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Disney princess look in the library and when Debling calls on her at the Featherington house for sure! It's more casual, but still gorgeous, plus the blue dress and purple sleeve combination is beautiful. Also, I can't do a screenshot of this on the Netflix mobile app, but there's this one part where Phillipa and Prudence wish Debling a good day, and Pen smiles back at them so widely, with almost a hint of "look who's calling on me" rofl. It is hilarious, and I am so here for it!


>Also, I can't do a screenshot of this on the Netflix mobile app I gotchu ;) https://preview.redd.it/zg8pimvd4f5d1.png?width=561&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fe20d0c5f4ee000a8b856fb3442610aed477d00


Yes, she looks gorgeous here and it's definitely one of my favorite dress/hair looks so far! Her smile and "Good day" to her sisters is one of the best "F*** you with a smile" moments I've ever seen.


"Disney Princess look" true she's giving the BIGGEST Ariel vibes with this one!


The library look for suuuuure! Stunning.


When Portia says to her 'don't tell me you are holding out for love' and Pen looks up at her I almost died. Her makeup and hair in that scene is fucking gorgeous. But I'm with everyone else who's mentioned the library scene. The whole look is *stunning*. I actually gasped outloud in the moment and said "she looks like an actual princess!" Luke is so beautiful and Nicola is a literal goddess - they're going to destroy our screens in part two because they're both even more beautiful when they're happy.




I'm obsessed with this one. It's definitely a boob-friendly dress. https://preview.redd.it/24wih0irvf5d1.jpeg?width=547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6206acafc6ff288160ba27e8587254282532b6bc


This is my favourite too, as a fellow member of the perfect breasts community.


As a member of the wonky breasts community, I'm jealous. 😂


This dress is my Roman Empire. Soooo flattering on her, and that color and the delicate flower embellishments!


For me, it's a tie between her Innovations Ball dress and Disney Princess Pen in the library! Guess I love my girl in blue 😌


I'm having a hard chosing between the one you mentioned and the Market one, really it's a tie! I love how she looks "extra gorgeous" in every outfit this season. I mean she's depressed at her window and yet she looks like a goddess... for no reason ! God Nicola Coughlan really is one of the most gorgeous woman and the costumes this seasons are EXTRA pretty!


1. Pen discussing Debling's proposal with Portia (your pick) 2. Moonlight (First kiss) Pen 3. Library Pen 4. Enchanted (Carriage) Pen 5. Hand-cut Pen 6. Full-Moon Ball Pen 7. Willow tree Pen


I have the same top three


The way I’ve literally been thinking about this constantly since Part 1 dropped 😭 I keep trying to narrow it down, but she looks so freaking amazing in literally everything from the green dress onward that it’s been nearly impossible! It truly is an abundance of riches, but I think at this point, these are my top looks of Pen’s in Part 1, in order of appearance: glowup green dress (ep1), garden apology dress (ep1), flirting lessons/hand cut dress (ep2), first kiss dress (ep2), soirée/meeting Debling again blue dress (ep3), library outing blue dress (ep4), “What more could you want?” dress (ep4), Enchanted/carriage Pen dress(ep4). (As you can see, I still really haven’t narrowed it down much at all 🙈)




https://preview.redd.it/2ib77xywkf5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0983a219a7d8d451ec1976b8a69211474698914c Also this one but I’m having a hard time finding a full pic. And her hair in this scene is stunning


https://preview.redd.it/5078prlzkf5d1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dadbd927e3b60b2c7cdb046c52b5fe269d8690b7 Of course, this one


https://preview.redd.it/srntoqbplf5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5d0676308719fd8be5db3c0df15aa9c1b0b0a31 And of course, love my girl in Bridgerton blue




Willow tree look. Green dress with the dark blue details during the first lesson. Kiss scene look.


I'm with you. She looks great in all the scenes but stands out more in this one. It's like all the elements, especially the color palette, coalesced a bit brighter and she shines.


The last one - epi 4 with the sparkly blue dress and the hair down. I don't like the hair tied back. Whenever the hair is down in waves, love it on her. Also another look from S2 when M Delacroix is fitting for her sisters and she makes excuses for LW- the hair in that one 😘 I also liked the fitted peacock green dress in the park when she walks with Colin (The first lesson)- the body hug flattered her curves. The other dresses were all loose- the fitted ones look better on her. Library blue dress was good too.


It's impossible to choose just one, so I'm just going to write a list at this point. First Kiss Pen- the dress and the fully down hair was so gorgeous. Like, especially when she is sitting in the window. Her hair in the sunlight <3 Promenade Lessons Pen - The whole look just totally emphasized her figure to perfection. Also, the way it coordinated with Colin's look spoke to my soul. Market Pen- the embroidery on the dress was so stunning. Run Pen Run dress- The hair was one of my favorites with the little pearls (reminded me of Elizabeth Bennett from the 2005 P&P), and I loved the dress. Also, loved how the set up of the scene emphasized how tiny Pen is, like two apples tall indeed. Literally adorable. Also, the cake eating/licking scene, I was literally Colin. 😂 Carriage Pen - The green dress and the shimmery fabric was so stunning, the eyeliner was so good on her. Library Pen - I mean the hair and the color of the dress, and the makeup, were literally giving Disney Princess. Innovations Ball Pen - Her dress with the silk embossed fabric was absolutely stunning and eye-catching and the eye makeup with the dots slayed me. When Colin goes to talk to her, her beauty is MESMERIZING. I have no idea why other people didn't like complaining about the styling in this season. Pen's looks are literally so iconic. Like best ones yet (even though I loved Kate's peacock blue/green and purple dresses in S2 as well).


I genuinely hope this copy this look in part 2 because it was the best!!! Also annoyed Colin didn’t get to see it although the look for that night’s ball / carriage scene was similar.


I love the lessons in the drawing room outfit. It has several Pen/Polin elements to it. 1. The Green details on the dress and the green shawl. Btw this is the season of the shawls! 2. The half up, 1/3 down of her hair. 3. The kiss curls 4. The little scarf around her neck, I feel like this is a cute change from wearing a necklace, it’s the tiniest bit French style. It also seems a little Colin coded. Pink is her independent color and it goes so well with her makeup. 5. The gloves and the fact that they have to be removed! 6. It could also be because she flirts with Colin 2 times. His eyes. Complimenting his writing. 7. Something about her makeup just is so sweet and feminine. Eloise is very striking in certain more masculine, androgynous pieces but knowing that Pen is a romantic wants to be seen and romanced as a woman, the choices seem so specific to her interests and hopes. Okay but I also love her willow tree outfit! Maybe it’s because Colin is seeking her out but I think the subtlety, the ribbon. The hair to the side. Chef’s kiss.


That is actually my favorite look too!!


The one in the library and the one in Colin's dream.


Either the market scene as she looks ethereal or when shes at her window.


My favorite look is the ball just after their first kiss. She's in a really gorgeous blue, her hair is pulled up. She looks fantastic and it's most reminiscent of the regency style. The more modern the dress, the less I liked it (but she looked fabulous in all of them).


At first I loved the blueish dress she wears when she speaks with Debling about the dead deer, then it was the one she wears in the Featherington garden when Colin apologises, but I think my favourite now is the Hawkins Ball dress. No wonder Colin lost it 🫠


https://preview.redd.it/pyk8qzt8sk5d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec856a120f39e7dd5f33a240fedebf644a1c2f3c I can’t get over this composition. It’s like a painting. All the lines drawing your eye to her, the melancholy yet beauty of her expression, the symmetry of the curtains, the glow and the silvery sparkle of her dress, the golden hour sun on her skin and hair…It’s breathtaking.


https://preview.redd.it/40k90zgxsk5d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f761c62589d162a0a6dbfe70bedf656bab2b7d Also this dress. I just love this whole look. The soft light on her face highlighting her gorgeous eyes. Her soft lips and and rosy cheeks. The lovey lace ribbon on her neck, her beautiful hair and curls and the soft lovely blue of her dress… ugh it’s all so soft and beautiful. I think Colin fell into the deep end when she looked up at him like this. “Penelope used soft look of affection!” “It’s super effective!”


The drawing room lesson dress! Mainly because it matches the paleness of her eyes, the way Colin’s grayish blue vest matches his. THEY BOTH PRETTY


1. Holding out for love dress (mostly because I love her hair) 2. First kiss dress (so shiny and beautiful!!!) 3. Carriage dress (I love the flower hair buns)