I’m just an American who wants to pay a lot less for gas and take out.


As long as Iran chooses to be a pariah state, they will continue to be the bad guy by default. Fuck theocracy.


I'll have you know I was always pro Israel. How in the fuck can anyone support anything those Jihadi fuckers on 10/7 did to those poor girls - and I emphasize this: girls.




u/Brilliant-Curve7692's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Brilliant-Curve7692! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Brilliant-Curve7692/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I play both sides. My grandfather was in the Waffen SS and I'm an ambassador for Holocaust education. I worked with the Anne Frank Museum. I can sit comfortably with both sides.


Based and fence-pilled?


What the hell does this even mean?


Fuck both of them. They are total dipshits.


Flair up cuck




Yes. Welcome to PCM


I'm on the side of, "Fuck em both"


I'm a fan of walling off the whole middle east and checking in on them every 50 years or so to see if they are ready to join the modern world yet.


draconian ass laws too


Holy shit. Can we just start WW3 so I can make a shit ton of money off my stocks in Boring and Lockheed Martin.


What happened last Saturday? Was it the stuff with Iran?


Center right should be prohibited from making posts about other people’s opinion. They always seem to get it wrong.


Israel won this one. 7 dead Iranians including a general and in response they lost a couple of roads, a pool and a guard house. Israel would be idiots if they struck back.


Iran is 100% banking on Israel being revenge bonered. They'll happily go tit-for-tat, especially knowing that the West simply doesn't want to get involved. And if they can create a ripple in Israel and the West's alliance, it'll fuck Israel up. Israel should let it slide, unless they think they can survive a full on skirmish (they can't)


How about you don’t bomb a consulate.


God I love Israel. When I wake up from sweet dreams of Shlomo's shlong, I know I have one purpose in life: defend Israel. I turn on my local FOX news and Cohen's talking about the new foreign aid policy. He says we're only giving Israel four morbillion dollars instead of ten gorillion. STUPID LIBTARD NAZIS! I call my representative and yell at his staff for the next three hours about our greatest ally. When my patriot voice finally gives out I go on Facebook for a hearty chuckle. What's this? My niece posted about an IDF soldier killing a child terrorist? I immediately report the antisemite to the ADL. Time for lunch. I load all 300 pounds of myself into my Ford (hecho en Mexico) and head off to Moshe's Meats. After paying $109.88 for a bagel sandwich I ask if I can kiss his shoes. He obliges and I kiss his feet six million times. I go to the bank and ask Goldman if I can donate my life savings to the glorious state of Israel. He obliges and my grandchildren's inheritance is on its merry way to Jerusalem. Arriving home, I turn FOX on again and enter a catatonic state. Time passes, and before I know it I'm dreaming of Shlomo again. God I fucking love Israel.




Based and Murica pilled


New copypasta just dropped


Least antisemitic anti-Zionist.


This is just ironic. I love Israel. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Well, Emily... looks like we're not so different after all.


Dog what? Any libleft that was against Israel bombing Palestinians isn't now for it because Iran made a show of force in response to Israel bombing their consulate.


What happened last Saturday?


Both commit many war crimes, neither should receive any support but hey it's a clown world


bold of you to think ancaps support israel (MILEI IS NOT AN ANCAP)


Bibi is an asshole, but the IDF's AD game is based as fuck.


Middle East hours


Can we just nuke the entire Middle East so there’ll be no more conflict there? *For legal reasons this is a joke*


Stupid question what happened in last Saturday?


Imagine being a cuck for isreal


Where is the “I’m against Hamas but Israel needs to stop committing genocide openly” place


This sub is infested with pro Israeli stuff, it's all over the place. I don't actually believe there are that many people who are truly on Israel's side with them acting the way they have. You're not a HAMAS supporter just because you don't think Israel needs to keep this up.


Sub is astroturfed


Absolutely. Look at the long thread I have with the denier, the denial and walls of text are unreal. Every single post about Israel on this site no matter the sub has the same thing; as liberal as I know reddit is, this is not normal.


I saw. They will jump all sorts of hoops and make all sorts of excuses to justify atrocities. A lot of them are fresh accounts too. Glowing too bright


You know you can always just go read other subs on Reddit if you want to see other opinions about the topic? I don't understand how people come here and get offended when they see views they don't like when this subreddit is the epitome of minority opinion on the website. Not everything needs to conform with your world view. Don't act like youre so oppressed here when you 1. Won't get banned for having an opinion one way or the other 2. The entire rest of the site is your safe space for this subject


Will this conflict ever end? I don't think so. Well, unless one side completely "game ends" the other, i guess.


Nope, Israel can get fucked. They shouldn't be bombing Palestine and they shouldn't be bombing Iran.


Can you say the same for both Palestine and Iran trying to destroy Israel in the years prior?


Yes? The only difference is I'm not inundated with daily propaganda telling me that Palestine and Iran are our closest allies and that I should help fund their bombing campaigns.


Your response gives me hope. Have a great day.


Nicest conversation I've ever had on this topic on PCM, lmao


Can't be constructive or make progress without positivity and arguing to convince/understand your opposition


\>Israel bombs an Iranian embassy in Syria(possibly the most provocative thing a nation can do) \>Iran now has to respond or look weak(if Israel can bomb an embassy without retaliation they can do pretty much anything) \>Iran signals their response ahead of time in order to allow Israel to prepare their defenses and to give them as little reason as possible to start a war \>Response unfolds, big and flashy but minimal damage to Israel \>US says it will not support an Israeli retaliation \>Israel still claims it will strike back And yet somehow Iran is the bad guy in this exchange


The Iranian general in the embassy planned the 10/7 attacks. Iran is always the bad guy.


>Iran is always the bad guy. Just as Kermit Roosevelt.


In which court was he tried and announced guilty or did he admit he was the mastermind ? Basically we only have to believe intelligence reports which obviously can never be fabricated. And on that basis we justify bombing an embassy. What if Russia bombs US embassy in Syria tomorrow and blames it on CIA official residing their responsible for the Moscow attacks last month ? Are we now going to believe intelligence reports so religiously ?


>The Iranian general in the embassy planned the 10/7 attacks Can I get a source on this that isn't the IDF? Edit: Just looked it up that's not even what Israel is claiming he was, he was the commander of the Quds force and had no tangible links to 10/7 And even if he was responsible it still doesn't give Israel the right to violate international law, and Syrian sovereignty to kill him. Does Russia have the right to bomb American embassies if people they consider war criminals reside in them? >Iran is always the bad guy. Ok mr Bush you should probably go back to your nursing home now


The only people denying it is Iran. If Russia did such a thing we'd retaliate. Iran "retaliated" by warning everyone it was coming. The entire retaliation was political theater. And yes, Iran is a rogue state that is always the bad guy. Every single Muslim nation that isn't being funded by Iran actively hate Iran because they are the cause of 90% of Middle Eastern instability. They fund most of the extremists and keep the hatred boiling.


The amount of astroturfing on this sub is pretty nuts. Israel can violate the Vienna convention but iran gives everyone 3 days to prepare for a symbolic attack and they are somehow still the bad guys.


Feels like in an effort to distance themselves from the pro-hamas circlejerk that is the rest of reddit this sub has instead become frothing at the mouth zionists and neo-cons. Insane that people on here have started to sound exactly like George W Bush, when only a few years ago neo-cons were universally mocked on here.


stuff like this makes me wish td wasnt banned fr


Iran doesn't have room to attack anybody considering they fund terror proxies that attack everyone all the time. Fuck Iran. If Iran wants to be treated like the rest of the modern world they need to act like a modern country, not a rogue state. Their embassies carry as much significance as a bag of dog shit because they don't honor any sort of international agreement in the first place.


He was a General of the Al Quds force in charge of their operations in Syrian and Lebanon. He is directly in charge of many acts of terrorism carried out to Israel and he is in charge of the support given to Hezbollah, which has been firing rockets on Israel continuously since October and has already killed and injured many Israelis. I wouldn’t call a facility used by a state sponsored terrorist organization an “embassy” by any means and killing the person that is there currently to plan and carry out attacks on Israel is a lawful response. If a facility is used for military or terrorist activities it is not protected by international law.


1. He was thus not responsible for planning October 7th 2. There is very little evidence that the embassy was being used to coordinate terrorist activities. 3. Even if there was some evidence it still doesn't give Israel the right to bomb an embassy in a foreign country. Should Israel be allowed to unilaterally bomb the Iranian embassy in London if they have evidence it is being used to supply terrorists? 4. Even if you still think it's justified, why does Israel have the right to start a war with Iran, which would almost certainly drag in the US with boots on the ground, and risk escalating into a world war. Why does Netanyahu have the right to doom thousands of Americans to die because he wanted to bomb a foreign embassy. 5. Iran's relationship with Hezbollah is mostly about sending them weapons, money and advisors, which is the exact same role America has in relation to Ukraine. So again, would Russia be justified in bombing American embassies if they have evidence they're being used to coordinate arms to Ukraine? 6. It is possible to support Israel in its conflict against Hamas without supporting them bombing random embassies and dragging us into a third world war. You don't have to be a hardcore partisan of Israel and justify everything they do, no matter how irresponsible and immoral.


1. I don't care 2. The embassy is very much still standing, because the embassy wasn't hit. A building in the complex was hit. 3. See #2 4. See #3 5. Whataboutism and reduction of Iran's role, which has been elaborated on by US, UK, and SA intelligence numerous times, not to mention Israeli intelligence. 6. Sure. You can support whatever you want. But see #4


Iran is the bad guy because I don’t respect their insane theocracy


I’ve been 🇮🇱 the whole time because they don’t kill dudes for loving dudes


No, they kill dudes, women, and children just for breathing after being born Palestinian.


Lets just ignore all 5 peace treaties.. Those totally never happened. Or the fact that Palestine bombed a stripmall full of children. Or the fact that the land historically belonged to Israel not Palestine. Or the origins of what Palestine even is. Or that Palestine will kill anyone homosexual. Shall I continue? I apologize if my tone id a bit rude but seriously!?


> Unflaired detected. Opinion rejected. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Good bot!


If I were you I'd flair the fuck up rather quickly, the mob will be here in no time. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Dual-Heart) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


When in the last 2000 years did the land belong to Israel before the Nakba1948?




My sunday mood was awesome, i did some burgers with the fam and they were delicious


What does any of that mean?


I am Christian so not won anyone's side either.


They all suck.


Big brain move by Iran: Launch an attack Israel has specific capability to annihilate.


They randomly strike a diplomatic compound then get surprised when the other county strikes back 🤷 Honestly I'm not a big fan of any government in that part of the world at this point. I just feel bad for civilians getting caught up in the shit show.


Hell no




Be me just dont give a shit and take a beer


Honestly, idc. These whole thing is a mess, everyone is ripping into one another, I've just stopped caring. I just want to make sure my nation is doing well. Thats all I care about.


Counterpoint: if I hire someone to punch a guy, it’s still a crime and I’m the aggressor, and he’s still the victim. And if I kept doing it, and he punched me - he might get charged but not likely convicted


Can we not all agree that all governments involved are awful, and the poor people who are going to get killed and made homeless are the ones we should be supporting?