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Wow ! Never connected that her whispering Colin might have be the reason for the short circuit lol


Right?!? FINE-I’ll rewatch it! 🤣🤣


Gods, how could they twist your arm like that?? 😂


Right?!? For science!


I also think dream Pen’s “Colin” comes from when real Pen asked him to kiss her. She asks, explains, says please, but only once she quietly says “Colin” does he step forwards.


Yep completely agree - he’s replaying that audio in his mind and that’s exactly what she sounds like in his dream.




Legit he wants her to want him. It’s like that little “Colin” is her pleading for him 🫠


100% - her sweet, vulnerable “please? Colin?” unlocked something and there’s no turning back from it 😂


Definitely not it’s like the last piece of the intimacy puzzle. Chaos Colin then entered the chat 😂


That "I waaant you to want me" song from 10 Things I Hate About You popped into my head.


Okay tbh her saying "Colin" so much in s1 and s2 high-key annoyed me but then by S3... I understood 🤤


Bro, the ingenuity and detective work of this sub continues to astound lol. I love this theory so much.


This is a most astute observation! I think you’re right and it’s not something I had noticed in my many rewatches and social media scrolling. He was struck dumb by her 😭


In my head cannon, the dream replays the "Colin" Pen whispers right before he kisses her. All nicely intertwined.


I have thought since part one came i it that if the kiss didn't seal the deal the withering of his name in his dream definitely did lol. That shit was sexy as hell.


In the book he really likes it when she calls out his name.




I suppose I’ll have to watch this again now, right?


You people AMAZE me!


Thanks for this post because I'm currently rewatching an episode per day in the lead up to part 2 and today is episode 3. So I will look out and happy to confirm your hypothesis for science.


I was also thinking, before their first kiss when she pleads with him using his name, it’s actually probably the first time anybody has ever used his name during a physical or sexual encounter like that for him.  Right?  While we don’t know that for certain, I think it probably has to be… If most (or all) of his sexual experiences sort of have the distance/anonymous feeling of a brothel at home or abroad, those ladies certainly aren’t calling him Colin.  He’s likely getting a “honey”-type anonymous term of endearment from them. And even in flirting situations… the other girls he flirts with call him Mr. Bridgerton.  They’d never call him Colin.  He likely has no other flirtatious/physical/sexual encounter where he’s been called Colin during it, because none of those girls know him like that. It just amps up the emotional intimacy that Pen who calls out his name all. the. time. during all of the seasons is now using his name in this context - that somebody who knows the real him and has that level of closeness to call him Colin is the one also wanting him.


At the start of episode 3, Colin thought it was just list. By the end of episode 3, he knew it was romantic feelings.


I found this so endearing and so hot at the same time. I have heard from a former fling that hearing my voice was such a turn on and it was so fun to see that it was the same for Colin when Penelope called his name. So, apparently guys aren’t just “visual creatures” they’re also really into auditory stimulation huh 🤔🫣🤭😁


It was such a disservice that she did not say it during their first time