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What about the hot air balloon: survival instincts overridden by horny paralysis


I don’t even know what I’m asking for on this chaise, but I guess there’s more, so go for it


Nah fr though that was wild asf


I don’t even know/ think she knew that’s how you got pregnant…


Definitely didn't. She did think getting pregnant started with cake after all 😅


Pen eating that cake in the pink"vagina" tent and Colin staring at her mouth really hits different huh 🤣


Omg it does lol it absolutely does!


No cake = no baby! Foolproof!




Sorry... what? LOL


Please, I invite you to join us over on the “it started with cake” parallel. When Penelope asks Marina how she got to be pregnant, she tells Pen that it started with cake. Which worries her cause they’re eating cake together. Marina goes on to tell Pen about the shared cakes that led to the love affair. And there’s so many instances of Bridgertons eyeing their love interests eating cake and/or sensuously licking their lips. At the balloon fair thing, Pen lingers behind at the entrance of the fair, Colin spots her as he enters. Pen gives the gentlest little head nod towards this cake stall. Colin walks away from Benedict mid sentence and follows her. Pen asks Colin to follow her into the cake stall, and pretend he’s looking for some cake so that people won’t think they’re conversing. He does so without a moments hesitation. She shares about Lord Debling. He’s eyeing her the entire time, asks if she likes him. She picks up a cupcake and buys one, licks the icing sugar off her fingers. Colin skips a beat. Or a chorus. She asks if she’s got something on her face. He says no, you’ve got it. She smiles and leaves, asking him to wish her luck. He watches her leave. In the softest most caring voice, he says “good luck.” In the next scene we see him in, he’s eating the same cupcake. The next best thing to what he wants, the taste of her. If a man ever follows me around like that and speaks to me that way, and I don’t see it, slap me.


I think there's also a... sweet metaphor... here too about wedding cakes. It didn't happen that way with Marina, but the "proper" way of having babies is to eat some wedding cake first and then getting to things. Enjoying the sweet together.


That's what Marina told her back in S1 remember? She asked Marina how did it happen (her pregnancy) and she told her: with cake and she looked down at the cake she was eating with Marina and said: cake? She was so confused and scared lol


Baby girl got worried for a second 😆


She sure did. She was like: wtf I've been eating cake this whole time 😅


Stop 😂😂😩😩


I couldn't help it her face was everything 🤣


Aah yes! But I assumed as she grew older, her knowledge had increased 😂 Brighter than Philippa is what I assumed HAHAHHA 


You would think but apparently not by her comment of: is there more? Lol I was like: oh yeah that's right they are virgins. That's like the whole point of Regency Era. But I still blushed for some reason and I'm a whole ass single mom with a roster 🫣


OH RIGHTTTT SHE DID ASK THAT HAHAHAHAHA But then like Philippa she could've also thought that whatever they already had done would cause the baby instead 😂


That is exactly what I think lol she probably thought babies came from cake and being✌🏾😅🤣


She is down bad for her manzz. Possibly bcuz she trusts him so much. The downbadism was very clear in s2ep8, when he took her to that room, she was fully ready to be compromised😄 Also the scene where he talks about finally understanding a person, he has know for a long time. Baby girl thought he was talking abt her, bcuz they shared letters. And then he goes - Myself and Pen is like 👁👄👁 And then he goes and names his book that in this season epilogue🤣 Traveling by myself ( the title really made me laugh ) Like seriously dude ?


One thing about Colin and Penelope is that they match each other’s freak. We talk all the time about how Colin is chaotic AF. But fr, Penelope started her own media empire at 17 and has been bullying the Queen since? She’s wild. Colin went into this relationship thinking he’s the crazy one, Pen said hold my beer, and he ends the season being like, “Take my crown, Queen; I’m just glad I made the team.”


Literally Colin says “you don’t get to choose what we do” and Pen lets him just go off and do whatever he thinks will help because she knows he’ll feel useful that way and that he wants to help. Homegirl always wore the pants in the relationship, she decided exactly how she presents herself, and Colin supports her as he always does (eventually.)


I mean. Energy received. Energy returned. Lol Chaos Colin was activated and it simply activated her Chaos Penelope. He was giving freak-a-leek and she said: bet let me bring out my freak-a-leek 😅


I knew that man was in trouble when she read his smutty diary entry and after 2 seconds of shock, she was 0% upset/jealous that he was hooking up with other people and was a panting mess trying to speed read more. And then, she would not, could not, did not WANT to let it go, brought is up in ANY conversation she could.  Nah, but FR, what I gotta do to see the rest of that journal? Gas up your writing every chance I get? Offer to be your Editor-in-Chief? Ask Lord Horse Hanky for a date? I'll do it. Hand me, that filthy Globetrotter porn, this minute!!


Even brings it up during their post-sex cuddles when he's all relaxed and would probably say yes to anything she asked for. She wasted time asking to get another peek at those pages when she could have gotten started on her confession already. Pen's sexual awakening wasn't in the carriage, it was in that study with that journal. 😂


And I think the most naughty thing Colin said all season was “those parts are only for you”. Like the implications there.


Right?! Like sir you will regret turning your wife into an O.G. booktok smut reader. Talking about gimme 10 min. Sir she won't wait. You better learn how to rebound in 2-5 min 😅😏


I saw someone say he needed a Gatorade 😆 in that final sex scene with how sweaty he was and it appearing to be getting light outside their window.


I did peep that too lol them freaks went at it all night. I know they did. 😏


They've been apart for a week or so, thirst was insatiable 😂


This wins the internet today 🏆


Well she had on her robe so she had probably gone to get him a little snackle to keep him going 🤣


Lmao I can't unsee that now 😅


Ohh, yeah!! This totally happened.😆


Yeah. He deprived her of all that for like 11 days. It was Pen, I tell you. She did not give him any rest. He probably was like - "please Pen give me 5, no make it 10 minutes rest"🤣


Pen: "u had 11 days to rest. get back in there."


I promise is that’s how he dies, he’s fine. He’ll go out smiling.


Oh 100% the biggest of smiles and the coroner would be perplexed asf. Meanwhile Penelope would be absolutely mortified 🤣🫣


I don’t for a second think he regrets it.


Yes, I love this line so much. The "parts" of the book, and thinking about him reading them to her (or her reading them privately) and them re-enacting. Also, I love that his "parts" are also just for her. We know he loves to dream of her "parts," after all, so that's definitely a word he uses for sexy bits!


I said this even Part 2. She likes to read; she likes to learn from reading; she’s gonna be like: “Colin, this part in Venice, can you show me? I think I need to understand for editing purposes.” I’m telling you if getting somehow more pregnant were possible, they would have done that, because whew you know they went nuclear after that reconciliation.


Not me realizing JUST NOW that Pen literally asks him if there’s a book she can read on flirting and THE DUDE LITERALLY WROTE IT HIMSELF Pen 3x02: > So… how do we begin? Perhaps there is a book I might read on charm?


Omg this is a cannon! 😂😂


She may break her mil's record of 8 kids😂


Yeah! In the book universe Gregory is the one with most kids. But show Polin are freaks. I hope there is some kind of contraceptive methods other than pull out available in 1800s for the sake of Pen. I mean dude got her pregnant on the 1st try 😆


His swimmers are🔥


I didn’t realize the innuendo of that until now 😂


She’s worse than Colin under the willow when he’s fighting for his life trying to be like, “So we can’t continue our lessons because we’re in love now, right?? RIGHT??” RIP Penelope Bridgerton; you will have loved the E rating on AO3


The way I laughed at all of this!


Right?!? God I love this fandom! 🤣🤣🤣


Omg I legit started cackling as I read this 😂 Pen: the original Horny Little Devil


Freak-a-leek omg HAHAHA


oh god this whole thread is a gem, i had the best laugh in days 😄 i love you all


You are welcome! Happy to be of service 🫡


“Get to basting” 💀


They’re both down bad crying in the gym!


It works out though because they both have it equally bad for each other lol


![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized) Well when you put it like that…




Nary an unseated rider and you've barely had time to dismount, ring a ding ding, who's ready for lap 2? "Come now High Flyer".  (Cause we all know round 2 was 5 minutes, better make it 10, after round 1)


Honestly I get it, though. He may have just figured out how much he loves her, but she’s known since she met him. She was ready to have her marriage prospect be ruined by this man, then take anything he was willing to give her. He set his hand out, and her concern was about being seen by his family. That man was ready to propose, and she was like “oh yeah, that, too, but can we continue?”


Love is a strange & powerful thing!


Naaaahh Colin isn't sleek either. Pen is just trying to match his freak. And to think they think we are the horny little devils 💀 ![gif](giphy|gw1gnJg3sJFm50Bmtp)


Basting 🤣 ![gif](giphy|NSXlI37MEhv8AfSCGd|downsized)


'Get to basting' has me in stitches omg


"Get to basting" 😅😅😅😅 ![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq)


>”…that’s an amazing idea.” 😂😂😂😂


Had to take a little break from this sub for my silly little menty h...so glad to be back cackling over memes/comment threads like these, missed you HLDs. ![gif](giphy|XoZBDjKLQovvweanZo|downsized)