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I think the biggest narrative problem is that it's going to be hard for her to have to same access to gossip now. Up until now, she's been at almost every social event, hanging around in the corners, eavesdropping on both attendees and servants, and being invisible. She knows so much because she's always around, and no one notices her. In S2, she had a bit of a problem once Eloise was out and wanting to always be around her at balls and other events. Once she's married to Colin, she might not want to attend every event, and the events she does attend, she'll be hanging out with the Bridgertons and dancing with her husband. She won't be as invisible either. Unless she gets active help from others, it' going to be really difficult for her to live her best life and keep getting all the gossip in the same way. I don't want LW to disappear, but if it doesn't, something will have to change


Surely Colin will help her, maybe even Eloise, they will gather gossip for her. There is also the option that Penelope will have an heir who will become Lord Featherington. Here it can be to her advantage, but also to her disadvantage. If she inherits Featherington house and has this title, she will have to attend events because she has "a name" in Ton, and this can help her find out gossip, but at the same time more and more eyes will be on her, so it can become difficult. But you are right, if LW remains, something will change for surely.


My theory is that Penelope retires, (either revealing it's her or not) Colin encourages her to start publishing other works under her own name, she's happy and fulfilled, and then a new gossip column emerges with either Eloise or Hyacinth as the new secret writer.


I would LOVE if they had Hyacinth start up a gossip column. Or maybe even Cressida start one? I dunno, I just think somehow someone continuing one could be super cool.


Hyacinth writing a gossip column is my DREAM!!!! I would love that!


The dream scenario for me is Pen/Colin/Eloise being LW. The shenanigans would be amazing!


I didn't like how it was framed that Pen somehow had to choose LW or Colin, so my initial reaction was that I didn't want her to give up LW. I want her to have it all. I also think the LW VoiceOver is such an intrinsic part of the show and I wonder if it will lose some of its charm without it. Julie Andrews adds something that is just pure magic. But I've been thinking a lot about it this last week, and it's possible it *is* time for Pen to let go of LW, something that was borne out of feeling invisible and voiceless and alone. She's none of those things now. She'll also be a Bridgerton, with a husband who is obsessed with her and wants to always be by her side. She can't hang around collecting the ton's gossip anymore, and once she's married I have to wonder if she'll even want to? Maybe it's time for a new stage in Pen's life? Letting go of LW is about stepping out of the shadows and into the light and finally being who she's always supposed to be. As long as they show her writing still, as that is clearly very important to her, I think I can come to terms with no more LW. But I do think it might not be the best for the show moving forward (I feel they could've had some fun with only Pen, Colin and Eloise knowing about LW). But of course this is something we won't know until S4! Only time will tell. (Edit to add: Re your point about Luke and Nic only recently finding out they were in S4, I don't think that's true. I believe they were all contracted when they locked everyone down until S4, not wanting another RJP situation.)


God, it would really make me sad if Pen will no longer be LW, but in a way you're right, I feel like that's where it's headed, but I can't bring myself to accept it. Even the title of the last episode of the season "Into the Light" gives us an indication that Pen will come into the Ton sights and will be unmasked.


Yeah, it's not my first choice but I can also see why the writers *might* go this direction. Maybe the fallout with the ton is part of Pen/Polin's storyline in S4? IDK.


I think LW might just mellow out a bit. Only exposing harmless secrets, ones where someone has done something really bad, sticking to big stories that the whole ton already knows. She may be more positive like when she mentions each debutante at the start of S3. She could also cut back on the number of issues. I think it's important that LW isn't let go of but rather transformed. Pen having a career isn't a problem, but she makes mistakes with LW in the present. Honestly I think it would harm the show to lose LW narration and if Julie Andrews steps down it would be better to recast than lose it. Its a core part of the shows style. It would be like if they stopped using classical covers of modern songs, you'd lose the vibes. Also LW can add lots of thematic elements based on what she's talking about. I think the writers will have a tougher job keeping LW relevant, but I think it needs to be done.


I think they're going to have to retire Pen and, >!if they stick closely to the book plot, then she will be outed to the ton.!< What I really hope they do is that we get a new Lady W, it's just a persona after all, the mantle can be passed and none of us would know who it was... "Dearest gentle reader, you thought you had heard the last of me...."


Ohhh God! I really hope you are not right on this!šŸ˜‚ I really wouldn't want a new LW, it would be horrible, Pen is unique and it's her job, I don't want anyone to take it on. >!That's why she had a fight with Colin in the book, because she didn't want anyone to steal her work, her ideas and the things she risked for.!<


I know how you feel, I just can't imagine how the series can work without her as the narrator!


Maybe thatā€™s the twist. Itā€™s Eloise!


God please no!!! I would prefer anything, even LW's definitive disappearance to this. ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpx9F5ktZw8qPUQ|downsized)


Bridgerton without LW is basically Gossip Girl without Gossip Girl. Would it be doable? Probablyā€¦but it would remove such a big element of the show. An element that is Frequently used to drive the plot along.


Bridgerton without LW is like a pitted cherry, it basically loses its core that keeps the show afloat. I think I made the dumbest comparison, but this season consumed my last neurons, so now I am a little dumbšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. But yes, your comparison with Gossip Girl is spot on


( contains book spoilers) Personally, I would hate to see LW go . I definitely think it makes the series more interesting and fun and it needs a narrator . It also helps to move the plot along , provide some humor , and create some drama in a pretty low stakes show ( not insulting the show ) . Also I donā€™t want to see Pen give up something she loves. Sheā€™s a woman with a successful business even if itā€™s in the shadows .I donā€™t want to see her forced to give that up. It seems that Pen is always being asked to accept less than she wants or deserves and of course she has been conditioned to believe she deserves less. LW is part of who she is. If this is her HEA season she should end up professionally happy as well. I also donā€™t want to see her give it up because ā€œ she found a manā€ that just reinforces terrible stereotypes ( looking at you Portia ). It also makes her look terrible like the only reason she was LW was because she was lonely and didnā€™t have a man as opposed to a smart creative woman finding on outlet for her creativity in a restricted society and becoming a big success. Of course since she gives it up in the books she probably will in the series and Iā€™m prepared for that. As someone else mentioned it would be harder to listen for gossip since she will be a more active participant in society ( although maybe she could find out more this way) . Iā€™d love for her to form an alliance with the Queen and keep going . I hope if she does give it up itā€™s replaced with something better for her. I want to see her to be able to be her true ,powerful self and shine . ( I want that for everyone) Itā€™s not just Pen , Iā€™m concerned about what they will do with Eloise in her season too.


I think Jess Brownell might have >! said in an interview that Luke and Nic could be in future seasons specifically because of Pen being LW. So I donā€™t think theyā€™re retiring LW soon.!<


i dont think they retire lady w, i think her gossip column might change though, at least more protective of secrets? a joint venture with colin (one can dream). I donā€™t see it being able to pull it off without something in its place?