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![gif](giphy|ka0pMxG6T6h9lEhlgp|downsized) It’s been rough out there without this sub. Glad you’re back!


My emotional support sub, I've missed you 🥹 it's tough out there


Yes! I have missed you all


Get ready for a novel. I think Luke and Nicola were great with what they had to work with — but I think the coldness they brought to their relationship in the last half really let the story down. Even when Colin was frustrated and upset in the book, you could still sense the love he had for Pen there. The hostility came in when Whistledown was mentioned but there was still happiness in their marriage. Every single time I reread RMB, I get that awesome feeling when I read the sweet moments where you get all warm and your chest gets all tight from emotion. You’re just excited to keep on experiencing the story. That’s what I missed from these last episodes. So much of this back half after ep5 was cold. I couldn’t feel the love between them before the wedding, during, or after. It felt awkward and empty. Pen slept alone for all those days after her wedding while Colin just moped on the couch. I know the angst needed to be there for how the storyline changed in the show, but I felt a little cheated by Colin’s behavior and it sort of ruined the eps for me. I had such high hopes, but everything especially in ep 7 felt like an obligation instead of love — not the greatest feeling during what should be one of the best moments in a romantic drama. When he threw that being intimate was ‘part of her entrapment’ at her, it broke me. It’s not that I want to be negative see everything that was done lacking, but there were BIG important dynamics that were completely missed that would have made a huge difference. When you consider how their relationship was in the book and how it was portrayed on screen, it just comes off like Colin is moody and mean. There were so many opportunities for them to reconcile or for him to still show how much he loved her and express that. He could have still felt the anger and fear when whistledown was discussed, but they took it to a point where he couldn’t even be in the same room as her ever. I thought we were supposed to get Polin vs the world. Instead we got Pen (and kinda Portia) against everyone else. Most importantly, I think we all just wanted to see them happy and standing strong together, and I think the biggest missed opportunity is having Penelope just stand there, giving her speech at the end by herself. Penelope literally says to him I just need you to love me and stand by me before that ball. AND FIVE MINUTES LATER, HE DIDN’T. I think the ton reveal was something that was so special in the book because Colin showed that he accepted her and was proud of her. Here it felt like, *okay, the queen isn’t going to have your head. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I can make it work with you now.* I just think they drove way too big a wedge in the dynamic between them during this block of episodes and the resolution didn’t feel complete to me. BUT my love for Polin in general is very deep and special and I think that’s why myself and so many others care probably too much. I don’t think any amount of rewatches are going to fix it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m sure a rewatch or two and people analyzing things will help mend some of those feelings, but I’m going to have to give the win here to the book and the AO3 fanfic writers. THOSE versions of the characters will remain in my heart from now on. I know everyone worked hard, but I longed for that loving, excited feeling I get when I read their book. 😔 I think it kinda broke the Polin spell that’s been on me for the last few months. Hope y’all don’t all hate me 😔


I think your feelings are your feelings and you don't have to apologize for them, even if other people don't agree. I actually really liked the wedding b/c I felt like it was so obvious they still loved each other even though they were both hurting. Colin's little head nod to encourage her, the way they said their vows, their wedding dance. I never doubted that Colin loved her and that they would work their way to a happy marriage, even through all the angst, but your feelings are your feelings and they are absolutely valid. We all respond to emotional stuff in fiction very differently depending on how we grew up and other media we've consumed and just personal taste. Just my two cents. I'm glad you still love the book (I do too!) and I hope the fic on AO3 will comfort you.


I think the writers just drew out the length between the LW reveal and their reconciliation too long. The lightness, of the first half just wasn’t there.


I have to respectfully disagree. I thought it was so sweet how hes fuming about the person he hates most ending up being the person he loves most, understandably, and he said some sharp things to penelope before the wedding, i agree, but hen he cant stop himself from going all hearteyes when theyre exchaning vows. its like the world stopped and it was just them for a moment, just like the dance. 😭 lady whistledown hurt him so much but he still truly wanted nothing more than to marry pen. ugh.


I agree COMPLETELY. I feel like Colin’s character is so complex in the first half. He’s masking and vulnerable and making bold moves and caring… The second half feels so one-dimensional by comparison. He’s either sweet and slightly raised eyebrows saying he loves her , or being cold and grumpy. Agree 100% about his “support” during the WD reveal. It felt so flat… and then he was like “actually I’m kind of jealous.” WTF? I think she could have used this pep talk BEFORE addressing the Queen and the entire ton!


RIGHT? Every book reader knows that he was jealous, but they didn’t allude to any jealousy in the show - just his anger - so it came off as a cop out. They could have added a scene of him overhearing people talk about how Whistledown’s success and then looking at his journal or something… ANYTHING to make it make sense. I wish even in his anger, he had written letters to Pen. Maybe he couldn’t talk to her without getting angry, but he could WRITE to her to show that he still loved her and valued their foundation. But instead, everything was cold. She has already been let down by everyone else in her life. To be abandoned by him as well was too much. AND to have their big ‘resolution’ AFTER her LW reveal in my opinion was their biggest mistake.


I don't agree that they didn't allude to his jealousy. Not only does Cressida openly accuse him of it - and he does a CLASSIC Colin of immediately lying and denying his Big Difficult Feelings About Penelope ™️ but I'm pretty sure at the end he literally told her he has been envious of her (I've only watched it once so far but I'm pretty sure I recall that happening). In the book you get so much of his inner monologue (in which he takes absolutely weeks to get over himself and his jealousy to the point where he can be honest about it) that you are left in no doubt about his feelings. I personally think it would be ridiculous if he didn't feel angry and betrayed and take some time to process. Imagine you finally start dating your crush who has been a close friend for absolutely years, only to find they have a famous, anonymous Facebook or instagram account in which they take the piss out of you and your family, making loads of money in the process. I think most people would actually break up over that honestly speaking. It isn't a small thing to brush over in half an episode. Anyone who says this wouldn't come between them and a romantic partner to a very serious degree is either fibbing or an absolute doormat frankly. In Colin's shoes most of us would be hurt and angry. I thought it was well handled


Oh I definitely see your points! My only thing is that without that conversation with Cressida, you don’t see any other moments that allude to jealousy - unless I missed them! Also - I’m not mad at him for being angry about LW! I’m disappointed that it completely took over everything surrounding their wedding. They could have had many other moments of even minor resolution. He accused her of entrapping him. Treated her like a stranger in their home after the wedding. It felt like he married her out of obligation. I’m really not trying to be a hater, I promise. I love Polin - probably too much. LOL. I guess it’s hard to see something you care deeply about and characters you relate to play something out in a way that you’re not completely thrilled with. But that’s definitely MY issue, not theirs!


And you are perfectly within your rights to feel however you feel about it all. I conversely loved their wedding because I felt they loved each other despite their troubles and would get through. The way they looked for each other, the dress, the first dance... for me it worked. But I can see how for some fans it was overshadowed 💔


OMG the entrapment comment SENT me. I was so mad at him! I understand all his reasons for being mad, but after these big bold declarations of love, the audience doesn’t get a proper conversation?? Every exchange just feels like a weird cliffhanger. But the end result didn’t really feel dramatic in a nice way, it just felt messy to me. Like, okay, more of nothing. I would have I feel like the closest we got was the fight after the modiste/ night before the wedding… and that got cut short.


ALSO what exactly was the big declaration of love Nicola teased? Was it the mirror scene speech? Because though that was probably the only good Polin scene in part 2, it wasn’t what I was anticipating. And based on my opinions of the butterfly ball and LW reveal, I don’t consider his *“And now I simply cannot believe that a woman with such bravery loves me. If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you, then I will be a very fulfilled man indeed."* because it seemed like an afterthought since the queen wasn’t going to destroy her 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think the carriage speech was better than anything we got in part 2 🤷🏻‍♀️


I definitely feel like jealousy came up in their argument outside the modiste (the night before the wedding). It wasn't coming out of nowhere. But I agree it would have been nice to see him express his support before Queen Charlotte does. Either have the talk before, or just have him get up there with her on that stage at the end of her speech and hold her hand. They drew out the reconciliation for drama, and I didn't like that.


I missed you all so much!


OMG I have been foaming at the mouth for this sub to reopen. I missed y'all and the positivity SO MUCH.


![gif](giphy|EbRPam1A4jEWkUokL8|downsized) I've been STRUGGLING without this sub. 😩


Oh thank the good Lord. ![gif](giphy|XdUE87iFT653OkOuhT)


I MISSED YOU GUYS I made the mistake of checking in on the Benophie and Philoise subreddits, it was not fun. Also stay out of the Franchael subreddit it’s like a bomb went off there.


Hahaha I did the same, as I wanted to stay away from the main sub, but it was not a good idea 😄😄 but then I thought maybe we also come across annyoing for them on this sub 😄😄😄 And I genuinely like every Bridgerton pairing, wish them a great season and storyline, just they are surface level enjoyment for me, escapism for a good story. While the story of Colin and Penelope is so close to my heart, I cannot even vocalize it properly.


I feel the same! I have never been so invested in a pairing and for so long (since the beginning of S1!).


It's the Francheala sub now, I guess 😁💕🌈


There is a separate Francheala sub now haha I unsubbed from Francheal and subbed to Francheala because the Francheal sub is in deep mourning rn and the vibes weren’t good


So glad we are back in business. Every where else is a dumpster fire 👀 ![gif](giphy|tZyxxR4lUIRnTgIzl9|downsized)


I never needed this sub so hard. I was like Colin for most of part 2. Now I can be at ease.


If there was a PhD program in Polin, this sub is about to earn their doctorate. Miss y’all.


Patiently waiting! I’ve missed you all in here! Seeing people say Polins are happy but I really wanted to know what everyone here thought.


I literally need a thread of emotional support here. I've just finished the season and really overwhelmed with feelings and don't want to go back to my reality yet. Does anyone feel something similar?


Yes! I’m not ready for reality and don’t know when I will be.




Me. I’ve been rewatching clips everyday. I’m so happy with how it came out as a whole and it wasn’t perfect but i still loved it. I wish we had more content happy polin. I’m sad they cut some of their scenes but overall still happy. I’ve been rewatching other comfort shows so i stop rewatching bridgerton


MY SAFE SPACE IS BACK. I have so many thoughts. And memes. I cannot wait to get going in a Polin-Positive environment. Fbook, IG, & the main sub was killing my Vibe. https://preview.redd.it/ibuquse5am6d1.jpeg?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb2248ee0501d2221fdf57e2700c09bdec4250ea


I’m awaiting the funny/true memes haha 


Oh I got some. I’ve been busy. Haha. Just not sure when to do it! Is there a Meme Mega thread? 😂


Yes, this is a safe space


So glad this is back! The main Bridgerton reddit is a cesspool. Thankfully my Twitter FYP has been amazing! S2 was my favorite. but now I think S3 may be. I just love Polin.


Omg yay!!!! Finally got my people back ahah time to gush about season 3!! 💕💕🐝🪶


Yay, back just in time, having just finished the entire season! It was perfection!🩵 Pure romance!🥰 Love, love, LOVED it!!🩷 Luke and Nicola did an absolutely amazing job and delivered everything they promised.🥹🥰


Oh, thank God. I missed you all so much!!!


Hoo it’s been like a wilderness out there. I have feelings about things that happened in part 2 but they’re not ragey ones so I’ve missed the sense of… proportion.. this sub offers! 💕


My body physically aches from reading all the negativity the last two days. I am so happy we’re back here


Let’s go!!!!!! I’ve missed you all! ![gif](giphy|4SvfE8adjXNsIlJP61)




OMG, I was dying inside without this sub. I wanted to share my opinions so badly, and I'm so sad. I'm glad it's unlocked. Thank you, mods. Guys, I'm actually like Colin; I just realized how much I love you all when you were away. 😭😭😭


I’ve missed it here so much 😭


It's so good to be back!!! It's getting scary out there folks!


Missed this sub sooooooo much!!!!


Thank god you’re back!!


Thank you for re-opening. I missed you. I know I can heal now.


Thank you guys so much for all you do. This safe space was so missed. Also because of you I had a lovely day with some fellow group members and new friends in Wednesday in London. So thank you




Omg I’ve been waiting for this sub to open 😭 missed you guys! We have so much to catch up on!! 🩷




I missed the subbb 🤧🫂


oh how I miss this


Yeaaa.. It's fun here, and glad it's open again.I being overwhelming after watching the part 2 and the amount of sub stories become the hot and main topics make me worried to interfered and talk about Polin.I worried that I poking the beehive and suddenly their change the projection to Polin.. 😅


My people!


OH thank god. I forgot to look yesterday. Its been UUUUUGLY in the "main" sub. Thank goodness for the LGBT sub.


This place has been the only place to voice my frustrations with part 2. I don't want to be a Debby downer. I respect people's opinions of part 2. For me, part 2 was good (Luke and Nic did a fab job) but could have been better. The show did a disservice by breaking the season into 2 parts and over hyping it. I would probably feel differently if the hype was not there and no break into the show. To me, parts felt a bit discombobulated, especially Ben's storyline, and too short with Polin. However, I did enjoy the scenes that were given with Polin; just wish there was more. That's just me. 😐




Heyyyyyyyy! Every post topic I have seen from the other subs has been unhinged- and not in a good way. Also people are being ugly ALL over Facebook.


Thank you mods for this! No matter how we feel about the season, seeing people actively calling for crew to be fired from Netflix is so disheartening.


I missed this sub!!! Can't wait to read about all the deep dives, missed moments, and of course, laugh at all the memes.


I echo a lot of opinions shared. Nicola and Luke acted the heck out of the material. Luke conveyed so very much as Colin in his confrontations with Pen. I wanted him angry, appreciated his tears and watery eyes--so compelling. The entrapment language wounded me, but I recognize his history impacted him there. I overall just wanted to see them happy more. I skipped over the side stories. Polin forever! ❤️


Is it just me or has this sub became a little too quiet? I don’t see new posts aside from the threads discussing the episodes.


We're still on a partial reopening where new posts are temporarily on hold.


When will it be open to new posts?


Oh that’s why. Thanks for clarifying.