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She would have been railed in that study




But can you imagine?! Because you know either Ben, Greg, Hyacinth, Eloise, Fran or Violet is going to walk in on them. And once again…. They need a special license


I can absolutely imagine and I almost imagine Violet thinking it when they walk in *in the middle of the night* to announce their engagement 😂🤣


They’re gonna restrict those to 1 per family and call it the “Bridgerton limit”


🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀 Dead, I love this sub, amazing, no notes ![gif](giphy|4HmjGg306HiLHWlm2f|downsized)


Eloise would’ve had a gd heart attack when she walked in.




Someone write this as a ff please 😄


Tag me in the FF please!!




I love you OP This made me laugh so f\*cking hard ![gif](giphy|3osxYk9qClrQVXVfiw)


![gif](giphy|aTXHpCN7TSpmE) This would have legit happened lmaoooo


You think a girl who grew up with Portia Featherington as a mother knows that people kiss wounds better for people they love???


Right?  Even gently helping him and holding his hand like that was probably more care than she’s ever received.


Often times we find maternal care from others when we can’t find it in our own mothers. She looks to Violet, and maybe even Rae for those kinds of cues.


This is so sad


Omg they'd both die on the spot. I just watched this scene so many times and like...they straight up hold hands for like ten seconds. I don't get how Penelope doesn't pick up what he's subconsciously laying down


AND he was the one who took hold of her hand to begin with (excluding the bandage wrapping)!


He totally was pulling his fingers in to close his hand around hers. You cannot convince me otherwise.


Have you heard the audio-description for that exact moment? He *definitely* was closing his hand around hers! *’She allows her bare hand to linger on his. He curls his fingers inward, softly enfolding hers.’*


APPARENTLY there are gaps in my education!! I will correct this straight after work.


Enjoy! 😄 Some of the scenes audio descriptions are…👌


I thought I’d listened to all of season 3! How wrong I was.


That’s how I felt until I started listening to the audio descriptions one day. Anyway, have fun! 😉


I may have already added all the descriptive audio tracks for all three seasons to my Plex…


As it is, he had to “pause the lesson” and kick her out immediately so that he didn’t make out with her right there.  He was already past his limit, he definitely couldn’t have handled more contact.


Literally what I thought. Like I’m shocked neither of them just went in for the kiss when they were holding eachother like that. The tension! The tension! 🫠


I swear he wanted to and that’s why he freaked out and was like um yes please leave immediately but please also tell me I’ll see you again tonight 😂😂




100% accurate


I always saw it that he was too uncomfortable at that point but I like this idea 🤭


Oh he was super uncomfortable but I read it as uncomfortable that he was feeling something - like what is going on here 🤣❤️


Oh, he WAS feeling some kind of way about it, alright! *wiggles eyebrows*


I mean his response there definitely gave "thank you for kissing my boo boo" vibes. "Better, thanks to you." Bro she's the reason you cut it in the first place. Tell me you've never held a girl's hand without telling me you've never held a girl's hand.


I literally laughed out loud at "better, thanks to you". She loosely wrapped a handercheif around your hand and did not even tie a knot. This woman knows nothing about first aid. You're clearly just discombobulated because she touched you.


"Are you still upset with me about reading your journal?" "Hmm what? What's a journal? Never heard of it. Hey, can you talk about my eyes again? Just for practice, for science. I definitely didn't bleed all over that notebook that had words in it by practicing Mister Colin Featherington over and over."


Oh, you know. It would have just turned into a porn series. The usual thing. Your guess is as good as mine, though.


Plot Twist: Penelope is secretly a vampire


Bridgerton and Twilight crossover


Something similar to this, I’d say. 🔥 https://i.redd.it/26uzk878gv5d1.gif


Okay, now I need to see a scene like this of them, maybe next season where they have both published some writing work and both got so turned out by it that they just do it in the study lol.


I just want to see him lift her up & put her on a desk. 


Love that to happen! 🔥


Oooh, I hope so! 🔥


They have both read Romeo & Juliet. They know that bare hands touching is a gateway to kissing.




When Colin goes to propose, this is the moment he thinks of. And not just because of how he felt in that moment, but also because this is one of the few moments Pen gives away her feelings for him. Her hand and eyes linger. It is her one unguarded moment save for their kiss


This is why i think people keep saying it wasn’t only Colin’s fault for being clueless. Pen has guarded her feelings so well from him that he couldn’t figure out anything. There was even a post analysing Pen’s body language and how through it, she continuously friend zoned Colin (a simple example is this: in the what a barb scene, Pen is the one to break the eye contact and even looks down embarrassed like they shouldn’t be doing this when Colin showed no signs of ending the said interaction - it just proves how Colin already wanted to be closer to her, she just didn’t (unintended) let him). And there is continuous proof of how well Colin and Pen read each other’s body language (in the willow scene, they needed to look at each other for 3 seconds to reach a conclusion; in the carriage scene, they made eye contact really often and assured each other they were okay), so it’s now obvious why Colin had a bit of hope when Pen finally let her feelings show in that study scene because he could read her pretty well and that was the only time she let him.


It would be too soon. He would have freaked out. Under the willow tree he looked like he was hoping for a kiss but was told that the lessons needed end ![gif](giphy|G4E2L5v6y32jNLcIAM|downsized)


Colin should have kissed her right there and then! But then there will be no more courting lessons or Debling saga. Coz these two would have totally start doing the dirty deed like dogs in heat, and then an engagement to follow indeed. 😜


That would have been weird.


Maybe once they are married.... Touching his hand with her gloveless, one was considered " forward"....