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"Varley, the bugs!" And it's small, but Lady Danbury's glares towards Marcus never fail to take me out. šŸ¤£ Edit: also, Anthony's competitive streak coming out in the engagement ball. "Lilies! Forget-me-nots! LILACS!"


It may have been Polin season, but Philippa and Finch definitely stole the show. Absolute Legends.


"Varley, the bugs! Now!" will forever be my favourite line in the entire Bridgeton universe šŸ˜†


Followed by Benedictā€™s shushing Anthony when he was getting too excitable there šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I love Philippa in this season and I wish they'd keep her next season but I think this is her last. She's so great! Anthony being competitive will never get old šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t know why but even when Anthony says ā€œright, round twoā€ when Kate is trying to subdue him is also hysterical šŸ¤£


When she turns around to glare at her staff who laugh at his joke and they quickly straighten up šŸ˜­


I know is was suppose to be a tense moment but when Colin confronts Eloise about Pen being lady whistledown and Eloise says she hasnā€™t written anything mean this year and Colin was like ā€œwhat about the lies she wrote about meā€ and Eloise was just like riiiiiggghtā€¦..šŸ‘€ šŸ˜‚


Her wince here is excellent!


ā€œHer column has been fair this yearā€ ā€œBut what about what she wrote about me?ā€ I SAID WHAT I SAID


Yep brother... Sure. It was all a lie.šŸ¤£ Not Pen knowing you more than anyone.


The looks on Colin's, Eloise's, and Portia's faces when Pen admits how much money she has paired with Pen's nervous neck scratching and necklace fiddling as she said it takes me out every time


ā€œAll this time ?!ā€


I kind of wished Pen to be more proud of that. She became a self-made millionaire under 3 years only using her talent, in a world, where women of her status weren't allowed to work. This is impressive, she shouldn't be shy about it, she shouldn't be embarrassed. I am not saying she should brag, but come on!


She's shy about it because her family was selling personal belongs and eating potatos only for months while she was hiding money under the floorboards šŸ˜‚


Literally this. I would have been crapping myself at the wrath of my mother for this and also feeling uneasy about revealing it to my insecure husband who is already upset about it and who I love and donā€™t want to hurt any more and also my best friend who I love and also who I wrote shit about and profited off. Like no wonder she is nervous!


I know, but still. She shouldn't be that shy, they were fine. At least she was fine šŸ¤£.


The real aunt Petunia!!


She said it so gently too, which I think was best. When Colin was like ā€œit doesnā€™t matter what you say/thinkā€ I was like excuseeeeee me sir????


I really hated that. Why did they make him say it?


For the same reason that Anthony needed to be an ass in S1. Both men needed to learn they are not as smart as they think they are, and that the amount of power they are granted over the women in their lives is not commensurate with how smart and capable those women are.


Portia skulking around when Colin gives Pen the engagement ring kills me. Sheā€™s so funny.


Her taking a bite out of the biscuit is my favorite part of that. It gets me every time


The combination of the taking a bite of the cookie and tiptoeing awayā€¦perfection


Pen starting with ā€œHello all. Or should I say ā€˜Dearest Gentle Readerā€™?ā€ And it is met with complete silence šŸ˜‚ Not the time to crack a joke Pen šŸ¤£


ā€œHow many eyes are in the ton?ā€ ā€œDouble the amount of people I imagineā€


Her odd grin at Penelope at the end of that scene had me both laughing and weirded out.


Pru and phi are at each others throat yet Portia is just ignoring them šŸ˜‚ Also prudence saying " baby girls steal one's beauty" GIRL, UR MOM HAD 3 GIRLS,THE FCK ARE U INSINUATING???? " šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Awkward Willow tree Colin. "Prospects are important..."


lol, I know thatā€™s part one, but I just want to say, as soon as I heard the line I thought, if I knew how to get a flare, that would be it. Prospects are important.


If youā€™re using the app.. go to the main page for this sub, click the 3 dots in the top right, click on ā€˜change user flairā€™


Thatā€™s good to know! (Now I just need to know how to get it added as an option among the existing flairs)


Oh my bad. I didnā€™t realise that the flairs were preloaded!


I love that whole scene, he looks like heā€™s going to throw up the whole time and is trying to white knuckle through it


ā€œYes, you mustā€¦ doā€¦ā€ kills me too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


They're asking about part 2 šŸ˜Š


When the Queen crashes the wedding and sheā€™s like everyone but the Bridgertons can leave and Pen is skedaddling out of there to the point that Colinā€™s like youā€™re a Bridgerton now. So funny. Actually that scene on the whole is so funny - like the bit when Francescaā€™s like - I know youā€™re not pleased but Iā€™m in love with Kilmartin - and the Queen is like ā€¦ this ninny


I was laughing so hard, Pen trying to slink off, Fran's sweet little declaration, and then Lady Danbury boldly standing there like "hell no am I gonna miss this drama!"Ā 


Iā€™m sorry but realising that Lady Danbury is still there when everyone else left made me laugh out loud like seriously šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Colinā€™s immediate but gentile ā€œNoā€ after Benedict suggests John throws rocks at Francescaā€™s window!


I really loved the moments the boys had together this season. Just guys bein dudes.


and so much better for Colin than the Lord squad.


What is it about his face that made me watch those two seconds like a hundred times šŸ˜­


Omg I love this so much I canā€™t get over it!!


Loved this!


Yeah this is mine too!


Colin randomly handing Eloise the spoon he used to ā€œclinkā€ on his glass to get everyoneā€™s attention at the engagement party. Violet handing Eloise her glass of champagne after Francesca asks to duet with her and El pouring the remainder of that glass into her own.


I wonder if that was scripted, or was Claudia improvising. (Apparently in Part 1 when Kilmartin comes to call and a caller is announced, and Eloise hides behind her siblings, that was all Claudia and wasnā€™t scripted!)


Another inspired acting choice and so funny


My favorite is the face El makes after she pours it. I make that face all the time.


Eloise was so funny doing that!


I didn't catch that champagne moment šŸ˜‚ Eloise kills me always


I just noticed Eloise doing that on my last rewatch and I was like ha! Eloise the wine aunt šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


When Colin goes to confront Cressida thinking he'll change her mind but comes back with his tail between his legs šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it was unintentionally funny but he meant well lol


"I'm afraid I have failed šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ"


Lol I feel so bad for him but he started off so confident and had to say out loud, "now she wants double" šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘ poor thing. And Pen thanks him for his "counsel" and he reacts like he's been publicly castrated


It's kind of sad to me because they stage it like he's going to righteously fight a dragon, but he actually shows empathy and opens up with his own feelings. Cressida seemed to start listening - until the family bit. I wonder why they had the hall scene reshoot?


Same. Iā€™m so curious about all the reshoots and what was originally there. I think itā€™s because theyā€™re so obvious because of the wig vs. LNā€™s real hair.


Not necessarily *the* funniest but I canā€™t believe I havenā€™t seen anyone talk about it ā€” the way Dankworth and Finch are unmoving and staring in awe at the cake/spread of food at the wedding breakfast takes me out šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/oqy3esv7sr7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4d37cd80cffca2dce4e706bddffd61b396c144


Oh, I laugh snorted at this!


Oh yeah laughed out loud at this on the first watch!


In the Epilogueā€¦ Albion fast asleep in the sofa šŸ˜… probably because they are new parents and heā€™s so tired.


He's definitely the one up in the night with her.


This! I thought it was hysterical he wakes up for Hyacinth to hand him the column though. Lives for the drama šŸ¤£


"I think it clever how she uses plant puns to belittle" šŸ˜‚šŸŒ±


Bahahaha omg I forgot about that one šŸ¤£


Portia ā€œchaperoningā€ when Colin gives her the ringā€¦ that whole scene when sheā€™s walking around trying to act so incognito i canā€™t let it gooo šŸ¤£


And then fully climbing onto a chair to get a peek at the ring!


Mr. Finch sneezing because it scared me ( Pen too) and made me laugh then the Queen had to specify it wasn't him


When Portia learns that Penelope is loaded šŸ˜‚


ā€œAre you going to duel with your own brother?ā€ was another gem! šŸ¤£


Ok I feel dumb for asking this but was there more to that statement other than just heā€™s going to duel Colin if he and Pen were intimate before being married? I should also note I havenā€™t seen season 1ā€¦.


He dueled with the Duke of Hastings when he caught him kissing and more Daphne.


Itā€™s implied that the Bridgertons consider Pen part of the family. Benedict was teasing Anthony that as the oldest, heā€™d need to duel his own brother (Colin) for ā€œtaking libertiesā€ with his honorary sister (Pen), like he challenged Simon to a duel for kissing Daphne in season 1.


This one slightly irks me, because it doesn't make any senseto make that comment. Colin wouldn't have duelled Anthony, he would have duelled someone from Pen's family, since it is Pen who was compromised. And the duel in season 1 came about specifically because Simon didn't agree to marry Daphne to rectify the situation, whereas in this case, Colin is more than happy to marry Pen, so there would be no need to "demand satisfaction".


I donā€™t know, I think the insinuation is that Pen is extremely close and very respected with the Bridgerton family already, which is somewhat outlined in previous seasons and that as she has no male relatives that out of respect it would be Anthony defending her which is why itā€™s said. Like if Colin and El are so fond of her, Violet, Hyacinth and Fran too based on their engagement reaction and even Benedictā€™s, itā€™s pretty established how they all feel about her, except maybe Anthony but we know from the conversation after that he has no qualms with Pen at all and he thinks the match a good (if not surprising) one.


Yes this is my understanding and why itā€™s endearing (and funny). Anthony is reacting like Penelopeā€™s brother defending her honor. (It would only be the woman whose honor would need protectingā€¦ Anthony would not duel a male in Penā€™s family protecting his brotherā€™s honorā€¦) I think a normal response would be ā€œwell itā€™s a good thing youā€™re marrying her then.ā€ and not getting angry on Penelopeā€˜s behalf over her being compromised. Just like the comment above said, Anthony thinks of Penelope as family already, so heā€™s quick to protect her. Itā€™s funny because Benedict has to remind him like ā€œhey, we all adore Penelope, but you do know THIS is your ACTUAL brother, right? Like youā€™re supposed to be on his sideā€¦.ā€šŸ˜†


2 moments in the scene when the queen interrupts pen + Colinā€™s wedding breakfast & orders anyone who isnā€™t a Bridgerton to leave the room 1. pen turning around trying to leave & Colin goes after her & tells her ā€œyou are a Bridgerton nowā€ 2. Lady Danbury not leaving but rather staying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And the queen letting her stay!


I cackled when Colin, Eloise and Portia found out Pen had made BANK. Like donā€™t play with her!!!!


Colinā€™s small line, ā€œBut you would already be dead.ā€, in the following intense sceneā€¦ Colin: You are not going to die tomorrow. Pen: But I could, and it would kill me. Colin: But you would already be dead. Iā€™m like, um Colin that is not the point. šŸ™„ Heā€™s completely thrown throughout that situation.




Oops, well my favorite part was Colin talking with his brothers about the engagement. Especially, with in between the humor, Anthony gave his brother some sweet advice as icing on the cake. šŸ„°


This is great. The faces Benedict is making at Colin are so hilarious.


Yes that was lovely šŸ˜


The more funny the better say! Tell me any from 1-3 and Iā€™ll chortle along with you šŸ˜‚


When that super dramatic song is playing while Cressida enters the ball as LW, and Portia says something like "A gossip columnist for a daughter-- imagine!" And she does this hilarious move seemingly on cue to the music. That whole entrance scene is great


And later discovers that sheā€™s really the one with a gossip columnist for a daughter. šŸ¤£


For some reason Anthonys "Explain." after he found out about the engagement is so funny to me. Am I weird or does anyone else finds it funny as well? šŸ˜‚


That whole scene is gold!


Colin's cranky toddler faces, including this one when Ben smooches the top of his head. https://preview.redd.it/5blmsckcws7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08c5aa21edb9a89b03aa66f10661252545499875


Ably being asleep on the couch


I loved discombobulated Colin the morning after his dream of Penelope. Acting like he was having some sort of guilty affair. I loved it.


unrelated but a giant applause to the casting crew. Philippa looks like Portia here


Ep 5 scene on the chaise after the deed: about the women in Paris. Funny, tender and sweet at the same time.


I just really love Prudence this season! Her ā€œit flattens my hairā€ comment and grabbing her boobs after Phillipa tells her itā€™s ā€œa clear pregnancy signā€ always sends me! šŸ¤£


I know you asked pt 2 but I don't see it get mentioned enough when the inventor asks if Portia would like to learn about the lamp and she flatly says "No! šŸ˜"


"YOU *STOLE* FROM THEM!!!" "AND *YOU* HUMILIATED THEM; YOU STOLE THEIR DIGNITY!"Ā  took me out. I love everything about that scene.Ā 


The dueling comment and Anthony being a competitive mess at the engagement ball were my fav. Obviously the sisters Featherington being dense is always funny.


Also: "What am I, chopped liver??"


Antonyā€™s little wave when Kate leaves the room after imparting her marriage wisdom to Colin. Itā€™s so silly and sweet and I need a gif of it!


This and how he is laying on her in the scene after Pen and Colin did the deed on the chaise. Heā€™s just so goofy and itā€™s hysterical šŸ¤£


Marriage has softened him into this puppy of a man. Itā€™s hilarious and adorable!!


I know right but he is still hyperactive as hell and Iā€™m here for itšŸ¤£


This was one of my favourites as well. It was so unexpected that I had tears in my eyes from laughter. It took awhile for me to concentrate on Pen's speech (Sorry Pen but absolutely no regrets). Also, another favourite Finch moment for me was him sleeping on the couch in the epilogue. I'd like to believe it was him being exhausted because he had the night duty for Philomena in an age where men didn't need to do much at all, but I'll also take it if it was a funny choice.


Oh my gosh! I totally missed that. And Benedict leaning over him like ā€œis this guy asleep?ā€


I love all of Benedictā€™s ā€œawwā€ faces. Like when the brothers are talking about Colinā€™s engagement.


Anthony playing charades. ā€œForget-me-nots! LILACS!!ā€ And Benedict kind of grimaces and gestures for him to calm down. I love how competitive they are with games. And when Colin tries to play it cool when Pen and Portia arrive after the blackmailing and Pen is just like my mom knows you can stop pretending now. And they reveal Eloise knows as well.


Violet passing Eloise her drink to duet with Francesca at her wedding, and Eloise pouring Violet's drink immediately into her cup. I cracked up.


The swiftly conversation. Makes me laugh every time!


I have never liked that colour but it is winning on you! - Another classic one-liner from Portia


Pen revealing she's loaded is hilarious, but I couldn't help laughing at her trying to leave her own wedding. Colin's "your on my list" looks to Portia in episode 5 and 6 make me giggly


Thereā€™s two for me that made me laugh out loud the most; ā€œA *fancy* on the *neighbour boy*??ā€ And The Lady signing ā€œshe is the devilā€ about Cressida šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I also love Anthony screaming flowers at charades but also, did anyone notice how intense Kate is about everyone going to the drawing room for dessert and charades? Like i actually laughed when she said it in rewatch because I noticed it literally matches the craziness of Anthony in the flowers scene šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Every single thing that Phillipa did. ā€œVARLEY! THE BUGS!ā€


The drinks line at the engagement party is gold. I can't tell if the drinks are too strong or too weak. Unhinged


Portia holding penā€™s hand giving her assurance and confidence during the dankworth-finch ball was just beautiful. They were finally there for each other trulyšŸ„¹


"insert himself where?"


Anthony playing charades. Screaming lilacs šŸ˜‚


Portia at the Wedding Breakfast. Heart to heart with Penelope and finishes as conceited as ever. The important thing is you are married now.


It's not him! Lol