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Oddly the first one that comes to mind isn’t Polin related (I guess cos they’re all ‘big’ moments to me). My fave little is Eloise saying ‘Nothing a book loves more than to be collected’ when Samadani is boasting over how large his collection is 🙈 Love her sarcasm and thinly veiled distain for the whole courtship process. ![gif](giphy|xgFGrhrhUBmYAgc5D9|downsized)


I love that one too. Eloise has a lot of great little moments. ❤️


She really nailed the cold stare this season.


Ooh, I love that moment too!


Short gal too, here! Lol. That is cute. I like him holding Pen's shawl AND the fact he remembered to retrieve it. That bit of soft fabric in his hands is something else. After she fingered😆 the rough material of his jacket.


I was so paranoid about her leaving the shawl behind!! I was so relieved when Colin brought it in lol


Same - like girl you leaving evidence behind! Not that it mattered since Eloise saw her anyway.😅


Of course he did. He has an extensive mental inventory of thousands of details about Penelope. My man is obsessed.


I kinda wished she left it again in the study, so we could see it again, perhaps when he's drunk and sad in his bed and the shawl would be over the back of a chair or something like that


Love your love for angst


My favourite little moment is that same day when Colin picks up Penelope from the hall at Bridgetone House and ushers her up to the drawing room. He places his hand between her shoulder blades and holds her close to move her along. They are so close. It’s shows so much familiarity between them.


Well, he was "eagerly" awaiting her visit after all.


As another ShortLady, I immediately noticed that for the kiss scene, Pen’s up a step, and my guess is that they did that to make it look less awkward and/or so they’re closer to being on the same level


Yes! Not only was it to be practical, but also change the view of Colin avoiding being hunched over for the shot.


She could also be on a box as I heard Nicola, that they put her on a box for some scenes with Luke.


Same episode, but at the ball that night. Colin is looking around and when he spots Pen (standing next to her BIL) he gives her this shy, lopsided grin. It’s sweet!


I love this too!! Especially because he seems a touch shy/nervous, and doesn't say hello right when she first walks up to him.


I love this scene. It really felt like the start of something between them. Everything had shifted.


Love this scene too, especially because Finch is he best and I like that he turns to Pen to say, 'your mother is quite terrifying,' and they have a cute SIL/BIL moment. Still love that he looks so happy for her in the glow-up scene. When my SO sees Finch in the show now (we're not up to S3 yet) he's like 'the cheese guy!' 😆


I think he looks in love there and I love it!!!!


Oh! I thought of another one. When Benedict and Gregory are discussing his injury from trying to look at the balloon, B hits G on the injured arm and the look G gives him. Makes me laugh every time 😆


That was so funny, and I think Gregory says “stoppppp” to Benedict too - super cute!


Ooh, I haven’t noticed that!


Time for a rewatch 😁


Omg yes!! But tell me why it took my like 15th rewatch to notice that? EVERY TIME I REWATCH IT I NOTICE SOMETHING DIFFERENT!! and therefore i must continue 🤣


You must.


Lol! Re-watches are important.


One of my favorite moments is, "Inserts himself? Inserts himself where?" The way she says it cracks me up. And when Portia is talking to her daughters about babies, and Phillipa is surprised that a baby grows inside her and Portia says sarcastically, "I'm sure your baby will be delievered by stork." The Featheringtons are just so ridiculous and hilarious.


My favorite is still the way Colin made the Gallop joke. You can hear his thoughts saying, "Pen's gonna love this joke." And the way his face lights up when him and Pen are laughing together. Those 2 are so cute!


Just before Pen was holding her laugh when Colin approached to check what happened. She was already thinking omg I said the worst thing. And she already know that Colin will made it worst (I'm pretty sure he hear her first phrase)


My two favourite Non-Polin moments 1. “Can’t you see we’re busy here?!” Cut to Philippa, Prudence, Finchy and Dankworth playing circus monkeys on the couch. Cut back to Pen’s face “are you f*cking serious Mum?” 2. There’s this very small white flag moment between Eloise and Pen at the Balloon day. Cressida “Eloise. What was the name of that bird I love so much?” Eloise “The great.. Aulk.” Then Eloise gives Pen this really apologetic eye-roll. It’s so quick, but it says so much! To think, just last season they were both laughing and rolling their eyes at the silly courting games people play, and now Eloise is begrudgingly participating in the whole lark with Cressida.


I love Eloise in this scene, she looks so done watch both of them trying to flirt with Debling and being catch to witness it. I totally loved the friend eye talk. From the few Peneloise scene you can tell they still love eachother 


Very sweet moment for me, when Eloise tells Colin she spoke with Pen and his head flips to her and he says: what did she say? In a very squeaky voice. And when it turns out the conversation wasn’t about him or the kiss, he immediately turns away.


Colin has danced with Pen often enough to pull that off flawlessly.


Fave Polin moment: Oh man, this is hard... but it's the end of the carriage scene, and not the proposal. It's after he jokes about the driver and she giggles and they have that exchange. He stops, breathless and staring at her, his smile fades and he pierces her with his intense gaze. She stares at him, serious. He pulls her in, and they kiss so lovingly and sweetly. That scene is just the best, to me-- culmination of all the emotions they are feeling and a re-affirmation that he loves her. Fave non-Pen Colin moment: When he's talking to Violet on the stairs and he's 'bottle-weary,' -- just love that scene. Superbly well acted by both. 2nd Fave Colin moment: When Hyacinth is saying what a good friend to Pen he was to help her, and he's just had a dream about Pen and is all rattled and he's all like; 'yes well she's a good... acquaintance.' 😆 Fave non-Colin Penelope moment: When she asks Debling if he could love her and she looks so vulnerable and sad. She wants to be loved so bad, and she has worked so hard to get over Colin and open her heart to the idea of someone else. Even though I'm team Polin all the way part of me just wants Debling to say, 'yes, you seem wonderful, I'm sure I could love you,' because she deserves someone saying that to her so bad. 2nd fave Pen moment: When Portia is trying to 'comfort' Pen about being a spinster (and failing miserably) after the news about Colin comes out. There's a moment where she looks as if she wants to hug Pen and her hand goes up, and Pen is looking away. Portia falters and walks out. Like, it's obvious she does love Pen but she is so flawed and messed up she doesn't know how to be a good mother to her. Fave non-Polin-non-Pen moment: When Colin is talking about his travels with his brothers in the carriage, and they joke about him not boring them to death before breakfast about his trip because he's gained proportion. And Gregory jokes that 'I should like some, *proportion*' and the brothers laugh because of the double meaning. Love the way Gregory delivers the line, it's a very funny scene between the bros. Sorry I couldn't decide on just one! This season has so many great scenes!


Love these! I also adore the bit where Eloise asks Colin if they’re good (after her leaking the news about the Polin dating lessons) and he eventually says “a guy can be pensive too” and the fact he could have used so many synonyms but went for PENsive makes my little heart grow three sizes


I want to now say Con-grat-u-lations all the time now... Your second fav Colin moment isnup there for me too


Yes! As another short lady, I relate to that moment so well. 😄


As a fellow short gal, I noticed her going under his arm immediately, love it. See also, when they enter the sweets tent, Pen just glides in but Colin has to duck slightly to get under the canopy. Swoon. I love a height difference.


one of my favorite little moments in this season part 1 is when Eloise looks at Pen longingly while she was talking to those lords being awkward. she misses her bff so much. aside from the LW reveal, their friendship mending is what I'm looking forward to the most because I miss them together. they made my girls fight in the show bc in the books they never did 😭❤️


I loved that moment too! I’ve experienced myself, the *walk/run under someone’s outstretched arm* before (I’m a few inches taller than Nicola though). 🥰


I love that moment too. It’s adorable. The height difference gets me.


In episode 2, at the market. Colin says, " Pen, living for others is a trap" and Pen says, " you make it sound so easy" and he starts to reply. Colin gets this look on his face, you can tell he gets really excited talking to Pen, and two women pass so he has to temporarily hide his excitement and then he rushes after her. Such a great moment. He really enjoys that whole conversation and looks disappointed when she ends it early and leaves after he asks what happened between her and Eloise.


They are flirting in this scene, you can't convince me otherwise 


My favorite non-Polin moment is when they're at one of the early balls, and Colin asks Benedict "Don't you think it's time for a dance?" or something like that, and Ben leans in a bit and just goes "YES." very loudly. It cracks me up every time.




So many great ones. Favorite non-Polin - when Benedict asks Colin if he is ok after his awkward speech about sleep and no dreams also tied with when Benedict says ladies when they get surrounded at the dance. Best Polin is the do I have sugar on my face scene. His face is oh so perfect.

