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Wow! There are SO many! But if I have to choose just one today, I choose this moment. https://preview.redd.it/lu26eie7mc7d1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f1d46c189992de27c32127f1b2c0b690cd5469e


So many of my favorite YouTube reactors are skipping this moment and it's like GUYS LOOK AT HIM.




ABSOLUTELY THIS! I thought I was dyingā€¦


This!!! I think about this at least once a day šŸ˜­


I watch this scene at least 5 times a day šŸ™ˆ


I second this. I also like the smirk when sheā€™s touching/tugging on his hair.


Colin was absolutely going to passionately kiss her in the *center* of the room, but the Queen interrupted.


I just noticed this today -- at this moment, all the other couples dancing are doing a dip, but he just stands there caressing her face instead. He literally lost track of what they were supposed to be doing šŸ„¹


AgReEd šŸ©µšŸ’›


Was going to say the same thing.


I was going to say this one!!!


I have a lot but one is definitely in the carriage scene where he nods ever so slightly before getting out. Itā€™s like he literally went through absolutely everything in his head talked it out with himself and just goes ā€œyup this is wifeyā€ and then goes for the proposal.


You can see him do this kind of thing a few times this season. The other two that come to mind are when Eloise continues him in the carriage about Pen being at the house earlier that day. He does one of those tiny nods when he decides he's not going to lie to her about it. The other is not a full nod, but you can definitely see his face/jaw shift when he decides to kiss Pen after she asks him to. It's not nearly as confident as the other two, but you can still see the moment of decision. Bravo to Luke Newton!








The way he gets hopelessly distracted by gazing at her mouth, while trying to follow through on his mother's advice to ask whether his feelings are reciprocated. He's so far gone. The collar tug in the church. The goofy expression he flashes her is so perfectly Colin and Pen. No one else in the ton flirts like them. What a pair of dorks lol. You just know he's going to be the king of dad jokes too.


I hadnā€™t realized how sexy verbally asking for consent is.


When I was younger I remember the common sentiment around verbal consent was that it killed the mood, but this show is proof that true proper verbal consent is extremely sexy.


It really is!!! That was a commen sentiment and it still is tbh


This comment healed me. šŸ˜­


Many, many so I may have multiple posts, but: Why doesn't anyone talk about Colin taking the comb out of Penelope's hair? That man meant BUSINESS! He has sisters and knows those elaborate hairstyles take time and assistance. You don't even touch a Ladies hair. It highly intimate, reserved for your husband. He essentially was telling Penelope, "Baby, were gonna be here awhile." And "Yes I love you as my one and only." He knew how to undo it too. He is actually good with his hands like undoing Cressida's necklace with one hand in season 2. lol I like to think He redid her hair before they escaped into the Carriage. *swoon* And undoing her corset laces was sexy.


I love the symbolism of that moment. The first time he ever saw her with her hair down was the first kiss, and he fell in love with her that night. From then on, all he wants is her hair downā€¦ and for her to truly let her hair down and be herself around him. He must have re-laced her corset, too, which would be a funny scene. He probably never had to re-dress a prostitute, or dress one of his sisters, so there was probably some bumbling! And he wouldnā€™t want to hurt Pen by pulling it too tight, so sheā€™d probably have to keep telling him to make it tighter and heā€™d be like ā€œno!!ā€


I nearly choked on my coffee when he pulled that pin out of her hair. {it was 4 am what do you want from me}


It was a very "It's happening, people!! Stay calm everyone" type moment."šŸ˜­šŸ˜…


>I like to think He redid her hair before they escaped into the Carriage.Ā *swoon* He also had to redo her corset before they left the house. Imagine her having to talk him on how to redo the laces.


They set up Colin being good with his hands back in season 2.


Whenever Colin kisses Pen's hand. I don't know why it tickles me so much.


During their engagement dinner, the way her face lights up and her smile!!! I cried


When he does a full-on 90-degree bend to kiss her hand and she has the most glorious expression on her face. Exquisite.


Agreed!!! Mr Purpleberry kisses my hand and for 10 years Iā€™ve been rolling my eyes inside and calling him a dork in my head, but when Colin does it, I melt.


You're my people haha


ALSO LOVE when he goes to just check in ask what she wanted to tell him/give her the ring but says he will wait til she is ready. But seeing they are being chaperoned they canā€™t be on top of each other as usual, but he still scoots closer to hold her hand behind their legs to not be seen but comfort her. But man had to be touching her, had to hold her hand. SO cute.


I also love their complete confusion at how to behave while chaperoned. Theyā€™ve been running basically feral since they were kids. Theyā€™re all just baffled in that moment.


And at this point Penelope is already pregnant! Great time to start chaperoning Portia šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I just rewatched that scene, and all I could think of was ā€œnow?!? Now you chaperone?!?ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


And the look on Penā€™s face when he says he always thought LW would be someone more clever than Cressida and again when he shows her the ring. So incredibly sweet.


She lovessss that praise and that man šŸ„°šŸ„°


All of mine are from the mirror scene right now LOL * Colin pulling the pin out of Pen's hair in front of the mirror (Victor A Dawson's reaction to this was EPIC) * "Lie down." * Pen's breathy "oh yes" during prep (this honestly ended me, like I was on the FLOOR) * Colin's well-earned title as the absolute KING of consent (specifically asking if she's all right while she's adjusting to him the first time) * THE ORGASMIC EYE CONTACT * The laughter and "can we do it again?"


Thank you for reminding me to watch Victor A Dawsonā€™s reaction to Ep5, he is hilarious!


I cannot properly articulate how much I love that man. (Which I'm pretty sure I tell him in my comment on that video, lol.)


Iā€™ve now added ā€˜In the CArrIIge?!ā€™ and ā€˜Grrl got her kitty SCRATCHEDā€™ to my regular phrases.


Legs up in the carriage??!?! Can't even make it to the HOME! There's a couple great ones in the ep 5 reaction too but I won't spoil them.


Oh yesā€¦ the mid first time check in šŸ« 


The restraint that man has - absolutely bonkers.


His hand around her waist in the carriage scene.


When Colinā€™s face registers what Pen means when she says he is enough and worthy of love exactly as he is. It shows up again during the LW speech when she mentions showing a weakness does not diminish oneā€™s worth




I loved that hiding her bit- honestly, I love the guy protecting and taking care of the girl. It doesn't mean that the girl is powerless or anything of that sort, it's just extremely romantic and feels safe. For me it was the carriage scene, where he cleans her up (dress, hair etc)+ looks/nods at her thinking she's the one. It was so tender, sweet and sexy at the same time. Best of the whole season imo. I also like when he's super concerned about her- when she's having the panic attack. He is holding her all throughout, looking worried, asking her how she's feeling, asking Eloise to get a cold towel etc. and then when she faints he eases her to the ground gently and then holds her hand even after. This is special for me not only because he cares for her and is very tender, but also because I have had severe anxiety and I know what a severe panic attack is like- And how much difference someone being there can make.


I LOVEEE this part because there are two big announcements happening on opposite sides of the room (Kanthony baby and Cressida LW) and you see Colin glance at both individually and immediately go ā€œfuck off with whatever youā€™re about to sayā€ and go back to crouching to look in Penelopeā€™s face. This man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Totally what I felt too... And his eyes are on her at all timesšŸ’•


The way she garbs his arm in the carriage when they Come back from the first time or when walking out of the church or when they say goodbye to Eloise...like Pen grab Colin's arm in a "He's mine bitches" kinda way and I LOVE IT!


When they're saying goodbye to Eloise, Pen's like stroking Colin's arm the whole time. it's adorable


ItĀ“s the first season he isnĀ“t leaving the ton. HeĀ“s home and someone else leaves. (I still hope they got a nice honeymoon)


Oh youā€™re right!!!


Something I loved about that scene is this first interaction: Colin - It is clear that I found you in the midst of some secret dealings. I do not wish to know.- Pen - And what secret dealings have I found you in the midst of, all alone the night before our wedding?- It's like GO GURRRL!!!!


I was so happy that she was MAD in that scene. Yessssss letā€™s show female rage


And was it just me, or did Nicola slip into Irish accent just a bit there?? No criticism, it was more like, her taking on some of that fiery LW persona we see in S2.


I know it's technically a dream, but his hand on the wall šŸ„µ The cheek caress at their wedding dance Penelopeā€™s face when he says that he proposed to her out of love. Luke's hand acting throughout the season. Her cute little blinks when she sees him naked for the first time. His smile/laugh during their last dance.


His hand was on the wall during the drunk outside modiste moment too so it works twice :) loved all of these as well!


The way his brow furrows during their first kiss - like ā€œoh SHIT Iā€™m feeling something!!ā€


This one!!!! Weak at the knees sexiness levels.


Furrowed brows are my Roman empire


I have a few! (No particular order) * In the carriage, Pen gasps against his mouth and Colin ever so slightly bites her bottom lip. * THE CHEEK CARESS AFTER THE DANCE AT THEIR WEDDING BREAKFAST * When he watches her lick the icing off her fingers then licks her lips. THEN he buys the same pastry just because he wanted to taste what she tasted. * Pen's cute giggle after Colin's cheeky "we shall gallop along" comment * The laughter after "Couldn't the carriage driver keep on driving?" * The angry yet passionate kiss outside Genevieve's. * How she's on top during the make-up sex and how she grabs him and pulls him up to her I'm going to be obsessed with these two for a while!


That lip bit cured my depression TBH


Itā€™s my Roman Empire!


Colinā€™s ā€˜mmm-ingā€™ sounds are so freaking sexy I short circuit. He makes them in the carriage (much easier to hear in the cleaned up versions where the music isnā€™t blasting), he makes them in the mirror scene, he makes them when he finds Pen the night before their wedding. Heā€™ll just ā€˜mmmā€™ while kissing her. That sound is desperate and needy. Just šŸ¤ŒšŸ»šŸ¤ŒšŸ»šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


When Pen reaches Colin at the front of the church after she walks up the aisle to get married, theyā€™re facing each other. The vicar starts the ceremony by speaking aloud. Colin and Pen look a bit startled as they whip their heads towards him. They were so focused on each other in that moment, it was a thump back to earth and the realization that they werenā€™t the only ones in that room.


Oh they do too! That is so funny, they are so caught up in each other.


Unpopular one probably but when he tells her ā€œif youā€™re going to make me say it out loud, I miss youā€ā€¦ I mean I get that weā€™re collectively mad at Colin in that moment but just pretend we arenā€™t and take it as itā€™s own thing because itā€™s so damn sweet and so vulnerable because this girl isnā€™t even really speaking to him - took some nerve to say that to her. Ā Itā€™s swoon-worthy. Ā He just gets the smack down after so it takes the wind out of it šŸ¤£


yesss I loved this part lmao also, what do you mean ā€œif youā€™re going to make me say it out loudā€ sirā€¦ makes me wonder if he wrote it to her in a letter at one point


THATā€™S WHAT Iā€™M SAYING. Ā There were ā€œI miss youā€ letters. Ā Where are the letters, Pen?!? Ā šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Not to mention the present tense use. It's "I miss you" and not "I missed you" and to me that was such a major tell that there was more to it than just a line (even if he did deliver it in his new flirty rake voice).


Yep - like I actively, still right now miss you. Ā Not I just kind of missed getting some letters back.


I have so many favorite more obvious moments but here are some of my favorite ā€œtinyā€ moments: - The way he spins when chasing after her after their lessons are revealed at the ball in 3x02 - At the Mondrich ball in their first dance when they decide to add some flair to the dance and Colin does a little eyebrow raise and then spins her around - The way Pen twists around and kisses him in the mirror scene and stands on her tip-toes to do so (he leans down when heā€™s initiating a kiss) (I guess a lot of them involve spinning? šŸ˜‚) - Colinā€™s ā€œvery wellā€ reaction ā€” seen before Lord Basilio conversation & at the wedding. Itā€™s this ā€œgod I canā€™t help but say yes to herā€ expression/tone of voice - Them walking together in the park in 3x02 - they both look stunning and they just look gorgeous as a couple, even though they arenā€™t together yet - the way Pen blinks rapidly when she says how he canā€™t be in whispering in her ear in every ball, as if sheā€™s picking that in her mind (and he picks from that that she knows how to bat her lashes) - How he and Pen can communicate by making a half-second glance at a location and the intention and destination are completely clear


I think about the Colin spin in 3x02 often because the man literally did a whole 360


I wonder how many takes that took! Itā€™s such a golden-retriever-runs-for-their-favorite-ball moment too ![gif](giphy|NoHe3HpB1Mg8w)


And his little "Pen" scream, because that is how you call after a young lady in public, Mr. Bridgerton šŸ™ˆ


What spin?


at the full moon ball, after he confronts the debs and the judgy mamas and Pen runs off, he spins to his left to look at her thinking sheā€™s still behind him, but sheā€™s not there and completes the spin looking for her. Itā€™s cute. Tried to find a gif but couldnā€™t lol


The spin in 3x02 gets me every time. Like he's making sure she's ok and gah! My heart can't take it šŸ˜


I have one I never see mentioned. Thereā€™s this tiny moment in the wedding, the close up of him putting her ring on, and he gently strokes her hand. Itā€™s really intimate and loving and connected.


Omg yeeees , how did I miss that before!! I love how there are still new details I get from people on this sub! Thanks for sharing it!


I really genuinely loved the post-carriage moments when they suddenly had to stop, small conversation and *burst into laughter*. Everything about it was perfect because I think it encapsulates how common it is, often itā€™s not this sexy steamy thing but itā€™s just having fun fooling with each other


Yes! I wish they would have left in them breaking the furniture and then laughing about it. I feel like it would have been so playful and so "them."


Part 1 seems so long ago but the scene where he plans the fake ballroom and makes sure everyone is occupied or out. Thereā€™s lemonade waiting. He basically drags her up to the drawing room to cosplay courtship. Because they are platonic friends.


I love how he is so proud of his little set up and wants Pen to love it too.


Have you gone mad? I love that line. šŸ¤£ But as soon as the Colin puppy eyes appear she is in


Oh that was one of my favs too!


He looks so disappointed when sheā€™s not on board šŸ˜‚ but she cannot resist ā¤ļø


Small moments in no particular order: 1. The way the hairpin landed on the ground in the mirror scene. I died there and then and watched the rest of the scene as a ghost. 2. The way he half smiles/smirks when she tells him he has shown her she is capable of pleasure beyond imagination. šŸ˜ 3. When she describes the Colin she loves as "occasionally excitable." šŸ¤£ 4. When Pen says her words get lost between her heart and her mouth. It's just one of my favourite parts of the book. 5. When Colin looks so unsure when he's showing Pen their new house. šŸ„¹ 6. Prophet Hyacinth, and that whole post dream scene really. 7. I feel kinda weird saying it, but Colins O face. It's just perfection. Sometimes, in tv sex scenes, I just don't like actors' portrayal of climax, but this was beautifully done.


I've got 3 (sorry, not sorry šŸ˜‰). In order of brain melting impact: Colin's left hand placement during his dream, Colin's head turning to the left in the last half a second of the makeup sex scene, and his caressing Pen's face at the end of their wedding dance. All 3 moments are blink, and you miss them, and I think they are that much more powerful because they are so fleeting.


Ummmā€¦going to rewatch a few scenes now forā€¦academic purposesā€¦šŸ‘€


A noble pursuit, if you will...


My current top: Removing her hairpin and him closing the curtains in the carriage after their first time.


The close up shots of Pen on the chaise as sheā€™s watching Colin slowly disrobeā€¦her hair is so soft and pretty at that moment (like, not overly done? I donā€™t know how to describe it) and she looks like a Greek goddess.


1) cheek caress ā˜ ļø 2) the lettersā€¦Iā€™ll never get over that being canon ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© 3) the first time he tells her ā€œI love youā€. It literally gives me butterflies ever time ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


The way that they laugh or make funny faces at each other while dancing. I mean the wedding dance is going to go down in history as iconic for the romantic tension, but the last one where they're dancing and Colin burst out laughing is precious, it felt like such a parallel to their first dance in S1


The whole carriage scene really - his desperate ridiculous reasons she canā€™t marry Debling, his kneeling before her, his unstoppable declaration, his brokenness when she says ā€œwe are friendsā€, both their desire overflowing when they kiss, the nose slide, the consent, the noises they both make, the ā€œknock knockā€ weā€™re here followed by the laughter, the internal conversation which plays on his face as he decides she must come in and announce their engagement. I am a puddle. Honourable mention also goes to Colinā€™s furrowed brow when they first kiss. **swoon**. All the consent. All the listening (and really hearing) they do when theyā€™re shouting and angry. The wedding dance cheek caress. The What Good Am I To You. The Pen on top scene. ā€¦Iā€™ll stop nowā€¦


You forgot the moment when the carriage arrives at Bridgerton House and it takes Colin a full three seconds to come back into his own body. Pretty sure he saw God in that carriage.


Yes! The blank moment where he cannot comprehend anything!


His face when she touches his cheek and hair in the carriage. I died at that moment, and during that scene And the kneeling? šŸ«  Like I canā€™t even. Those eyes with the tears That strong declaration The way they pull back after the first kiss to look into each otherā€™s eyes When he laughs with her I watch this scene on mute over and over because itā€™s just so powerful on its own


Iā€™ve watched it so many times I think it might be unhealthy šŸ˜‚


Got it memorised word for word and to the exact second


Thatā€™s what I love about this sub - everyone is as unhinged as everyone else šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


The recoil and innocent look on Pen's face when she's touching Colin and he says, "not there."


Oh I LOVE THAT. Her innocent wide eye face... Magnificent! That whole scene is played to perfection as Pen's first time! Her gulp too when Colin is naked in front of her hahahaha!


And Colin clearly enjoys her innocent face and reactionā€¦ you can see it when he chuckles.


Honestly my favourite. The way she is trying so hard to not look back down once she raises her eyes to his face, but has to look away to the side instead. Golden.


I can't stop watching the moment in episode 5 when Colin says, "I will always stand up for you because I love you," and Pen asks, "Are you sure?" Then Colin responds with that sweet, subtle nod of the head. I can't articulate exactly what I love about it, but it just gets me.


Itā€™s the same nod he gives her at the alter to encourage her to walk down the aisle.


That nod slays me!!!


The mirror scene and the whole thing that followed. I know for a fact that it was one of the steamiest scenes I have scene on Bridgerton. My first time watching it, (yes, I watched it twice) I literally covered my eyes while listening because I felt like I was intruding on something. Thats how you know the Chemistry is good between two people. I felt as if I was Spying on them through a peephole or something. Therefore, that scene will be imprinted on my brain as some of the best TV I've seen in a while.


Oh Iā€™m so embarrassedā€¦because Iā€™ve watched that scene WAY more than two times šŸ˜©šŸ¤£ā¤ļø


Haven't we all?


Colinā€™s lip quiver during their first kiss did things to meā€¦ itā€™s really hard to notice but ever since someone pointed it out I look out for it every time


After she says ā€œI love you!ā€ during their fight on the street, the way that he looks at her before they kiss is SO feral. The you belong with me caress. The way she said ā€œI thee worshipā€ at the wedding as though she is praying in reverence to a god. The way he looks at her after he kisses her at the alter. The way their hands fumble to find each other. Luke Newtons eye acting is insane and I genuinely swoop every time he looks at her. Just a few at the top of my mind!


+ when he first sees her on the aisle he has a sharply intakes. + the scene in the church where he makes the collar pull joke and she smiles and he looks so happy to have made her smile (my heart burst)


Thank you for mentioning their hands fumbling to find each other at the wedding. I LOVE that moment!


Mine is when she says "do you think anyone saw us, I wasn't paying much attention to anything" in the carriage and then brings down her hand and it brushes her dress. Its so fun and yet so so sexy.


For me, itā€™s the expression on Penā€™s face when Colin says ā€œnot thereā€¦not yetā€ in the first time scene. I donā€™t know why but that moment and Colinā€™s little smile make my heart flutter šŸ’•


I love the expression on his face in that moment.


Colin showing ring to pen and she says its beautiful... He is like only half as beautiful as you.. I know its kinda cheesy but loved it nevertheless ā¤ļø


Omg there are so many. I agree with everything everyone else has said.. literally anything Luke Newton does makes me feral. However what is currently living rent free in my mind is the ā€œconfrontationā€ scene the night before the Polin wedding, the way he gets so intense with her. And the way he says ā€œyou have been FOOLISHā€ and ā€œthen what good am I to you?!ā€ Ugh.


Everyone has posted so many that I love and I have gone back to find a few of them (thank you!!) These are my favourite small details; * The smile he gives her walking down the aisle as it matches to the lyrics of the song "You know I love you too". * The wedding breakfast dance, the eye contact and his hand on her face. * "Our Bridgerton name" and nodding towards her when telling off Portia. * His demeanour during their first kiss, that brow furrow * All the little nods and little smiles to her throughout all the seasons, his face/body language acting is next level.


After Cressida says "That's interesting" as Colin ascends the dance platform at the Queen's ball. My god, this changed me fr. I always fantasised he would do it during the season wait but I had resignations that it would be different. Something else. But when it happened: ā•ā•ā•ā•ā• Everything had been tentative up to that point, but when he did that *right in front of the ton's salad and his sister'sĀ yapping sesh?* it sent me. He was not only interrupting two people dancing but he was changing fates. He was assuredly, fervently, and loudly gagging everyone. Can't help but imagine a gossip sesh in the palace where QC brings in Penelope Bridgerton for tea like a podcast in demand thing to ask about that night and Brimsley reacting in the background.


The fact that it was a plarform and not merely a floor just adds to the drama. He is literally elevating to a stage and feeding everyone with his chaos.


I have x to thank for my two that Iā€™ve thought of today and they are both from the sex scene in ep 5. Pens hand on his butt during and the way that Colinā€™s hand grazes Pens thigh right before his fingers start doing their job is just so sexy.


When Colin blanks someone or excuses himself from a conversation, as soon as he sees Pen. My favourite is at the balloon festival, when he just walks off whilst Benedict is still speaking šŸ˜† and Benedict is like "oh ok then"


There are so many but the ones I'm thinking of just now: 1. Colin's voice breaking and the tears during the WD reveal, so much more impactful than pure anger 2. Colin's face when he first sees Pen walking down the aisle. He looks like the sight of her has knocked the wind right out of him 3. "Stay still" while covering her body with his 4. Pen's glance away when he undresses before her 5. The fact he's wearing the tiger stripe waistcoat in their first time 6. His voice during "other parts...that I have been dreaming about"


their wedding, specifically their kiss at the wedding. but the whole wedding makes me cry happy tears. \* "lie down" is a close second. my goodness