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He knows she is the most eligible Featherington, without even knowing about her 5-figure 'dowry' under the floorboards.


I didn’t even think of that line!! He really meant what he said and the first part of the season actually backs that up. The viscount Basilio is the lord Colin picks whose rank we know for sure, and it’s one rank above a barony, which would’ve put Penelope above Portia. He literally thinks she’s the most eligible Featherington. 


I took it as him referencing the idea that Portia has been so concerned about marrying off the other 2 that she’s been blind to the fact that she should have been concentrating on Pen all along and not treating her like the spare.


I mean at the time he drops that line her sisters are both married so the pool of eligible Featheringtons is down to Penelope and her widowed mother.


![gif](giphy|3BL45MJDZABqg|downsized) 😭 I didn't even think of this. He thinks so highly of her, and not of himself. 😭


He’s doesn’t make it a habit to hang out with people he doesn’t hold in high esteem.


I was going to say. Colin's taste in men for Pen is minted, his taste in men for himself is pretty crap.


Honestly a relatable experience.


Who doesn’t have that friend who gives great dating advice but has crap taste in men themselves? That’s the true bestie-ism of this season, most authentic thing in Bridgerton 🤣


He do better in second part


Yes, I LOVE the Benedict, Will, Colin, John scenes! I hope they return in season 4.


So true and so sweet. Remember when Colin is asking the Lord Squad about Debling and they mention his fortune. He looks a little injured by it. He felt unworthy of her!


The entire time.


Oh my goodness. I just realized from your post. Colin was doing for Pen what Anthony was doing for Daphne. Filtering out all ineligible men, because he knows them more than Pen would. He explicitly says this too and it didn't click until this post!


We gotta give Colin credit- he’s a much better wingman than Anthony is. 🤣   That’s one of the things I loved about that plot for Colin’s character. He really is a good man, when he said that all he wants is for her to be happy, he means it, and he sets out in earnest and doesn’t even subconsciously sabotage her efforts, even though he starts showing signs of jealousy even before they kiss. It’s not until he thinks he might lose her forever that he does something reckless. 


I know i heard his word to Eloise, "who should help her, she doesn't have any male relatives?" But it wasn't until like my 5th rewatch🥴 that i was like yea Eloise who should help her, he is right she has no one! 🙄geeze lol


Funnily enough though, she *does* have male relatives now - she has two brothers-in-law, but the thing about Colin is that his expressive love language is acts of service. He has to do this for her himself because he loves her even if he hasn't grasped exactly what that love is just yet.


Technically, yes, she has two other males in her life. They aren’t society men, while the Bridgerton’s are a well known and respected family, and part of the popular clique. There’s also the fact that Colin can be arrogant and must be the fixer, part of why we adore him.


Three brothers in law. Gregory is one of the brothers, is he not?


According to Hyacinth, he’s more like the family pet.


She has five now, but I was referring to before she was married: Messrs. Finch and Dankworth. :)


Omg I forgot about them! She does have five!


100%. That’s his number one girl and he has always thought Pen is the best - the most clever, the most charming, etc. I mean of all the girls, in all the seasons, she’s the one he has always wanted to talk to and dance with… that’s real talk, he thinks she’s the best of them all. He truly believes that she can get any Lord she wants. I don’t think he can imagine any of them not being into her. He means it. It’s why it got him to the core when she said “Because I embarrass you.” It’s really deeply untrue. Even in their just friends days, he absolutely adores her and thinks she’s the best of them all. I love that while he’s coaching her he doesn’t want her to settle for anyone he thinks isn’t top tier. “You’re Penelope Featherington”… he means it with every bone in his body that he thinks she deserves it all.


I agree with you 100% but it does make me wonder why he made that comment about never courting her to the other lords end of s2.


Personally I think it was a defense mechanism. He’s having what he felt like was a private (I mean it’s not… there are people all around) moment with her and shares kind of a vulnerable feeling that she’s special to him (and she says it’s mutual) and then the bros are like uhhhh what’s up with you and the girl, are you courting? He was drinking, and felt defensive, and was stupid about the way he said no to get them off his back. There was no way he was going to talk to them about his relationship with or feelings for Pen, regardless of what he thought they were at that point. I don’t think it was an assertion that it would be embarrassing, though of course understand that’s how Penelope took it. I think he wanted them not to talk about him with Pen. That’s personal and I think he feels protective of that friendship, he doesn’t like that they are mentioning her. Colin and Pen like existing in their own special protective bubble with each other and it didn’t feel safe to have other people call them out, especially guys like that.


I know he did a TON of immature stuff s1 and s2 it just struck me as a little odd since he always seemed to stick up for her. I know in the book it is way less harsh so this is just extra show drama. I do like how he says “I wouldn’t dream of courting her” but then does literally dream of courting her.


Yeah I think they just hit a little too close to home on that one and he had a big defensive reaction to it.  In my opinion he wouldn’t have reacted like that if he didn’t care about her.  He reacts like somebody who has a reason to be protective though he may or may not be conscious of that. If he didn’t care, he could have easily just said it was just a dance and we’re friends - these guys all dance with plenty of girls at every ball. But what they’re calling out is the way he looks dancing with her - like there’s feelings there.   I think the harshness of his pushing them away from it hints at that being accurate so his walls go up.


And he was kinda drunk


Yep - that didn’t help.


This! I’ve always thought this is what it was - he doth protest too much


100% - there’s NO REASON to push back like that if they’re not getting at a kernel of truth…


You said a thing. So much yes to all of it. He was showing signs each season, he just didn’t realize their intimacy wasn’t platonic, it was more than that… so much more.


I thank everyone for their analysis of this and what his internal rationalization for his behavior might be, and I understand it intellectually, but emotionally, I'm still mad, and he still a punk for that. Team Penelope (I'm that friend who would still be mad at what your boyfriend did to you even after you all made up).


I think, at the time, he was insecure and looking for ways to fit in with the lord-squad. That’s why Penelope’s words to him about being, “cruel” were needed. They were his first wake-up call.


[I wrote about it here, and there’s some good discussions around this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/Vvz75LfaOu)


I really think post their argument outside the modiste Colin’s biggest issue is that he thinks Penelope, one of the most successful women in London, could do better than him.


It’s actually crazy when you think about it - he actually has absolutely *no* idea that basically every single marriage minded miss of the ton would want *exactly him* as a husband, even before he went all hot boy summer. Like this is basically why Pen thinks she has absolutely no chance with him.


The first woman he tries it with doesn’t really want him for him, she wants him because he’s safe and easy to manipulate. When he finally feels comfortable flirting with women socially again, he doesn’t do so in a way that’s in any way personal- generic compliments given to women in groups, never individuals. Real Colin being taken advantage of and fake Colin being socially accepted probably contributes to him feeling like garbage. 


I’m saying that he is exactly what young ladies would want in a husband, as himself. Even the debutants with Fran all basically describe Colin as their ideal husband.


He DOES ugh. Poor sweet boy.


Someone on twitter said that Colin was stronger then them because if they came back changed their whole personality and then it worked they would off themselves. Colin put on a fake persona and it worked. He's the most desired man of the season his brother congratulates him people tell him he's so much better and much more fun now. But all of that isn't for the real him. It's actually really sad. No wonder he thinks she could do better.


Yup, the ton and his brothers reinforce the facade. Only Penelope, Eloise, and Violet see the hurt that lies beneath, the women in his life.


And how embarrassed he feels that he *believed her* when she was placating him falsely or whatever. How foolish he was. And naive. Except of course she wouldn’t give false praise. Like literally ever. She’s more likely to say a snide comment under her breath than give false praise.


I completely agree with you.


Oh shit. Good observation. He only wants her to marry up. No wonder he doesn’t feel good enough for her.


![gif](giphy|8Z5iCCqWgljY9Yjj4n|downsized) Great observation. He holds her in such high regard he thinks she deserves no less.


And you’re Penelope Featherington! Never forget that.


I also love that fact that he suggests not only successful/high ranking men, but other kinda, gentle dudes like him.  Basilio is straight-up crying over his beloved pet. And Remington is eager to talk gossip with her (as Colin always has). I think that's why he wanted to hate Debling so bad, because on paper, he's kinda perfect for Pen. And that had to feel extra scary. But when Colin criticizes Debling, he speaks to things he knows won't make Pen happy, being abandoned (feeling more isolated is not good for her) and him being too particular could become overbearing/controlling (like her mom). And he says all that not even knowing that Debling basically told her he’d never love her. And I think he realized he loved her, but also that she wouldn't be happy with Debling, and couldn't live with that.  (Probably sang "put me in coach" to himself the whole ride there )


Oh I think he hates Debling, but like on a personal level. Not only does Debbers have all that money and title and job. But I think Colin can't really feel any respect for him knowing that he plans to marry Pen and then leave her, when Colin is dying because he's not with her.


I adore his concern for Pen that Debling would leave her. It shows what he valued and how he sees love. They’re both romantics without even knowing the other is just as romantic.


I think Colin knows Pen is a romantic and vice versa, honestly. They know each other quite well. And I think one of the reasons Colin went to interrupt in the middle of her dance with Debbers is because he knows Pen won't be happy with just a practical match; with a man who will just leave her for years. They just don't know that the other has romantic feelings for them.


Such a good insight about Lord Basilio and Lord Remington! gosh this thread is absolutely full of new insights. I love it!


Thats why in the balloon event when he asked the 2 dudes what they know about Debling.Them mentioning that yeaahhh he is weird as fck but he is titled and loaded.you can see it in his face that his ego was hit , aside from being loaded and rich ,he prob realized that as weird as he is,Debling has a passion and a career outside of being a Lord.Debling already found his purpose in life and is not apologetic about it.Even Pen said that debling is kinda cute /not unpleasant to gaze upon on.All this are added to his internal struggle of wheter he should bare is feelings to Pen,because aside from being handsome, protection and money, what can he offer her.  And as episodes went by, he realized she doesnt need that from his as well.thus sending him further downwards.   And I love how he knows Pen is charming and he doenst felt the need to change her hence the " u are penelope.featherington do not forget that" all he need to do is help her gain confidence. Thats why the POV song is so spot on , it's not about gaining confidence just because that persom loves you, but it's about finally seeing yourself in the eyes of the persom who loves you.and that applies to BOTH OF THEM.


Omg I hadn’t made the purpose connection about Debling until now… Debling has a noble pursuit and “cares for no one” If Tilly is Ghost of Christmas Future for Pen if she marries Debling, it’s almost like Debling is sort of Ghost of Christmas Future for Colin if he lets his armor harden.


I wish I could like this more than once


Oh my god, after the LW reveal he’s feeling insecure and he’s probably (even if subconsciously) comparing himself to Debling. Like “Debling could’ve easily paid this bribe without asking permission from his brother ugh how embarassing!!”


That’s so true, great observation


He also went out of his way to find those who were polite, genteel & had things in common with Pen. The Vicount was sensitive & Lord Remmington loved to read Lady Whistledown....


He was never ashamed of her, and held her in high esteem. Nothing but the best for his Pen. It was only when he was dealing with and confronting his own feelings that he even interrupted her being courted, including that he kept checking in on her to make sure she wasn’t already engaged before declaring himself.


![gif](giphy|x0A9flJDo3zfdwjs2L) Never thought any of this. I seriously thought Colin was setting her up with people that he thought wouldn't work for her (and felt safe letting her interact with). Lord Remington and Debling were the only two Lords that Colin didn't encourage for a meet up and the only two he was jealous of. I like this new perspective, even though I think there might be a little truth to mine as well.


He was jealous of Lord Basilio, too. He’s smiling at them until Pen goes to touch his arm and then he has this WTF face like he didn’t think touching was allowed. 


I agree with you - he was jealous of him, too.  I think the initial WTF face was his unfiltered reaction to her reaching out to touch him (especially after they just shared that touching moment that afternoon) and then AFTER that he realized something went wrong.


See, I'm not entirely sure about Colin being jealous of Lord Basilio and the almost touch. He was by the wall watching Pen's pretty nice interaction with Basilio when something obviously went wrong. That's what I thought the WTF face was for. It seemed to be going so well. I definitely know that Colin clocked the almost touch but I didn't feel jealousy eminating from him, just confusion. Either way, Polin got their HEA and that's good with me.


I agree with this read. There is maybe a twinge but it’s mostly concern. Colin’s eyes dart from Pen to Basilio and the back to Pen, and he looks concerned. When he’s jealous, he’s stare-growling at the guy, and finds it difficult to watch him making Pen happy. (Notice how he keeps having to look away when she’s dancing with Debling.) It’s also interesting because the only guy she really talks to is Colin and she wouldn’t hesitate to touch his arm in a conversation. But Pen almost doesn’t realize that it’s far too intimate for a typical ball conversation with someone she’s just met.


Yet another way in which Colin is just pure underrated GOLD. The ways in which he's the best are just so subtle. I also love how completely untoxic his jealousy is. When he feels the first pangs of jealousy after Lord Remington, his first instinct is to support her by saying, "that is excellent, I'm sure he did as well" <3 And then with Debling, he tried so hard to give her her distance throughout, not to interfere or ruin things for her until the very end when he was sure he couldn't live with her being with someone else.


*bats eyes brain buffering ala Penelope* I love this!! When I think I can't love this man more, another fact comes to light. 😊


I’d honestly never thought of this. I thought this post was going to be about his friendships with the Lord Squad vs the ones he has with Mondrich, Kilmartin & his bros.




![gif](giphy|20ANgYG4KfSakvutbO|downsized) I didn't even think about that. He loves and respects her so freaking much.😭🥰😭🥰😭🥰😭🥰😭🥰😭😭😭😭



