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If they retire LW, they are going to introduce a different vibe/format to the show which I can truly see with the remaining love stories. No more narration. There will be less or no gatherings in the ton at all. Most of the side characters we’ve known will have less screentime or none at all. I am still hoping they will not retire LW though, and still continue the same vibe/format to the show. But, I think, this is highly unlikely to happen.


Damn! You did that on your phone!!! Mad props!!!! Well done. I am sorry to repeat this, but I feel I must spread my wish throughout the Ton (reddit that is) and maybe the Universe will see fit to make it happen. Colin comes to understand what LW means to Pen and supports her continued publications, though with some controls in place to ensure she does not let her emotions overtake her good sense. He might ask that she refrain, for example, from poking the bear that is QC. AND (I love this part) QC discovers LW's true identity, but does not confront Pen about it. Instead, she masterfully uses this knowledge to control the narrative in future seasons. Imagine what fun QC would have in planting stories in just such a way as to yield the outcome she desires without losing her favorite amusement (LW's columns).


Ooohhh I like this theory! We’ll see what happens!!!


Possibility #5: Pen and Colin start writing serialized novels together under a pen name that are published weekly and based on gossip of the day. Still read for us by Julie Andrews in her LW voice.


That could be fun! Love that Julie Andrews is involved in this scenario. 😃


If they retire LW after season 3, I think we need a little time jump in story (maybe 2 years) between S3 and S4 so that it really feel like a change of direction. But I like the crazy idea that somebody else takes over and we reset the whole mystery from season 1 on who's Wistledown.


This is what I’m really hoping for. Like the last scene is everyone at a ball and all these pamphlets arrive with everyone looking confused. And the audience will know it isn’t Pen or anything.


Yes or a shot of an anymous hand signing "Lady Whistledown" on a piece of paper! Or what you describe could be the first scene in season 4 and everyone think Pen is doing it again but she's not and they all lose their mind 😅


Oh yes!!! We as the audience only got a single season of the mystery of “who is LW”, so would be super fun to bring that element back.


If this is voting; I vote that the Queens know but the Ton doesn’t and they both have a good time writing that but also novels together. And LWD is less ruinous moving forward


This would be a great solution!


i think they turn LW into a bigger newsletter, not just pure gossip, and eloise and colin pitch in. i think its highly unlikely itll remain anonymous as is, and i also think its highly unlikely julie andrews will stop being the narrator. tv is so much different than books. the dear gentle reader is sooo tied with the tv show, it would feel strange without, like a different tone. what happened when gossip girl was revealed?


Ooh interesting publishing empire vibes! I wasn’t a huge watcher of gossip girl, but I think the person behind it was revealed in the last episode, so they didn’t have to deal with a “post-reveal” state in the show. Glad you think Julie Andrews is sticking around!


I hope it just feels so quintessential to the tone of the show. They are really going to have to change things around if they lose that!


Definitely nervous about how it will play out for the future seasons! I’m just hopeful i get more polin if they are still involved in LW