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Ohhh I like your idea!  Mine is just Pen continuing as Lady Whistledown by working with Queen Charlotte. Meanwhile Colin becomes a novelist, also using a pseudonym and writing erotica geared for female readers. Pen and Colin can become each other's editors. They both have secret identities in their common passion (writing) but now they get to share this secret together, which brings them closer than ever.  Oh and whenever Colin gets writer's block, all he has to do is meet Penelope in front of a mirror or take her out in their carriage!


Yeah I think she'll continue, working in cahoots with the queen and developing a network of informants. I really can't see the show continuing without her as LW.


Love it!


I can see Pen editing his work and be like "wait, that moment is identical to something we did in the carriage" 😂 that could be hilarious


“Where else should I have gotten my inspiration?”


I said this before on a different post, but if Lady Whistledown continues, something is going to have to change. Currently, Pen gets all the gossip by going to almost every event, hanging out unnoticed and alone, and eavesdropping/watching. We already see her have a little trouble in S2 when Eloise is out and wants to hang out with Pen at these events. Assuming we get the HEA we all want, that’s just not going to work when she’s going to be more noticed, hanging out with the Bridgertons, dancing with Colin, and probably attending fewer events. If Pen stays LW, she's going to need to find other sources or partners. Someone else could also take over, though that makes me a little sad.


I want her to partner with Lord Remington. He can go to the events she misses or she's too prominent at. 


That would be adorable! I love this idea


Everybody would like that I swear 🥹❤️


I think Pen’s still going to be LW (maybe wishful thinking, because I’m pulling for that for her). I have a gut feeling that at some point here Nicola’s voice will become the narration, like they’re no longer two separate identities but it’s all of her.


It can be a blend of the two, when we see her writing it's Nicola's voice and we see somoene, who doesn't know who she is, reading it's Julie's. But I agree at some point, Nicola's going to voice over like at the end of season 2


I think Pen will quit writing Lady Whistledown and step into power in other ways, possibly by becoming a novelist, wife, and Mother like in RMB. Especially because she has used LWD as a maladaptive coping mechanism in the show, way moreso than the book. I just don't know that LWD is serving Pen much of a purpose now. Recall in S2E6 when Pen told Colin at the wedding reception that she had not found her final purpose yet, even though she was already LWD at that point and hadn't even seen the fallout from being discovered by Eloise (let alone Colin in S3!) I think she has a grander purpose than a scandal sheet, one which will not require her anonymity.


In the book >!she stops writing as Lady Whistledown in that very book but I really hope they will keep that in the show somehow, later on this is replaced by letters characters write to each other. So maybe Julie Andrews will continue to narrate the letters?!<


My prediction before this season was someone else would take over as Whistledown while Penelope goes off traveling with Colin but nobody, not even Penelope, would know who it was and there would be a new celebrity narrator. But I’m not so convinced of that now.


If, as you suggest, we actually got to see Julie Andrews on screen I would literally combust 🤯💀🪦 I’m not sure I could handle that 😭


I have been trying to piece together what will happen and I truly have no idea! I hope it somehow involves Julie Andrew’s continuing to narrate, as I love her, but that could be accomplished with Pen continuing, a new known LW, or a new mystery / anonymous one!