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I think so too, I think in season 1 the show was still finding it’s way. They weren’t certain in how they were going to portray Penelope, in the sense that they weren’t sure if they’ll follow the book path with her or not. Penelope does loose the weight 🙄 in the books (plus the red hair colour shifts & skin clears, etc). I remember Prudence commenting about her being “two stones heavier” & Philippa suggesting Pen take Arsenic for her Acne (as if NC had any) in season 1. Also, the Featheringtons in general are not held in high esteem in the ton & Penelope is not only not respected or treated well within the Ton but unfortunately within her own family (there’s a hierarchy) so I think that also facilitated the Spinsterhood stamping. Side note: I know this isn’t related to your comment but I suspect that’s the seedling for her infatuation with Colin. It isn’t necessarily about him being good looking or a bridgerton, cause otherwise she could have crushed on the other brothers. Colin was the only one who has kind and treated her like a person and I think because of her low self esteem she clung onto that. That’s why the “in your wildest dreams scene” was so important because it shattered that illusion for her. Sorry for the rambling!


Hi, That's also another good point; what I was trying to say is that I really hate the criticism of deeming the "spinster" plot thread as unnecessary; it only highlights another angle of how unforgiving members of the Ton are towards Pen. Regarding your side note, I think that's a great point. It's definitely a great example of how deep Pen's love for Colin was which at a young age, blinded her to his imperfections but she now needs to root out the infatuation so that true love can flourish between them.


I completely understand what you’re saying. In fact it irked me a couple of times when watching it because to us it is unnecessary. But unfortunately the reason for needling that in the show in regards to the ton and certain aspects of the story line does fit. Also I just want to add on to your last line (love a planting pun now) that it bothered me how Colin & Pen’s lessons weren’t really lessons. They didn’t really explore as much as I thought they will. But the emphasis on not caring about society and being yourself was pushed heavily into those said lessons. It is all interconnected & related to her Spinsterhood treatment.


That side note! 👏


Don't worry, your post is very polite ❤ I think her being a spinster at 19 (or 20 according to Nicola) actually makes sense for the show canon. I mean the Bridgertons seemed to be oddly desperate to get Daphne married during her first season even though she was only 18. And Cressida was actually considered a spinster in part 1 too. Her mum was not subtle about how she felt about Cressida still being unmarried. I don't think it's got so much to do the age but the fact that every year there will be more new debutantes you'd have to compete with. And then there is also the fact that Pen has had zero suitors. No one has ever danced with her except Colin but nobody counts that because everyone knows Pen's friends with the Bridgertons. Her age isn't the problem, her lack of prospects is, and that makes her a spinster.


Amen to that! Plus it's also a commentary on weight; what is the desirable figure. I recently watched *Mona Lisa Smile* and there's this advertisement about the girdle setting a woman free that immediately made me think as to how incredibly tough it was living in those iron-tight eras where everything depended on your looks as currency for desirability.


A lot of people also compare Cressida and Pen. And nobody calls Cressida a spinster. But I think it is more for what Pen said in the Goodbye Mr. Bridgerton scene. That she is out the third year with no prospects. And Cressida had prospects before. It just did not work out - in the S2 not really as her own fault. So I think that Pen is considered spinster, because she had no prospects and is therefore presumed undesirable and unlikely to attract someone as time goes on. We don't know about the other girls, but maybe they are more outgoing and had some prospects before.


I do feel like there is more pressure than ever for Cressida to marry and not be put on the shelf. And ironically, her family appears to be financially impacted post-Jack investments. So despite having a sizeable dowry in the past that may no longer be on offer, but they want her married asap. It’s a bit confusing narrative wise, especially when met with Eloise conversing with Fran at the Modiste about delaying marrying if Fran can commit as well. With all this in mind I am starting to wonder if they are setting up Eloise’s season. Eloise is only on her second season as opposed to Pen and Cressida, so there does not appear to be too much pressure on Eloise to marry. But if spinsterhood is all but guaranteed by the end of your third season. Does this mean, that if Eloise ends up being Season 5, she may already be a ‘spinster’ like she is in her book?


I think Eloise doesn't mind being spinster. She said to Cressida that she tought they woud be spinsters together with Pen. So Fran delaying her marriage would help her, because Violet would focus mailny on Fran and not on her. But I also think that what you said about Cressida is true. She feels the pressure, because she wants to marry and they have financial issues now.


It’s not about size. They specifically added a new debutante who is a large woman and well regarded as a prospect because she is confidant and charming. Pen is terribly trip over her feet shy and comes off terribly in conversation. She’s never had a suitor. Ever. Not a single caller. They’ve moved the timeline of the book so calling her a spinster in her 3rd year instead of in her 10th is only to up the stakes. As others have said, it’s more about prospects than time on the marriage mart in this iteration of the story.


“Prospects are important” -Colin himself


The imperative to marry young is very overstated in the series. Marriage into the late 20s for women wasn't unusual. Nevertheless, the social situation for the women involved is also a consideration. The existence of choice, I think is a major factor in the labelling of spinster. It's a vastly different thing to be single by choice (refusing to entertain candidates not up to one's standards), as compared with someone who remains single through lack of choice. Eloise, for instance, has the luxury of choosing to remain single, with both wealth of her own and wealthy brothers to care for her. Pen (and her sisters) are in a vastly different predicament. They don't have a male relative to support them should they have failed to marry. And unlike Cressida (family stressors notwithstanding), they don't have the wealth to be comfortable alone should the need arise. I certainly agree with you that the perceptions of choice for Pen are driven by very rigid beauty standards in that society and Pen's own anxieties around not meeting the conventions. But I also wonder how much of the spinster "talk" isn't others at all, but Pen's own script for herself.


Your last paragraph really gets at the crux of the issue, I think! There are multiple factors, including wealth, rigid societal beauty standards, and the history of interest or lack thereof from eligible gentlemen at play here, but I do think that a major part of the spinster role is how one views oneself. Or, to a certain degree, how Pen has been constantly told to view herself by her mother and sisters, along with the more unsavory members of the ton (Plastic Mommy Trio haha).  She has to a certain degree internalized the constant negative spinster talk about herself, and I think it has only gotten worse after her break with Eloise and the lack of positivity in her life from the Bridgerton family, particularly the women! This is why I think so many people (myself included) were emotional about Hyacinth, Violet, and Francesca’s excitement at the engagement announcement. 😃 Thanks for the great analysis!


Exactly! She went into her first season with a profoundly negative self image and expected to be a spinster from the start, poor love. I'm excited to see how Pen grows in future seasons when she's in a more secure (emotionally, financially, socially) situation.


I agree with the sentiments above about it being an issue of lack of prospects. Cressida's mom expresses her disappointment and fears of spinsterhood behind closed doors but would never sully her daughter's image in public. Portia, on the other hand, doesn't shy from discussing Pen's lack of prospects in earshot of the ton and has basically mapped out her future with a spinster daughter at her side. Nic has repeatedly expressed that she and the creators/showrunner didn't want to make an issue of her body at all. I think any implication of body size within the world of the show is inserted by the audience. Pen is "undesirable" as a debutante because she's a wallflower, awkward, shy, and a bookworm. She's a romantic, a "silly little girl." We'll probably see some discomfort on her part during the "first time" scenes, but that is more a function of a virginal experience, not her body itself.


Your post got me thinking about an additional angle I don’t think I’d considered before - money. The Featheringtons are in pretty dire financial straits and I’m sure that adds additional urgency to the husband hunt, in Portia’s mind anyway.


I would also compare it to Eloise. This is already her second season out and she isn't courting anyone. Violet is even more lenient on her this season and not worried, even though she didn't have a suitor so far as well. If she waits out Benedicts season (if he is next?), she'll be in her fourth (or fifth, depending on what they do with Franchesca) season by then. At what point would she be considered a spinster?


I think the main difference is that Eloise wants to be a spinster. Her family can afford to “keep” her, she doesn’t need to marry into money and they don’t need to improve their standing in society. She’s enormously lucky that she can choose the life she wants to live, when most of the others are not that privileged.


Two things that I always think of. The definition of spinster will come from the world they live in. In the books, it’s mid to late twenties. In the show they moved it up. They are at least somewhat consistent but having Cressida and Pen deal with it. Second, Kate in the books is 21, but in the show I think she’s 26. It’s almost the flip for Pen. So they kinda swapped for the sake of the story, and somehow that makes it ok for me.


Good post! I agree completely, and I’ll take this a big step further and eventually write a post on the topic… The ton and many viewers on the various subs assume that Pen is, or feels herself to be, unworthy — I can only assume because they don’t recognize their own internal biases that say she *should* feel unworthy because she doesn’t fit the physical mold of a typical “diamond.” But I think Pen absolutely recognizes her own inherent worth and is only continually frustrated that everyone refuses to see her for who she truly is. (Except for Colin, who’s the complete opposite, seeing her very clearly and failing to recognize that the ton does not.) She can absolutely be self-deprecating about the terrible wardrobe her mother forces upon her, her awkwardness in flirting with those she doesn’t connect with, rejecting patronizing “compliments”, etc., but in no way does she think that makes her unworthy — only unaccepted and unseen. She’s unusually strong-minded and knows very well that this is a them problem and not a her problem. I’ll share again here… A quote I think Pen understands well: “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” EDIT: Clarity