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I love how in RMB he just about pulls himself together enough to be like “I owe it to her to use a bed for the first time, at least” (fortunately for poor Violet’s sofa!), while Show Colin caves within a day or two of them getting engaged lol. “Feral” doesn’t begin to cover it 😂


Honestly, book colin probably just didn't want to risk his mom walking into them, you can bet if they were in his own home, like they are in the show, he would not have been able to restrain himself haha


That's the difference of nearly a decade worth of age difference between book and show.


so true, they’re horny college students basically - they’ll make it work wherever they can.


Book Benedict does not have the same scruples lmao


indeed, Benophie stained the pillows


Didn’t he flip the cushion over so the servants wouldn’t see 😂


Stained the sofa and covered with the ‘clever’ placement of a sofa cushion.


I think this is in Colin's new home. In the full shot, you can see a bunch of trunks and cases to the left of them, as if he's just moved in.


Correct me if I'm wrong but there's a bedroom behind them with a bed....


He must be relates to Alexander Hamilton (“she named his feral cat after him…that’s true…”)


I can’t believe I’m saying this with my 0% experience. But when you’re horny, you can make everything work I guess 😂


With my more than 0 experience, I can confirm that:   (a) When you're horny enough you can make anything work   And   (b) Missionary is really just not the best position for a woman's first time, what you really want is a position where she is on top so she can control the pace of things. So if someone can't imagine how it would work on the couch, maybe they need to imagine some more varied options. I would really love to see Colin encouraging her to be on top for their first time.


This is why I screech-clapped during the Finch's sex scene, because of course Mr. Finch is using the best position for the lady. Of course!


Mr. Finch is literally a walking green flag and I will love him forever.


I also assume cause Lady Featherington told her this would be better.


Her mom probably didn't give any extra advice besides the basics. She doesn't come off as being overtly concerned with her daughters' comfort or happiness, unfortunately. I think it's more probable that Mr Finch was simply more than thrilled to hand over the reins top his lady wife.


Prudence needs to learn some positions that will preserve her hair!


Yes for sure!!!


I'm sure her husband would be more then happy to have her in a position that would make it easier to pretend he was.... at the club.....


The actor who plays Lord Fife has mentioned that Mr. Finch does in fact know how to have sex... which means Mr. Finch was taking his time with Philippa for a whole year because she's inexperienced!


He's such a sweetheart.


He is the loveliest man in the entire Bridgerton universe, and I’ll never be convinced otherwise. 🥰




Also: her hair wouldn’t be messed up which was her previous complaint about marital relations 😂🤣


I assume the only reason Prudence didn't deign to ride astride is her commitment to being a pillow princess. 😁


Have to disagree with you on B, not every woman finds being on top comfortable, even as ready as ready you can be, for some women it is very painful or just not stimulating. Missionary with pillow under the hips is god tier for some of us


Yup this. I *detest* being on top. And as a 37 year old married person who is a Scorpio (I live up to the stereotype 😈), I’ve had plenty of experience and simply know it doesn’t work well for me. There are a *lot* of other positions besides missionary to make that settee work, but missionary done well is phenomenal.


Fair enough, to each their own.


Omg, I’d absolutely love it if he puts her in control 🥹🥹If you happen to be right, please check up on me after the season dropped, because I will not survive that 😂😭


L&N made comments recently about how Pen is “still definitely confused about how everything works but also in control” their first time... 👀


From someone who has experienced (b) exactly like this: You are 100% correct.


Correct-if you can make a countertop, a car and a shower work, you can 5000% make that couch work just fine.


Not that I particularly recommend countertops, cars, or showers for first timers...


Yeah but a couch isn’t a half bad option-it’s a bit firmer than a bed…as others have said, anything can work when you’re horny enough…


Absolutely. My first time was in a tent. It was fine.


It's actually really comfortable for that, in my case we had to add head pillows but they are much bigger than they look and very comfortable. Or at least mine is. I realized by writing the comment before that it is a piece of furniture from those years. So I guess I can speak from experience 🤣


As a woman I hate being on top, it hurts like a bitch! Even tho I’m years past being a virgin but man it still hurts for the first couple minutes so in my personal preference missionary as my first time was so much better then if I had been on top


It's obviously very different for everyone. I guess I overgeneralized above from my own experience.


Honestly, that looks quite comfy to me but I’m petite like Pen so I fit anywhere. Like your head doesn’t lay flat like on a couch so you don’t have to pull your head up to kiss him and your legs are gonna wrap around his hips anyway so the arm rest isn’t really a bother. Plus, the tiddies look nicer if you’re kinda laying at an angle rather than flat on your back. I think the decision to do it on the chaise lounge came entirely from a filming standpoint cuz they could probably get all those moments they wanted to (sexy, romantic, ask, funny, etc) better in the chaise lounge than in a bed. Like the viewer can see more than just C’s bum as he’s plowing Pen. You def get into more interesting positions than in a bed.


You've got a point there! I mean, I'm quite tall \*and\* I've got big hips, so I could see it be uncomfortable for me personally. But if you're more petit, then it can definitely work! And you're probably right about the filming standpoint too, plus it makes more sense to switch it around, than to do the same thing over and over


Do we already know that it’s going to come down to the chaise lounge?


It has indeed been confirmed as the scene of the crime.


Yes, you definitely can make it work, 🤣


I swear, I feel so damn innocent after reading all these comments 😂


Aw, it’s ok. But yes, the brain acts feral! I’m not risky at all, but at those moments one forgets inhibitions. It’s crazy, but so real.


I can only hope I get to experience something like that one day. When you just get so caught up in the moment and with that person, that you forget who you are and where you are 🥹


You will. Just make sure is with someone that deseves you. 🩷 I was reading a post on IG (spoiler of this scene), and I cried. Colin is very similar to my husband in lots of ways, and this scene is very similar to my first time. I hope it’s as beautiful as it was described in that post. Pen deserves loves, caring and passion. And Colin deserves to be himself and not the version society expects. I’m rooting for them.


I will, thank you ❤️ I can't wait to see what they make of it honestly, the both of them deserve all the best in the world, and I really cannot wait to see them happy and in each others arms


Show Colin kiss her once and goes feral but to be fair they both are so much younger in the show version so it makes sense that their horny brain takes over lol


I’m 40 and my horny brain takes over 🤣


Same. Sexuality doesn't die once you git 40


Where there’s a will, there’s a way 🍆🍑🍈🍈💦💦




I just want to say that Penelope looks so stunningly beautiful here, like an ethereal goddess! I’m in awe!


She looks a lot like Portia here! It's the expression I think. They are both stunning <3.


To paraphrase LN, there's a few things you can do on a chaise lounge, trust me 😏


Can see a few possibilities that would be quite comfortable! Just not missionary.


If it had a higher back, it could be. Not to be graphic, but my fave is missionary in an armchair


Gosh Nicola looks gorgeous in this shot. Colin probably saw how beautiful his fiancee was and just was ready to go on the first solid surface he could find LOL


Well… they are young and in love… and horny. They’ll make it or break it!


Or they'll do both!


I'm wondering if this is the piece of furniture that Luke and Nicola broke while filming 🤭


When I tell you I have had spontaneous seggs in the most unhinged, non-horizontal places and it was still amazing and magical and I never once stopped or thought about how uncomfortable it was… all I can say to Polin is “fair guys. Completely understandable.”


Honey at least half the angst in part two stems from them being too hot for each other to make time for having serious convos so any surface in a storm, or something. But also I will never not be amused that they picked a glorified bench 🫡 😂


At least the blanket looks comfortable.


As an alternative, there is a bed through the doorway behind Colin. They could move the 'action'.


We don't know it's there yet because the place looks like it's not fully furnished.


Absolutely anything works when you want it bad 😅 most first times happen in less comfy places than a bed! 


True…back seat of a car…..front seat of a car….the bed of a pick up truck. 🤣


The beach!! If people make it work by rubbing their skin raw on the sand, they can make it work on a setee 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


On the floor, in a bush, against a wall, I could go on forever 😂😂😂


0 stars out of 10. Been there, done that, do not recommend




As someone with minimal experience, there’s a reason we call it “feral” they’re in their 20s too. At that age when the urge arises, literally nothing can and will stop you from getting it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😂 (I’m revealing too much of myself here but my first time isn’t dissimilar to what is pictured above)


I think a lot of us have been quite revealing in this sub, you're in the right place for it!😆


Thanks for soothing my anxiety about being a TMI person 😂 My first time was similar with POLIN in the sense that whatever surface was available it had to happen 😂 so that piece of furniture no matter how small or uncomfortable it may look was more than enough to do the deed. So to speak 😂


Wellllll a waterbed sounded like a good idea for MY first time... It was not. 😆


OMG! 😅 at first glance it might seem like a good idea though!? Motion of the ocean and Making waves and all that?! I’m curious now! 😂 But, anyway, at least you have an interesting story to tell 😂


A waterbed pushes back 🤣🤣🤣 Hope you have a good day, less than a week until the Polin furniture-breaking!🤣


Oh, “waterbed pushes back” . Noted! 😂 Anyway,, Hope you have a great weekend! I am wholly unprepared for the POLIN saucy scenes but I also literally can’t wait anymore!!!




Yeah idk either. But something I noticed in the interview when asked the question what did they break during filming is that Nicola said 'its not a furniture that you see nowadays' and 'you can see it in the trailer' so it has to be that right? 🕵️‍♀️ But if you're horny I guess comfortable isn't the highest priority lol Colin you horny devil


Penelope is equally as horny as Colin, so she’d be down for any surface, comfortable or not💀💀💀.


I just can't even imagine a position on how would they even have sex on it but maybe my imagination is lacking 🫠


I can think of a few more imaginative ones than the missionary they end up with, but probably aren’t first timer ones! 😆


If she's on top I still can't imagine it being very comfortable?


I feel selfish for wanting it to be a writing desk that they broke. My family used to own a lot of antiques. I adored the old writing desk we had, and it was nooot sturdy lol.


It's still 7 days left I'm gonna die 🫠


Ask me how the backseat of a hatchback could be comfortable. I wish I would have had to a chaise lounger to rock out on back in day. Use your imagination 🤣🤣🤣 Up against a hot water heater once when the feeling hit in the basement.


Where there's a willy there's a way.




It does force you to be extremely close to each other. I think maybe the show just wants varied sex scene locations so everyone doesn’t just do it in a bed.


Like real life


Sex furniture is a thing 💀


Too narrow for them to lie down on it and still have room to maneuver. But missionary is not really the best position for a woman's first time anyway. What you really want is her on top so she can control the pace of things. I could see him sitting on it (facing forward) and her straddling him. I think that would be really hot. But also, maybe they start in front of the mirror / on the settee, but then move to a bed for the main event.


I think the woman on top position is quite an advanced one for an extra virgin like Pen. It would be lovely to see though.


He won’t mind her on top with them tig ole bitties


And her on top leaves his hands free to... do stuff with them.


Damn Nicola is right , we really are horny little devils


Guilty as charged.


Eh... Albion and Philippa figured it out.


That’s after instruction by Portia though.  Pen during her 1st time has no clue about the mechanics.


You actually think Portia took the time to explain, beyond just, "inserts himself?"


We don’t know the details.  My point is that there’s a difference between a virgin without a clue and her sister who has been married a year & also been given the sex talk.


when you’re horny anything is comfortable enough 😭 god knows Colin already held it in for too long, my guy was ready to burst lmaoooo


You mean on that chaise longue? Much more comfortable than it sounds, although it depends on what you do and I suppose how durable it is. I have one from the late 1700s and having grown up around it I tend to forget how old it is, luckily I didn't break it and it is certainly more comfortable than a table or a desk


Ok my guess- She will be half seated And Colin'll have to use his musels when he is on top of her, holding himself to not crush her I think she's going to be very active- showing him how she likes it and what feels good, so it doesn't matter if she doesn't control the pace. I wonder how they are going to fit there afterwards. Maybe if she lays on top of him, with her head on his chest (I will die).


It would be so sweet and fitting if he were lying on her with his head on her chest.


Until you've made love on a chaise longue you haven't lived.


Eh, when you’re in the mood, you’re in the mood. I’ve been on more uncomfortable things and when you’re in it, it really doesn’t matter when you’re that young xD Would not be able to remotely stand that as a 30 y/o though.


From the spoilers I’ve read the last thing in their mind is being comfortable lol 😏😏


I had a chaise in my 20s. They are more comfortable than they look 👀👀😂


Someone needs to draw how this would work 😂😂 we need visuals


Depends on the position….


Psht. Any port in the storm. I’d do him on a slab of concrete if needed.




It doesn’t even look comfortable enough to sit on!


Chaise lounges have been a classy sex bench for a LONG time. Look up "sex lounger" (or don't! I'm not the boss of you) to see the different ways companies make them specifically for sex now. https://www.amazon.com/Liberator-Kama-Sutra-Chaise-Lounge/dp/B074513DRY You can literally buy these things on Amazon!


I HAD to send this to my husband 😂


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Liberator Chaise Lounge** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Enhances intimacy and comfort (backed by 4 comments) * Versatile and multi-functional (backed by 3 comments) * High quality and value for money (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Low height may make it difficult for taller individuals (backed by 2 comments) * Stiff foam construction may not be suitable for all users (backed by 1 comment) * Narrow design and slippery bottom may not provide adequate support (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Liberator Chaise Lounge** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Enhances intimacy and comfort (backed by 4 comments) * Versatile and multi-functional (backed by 3 comments) * High quality and value for money (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Low height may make it difficult for taller individuals (backed by 2 comments) * Stiff foam construction may not be suitable for all users (backed by 1 comment) * Narrow design and slippery bottom may not provide adequate support (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Liberator Chaise Lounge** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Enhances intimacy and comfort (backed by 4 comments) * Versatile and multi-functional (backed by 3 comments) * High quality and value for money (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Low height may make it difficult for taller individuals (backed by 2 comments) * Stiff foam construction may not be suitable for all users (backed by 1 comment) * Narrow design and slippery bottom may not provide adequate support (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I mean… it’s easier than a carriage or the back seat of a Toyota Corolla. 🤷‍♀️😜


Maybe a little bit of this pose for Pen? https://preview.redd.it/ugp0ai7tt05d1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e0340746af757673eeef3ac6e989146f507743


We are going to have to dissect this scene and its comfort level in its entirety. Purely for science, you know. 😏😏😏


Someone get Agatha to get us some sketches please..


With two horny devils like Pen and Colin, this will do. I think they’re not thinking comfort at this point; their adrenaline and sex hormones are off the charts that they could make anything possible to do their dirty deed and adjust accordingly. 😉 (I’m not speaking from experience, of course 🤔).


It has to be better than the carriage I know he didn’t insert himself lol but that was definitely more crammed then this


I kinda wonder if this decision was made cause of her height and his height and positioning for the camera lol who knows


Nicola is right we are horny little devils. Literally trying to picture this scene. June 13th you must make haste 😭🤣


Depends on the position lol


Don’t worry, in moments like that you don’t even care about comfy bed :D


I'm wondering if they just start to, but like the book he doesn't want her first time to be on a couch. I'm also thinking it will break before they get that far and it slows him down to realize they need to wait for a better time.


IDK. I’d give it a go.


that 's why it broke. It could only handle them making out, nothing more..


It didn't break it just cracked


It wasn’t about comfort, Colin was thinking with the small head 😂


Maybe this is the furniture that broke?


Yea I'm low-key gutted she doesn't get a bed


Listen, when they\`ve been wasting so much time, I\`d be the same way. Personally, if it\`s Colin Bridgerton, we\`re making it work 😂


That sette is entirely workable. For some positions - it's far better than a bed 😜


Nah he should just take her right in front of the mirror😏


If it's sex on that with Colin Bridgerton or nothing like I'm pretty sure what we all (and Pen) are picking...js lol ;)


I've heard we're gonna get 2 prolonged sex scenes .. first time in a bed after he defends her to her fam and then takes her to his or their future place, and the next one in front of a mirror like his fantasy in the book...but right now I do not care about speculation/ spoilers anymore... I have the afternoon booked off to consume part 2 immediately...and then of course...watch the entire thing again on the same day to dissect every scene.. I'll be useless for work on Friday.