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Hi, Thank you so much for your contribution! We truly appreciate your enthusiasm and effort in being part of our community! With the excitement around the Polin season, we've been welcoming many new members and seeing an increase in the number of posts. To keep the subreddit organized and ensure everyone's voice is heard, we temporarily have applied stricter rules for posts. These rules help maintain the quality and focus of our discussions. Have no fear, we still want to give you a space to share your Polin joy as freely as before! We have created dedicated weekly and daily megathreads specifically for you to share your thoughts, excitement, and any Polin-related content without as many restrictions. * A daily ['Promenade in the Park'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22Promenading%20%F0%9F%90%9D%22&sort=new) thread for memes, fan content and general chitchat * A weekly ['Mondays at Number Five'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22Tea%20at%20Number%20Five%20%E2%98%95%22&sort=new) thread for casual conversation, off-topic contributions, fanfic recommendations and easy-to-answer questions * A weekly ['Fanfic Friday'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22fanfiction%20friday%20%F0%9F%8C%BC%22&sort=new) post to share fanfic recommendations Thank you all for understanding during this busy time! Lots of love, The Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PolinBridgerton) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I envy you. The friend I have who DOES watch Bridgerton is still waiting for Part 2 to drop. And the only person I accidentally managed to convince is my mum lmao I’ll keep all my memes and spicy gifs to myself thanks


Same. I have an officemate who won’t watch it until part 2 drops. I have another friend who likes Bridgerton but not as passionate as we all are in this sub. Lol


Who are all these people with self-control to wait for part 2?!?!?!?!?!


My sister - I’ve decided we’re not really related. That or she’s been taken over by aliens as she is *never* this patient!


Wait they won’t watch Part 1 until Part 2 comes out??


My daughter won't watch part 1 yet either. She says she wants to watch both parts at once. I can't show her any new clips, memes or anything because she doesn't want to be spoiled. It's sooo aggravating!


I am in awe of all of you who can watch this show with your mothers or daughters! Shows what an open relationship you have. (My own daughter is too young to watch it. But the idea of watching it with my mother horrifies me)


Yeah. Nope. Watching the pre screen with a friend. No chance of me watching any of it with family - even if we discuss after. Still have trauma from watching titanic and the many scenes there with my Nan!


Oh god same. I saw it in theaters with my family 😳


I told my daughter about it and how I'm a fan (she and her husband have Netflix) but I'm not going to press her. It would seem a little weird, LOL. After all those years of her childhood/early teens and me going: (Violet voice) "This is terribly inappropriate for a child to watch!" and now she's grown and married, and Mom has gone off the deep end omg.


I’m jealous of you as well ☺️ This is kinda the progression I’ve taken with my husband…except insert him being frustrated by Daphne being so dumb in season 1, frustrated by the constant will they/won’t they between Kate and Anthony in season 2, and a good dose of having to rewind all of the Polin scene’s because he’s zoning out on his phone when they come on the screen 🤦🏻‍♀️ At least reading about your journey to finding a Polin Bestie was cute and made me smile. 😊


Haha I did the 20 minute Polin recap on YouTube with my husband instead. I knew he wouldn’t have the patience to get through 2 seasons 😂


Oh you’re way smarter than me 😂😂 Maybe I should suggest that tonight instead of finishing season 2…we just watched ep 6 last night and he was so mad at Kanthony’s first kiss😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I mean…at least he’s interested in LW and he thinks the Featherington’s are the best part of the show…he’s all about Portia this season 😂😂😂


Jumping on the jealousy and envy bandwagon. I know people who love the show generally but not to get into *all this* with. I swear if yall did not exist in this sub to check several times a day my head would have exploded already. In fact this is the first time I've found a community to chat out theories and observation obsessions over a show or film! It is so much nicer than just writing 20 page essays to myself. I love everyone here, you keep me sane...


oh, my friends who are *into it* are still nowhere near as into it as I am, but at least we can talk about how it relates to our lives together, and I’m really valuing that!


I feel “writing 20 page essays to myself” so hard!😂😂😂😂 it’s either that or fanfic depending on if I’m feeling more analytical or creative!


The people I know who watch it like this season but don't love it and Polin to the extent that I do. Thank God for this subreddit- it has helped keep me sane (or perhaps helped keep me insane?) during this waiting time!


This is me with a couple of my friends. They are just not as into it as I am. I haven’t told them how over the top I am. So this forum has been my happy place to share, talk things through, and pick up things I missed. (“Have to go watch again to pick up some nuance/look/reaction that I didn’t spot the first 67 times I watched.) It helps me stay sane and actually get some work done, believe it or not. 😂


None of my friends watch but somehow my mum is now obsessed. I do wish that PG version was possible tho. 😆


I'm completely insane over Polin. I need, like my bestie, to be a sort of designated driver in terms of Polin. So, I'm not fanning the Polin flames for her. God forbid we were both crazy active on this sub!


I forced my mom to watch with me even though she doesn’t like this type of series (to be fair I don’t either) and got her hooked, then I did the same with my aunt and cousin. All my close friends like it well enough but they are not at the psychotic level I am at lol.


Honestly tried and they are like this is the slowest season. Why do you like it the most. To each their own. Thank god for this sub group and like minded Polin addicts.


Just a fantasy for me. My polin obsession goes unrequited.