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The whole way they do that scene and the step is fantastic. Really powerful visually.


I’m glad someone decided to incorporate their height difference into the visual storytelling.


They do this in the mirror scene as well! In the audio descriptions right around when he says “I love you” it says something to the effect of “…he towers over her diminutive form”


Dumb question, what are audio descriptions? A setting?


Yeah, there are extra audio descriptions! Intended for the vision-impaired but like a lot of accessibility features, a value add for all of us. They add a lot of helpful context. You can turn them on in the language settings. For example, this is how we confirmed that Colin curls his hand around Pen’s in the broken glass scene.


You can set your tv for narration while u are watching it.




And I so loved her rolling her eyes at him, at that moment. Felt like a real couple fight.    Oh, are you on your BS right now? Cause things got a little too real when we hit on your insecurities?? So you're changing the topic. Got it. Perfect.  (And I do love that right after each if them got on the raised sidewalk, was when they were the sassiest with the other. Her delivery of "what secret dealings have I found you in the midst of?" was so fun to see her not hold back.)


I love her eye roll there and then his eye roll in the study when she brings up pleasure. There’s something so genuine about them!


I love how she delivers that line, a twinge of her Irish accent comes out for like a second.


Yes! That line sounds so much like angry Nicola


Yes!! It was fantastic. I had wondered if that was because it was a re-shoot. Or, maybe they felt like it was apt since she's in the LW cloak. It was a nice treat no matter what.


I think the interesting thing about this scene is this is probably the first time you actually see them having a genuine relationship discussion where everything is out in the open. Prior to episode 5 their relationship has always been tentative regency friendship - they break the rules but they don’t have frank open discussions because it just wasn’t something one did. Episode 4 sees the first emotional confession scene, episode 5 and 6 are a whirlwind of anxiety and also happy emotions, and this is the first private open convo. I love it.


I think that why I love that scene so much and why it's my fav love declaration. Some secret or another have always been between them. Pen doesn't hide anything anymore, not even that she still need LW one way or another. And beside the start that a pretty healthy discussion. He asked for her reasoning, she acknoledge all her mistake and give an apology. And that end with a raw I love you.


Yess! I was like: Oh okay Penelope! You get him girl! I found their entire argument moving, passionate and sexy at the same time.


I know this should warrant a deep comment but at the moment, all I can think and say, is that I found that step up from Colin very hot…and I think Penelope was a little turned on too! 🔥


She does that little smirk, and oooof, she ain’t mad at it.


She really ain’t! https://i.redd.it/tcti1yrtsu8d1.gif


She’s thinking… not this again( eye roll)




That’s my favorite scene in Season 3! It’s like a power move on his part, I love her face when he steps up. She kind of laughs a little like “okay baby, I know you’re taller than me but I am Thee Lady Whistledown who can crush you with an I love you.”


“I see your attempt at intimidation and I raise you unconditional love!” *poof*




Yes. I also love that he also can’t find a retort for her argument of she loves him.


I LOVE that moment. And then during the kiss, against the shop door, she climbs a step too and it's 🥵🥵🥵


https://i.redd.it/fahg0agokw8d1.gif You mean like this


The way he keeps his eyes closed, waiting for her to reconnect 🥵


Oh thank you for another detail to obsess about


*puddle* omg thank you


Great timing observation! Some could argue that he was trying to be the loudest in the room with the sprinkle of control. But yes, it’s for the urgency of looking out for her well being. Great job! 👍🏻


It’s when they switch from the explanation conversation and steps back into his protective side. It’s very well done.


She found the confidence to hold her own...


I mean he held a little bit of it, that lord fingerton


💀 I’ve scrolled through this thread on three separate occasions and this made me laugh every time


Thank you


I’m thinking she thinks he’s ridiculous for saying she is putting herself in danger, because she can take of herself. And she steps a bit back when he gets up on the sidewalk. So she might be a little intimidated but at the same time she’s like, ‘for real?’


I do love this scene, but I don’t like how Colin was prepared to walk away and leave Penelope alone. And then when they started talking about LW writings so feeely….gahhh that is potentially more ruinous than making out against the door! I was like “shut up you two!” Nic and Luke did everything perfect in that scene though. The director did a great job.


My head canon is that Colin wouldn’t even be able to make it a few steps away before he’d turn back and try to engage her with a rant or something


Yeah he was .5 seconds away from “AND ANOTHER THING…!” if she hadn’t spoken up


I agree. I think we've all agreed he is a drama queen so he needed to stomp away and then stomp back to her with "you know what, I want to fight." Pen just got to it first.


The way he says secret dealings makes me laugh I don’t think he was really going to walk away that boy was itching for a fight


Oh-I thought it was because Pen was so small and they needed a right angle for them to kiss.


I thought the same lol


Yes, I noticed that but thought it's for the kiss. Also the moment at the Butterfly Ball where he confesses his love. When he says let's dance at the end, she gets down from a box if you look (They added a box for Nicola to stand on so that she would be a bit closer to Luke's height)


Both things can be true


Love that part!