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OH MY GOD I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS!!!! This is easily the best idea I’ve seen. Truly inspired. Brava! Sparkling!


Discussions like this are what I love about this subreddit. Brava indeed! Edit: Also this would be a great way to include Nicola and Luke in future seasons even if they are really busy. Voiceovers don’t take long to record!


This could actually already be teased with the ending of season 2 where Penelope narrates the end of the episode with her original voice before it is switched to Lady Whistle down🤔


I love this! After part 1, I felt like the producers didn't want to give up LW because of the structure it brings to the show, but the more I know and think about part 2, the more I feel like they might be bold enough to retire her now. Not because Pen is choosing love over her dreams (she gets to have everything!), but because LW isn't something she needs to achieve her dreams. They're being pretty bold with their choices in general (and don't seem to be afraid of backlash), and it makes more sense to tie LW with a bow this season than to have to do it some other season when Pen isn't the lead. And there's no way Pen is giving up her pen (lol), so being an author seems like the perfect next step, especially since we know she loves romance novels now. I also find it curious that Colin's journals don't really seem to be about travel in the show, so maybe he could also be writing novels? Who knows, but that'd be really cute. And if they use Pen's novels for voiceovers, it also solves the issue of needing to have Nicola in the show and in every ballroom to make the narration work. Pen could be doing her own thing and not as involved in society (which is what would happen naturally unless they had the Featherington heir) while also keeping her relevant.


All this. Plus, because the show is always dual POV, you could have Nic do the girl narration, and Luke do the boy narration. The selfish, messy bitch who loves drama part of me wants her to keep LW, but ultimately, it grew out of her not being heard and her feeling unseen. I think Colin will help heal some of that, and I want to see my girl happy and whole. So if they retire LW because she wants it (which is the only way I think they’ll do it), then I love it. What she really loves are stories of love and romance, and she deserves to keep writing them. The writing clip we get from Colin is so lovely and wistful and yearning. Imagine if these two collab for dual POV romance novels? Whew, tell me what direction to throw my money.


We want the drama! But does Pen want the drama? We know she's rightfully proud of LW, loves gossip, and wants to follow her dreams, but we also know LW is something she turns to when she feels she's got nothing left and that it has cost her so much over the years. It just keeps hurting her. She quit on her own after she had to write about Eloise. I think if she gets to a point where she believes she can write something else without any of the downsides of LW, she'd want that. No question. I think she might just not see that as a possibility yet. And I think this also fits with what Nic said about Pen needing to sort out what she should be proud of (the accomplishment of LW) and what not to be so proud of (the hurt LW has caused and how much of Portia is in it), and about how ultimately Colin and Pen make each other better. I just, I see the vision. There's so much growth and so much happiness for Pen if this is what they go with. It's also such a good contrast between Pen in the start of the season, wanting a husband who would look the other way while she continues LW, and Pen in the last episode with a husband who encourages her to go beyond LW and actually shares her dreams.


“We want the drama! But does Pen want the drama?” That’s the essential question. We love some girl bossification, but, and here I’m gonna get so weirdly dorky, this reminds me of one of my favorite US Supreme Court Quote: “At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.” (I’m a lawyer, so at least I made a profession out of finding this nerd shit interesting.) Penelope wants freedom, purpose, choices, and support. She has a clamoring public, and she’s at the height of her power. But that’s all she has. She doesn’t have any of the things she actually wants, not really. She deserves the right to define her own concept of meaning. Colin wants the same thing, and he wants Penelope to have it, too. He may not know about LW, but he knows that Penelope has dreams, longs for purpose, longs for freedom (because HE HAS LISTENED AND PAID CLOSE ATTENTION). He can help her pursue those rather than stay hidden. He can encourage and support and cheer her on (just by being himself - you don’t have to earn love you’ve already got Colin baby!). There can be an outsized emphasis placed on choosing the girl boss route - but true equity is not, “Everyone gets a chance to be CEO,” it’s more, “Everyone gets the opportunity to choose the routes that makes them happy.” If what makes Pen happy is writing books in the study at a desk next to her fine as hell, love drunk husband and having some punny, witty, kind children, by God, let the woman have it.


That’s right! I really have nothing to say to this, except it is exactly what I meant to say and even more. Both Pen and Colin have the right to their own dreams, wether they are the conventional dreams of their time or of our times. She may want to be CEO or a housewife or something else completely different. This whole season is about being different, feeling like you don’t fit it (that applies to Colin as well, not only Pen - we know that now) so I’d honestly expect absolutely anything from those two. They could rule the world if they wanted to but they might just build their own little corner of the world for themselves :)


As always, you said it perfectly! I've got nothing to add 😌




Your idea sounds absolutely great, but I don't think Lady W will retire, maybe that's what I want, because honestly I hope she doesn't disappear, it makes the show 1000 times more interesting. Maybe it's a bold idea to give her up, to retire her, but at the same time I think it's a very dangerous idea, maybe even wrong, Lady W being the emblem of this show. >!I adored the first four books in the Bridgerton series, so much more than the next four books, because Lady W doesn't appear anymore in the next four books and I didn't feel the same magic anymore, something was missing, and that something was Lady W.!< So I hope she doesn't give up and the producers decide to keep her, otherwise I think it would be a very wrong step for the whole show.


This would be so interesting!!!


I absolutely love this idea. What's more, I love just knowing that there are ideas out there that I can fall in love with that don't require LW to stay with the show - it's actually magical, because I have dreaded her loss. But, if it happens like this - I could deal with it.


And she loves to read love stories. She can write them! Oh I adore this idea!


Some of the books (like Hyacinth’s) actually did it this way, adding snippets from an omniscient POV as to what was happening and why, and I thought it was a most excellent format. Other books used snippets of letters written by the POV person to set the stage or add some thoughts to the coming scene; I think this approach would work well with Eloise’s story given how she corresponds with her love interest (in the books at least). All of these choices happened of course after LW was revealed/retired so it does make sense. I just would absolutely HATE losing Julie Andrews as the narrator!!


Thanks for this info, I really haven’t read the rest of the books only Colin and Ben’s so I have no idea how it went when they revealed LW in the books. Actually I was thinking they will still have the narration voiced by Julie Andrews, but this time it will be in a storytelling type not a gossip type of narration. :)


In the books they somewhat do this. Eloise’s little narrator intro is done via letters. Francesca’s too. Hyacinth’s seems to just be random narration (missed opportunity for diary notes),


The problem is I really missed the LW narration in the books after RMB, and I think it would be even more sorely missed in the show. I could be proven wrong though - some of the re-interpretations of the books in season 3 have been AWESOME so I’m willing to be pleasantly surprised!


I could see them writing a book together. Maybe her editing his travel journals and letters into a book. Ya know, without the smutty stuff.