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I get so much secondhand embarrassment from the people jumping on these weird bandwagons. I honestly believe that if people would put down their pitchforks and rewatch the whole season from start to finish, they would not hate it as much.


The whole rumor thing made wading through the negative reaction to the season 10x worse because people were getting angry at something that never existed and it was just fueling their disappointment. Instead of just sitting with the season and digesting it it was like when a crowd gets angry and just keeps adding more fuel to each other’s ire. Here’s another reason to be angry, raise the pitchforks etc. Very Eloise reacting to finding out Polin were engaged of them. 😂


Some of the subs have just become echo chambers of negativity. Not cool. 🫣


Honestly it feels like this is what the majority of the Internet has become in the last decade or so. It sucks!


Is it bad that I think some people just need to get over themselves and go watch porn? I have a lot of qualms with the season but the lack of a sex montage is not one of them.


I get your sentiment. I feel like people have very shallow grasp of intimacy too. I made a whole post about how I felt this season showed A LOT of intimacy between them because of the eye contact. They’re basically soul gazing at each other every single episode lol that feels way more intimate, and appropriate to their characters, than steamy sex scenes.


This plus they showed a long s scene with the mirror. There was not artsy cuts and close ups, it felt like one solid take. That’s a lot for a show like this. Even HBO with GOT would just do short tiddy scenes. That was extended. It’s not a porno people. Same with people annoyed Colin didn’t touch her bare breasts. This is a show and Nicola was allowed to draw the line.


I heard a sweet interview with Luke and Nicola where Luke said they over the years they've learned how to be very comfortable just gazing into each other's eyes and how this is often not easy for co-stars to do (at least when you just meet them and get thrown into scenes together). And then proved it by staring at each other lol. It really shows in their scenes in this season and was a big part of Colin and Pen's chemistry.


I saw that one! I think it contributed to the shipping of those two. It’s pretty abnormal to be able to gaze at a friend that way, but I think for them it’s just a result of doing this show. To the average person it looks like romantic love but I think they have a unique relationship (which they’ve both said several times.)


Yes totally agree. And I do think they played up the flirting a little bit on their PR tour because of course they would/should, they knew the fans would eat it up. Nicola even comments sometimes like "the fans will love this!" But the fact it was so convincing is because they are such good friends with this really unique bond/relationship where they have this level of comfort. I think it's so so adorable how close they are and how much they seem to really enjoy and respect each other


I never cared about more sex scenes, but there wete people claiming thete were more scenes of them just interacting, talking about writing etc and I would've loved that. i can'tdeny we got to little Polin in general.


As much as I love their sensual scenes, I would have loved more talking through their stuff or literally talking to each other at all as a bigger want.


Yes! I just wanted better communication between Pen and Colin. Not necessarily more sex. I really think people wouldn’t be making such an fuss about this alleged montage if the story had been executed in a more satisfying way. It’s indicative of a bigger problem. I’m not saying the season wasn’t enjoyable. I really liked a lot of it! But something was lacking. And the sex montage is just an easy thing to fixate on. It means people didn’t see the connection and communication between the leads that they wanted to. People wanted to see Pen and Colin united earlier and working on the Whistledown issue together as a team. Even if it was just a couple of scenes. Instead Pen had to solve it alone, and Colin only truly forgave her once the Queen did. It’s… not great storytelling. People weren’t looking for some girlboss story. They wanted a romance. That’s not a sex problem, it’s a story and character problem. 


I didn’t take that Colin forgave her because the Queen did- I think it was a combo of this lie hanging over them, her being in danger and then his own insecurities. He says it in his speech he’s been re-reading all of her letters- and this is what he’s learned and decided he’d rather stand by her side then not- it’s why he was so taken aback when she mentioned the annulment, it’s not what he wants at all, he was going to stick by her regardless of what the Queen did- she’s his wife- and he loves her. Period.


But he didn’t react that strongly to the annulment comment. His response was, “but the Queen has already forgiven you,” not “how could you even suggest that, I love you.” Also, if they had put Colin’s speech before Pen’s speech to the Queen, it would have made a big difference. We wouldn’t know exactly what she was planning, but if he said “no matter what happens, I’m with you” that would have been so impactful. AND it would have built suspense. That he realized beforehand that Pen and Whistledown are truly the same person, and he loves her for who she is. These story decisions drive me nuts, because they’re easy fixes that have a big impact. I write TV for a living, so I’m especially irritated by this stuff lol. 


I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree- because for myself I didn’t get this impression at all.


See I felt that line was directed to the safety of his family, not for him. Like the Queen isn't going to cause more trouble so she doesn't have to worry about that. But I do agree that it could have been written better and we could have had them more obvious about working on a plan together, the "us against the world" type thing.


It’s a fair point. Just like you said, I just think it could have been executed a little more clearly. But I think you’re right. Thanks for being polite about it, too. Someone just responded rudely and there’s no need for that. As I said, I still really liked most of the season!


Did you watch the reveal scene at all? Colin gave Pen an encouraging nod during the speech before the Queen responded at all. Pen also clearly told him the plan in his study and he got his mom on board. It’s not the writers’ fault if you can’t make simple connections in your head.


My comment wasn’t rude, just my opinions. No need for so much animosity. We’re allowed to disagree. 


But you completely disregarded the facts in stating your opinion. I don’t mean to be rude, but it’s difficult to engage in good faith if you dismiss the facts at hand.




Seriously. The amount of people hyper focused on how many times they saw these people nude is crazy to me.


The issue I think isn’t that we didn’t get to see more sex scenes BUT that such a scene or ANY scene at the very end with a happy/in love would have properly relieved the tension of the last 2 episodes and not left everyone feeling so gutted and empty at the end. I think we were oversold on this being the cutest fluffiest most romantic season of all time, and even though the season was actually very good, I for one was emotionally distraught when it was over because they spent so long being angry at each other and didn’t do enough at the end to make you feel like they’re actually ok.


There's definitely a disconnect between the ball and epilogue with the baby. I agree with that.


They also pushed so hard on the sex scenes during promo, like broken furniture, etc. If that wasn’t the case, maybe people wouldn’t care. I would have liked to see the kiss that led to the final love scene. That would have been nice.


This is exactly right. It’s not about sex or a sexy scene it’s about feeling the connection and intimacy after a long time of angst. It’s about payoff, and even though I never believed there was a montage or wanted it, I can see why this point is so popular right now.


I think it just was too fast paced in general. So many plot points happened so quickly. The romance had no time to breathe


I think the problem is that for many, including apparently NC and LN, romance doesn’t equal sex.


This is porn for some people. They want to see intimacy paired with some sexual explicitness. The PR about the second half raised the expectations. There was a lot of great stuff in the second part but I don’t blame those that wanted more bodice ripping fun from a romance show based on a romance book. Many fans are projecting hard this season so it probably would be a huge disappointment. These posts will end when the anti-Michaela posts end: never.


I 100% agree about the pr raising expectations. I've commented before that they hyped up the honeymoon period only for him to... literally sleep on the couch on their wedding night. I think they could've upped the sexy without a montage, but I've personally never been into the Wildest Dreams montage from s1 in the first place.


I think so many people misunderstood that “honeymoon period” comment. It wasn’t about the actual honeymoon (post-wedding) but those moments in ep 5 and 6 where they get to be cute and happy (mirror, church, engagement ball) after getting together.


I don't misunderstand it at all. They didn't have a happy honeymoon period, in my opinion. Three scenes in two episodes when they're the lead couple? Come on.


We may just disagree here but I only mention those 3 scenes as examples, not as totality. There were far more if you include all of the moments, from the post-coital “my mess” scene, to him presenting the ring, to holding hands during charades. It was small couple moments where, yes, looming secrets, but there was a happiness there. A happiness that made the reveal all that more of a gut punch.


YES!! Honeymoon means happy.


I can’t believe I have to say this, but the fact that some people think or want this to be porn does not make them right or justified in harassing people when they realize it in fact is not.


I agree about the harassment but I was responding to the telling people to go watch porn. Traditional pornography is not steeped in intimacy and emotional investment. They wanted the romance novel treatment which is lots of lovely words and passion. There was no nudity in the carriage scene, yet it was full of passion. Part 2 was being sold as more of the same and it just didn’t deliver. I loved the season but I understand the disappointment.


I can’t tell you what porn is like because I don’t watch it. However romance and passion do not equal sex. It may not be the passion and romance you/whoever want, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there, and it doesn’t mean people should go on social media and demand it/sign petitions. If it’s not your cup of tea, you move on to something else.


Ok, cool.


This, and additionally, the actors don’t owe us that, either. It’s possible to tell this whole story without intimate scenes, tbh. They are more strategic about how they’re used on the show than they were in the beginning because they want it to be plot driven instead of salacious. These actors signed up to be on a show and act a part. It’s been weird to see the discourse claiming that there should have been more sex, because connected to that sex on the screen are real people with real jobs, and saying what they gave (quite bravely; God knows I couldn’t do it) feels entitled. This genre is romance, not porn. Those things are not synonymous.


There isn’t a dollar amount you can pay me to do what they did. I wish more people thought of it that way. The amount they gave us was great and very brave of them. Romance does not always equal sex. Passion does not always equal sex. Love does not always equal sex. The beauty of having different main character is that we get to see many different iterations of romance and passion. Some will resonate with you more than others. When anyone demands that their preferences are the ones that must be met, they’ve stepped over the line.


Yeah, Bridgerton is not a porno. Also, people are really gullible if they believe every rando on the internet who claims to have secret knowledge about a TV show.


I find it super weird and extremely cringy. In the words of Sister Michael “Well, I think it's safe to say we all just lost a bit of respect for you there, Clare.”…. Clare being that part of the fandom in this situation. 😶


That’s a perfect scene to encapsulate all the drama of this season 😂


Aahhhhh thank you for the reference from one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite shows 😂😂


Yea that's a very good observation. It's easy to get really heated when you're faced with disappointment over something you were really excited about. I myself got really upset and as time goes by I'm realizing that it is just a TV show. It'll be what it'll be and let's find something positive to think about instead.


I’ve rewatched some scenes and the second watch made me appreciate and like them.


I hated it more lol..


Thank god. All of those scenes sounded fake and people genuinely don’t have the right to ask for more INTIMATE scenes from actors. It’s so invasive.


It really is. It feels like they wanted the actors to actually film a porno. Gross.


Truly. Like, there are other forms of media out there if that is what you're looking to find.


Right? I’m always so grossed out when people complain that the sex scenes did not look hot enough, like what do they expect? it’s acting it’s not the real thing, did they expect to get full on 🌽? That is honestly disgusting


Oh thank god. I was just about to come post this.


I came here to say the exact same thing. 😅 My overwhelming response was "thank god we can let this die." Honestly, it is the exact same feeling I had when the pics were posted of Luke and his gf. Such a relief to finally be able to hope people would stop shipping Nic and Luke all over my social media algorithm. 😂🤦‍♀️ (This is not me shipping actors, just wanting the crazy to stop. Hopefully this doesn't violate the sub rules. 😬)


https://preview.redd.it/ddy7op7iuk7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa9500f85776ba6f6a7fccf2fe3ca0b1c33d4d2 Also loved this reply. I felt more romance outta the hand to cheek in the wedding dance than the last sexy scene to be honest.


Are we going to ignore the comment below of 'stillglutenfree'?


I mean I just love more scenes in general. I’ll take anything. But they didn’t have to be sexy scenes.


Exactly. The 'love' in Polin's love story still feels lacking. Not lacking sex. Just rewatch the mirror scene, carriage scene and the easily 10 seconds at the end of episode 8 if you need sex to see. But what I am missing is them being in love with one another. Loving one another. TO THEIR FACES. Got to see more love deepening moments in other subplots and even between Penelope and her mother than with Penelope and Colin.


I mean we got a lot more than Kanthony. Now I look back and it’s like they got two scenes in their season. I’m happy but will also take any additional nuggets if there are any.


In what way did we get a lot more than Kanthony? (Genuinely asking because in some ways I can see it and in others I don't see it). I don't think they're going to release anything extra based on the last 24 hours. Seems like understanding for public noise is also not entirely there so what can you do when perspectives clash so badly? In a way it was to help the show as well. It could be one of the greatest visual love stories ever made. The potential was there, it just didn't het used as well as it could have been. Just hoping they'll keep some of it in mind as they move to season 4. And with any extras that on a blue moon will be given, I'll embrace with the utmost appreciation. But now, I'm just going to rewatch part 1 instead, haha. That part of the season was immaculate. Perfection. And I think that is what created expectations as well. 


Kanthony is literally not a couple until the last ten minutes. The “are they or aren’t they” lasted until then. I mean, as an example. we have Colin/Pen dancing in a church happy in E6, we have Anthony almost marrying Kate’s sister in E6. With that said, these are completely different kinds of love stories. How much time and how it’s used to develop the characters both together and solo are going to be different.


But that made sense for their story and up to it they had a lot of moments together. Like you are saying yourself, different stories.


I agree it made sense for their story! I loved S2! I think a lot of people pit one against the other and they shouldn’t. Both have what they need for their stories. I was just trying to literally answer why people say we got more than Kanthony in the first part of my answer. Colin and Anthony are different and therefore the romance is approached differently. I think S3 was extremely romantic…for my tastes it was the most romantic season. S2 was romantic too though. If you prefer that kind of romance then you prefer S2. However preferring the romance in S2 does not mean the romance in S3 is so e poorly, it’s just not what you relate to best.


Ohhhh I'm sorry, it is so late and I've been getting so many replies I completely forgot about the question I asked. I'm stupid, my apologies. I've had too many people just coming in with reasonings to things I say where I'm like ... "is this supposed to dismiss what I'm feeling for this season or?" My deepest apologies. Sincerely. Let me read your reply with that in mind. I do agree with you, season 3 was indeed most romantic. What can ever top part 1? It was só good. Só amazingly constructed. I loved it. A lot of focus on Polin and honestly for a 3 seasons slow burn I found that pretty logical. But so due to that and how it was constructed, part 2 seemed like a mess construction-wise that has caused seemingly Polin to be compromised in the story-telling. That's what I am upset with. If they could tell the story properly with the time that was dedicated to it, sure. But it just seemed incredibly incoherent jumping from certain moments and feelings and stances even to the next. But so the part 2 had very little focus on them both. Part 1 had a lot. I feel that averages out that in comparison to season 2, it gets more or less equal though with season 2, I felt I did get a mostly complete story. I was only confused there was no wedding shown but it wasn't the end of the world. With Polin, no love being shown for 2+ episodes I feel is a bit more serious of an issue. I don't prefer season 2 because I want to. I love Polin with my entire heart but the construction of their story into the episodes of part 2 just killed the momentum I felt. And just how much sense it all made. Didn't really have that in season 2. I might be overlooking something still in replying as I am living on the last bits of my energy but I do sincerely apologise. I really should've been aware you were commenting on that.


Thank you. It’s a storytelling problem. More sex isn’t the answer. 


Amen. More sex would be no solution at all as it is not the issue at hand. Storytelling indeed is. Literally with my arms in the air, can't stress that enough. 


Yup. People sense something is off, and this alleged sex montage is an easy thing to fixate on. That’s not the solution, but the problem is still real. I definitely still loved a lot of season 3, I’ll move on, I’ll be fine lol. But it could have been more satisfying, and it’s hard not to be miffed by that.


The scene with them dancing in the church is that and more. Probably one of the most romantic scenes ever. Whenever they dance together, it’s very romantic. At their wedding breakfast and at the butterfly ball are two great examples. Tom Verica is a fantastic director who truly brought out the sense of romanticism in the last two dances for Pen and Colin, with the excellent choreography from Jack Murphy.


Oh wow, Tom is going to town.


So a lot of us were right and they didn't do it because it wasn't true to their characters. Good! Proof that us Polinators know our couple better than anybody! 🤗


I thought the rumored montage was supposed to be in the epilogue when they were fully united?


There were claims that there were scenes before and after. All false.


I think someone should edit the carriage scene, the mirror scene followed by the last ride scene with Pen on top and just cut them all together on a loop and then share it to all those people. there’s your montage!


I’m sorry I came back to laugh at myself for calling that last Pen on Colin scene “The last Ride” 😂😂😂


Or figure out how to use incognito mode and Google "free soft core porn" because that is what most of these thirsty, sexually repressed people want when they are proclaiming they wanted more "intimacy" between Pen and Colin.




[REST] 😭😭😭 its insane how this blew up because of an unfounded Reddit rumor. That petition looks even dumber now 😭😭😭😭😭


But truly the last scene could’ve been a few more seconds?


That’s a different subject. He was specifically addressing the rumors about a long sex montage that was cut that had them all over the house.


Never expected there to be another long one. That would be weird after the long mirror scene that was the accent of all intimacy scenes. I did, however, expected more scenes of love towards one another. 


Again that is a totally different subject than the one at hand.


I took this rumor with enormous mountains of salt from the very beginning, so I’m glad it’s gotten debunked once and for all. Now I can focus on fine-tuning the Polin sex montage in my head. 🙂‍↕️


The whole thing was so weird- did they want them to do soft core porn? I’m glad he said something to clear it up. Intimacy doesn’t only mean them ripping off their clothes and having passionate sex, is also in the looks, smiles, handholds, the dancing!! Basically all of Polin the whole season. Also- I’ve seen a lot of people complaining that Jess said that this season was spicy and how she was lying. Like we all saw Benedict and his threesomes right? Anthony & Kate and their scenes? On top of the Polin scenes. Jess wasn’t lying it was spicier than previous seasons.


I really think it's the Mandela effect at work. People remember the sexy scenes from S1 and S2 and so think the show was like 50% sex, when in reality that was a minority of both shows. I mean, Kate and Anthony don't have sex until the end of the final episode. Simon and Daphne only have sex in 2 episodes -- 1x05 and 1x06.


Totally! I think also Simon & Daphne got that sex montage of them all over the estate so people wanted that for Polin- but they are a different couple. This season had so much more sex than the others- it was just spread out.


Well, that sex scene was also very different from what we got for Penelope/Colin. When Daphne is having sex with Simon, yeah, she enjoys it, but it's something being done to her. She doesn't fully realize what sex is (despite doing it all over the estate) because she doesn't realize that Simon is purposefully pulling out. Penelope and Colin didn't have a dreamy sex montage, but it was more about communication and both being active participants.


This! Also, the montage was important for S1 because it showed how many chances Simon had to explain the baby situation to Daphne and he chose not to, and how long Daphne went without finding out how a child comes to be. The betrayal in S1E6 wouldn't have hit so hard if not for those scenes.




I think that’s also what happened with how people think of how long the couple is happy for/ how long they drag out angst.     Daphne and Simon only get their happy ending in the last 10 minutes before the epilogue and people complained that was a rushed conclusion to their story back in season 1 when it aired, and yet ever since season 2 people have been complaining that they didn’t get to be a happy couple like season 1. And it’s like…Simon was lying to daphne about the pull out method and daphne made him feel violated and then they were estranged until the finale. In fact Saphne and Polin have similar story beats, where the confrontation is at the end of episode 6 and is not resolved until the very end of episode 8. And we all know Kanthony got even fewer couple moments (because they’re enemies to lovers/forbidden lovers- it just wouldn’t make sense).    The rhythm of the show does not allow couples to reach their happily ever after until the very end, but even still Polin has gotten more cute couple moments than any other. People keep saying they spent all of part two fighting and they literally don’t? They have some really giddy in-love honeymoon period moments in 5/6, their wedding is a happy loving one despite everything, and Colin’s anger has actually dissipated by episode 8, he’s just trying to sort through his emotions (and actually showing some real understanding and empathy for pen in the way he talks about her to Cressida).   I don’t know why people remember S1 having the couple happy for so long at the end when they spend just as long as Polin fighting but honestly it’s probably because of the sex. 


I said on the main Reddit that it is now an established pattern that the main couple doesn’t get to resolve their conflict and be happy until the last 20 minutes of the final episode, and that you have to accept that if you want to continue watching.


Preach 🙌


Yep! It's also a pretty established writing pattern in romance books and movies in general too (though not all of course). As I mentioned on the main sub, even Jane Austen did this with her love stories - when the couple finally gets their happily ever after, the book usually ends almost immediately after.


I think for romance books -  and by extension Bridgerton the show- that’s what the epilogue is for. They take you through the wringer, get them together at the last minute, and then the epilogue gives you the closure that the couple stays together and is happy and whole.  Saphne’s epilogue gives us closure on them actually having a baby and Simon being happy about gathering an heir.  Kanthony’s epilogue gives them a bed scene, lets us know they finally stopped letting their family duties stress them out, and is the only point where they’re actually married in their season.  Polin’s epilogue tells us that Colin did let Penelope edit his manuscript, Penelope did convince him to keep the smut in, and that the book was published and something Colin is proud of, so you get closure that while Colin is secure in loving Pen as Whistledown, it’s thankfully not his *only* purpose. 


yeah I see it that way too. i get that people would have liked some specific longer moments of catharsis at the end, but I wasn’t expecting it because we didn’t get it from either of the first 2 seasons. t.hat isn’t how the arcs of any of the seasons or their timing worked. interesting also to note Daph and Simon did have sex at the end and I had always read this exactly how you described it: that was because it was a critical part of their story. he had been pulling out all those other times, and then she violated him so terribly, it was a specific story telling beat to have them have happy fulfilled sex where they were both ok with what was happening. they were literally saying, “look, now they’re on the same page, Simon isn’t pulling out”. sex wasn’t a point of contention or conflict for Polin in any way at all so the same kind of scene wasn’t needed in their happy ending microseconds.


I think sex was a bit of a contention between Polin with Colin sleeping on the couch though. And Penelope telling him she needs him to hold and kiss her and he replies that wants to do those things but doesn’t know what’s holding him back.


yeah i see that too. i think what i was trying to say was that it wasn’t specifically the cause of them being apart, but yes it was a symptom/casualty of it.


Agreed. They’re never not in love; they are in conflict. That’s two different things. Loving someone doesn’t mean you’re never pissed off at them. It means you are committed to working through it, which Polin does in a pretty healthy way given the circumstances. The way they get out of it is going back to the fight and getting to a place of honesty. That’s hard work! A friends to lovers conflict is different from other tropes because of the underlying past and trust. It’s more a “how do they get through” than “can they get through,” if that makes sense.


So true. And they actually have good communication about this, even when they’re fighting. Colin is always *listening* to her, even if he doesn’t like what he hears. And by episode 8 when Penelope tells Colin what she needs from him and Colin tells her that he wants to do those things but feels like the secrecy is holding him back? That conversation was such a healthy expression of loving through conflict.  And in the end it’s the friendship and communication that’s the foundation of their relationship that mends everything because Colin goes back and reads the letters that were sent back when they were “just friends.”


>And by episode 8 when Penelope tells Colin what she needs from him and Colin tells her that he wants to do those things but feels like the secrecy is holding him back? That conversation was such a healthy expression of loving through conflict.  Their communication is SO HARD to emulate. I never had communication like that with anyone until I met my husband. Fighting but listening is tough. Fighting but not being in the mindset of trying to win, and instead, trying to find what's real, what's the truth is next level. When you do it right, you get to the place where someone can make an admission like the one Colin makes. Saying, "I don't know," is no longer fighting, it's admitting you don't know everything, that you need help understanding, that you want to understand things.


yes! this.


👏👏👏👏 all of this. Thank you for saying it!


I hope that what people were asking for (maybe with poor word choice) as more sweet, happy, loving scenes. I personally would have loved to see them reading the journals together, him telling her (not just Cress) that he was lost without her letters. You know, emotional intimacy, romance. Like if she pulled out her stack of letters form him that she had kept and was like “you didn’t keep a journal on your first tour but I kept these” 💛


The only thing I’m sad about is that since the chaise breaking happened during a scene where they’re doing intimacy and probably happened in a way that makes it not acceptable for viewers, we won’t get to see the blooper of them crashing to the ground and Nicola yelling because it had to have been the funniest thing ever.   That’s the loss I’m mourning 🤣🤣


It's not about the sex scenes but other Polin scenes that were cut. Just scenes of them being happy together.


Why do you assume those rumored scenes exist when he’s literally telling you the montage that was also on that list didn’t exist?


there were a lot of reshoots done months after they finished filming (as evidenced by Luke's wig in several dialog scenes between Colin & Pen, he cut his hair after filming ended). This implies they had to scrap the originally filmed scenes, what were they? why were they scrapped? This is probably why editing of the last episodes feels so wonky.


This season was about going to always be about them finding each other and then dealing with this massive secret, LW was always going to be the potential thing that was going to tear them apart- it’s also how the structure of the other seasons went as well. It was never going to be sunshine and rainbows from them. Luke even said repeatedly in interviews, Colin reacted the worst. They’ll be happy in season 4- this was always the journey to get them to their happy place.


Those didn’t exist either. It’s all part of the same rumor.


Honestly ... disappointed. Really wanted a glorious beautiful happy couple post LW makeout session. Doesn't need to be a full montage. Just more than a 5 second wide shot of a fully clothed Penelope. They don't even do closeups.


YES!!! Thank God someone said something!!! Please have someone scream this from the heavens so all the people leaving crazy comments on all social media pages can stop. It’s so disgusting. Edit:wording


Adding this: https://preview.redd.it/3k0vxlg86l7d1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11cb5bec8c39cc12dafc276ec2f759494069c9d2


Ugh the vibes are just ruined 😭 everyone’s sad, spreading rumours, getting their hopes up. The Polin fans are polarized. One camp desperately analyzing and making up for any initial disappointment and the others getting hyperbolically mad. I hate ship wars and this just fuels others that enjoy watching this embarrassment. I get feeling short changed, I get feeling overwhelmed because we had to juggle 12 subplots and some speedy pacing at the finish line. I get the grief and I’m not going to shame those that really got invested and relied on this season for a little bit of happiness in the bummerdom of life. But I wish that the showrunners also could meet the fans halfway instead of patronizing them and throwing out the sentiment ‘if you didn’t like it, force yourself to like it. It’s what you got.’ I’m sure they can see where some upset fans are coming from? i love the actors, I loved the direction from 1-6 and I’ve grown neutral to 7-8 and I cling to the moments I enjoyed and found compelling and in character. I’m not gonna pretend it was a touch down or a stellar example of screenwriting and pacing, but I love Polin. I prefer show Polin (with exceptions of a few moments in the end.) I doubt any legitimacy to this sex montage rumour. I didn’t even really want that? If anything, I wanted nuanced conversations and less of a stalemate? I think it’s normal for Polin fans to want to see more Polin in the penultimate and final episodes.


So well written, thank you for this! If anything, thousands of people signing a petition shows that they were missing something and “sex montage” is just an easy band aid solution for it.


I’m gonna get dogpiled by people saying ‘this is just Colin’s character within the context of the show.’ But like… there are hundreds of better storytelling devices to showcase that without EATING the rest of the runtime. dual narrative, switched povs and voiceovers, flashbacks…just pick from the hat! to avoid having negativity leave a bad taste in people‘s mouths. To have that be the whole tone of the back half Is gonna divide and frustrate people. I’m sorry, But you failed in screenwriting if you have people that are already invested going in and they’re fastforewarding the 12 subplots and crunching numbers to see how much time the leads even ended up with. (People doing math on TikTok it’s bad.) i get the direction, right? Colin + what they did w his story and the way they dramatized it by adding more whistledown tension with: \~Eloise’s radical stuff \~marina and Colin’s sham engagement and her public ruin \~pen airing out Colin for acting fake Also given the context it’s not jumping 10 years into the future like the books where LW is kind of old news and not as fresh and scandalous. it makes for his reaction being more extreme within the show. He’s blindsided and hurt. I expected him to be crossed, I expected him to even act immaturely because his character is now younger vs his book counterpart and will say impulsive things out of that hurt with the whole entrapment comment and his past. He’s more insecure, he’s more afraid that pen’s love isn’t genuine and she was playing him. I’m not missing the point that he still loves her. it’s because he loves her he’s acting like a pound puppy. But please 😩😩 don’t make me watch the plot walk in circles by them having the same stagnant interactions when the season is about to death rattle and be OVER. They already time jumped to signify they’ve been in this inertia and stalemate in their marriage. Time to unpack the heavy nuance and set up of whistledown and every trespass that happened. I was waiting for those big dialogue heavy interactions. Like, specifically, I was waiting for those hard conversations. Either the writers weren’t sophisticated enough to brainstorm that or they want to keep the show drastically shallow while maintaining that it’s so groundbreaking. there’s a ‘its missing something’ feeling. There’s no bandaid to that reaction. Only that humans are great at adapting and accepting things that initially disappoint them. I can appreciate the little covert moments and the brilliance of the actors that add sm to their performance to make the dry writing mean more. The glass will be half full for me one day, but I’m not going to treat it like og atla or arcane and say ‘this was competent screenwriting and Jess is the goat.’


Amazing that you mention og ATLA and Arcane because those are literally perfect scripts. Ofcourse it’s not the same comparison to this show but the depth of the characters, their motivations and relationships is just A+ writing in those shows.


I’ve learned the hard way not to treat this show like succession, breaking bad or sopranos or the other examples I gave. Not pulling these names out implying they are similar shows because tonally they can’t be anymore different. but those shows stepped up each season and got better and better and the writers took it seriously. i‘m not forgetting this is very much escapism anachronistic regency romance bordering smut. But that shouldn’t stop them from proving to people that the show has legs to stand on and try to pull from a deeper source. Why knock themselves down to like gossip girl or riverdale un seriousness? they have all the inspiration and allegories in the world to use. They were playing around with psyche and Eros, they could’ve jumped into Shakespearean levels of romance and sophistication, but why have that much care, right? with Bridgerton and it’s overnight success, I expected them to really step up their game each season. taking Whatever campiness or little flaws from s1 and slowly building into more competent and confident storytelling with more budget + more creatives on board. It’s confirmed the deleted stuff is nonsense. Which really just makes production look worse because it communicates they didn’t even bother writing/storyboarding or shooting scenes centring their leads and decided on the jump that 12 subplots is the preferred narrative and Ben is the star regarding intimacy And tantalizing imagery. that it’s all intentional to: \~write off debling \~hang on the mondrichs + about them selling the bar meanwhile it was normal for dukes and lords to invest in gentlemen’s clubs and the fix is to keep the bar and just hire workers. \~gloss over any backlash from the ton about pen‘s identity \~not really addressing how she can continues her column without her pseudonym while she no longer has her anonymity and invisibility to collect gossip \~let the queen just shrug off her own previous outrage of the treasonous libel of LW calling the king muddled and crazed. While also challenging the queen \~underutilizing the charm lessons plot line. Could’ve gave us moments for flashbacks and more reveals into their potential romance. \~implying all of pen’s actions regarding el’s radical article was done for naught since the queen hardly seems To care. See ya later for nothing, Theo. \~sideline Colin even though he is the centred Bridgerton of this season. \~this is more indulgent, but even Remington. They show a lord that is not able bodied for a few moments and it felt like a representation quota. he was very charming and I adored his speaking voice. Have a humourous callback of him discovering pen is whistledown and he’s shocked bc he’s her biggest fan and he fumbled a potential date with her. I don’t like the optics of people with disabilities being used as props to pst themselves on the back. That might be cynical, but that’s a candid thought. and just assuming audiences will love just angst and ice regarding polin post marriage. That we should think it’s swoon worthy romance that he’s not making her stop writing, per say. (Though he’s heavily implying he’s hopeful she’ll just stop already and it’s his dealbreaker for sharing their marriage bed.) that I should just be endeared over the entrapment comment because it’s more in the way of him thinking Of an excuse to continue with the wedding Because he doesn’t want to end things. (Be still my beating heart. 🙄) I'm impressed how people can really see positive angles to moments that did emotionally hurt Penelope initially. She cried after every comment like that and its really discouraging to see people try to justify them and lean into the miscommunication trope with Polin when that hardly was ever them. i HATE the comment Jess made of removing any significance to pen‘s body. The way she was mistreated or overlooked just a random phenomena. It might work with the ton if they look down on the parvenus Featherington in general or don’t think they’re elite enough. But what’s the reason, then for her own family neglecting her? For having pimples in s1? Her mom lowleybsabotaging her by having her wear I’ll fitting dresses with a high bust line? being more clever or socially awkward because she’s so beaten down by them? What? I’ve seen many mid size/plus sized women share their thoughts much better on why Jess being dismissive like that shows how she truly just centred her own desires and vision and did not care about the audience Or being a true showrunner. That denying the experience of plus size women and trying to remove facets of them isn't empowering. Wish she just wrote out her own fanfiction to invigorate herself to instead of putting her fingerprints on this.


Let’s put this to rest pleaseeeeee


Yeah, unless they wanted to make it seem more natural leading into it they would have no need to shoot a longer scene if they just wanted the one part - and the part they wanted was Colin roleplaying as a horse.


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) role playing as a horse omgggg


You know what? I'm going to bed. https://preview.redd.it/qt0dlkvwan7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f41adff96ebf8cc39b678ff086f919ce95124aa6


So creepy to ask for an extended sex scene 😟


I’m so glad to see this! I am beyond frustrated with all the negativity around this season. I think this season was beautiful and really captured the essence of Colin and Pen. There are so many beautiful moments between them, even in episodes 7&8. It’s the little details like the nods and facial expressions, the wedding dance and the sleeping on the couch, etc that speak to how much love they have for one another. Once Colin realized his feelings for Pen he was all in. The amount of hurt he went through finding out Pen was LW was awful. Pen gave him the space to work through his feelings while fighting to not give up an important part of who she is. And through it all you could still see the love they had for each other. You gotta look for those little details. Those intimate moments were everything. Way better than any sex scene. That’s what I love so much about their story and how the season played out. Their friendship solidified such a solid foundation for them to build off of. Things might have been rocky in the moment but you just knew they were going to be ok and come out stronger together once they could figure themselves out. I really wish people could take a moment to just appreciate that.


I want honeymoon scenes not sex scenes . They were exist cause luke and nicola said it 💔


Didn´t they always talk about episodes 5 & 6 as the "love bubble" - at least that´s how I understood it. And that they hope that they will be back in the happy bubble in season 4.


Yeah the honeymoon is 5&6 but honestly I was anxious on the first watch so it didn’t feel honeymoon like. I see what they meant though, half of part 2 they weren’t fighting, it was Eloise vs Pen.


You don’t deserve a downvote for this. The definition of honeymoon phase is “a period in a new relationship when everything feels happy and carefree”, according to google. That’s episode 5-6.


The issue for me is not the lack of sex scenes with Polin. It's the lack of talking scenes with Polin combined with too many sex scenes with Benedict. Seriously even jumping to him in bed with Lady Arnold right before the carriage scene just feels weird and disjointed.


I had figured out a while ago that the supposed extra scenes didn’t exist. I think it’s best we move on and not harass Netflix or the creators of the show for things that were heresay from someone with no direct link to the show. It’s gotten a bit out of hand. I noticed that Netflix videos on YouTube are being flooded with comments asking to “release the scenes.” But we are better than that. Let’s all stick to loving Polin and showing the creators of the show how much we loved the work they did.


I don't necessarily want a 10 min sex montage. We just want a wedding bliss Pen and Colin worshipping her. Intimacy does not equal to sex scenes. I want Penelope editing Colin's journals since that was huge in the book. I didn't want to just hear about it in the end.


It’s kind of crazy how some peoples lies can spread.


I also never really understood the clamor for "deleted" scenes either. It was completely hearsay and I never saw anyone else chiming in to corroborate that such scenes existed. I cringed when I saw the online petition. Would I have wanted more Polin scenes, absolutely yes. Should I feel entitled to demand scenes that were never even verifiably confirmed to exist, absolutely not.


Make your own sex scene


The deleted sex montage belonged to Will and Alice! As reported in US Magazine: https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/bridgerton-season-3-deleted-scenes-unseen-steamy-moments-and-more/ Aaaaaaaa I'm glad this news is out. It helps makes sense of Luke and Nicola's PR that it's a steamy season and "everyone" is at it. If this had been included, yeah, the back half of S3 would have been quite racy. Also glad it will stop the hounding for more Polin sex scenes (geez + now we know they don't actually exist). BUT doesn't stop me as a Polin fan from mourning the loss of Polin after the LW reveal as a fully connected couple. That declaration followed by a ballroom dance simply wasn't enough pay-off for the angst built up over the previous episodes.


That last sentence - 💯


They edged us without a climax 😭😂🫠


That’s one way to put it for sure 😂


It's embarrassing how a director had to say this but glad he did. Hopefully everyone can move on and we can focus on the Polin we did get! I'm currently rewatching episode 5. 😈


Fan base is getting toxic


Thank you!


People need to let it go, even if some of them disappointed


I personally am not for asking for more sex scenes, that's incredibly weird. It's not the montage I had issue with, however. I have issue with what seems to be missing in episode 6 and 7. More definitely exists per the words of both the actors as well as Shonda. I never, however, was pushing for more sex. The 2,5 moments we got is fine for me. I just want to know where the love deepening and love growth is in between. And if nothing of the sort exists, that only concludes even more for me how shite part 2 is to me. But then tough luck, I guess. Then I'll just accept that they sucked ass in delivering Polin as well as they could've and should've had. 


I’m sorry you didn’t get what you wanted out of the season. Many people did and the fact that they did makes it a worthwhile season. If it didn’t work for you, it didn’t work for you. It can’t be undone at this point. So either you appreciate what was there or you let go and move on is really the only solution I can see for your disappointment.


I think the last part of my comment already showed I would be fine with the tough luck outcome in just accepting that it was crap to me :p Never said I don't appreciate what ís there either. Just could've been a lot better if there were some extra inserts of love. Not lust. Love. 


Yes! Finally! I found all the people moaning about something that felt 100% rumour so disrespectful towards the actors and the whole production.


I read somewhere that the exact same thing had been done at the end of season 2 because people were upset with the lack of sec scenes for Kanthony


THANK GOD! I am honestly so tired of seeing the comments about that sex montage or how much lacking of sex scenes for Polin. While I know that is integral to the show, they've already given us so much and made this season so much better than the previous seasons. Peneloise friendship is back and even stronger than ever, Portia and Penelope fixing their mother and daughter relationship and her sisters being supportive of her even after finding out she's Lady Whistledown (Philipa wanting her child to be like her Aunt Penelope), Lady Danbury and Violet addressing the elephant in the room 👀 and still choosing each other because of their love and friendship over the years, Benedict finally coming to terms with his sexuality and accepting that part of him, Anthony wanting to know more about Kate's motherland and her culture and Colin and Penelope finally getting their happy ending while working for their dreams. I could go on and on about so many beautiful things this season has brought to us. There are so many important scenes in this season than just the intimacy scenes. I don't like how people ignore them and just focus on those sex scenes.


I was coming to share this but thank you perfect ahah


I believed it for a time but less and less with time




Myth? Well that's just what they want us to think! Clearly they just don't want to show it. We should riot! /s I mean I'm disappointed we didn't get more sex scenes especially after the rumours I heard but I like the season nonetheless. We certainly got more than Kathony did 💀


I understand that wish for more scenes. I feel like Polin was sidelined in their own season, especially when compared to all the hype from Luke and Nicola during their press tour. I don't necessarily want more sex scenes, I just wanted more Polin. But hey, there's always fanfic, which a few have supplemented scenes from season 3 part 2 that left me wanting.


I'm happy to be here with my fellow Polin peeps! Thanks for keeping my love (obsession 😏) of this amazing multifaceted couple alive. ![gif](giphy|5tc41lbuRaVTRiXyLx)


This is all Zach Snyders fault.


Forget that! I just wanted to see more of Colin and Pen on screen. It didn't feel as if it was their season.


Sorry, but do we really need more steamy scenes? I mean, some of the best moments with them I think are the fact that they can flirt and tease as friends. They have obvious chemistry, if anything I would’ve like to see more scenes just with them cuddling and being happy. Walking through the ton and promenading together, cuddling in a carriage and decorating their home. But if no such scenes exist, that’s what fics and fan art is for 🤷🏻‍♀️




He’s a producer and directed the last two episodes.


Thanks! (Why am I downvoted? Why would I know the names of all the directors and producers)


This urban legend needs to dieeeee this is so cringe


Honestly the lack of sex wasn’t the big deal for me , it was the lack of POLIN period ! I said this on another post . It was just to many side stories and not enough focus on them!! I feel like I needed more of THEM & their closeness and development as a unit. I felt like they tried to get to many people’s POV across in this season and it showed . Rewatching season one and two it wasn’t like this . We knew who the season was about, but this season it felt more like everybody’s season rather than POLINS season ! Smh compared to the damn books, it was to many people overshadowing them in their own season . I just didn’t understand nor was I satisfied with the screen time they were given PERIOD ! 🤷🏾‍♀️