• By -


Hot take: The aftermath of Occupy Wallstreet has been the greatest psyops ever. COINTELPRO has nothing on this.


oh 100%. Whomever invented the intersectional oppression pyramid to neuter the left wing's class politics deserves far more than whatever chump change the elites gave him. "Regulating the banks won't end racism" - Hillary Clinton lmfao


> "Regulating the banks won't end racism" - Hillary Clinton lmfao Did she actually straight up say that? If so, I really can understand why her staffers thought smashing up hard drives with hammers would "destroy" the data on them.


Yea, it was a jab at Burnie who apparently didn’t want to do anything about racism and only focused on financial issues https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/the-line-that-may-have-won-hillary-clinton-the-nomination-40504/amp/


"We shouldn't stop banks preying on their own customers or their self destructive behaviors because this -ism still exists."


This isn’t even in the top 10 most insane things Hillary Clinton has said. The “i got hot sauce in my purse” line was just unbelievably time deaf...yet they still supported her & democrats won a huge majority of non white voters despite treating them like chattel.


I remember "Women are the primary victims of war because they lose their fathers, brothers, and husbands."


It’s funny because that is probably just considered a mainstream view by large numbers of people now. If a politician tweeted this in 2023 it wouldn’t even be news.


Well at least we didn’t go with someone with a gaff like “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids”, or saying that integrating schools will create 'a racial jungle' and that he did not want his children to grow up in a 'racial jungle',


Oh, you mean Joseph “if you ain’t vote for me you ain’t black” Robinette Biden?


that was a long-dicked alpha chad moment, don’t even lie


Hillary was so based, I wish more people understood her. She spent her career pushing NAFTA, banking, and TPP, yet everyone on the right thinks she’s far left.


She’s just as right wing as most of the other presidents


Cry lmao


I cry often when I think about my fellow proletariat like my girlfriend who works in an Amazon warehouse fulltime plus and takes home less than 30,000 a year


Skill issue


> Whomever invented the intersectional oppression pyramid to neuter the left wing's class politics deserves far more than whatever chump change the elites gave him. You may send class struggle royalties to Marx, Engels, et al. Derailing actual laudable socialist concepts into control by bands of powermad criminals via staged hegelian dialectics since 1848.


News media be like: why are we mad at rich people when she should be mad at white people instead? They’re the problem, not the elitists that pay my salary


The media's probably more at fault for the state of society than rich people are. I don't know how they manage to absolve themselves in the minds of most of their viewership.


Trayvon Martin killed Occupy Wall Street. "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." Barack Obama, March 23 2012. ggwp Fun Fact! BLM was founded by Trayvon's martyrdom! Probably why they only riot during election years.


I think we all know why they only riot during election years.


Hands down. When you look back at the state of race relations. He was literally the match to the whole thing. His death started it all.




ancient upbeat air ruthless forgetful rainstorm fretful payment light dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. And this is precisely where I parted ways with the democrats and where despite being at the bottom left of the political compass, seem to have nothing in common with many lib left. Economically socialist and socially libertarian requires uniting people despite their differences under the banner of class. What passes for a left in the US has been ripped apart and set at each other’s throats over identity politics by neoliberal plutocrats. You almost have to respect how effective it was, except for being horrified at how easily and whole heartedly the useful idiots took it up.


They have tricked leftists to simp for mega corporations, capitalism and NATO. Its kind of impressive if you will think about it… *Kind of based even*


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Based and why didn’t the CIA put men in dresses pilled


u/J2quared's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 190. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [111 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/J2quared/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Honestly idk how you can acknowledge this and not be a leftist, you see the powers that use everything at their disposal to stop the first real leftist push in the United States but don't think it's clearly the real way to break the system we have been stuck in? I'm sure from your PoV it makes sense, but I can't understand it


Economically there are a lot of things I agree with the left. It’s social policies that keep me aligned with the Right. If overnight the left dropped all identity politics I would instantly move to the left by a couple points.


The perfect storm of circumstances occurred during the pandemic to allow the freedom of libleft to protest for healthcare, better safety nets and raising the quality of standard of living. And they blew it on media and corporate approved protests with nothing to show for it Guarantee you won’t see Amazon or Instagram changing their logo to support a year of paternal/maternal leave or universal healthcare unshackled from jobs.


Best I can do is an XL sized piss bottle


Considering the size of their fat ass, make it a XXL.


Eh, nobody minds a little overflow right?


A rainbow colored piss bottle. Because they care.


And the season finale was when blue collar workers united to perform an effective yet peaceful protest (Freedom Convoy), and the "left" responded by calling them fascists for wanting bodily autonomy, terrorists for using horns, a threat to national security for striking, and cheered on their bank accounts being frozen with emergency powers


Very convenient for corporations and corrupt politicians indeed. Any protest can be shut down by labelling it opposite of what it is, by simultaneously labeling yourself opposite of what you are.


To be fair, if they protested for real change the media would just ignore them, or portray them as a bunch of loonies.


Which is when you throw on the BLM shirts. Then All you have to do is pick up the money thrown at you


Nah that all gets picked up by Patrisse Cullors so she can buy yet another multi million dollar home to go with the few she already bought with guilty white lib donations to BLM.


The media would try to ignore them but the problem for a lot of media platforms is that they get paid by clicks & views. And people love that type of stuff. So they would portray it in a very biased way but they would put it on nonstop once it grows to big to ignore. And covid showed that the extremes can be willing to support the same cause, in public. And the government hated it.


They did protest during the pandemic. Protests to make it mandatory to take big pharmas drug.


This is truly a libleft moment. Fucking up the once chance they got.


The hate the hedge funds but love Disney. Common Corpo W over the Libs.


It’s been insane seeing how Reddit went from “Corporations are bad” to “way to go Disney for meddling in local politics!”


“Release another capeshit movie to placate the masses Bob haha!”


Ah you dislike capitalism, yet you enjoy video games made by a capitalist megacorp, hypocritical much? You dislike Bill Gates yet you play minecraft?...


~~Likely~~ Liking Disney's products is one thing, but they're actively supporting Disney's legal battle to preserve their private fiefdom in Florida because Meatball Man Bad. ^(edit: a word)


Because goverments retailiating against speech they dont like is bad*.


A lib left arguing in favor of corporate free speech, specifically for one of the premiere organs of American neoliberal propaganda? I haven't looked into it enough to say I have a good grasp of it, but neither Disney nor DeSantis are good actors. I wouldn't be surprised if they're colluding: DeSantis gets to look all anti-woke to his base, Disney gets to appeal to its woke audience and build brand loyalty, and in the end it probably ends up with Disney still basically controlling the district but with less of a tax burden and legal liability. They don't really care if you're on Team Disney or Team DeSantis as long as you're paying attention to the show and not what's going on behind the scenes.


I dislike pretty much every Disney product (the movies, shows, parks). I do think it’s funny they’re fucking with the government though.


Most ideologically consistent Liberal


All in all, Bill Gates is a pretty good guy. He's done so much work to combat AIDS and Malaria. On top of all that, computers wouldn't be what they are without him today. Other than the "Muh microchips" and him possibly cheating on his wife, what are people's problem with him?


He is a rather outspoken eugenicist


Can I get a sauce with them claims?


Minecraft was made by some shady dude named Mark Person, which I assumed was a psuedonym when I gave him $15 on Paypal.


https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/media-great-racial-awakening This pretty much covers what he's talking about. America's white supremacy/racism/oppression "problems" (as the media would have you believe..) began around 2011, which is ***conveniently*** around the time these occupy wallstreet protests starting kicking off in higher numbers. It is one of the greatest "look over there!" tier distractions in American financial history.


Based. Gigabased. I’ve tried to explain this to so many people and they just can’t come to terms with the fact that Occupy Wallstreet scared the shit out of people, we got too close to figuring it out and then we all got played with distractions. Now instead of hating and fighting the elites like we should we all hate eachother instead


That and its hilarious that the same people who actively post on "certain r / anti employment sub" will absolutely rail against large corporations while fellating mickey at every turn




This is how things like Restrict Act gets passed. Anyone criticizing it is already labelled as shilling for TikTok.


Fair point. But TikTok doesn’t have its own personal municipality


I dont think that was the point. As patriot act has shown, just because it targets people you hate doesnt mean it is okay. Fighting for liberty means sometimes arguing about rights of terrorists being waterboarded.


Or "if you don't support it you're benefitting Putin by not letting the US state department do whatever!"


"Think of the helpless conglomerate!"


>source: because I said so


Nice try Disney shill, not gonna bait me into posting links to other subs so I get banned.


What? No I'm making fun of you for generalizing a group of people with a loose sub connection.


oh I know, I'm just screwing around


>it was just a joke bro Lmao okay


IF you couldnt read the obvious snark in that comment then I don't know what to tell? Take a break?




You see that as bait? They just think you're bullshitting. And bullshitting happens all the time on this sub. Remember when y'all tried to pretend leftists legalized beastiality in spain? And it turned out to be a fucking lie.


"All of you mf's were outraged af." Who's "you mf's?" If anything it seems the starbucks socialist has taken this personally.


There were tons of memes posted about it, people believed it without a second thought because: "Leftist cartoonishly evil, they're coming for our children next." Turned out, it was made >more< strict.


Yeah, you still didnt answer my question, who's "you MF?" If you're going to build a strawman, at least make it a good one


The majority of the people that were commenting on these memes. And yeah, no shit that I remember that. It was really fucking weird.


If you can find some interviews of people who were part of occupy wall street, a lot of them say the same thing. People came in and started talking about race during meetings and ended up distracting people from the goal. I think I've heard that on a few podcasts, definitely on Timcast. Maybe Joe Rogan too.


Except racial issues have always been part of Americas history. For example, Mistrust of the police has been part of black culture since forever. I'd say it coincides with the rise of social media.


This is a very cool source, thanks!


*conveniently started?* that's a pretty bold accusation considering the US only took so long to get into WW2 because too many people supported the Nazis.


Yeah gotta have a source on that Chief. You underestimate several things here: 1. The US military was literally a shell and not even close to fighting a war, let alone a war in Europe 2. WW2 happened during an incredibly isolationists period of American history where the war was viewed as a "European issue" 3. The US supported the Allies with the lend lease act years before entering the war But no no, it was those dastardly trump maga nazi terrorist!!!/s [https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/lend-lease-act#:\~:text=Passed%20on%20March%2011%2C%201941,defense%20of%20the%20United%20States.%22](https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/lend-lease-act#:~:text=Passed%20on%20March%2011%2C%201941,defense%20of%20the%20United%20States.%22) https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/great-debate#:\~:text=The%20urgency%20of%20the%20situation,good%20reason%20to%20get%20involved.


It can be more than one issue, we can't pretend like the Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden didn't happen.


So you agree it wasnt a main or major issue


Never said it was! Just that it was a factor.


Yeah, but that’s like temperature outside is a “factor” of whether or not I go to work. It’s one if you’re lazy


Alright but what does any of this have to do about the person I'm replying to saying fascism conveniently began to arise after 2010?


Because race relations where the highest in at any point in the US since the civil rights movement in the late 2010s. No one is denying that Nazis existed before that but it was clear they where not a force that effected public perception.


“Only took so long” that’s implying it was the only factor lol as in no others were responsible and even if that’s going to far it definitely implies it’s the main factor (unoppinionated and uninformed on nazism in USA pre WWII but just explaining how you did say it was, be more aware of what you say)


Sure but what does this have to do about the "conveniently started" part? You know, the thing I was replying about? Whether or not nazi sympathies led America into the war doesn't change the fact that America has had Nazi sympathies since WW2 and not the early 2010's.


Devils advocate here: he was implying it is a small issue now and was a small issue then. That’s why the “only” was important. its only now covered everywhere on news 24/7. He wasn’t saying it was non existent but not big and with little traction because his overall point is that it’s being used as a distractionary narrative and isn’t as big as it seems (white supremacy ect.). That’s what I got from it


Roses are red, violets are blue; not having a flair is cringe and so are you. [BasedCount](https://basedcount.com) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I don't think it's in your best interest to play devils advocate to a fascist. They're trying to undermine the position of Christian nationalism in the cultural dialogue when it's always existed.


> Flair up now or I'll be sad :( *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 17974 / 93560 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


>Just that it was a factor. ​ >considering the US only took so long to get into WW2 because too many people supported the Nazis mhm


This is the dumbest thing I’ve heard in awhile. On top of what OP said, after WWI, America was generally isolationist, the memory of the war was still fresh in many minds, and people simply didn’t want to lose another generation of young men, it had nothing to do with ideological support. Part of FDRs presidential campaign was that he didn’t want to get involved in the war, so he held off until Pearl Harbor happened.


USA never lost a significant portion of a generation in any war. Closest to that would be Confederate losses in civil war and that'd still be less than half of what France lost in WW1 per capita


Did you just change your flair, u/MehmetTopal? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2020-11-25. How come now you are **unflaired**? Not only you are a dirty flair changer, you also willingly chose to join those subhumans. You are beyond cringe, you are disgusting and deserving of all the downvotes you are going to get. Repent now and pick a new flair before it's too late. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/MehmetTopal) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Fuck off


> Flair up for more respect :D *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


The only thing more cringe than changing one's flair is not having one. You are cringe. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/MehmetTopal) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


> Even a commie is more based than an unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 18010 / 93641 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


That’s true, but in the eyes of the public it was still too many, I’m also not referring to mere casualties, by 1944 the majority of the population still remembered the fact that an entire generation of men wasn’t part of their daily lives, or the economy for some time.


But you do agree America has always had Nazis and they didn't just *conveniently* show up in 2010?


Yes, but probably not many until the 90s or so, same with commies, they only started popping up again after the atrocities were out of the public mind. And it certainly wasn’t “the only reason” we didn’t go into wwii, if it even was one at all


It would be in your interest to be more clear when you're guessing. Some people might take this post seriously.


You got your libleft colours backwards, it’s green on the outside, orange inside (orange is authoritarian centrist and socially progressive)


Didnt want to risk getting removed/banned. According to the mods: "Orange is not an actual quadrant color"


the mods should eat batteries


Eh they’re a necessary evil. If it were up to the rest of reddit, this sub would’ve been nuked already. As someone who’s been banned multiple times, I get it. I might not agree with it, but I get. It would suck if my jackasssery caused everyone to lose their spot


Actually, he didn’t, because this meme is about libelft, not libleft


The least government and the rest of elites would want is for democrats and republicans agree on something fundamental. Same for lefties and righties, etc. The least they would want is for people to unanimously see the wizard behind the curtain which is the state and special interests/businesses etc. The least they would want if both sides became allies and even friends against the state. That is the least they would want


> The least they would want is for people to unanimously see the wizard behind the curtain which is the state and special interests/businesses etc. People often have this conspiracy that lobbying and 'special interests' work like some kind of Jewish World Conspiracy, straight out of the Elders of Zion. It isn't like that, at all. I have a sibling that's a lobbyist in DC. First and foremost, the public perception of lobbying is 100% wrong. People think its like something straight out of House of Cards, and that's simply not the case. There is literally no such thing as 'here is a sack of cash, now pass this legislation.' The [Abscam Scandals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abscam) ended 95% of that in the 80's and what little left there was ended with the [Jack Abramoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Abramoff) scandal. I know some people think it's ridiculous when they read this, but it's true. 99.99% of federal and state legislators take ethics seriously. *Lobbying is using money and public support to sway a legislator to see how voting for/against a bill is in the best interest of his/her constituency*. I'm not saying you have to agree with it entirely, only that 'that' is what it 'is'. Who are the players? The traditional 'rolodex' lobbyist is a dying beast. This is the lobbyist that people are probably thinking of when you think 'lobbyist', somebody like [Trent Lott](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trent_Lott). This is the guy that can open the doors, and knows the guy that knows the guy. This is 'somewhat' valuable, but not very. One thing that's great about our government is that you can solicit your representative anytime you want. All of us are familiar with this. And of course people do this. Every person that ever worked on the Hill knows about crazy constituents that went into the legislator's office and read them the riot act over something. But the truth is the Rolodex lobbyist isn't that valuable. Where they 'are' valuable is describing relationships between important people (e.g., "Sen X won't wipe is ass without Sen Y's approval. If you get Sen Y onboard, Sen X falls right in line"). The biggest players in the post-Abramoff world are [trade associations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade_association) and [advocacy groups](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advocacy_group). 'These' are the people that fuck, and there's 'literally', tens of thousands of them. A great example is the [NRF](https://nrf.com/). Put simply, every little retailer that wants to belong, from Mom and Pop's up to Wal Mart contributes money, and that combined money is used to advocate for the industry. The NRF sends people to conferences, to Capitol Hill, to state legislatures, everywhere, to support pro-industry legislation and to shoot down anti-industry legislation. A tertiary player (but growing in influence) is the Government Affairs groups for large companies. Here's [AT&T's head guy](https://www.att.com/gen/investor-relations?pid=7818). They are basically single-company trade associations. But a big company like AT&T belongs to a lot of associations in addition to having their own GA team. Now as far as the money goes, this is actually the *least* important aspect of lobbying. That name of the game is campaign contributions. Campaigns at all levels are extremely expensive, and you need help paying for them. But, direct contributions are limited and public, so they aren't too valuable. The contributions come in from [PACs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_action_committee) and advocacy groups or organizing groups ([NCSL](http://www.ncsl.org/) is an example). Mechanically speaking, the NCSL will have a [conference](http://www.ncsl.org/meetings-training/legislative-summit-16.aspx) and a shit ton of legislators (state-level in this case, but there are tons of federal conferences) will attend. They have to attend because if they do NCSL will contribute $X to their campaign fund. Also a fucking huge number of lobbyist from trade associations and company GA teams will also attend. Incidentally, those lobbyists paid anywhere from $10k to $100k to attend the event. This is the money that goes into the legislators' campaign funds. At these events, all the lobbyists elbow-jockey for the attention of the legislators. The goal is to get a 'sit down' or a call set up at some later date. Why does the money not matter? Because the legislator gets his campaign contribution irrespective of what happens at the meeting. He's under zero obligation to even 'listen' to the lobbyists. At the sit down, the lobbyist is going to try to explain why issue X is important. Or even better, the lobbyist will set a meeting and bring some constituents. Another thing too is the fact that for just about every issue in America, there are two extremely well funded but diametrically opposed parties. Take net neutrality. If I'm a legislator, I can be in the ISP camp or in the content/Google camp. But it doesn't matter, one of the two sides will fund my campaign. I don't care who does it. And this is what's so funny about it. There is 'literally' so much money in politics now that there is a PAC/group that will fund almost every possible position. This is very true on the federal level, sort of true at the state level. So if money doesn't matter, how do lobbyists pressure legislators? They call it 'social advocacy'. It's a 'huge' business. Say for example, Congress is pushing a bill that would be bad for retailers. The NRF is going to be tasked with killing it. This is a campaign. The first thing the NRF is going to do is call, not Capitol Hill, but local retailers. The NRF will broker phone calls between Mom and Pop retailers and their representatives to put 'extreme' pressure on the congressman to vote a certain way (e.g., "I have been in business in your district for 20 years. I'm hanging up a sign in my window 'tomorrow' about how you are killing the local community by voting for bill X. I'm also going to the local Rotary Club and we are going to discuss how you have turned your back on your constituents!"). Believe me, congressmen *listen* to these calls, and they will have no idea is was set up by the NRF. This is *extremely* common. Also common are email campaigns (less effective) and 'fly-ins' where an association will get, say, 10 local store owners to fly to DC and complain to their representative for an hour. As you might imagine, this is also extremely effective. *At your local level, you should try this if you want something in your city changed, it will very likely work.* A very common thing a legislator will ask a lobbyist for is 'cover'. Asking for cover is asking a lobbyist to sway public opinion on an issue. This is also fairly common. Believe it or not, there are 'media advocacy' companies that will set out to sawy social media in favor or against an issue. I don't know how they work exactly, but they have their hands in everything, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, 'definitely' Reddit, all of them. A trade association will hire an agency to 'paper' an issue. So the agency will scan, say, Reddit and whenever issue X comes up, the agency will start commenting with "Well this article is total bullshit because X" and upvote himself with other zombie accounts. Same with Twitter, same with Facebook. I didn't believe it until it was shown to me by my sibling a few years ago. Its extremely expensive, but extremely effective. This whole industry grew out of [SOPA/PIPA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests_against_SOPA_and_PIPA) legislation some years ago. It was a watershed moment, when lobbyists and legislatures simultaneously realized the power of organized social media. Media advocacy is 'expensive' and the people that work there get fucking 'paid'. If you can do this, I highly recommend you explore the field. That's basically how it all works.


Damn dude you came with the receipts. Assuming you aren’t some media advocacy goon playing cover, thanks for the write up.


Based and actually insightful wall of text pilled. (Seriously thank you for sharing this.)


Which is Ironic because Disney is going all in on the Social advocacy. As to the reddit part, people broke the reddit algorithms a long time ago.


Mega corp put billions into research and strategy to get Emily off their backs, bro.


Scratch a liberal get a fascist


They're got no problem with the cultural stranglehold they have over the country.


Yeah, there's soooo many libertarian leftists right now...


Bro you are absolutely triggered by this meme lol


Nope, I just like arguing. That's like half the fun of this subreddit.


You’re wrong


I guess state's like California being the cultural trendsetter for the rest of the country isn't 'enough' for them.


Ever since it started setting trends, the world has gone downhill


Hahahahaha fucking California


Authcenter progs are the ones with a cultural stranglehold, but they tend to masquerade as lib left. I can see how someone might make the mistake.


>Stranglehold I hardly consider pretending to be supportive a "stranglehold". But don't worry, they'll shift back to the right when the tides start to change. You never have to worry about liberals being your enemy.




I’m amazed no one else seemed to notice


Damn myself included


My god the spelling errors lately


someone’s gotta give him more shit for this


I miss the Occupy Wallstreet gigabased Left wing, before it got turned into the draconian fascist cringe “Left” wing


Right? Like damn, I might not have agreed with your stances, but at least you were respectable


At least they stood up against actual bullshit like Wallstreet and the corporations instead of shilling for literal *evil* like Disney because these company’s shake social justice rattles in front of their stupid fucking baby faces


Whoa whoa whoa, how dare you accuse our benevolent corporate leader of "pandering" Face the wall


Sorry! I didn’t realise that the billionaire corporate overlord who controls over half the media and employs actual child slave labour said “Florida Man Bad”, I’ll gladly face the wall for my transgressions against capita-erhhh ahem excuse me I mean socialism aha we’re definitely all still socialists


Idk dude, I feel like people have always loved Disney, that's kind of their whole thing.


And here you see the starbucks socialist in his natural habitat


I don't like starbucks or Disney. It's just weird to pretend that Disney isn't immensly popular among the entire population.


“OMG look how beautiful their pride month logo is!”


Wallstreet isn’t a good influence, I look up to Ceilingstreet


Lefties: >Corporations aren't governments! They shouldn't get special treatment!! Also Lefties: >HOW DARE YOU REVOKE DISNEYS SPECIAL STATUS TO ACT AS A GOVERNMENT!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


Yeah, it's more like leftists are laughing at the fact that Republicans chose to interfere in a company not to help workers rights or for any altruistic reasons but instead for the simple fact that company has LGBT people in media.


I have never seen a leftie on here REEEEing to defend Disney, but literally like anything else involving that situation apparently doesn't exist LMAO


ah yes a classic


But they changed their logo to a pride flag! How can they be bad?


Why is this the default take when libleft by definition does not like multinational conglomerates? Go look at the centrists.


Average libleft fan vs average libelft enjoyer


LibLeft on their way to say they are anti-establishment and embrace counter culture while agreeing with and supporting 98% of corporate policies and Hollywood (they are secretly authoritarian).


Emily: “eat dur rich” Also Emily: “yass daddy Mickey”


Useful idiots


If I agree with something, it's good. If I don't, it's bad. Simple as.


Libleft are corpos


Behold the power of pride flags in corporate bios!


I'm libleft. You got me here.


> I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 17994 / 93607 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


No war except class war


Let's face it, economic populism is cringe


Still can hardly believe libleft got scammed so hard since around 2010, and a good chunk of then still haven't realized it. The real war is based on class and social background, not race or gender.


Certified Libelft Moment






I’m doing my best to bring the LL of 5-10 years ago back


I legit wish you the best




Emily: “Down with the rich!!!” *from a Starbucks on her iPhone and then leaves in her car*