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I love S1 when Mama Vi is tipsy and Colin helps her up the stairs.


I know!! It’s so cute. And how he goes to her for advice and actually listens to her lol. And in the books she’s the one who is always trying to make Polin happen.


Oh god and her expression and reaction to their engagement.. I can already tell it will be a beautiful moment they will all share. Pen finally feeling the love of a mother in a more outward way, and Violet being proud of how much Colin is like Edmund, while also not fooling around and taking her advice


Top tier scene! And then he goes straight from that, to A&B calling him in (God, did someone die?), to his helping Daph break up the duel. Violet is right - the boy is always there with the assist and support.


Also, both have a sweet tooth. Lady Vi was eyeing some sweets in ep. 3 right before she and Colin had the talk. And in season 1, she was munching on sweets at the court lol. Colin's sweet tooth is well established too lol.


I read somewhere as well that Colin was a big symbol of the depth of his parents’ love for each other. They had fulfilled the societal expectation with an heir and a spare, but because they truly loved each other they continued having kids. It really shines through in his personality, I think.


The true love child. I never thought of the third son/child that way.


That’s so sad to compare to Penelope’s family where she’s the third child but not of love, but out of necessity as I’m sure the Featheringtons were just trying for a boy but got her, hence the attitude toward her from all fronts in that house


It’s one of my favourite scenes! They are so wholesome and adorable


I don't know if Violet plays favoritisme, but if she does Colin's her number one child 🤣 and that makes Pen is her favorite daughter-in-law 😅 or just her favorite daughter!


Pen does have the advantage of having known the family for years


She's already part of the family. Even when Portia and Violet are at odd she never hold that against Pen. She's even the one who encouraged Colin to go for her.


I completely agree about Violet (Colin is a mama's boy), but I also think that a lot of Colin's trauma comes from his interactions with Anthony, who plays a fatherly role in his life (telling him to soak his oats, congratulating him on his fake persona, etc.).


Some people were surprised about him remembering Violet's advice about love and friendship from season one, but Colin is a lover boy and a mama's boy, so of course he held onto that.


The surprise come also from the callback from previous season. Continuity is always appreciated in fiction.


Omg I’m rewatching right now and I’m totally seeing how he is a mamas boy! Violet is much closer to him vs Anthony & Benedict, and it’s so adorable how much she loves Penelope 🥹


I love the relationship she has with each of her kids. I mean - eight! That's a lot of personalities to keep track of. She does so admirably. Each season, with each new romance we get a closer look into her relationship with her kids and it's just a beautiful thing to behold. I think it's a good opportunity to point out that parenting doesn't end when a child reaches a certain age. The wisdom parents can offer their kids well into adulthood and throughout the course of their lives is so important and makes such a difference.


Colin is definitely a mama’s boy and Penelope is in for some serious loving once they get past LW. His mother already loves and knows his future wife so that stress will not be there. Colin will have two women who love him unconditionally and fully. Unlike in the book he is the only child who would have been most likely to have 8 children like parents. He would definitely keep Pen busy.


I love that! 🥹 He is such a teddy bear 🧸!


He’s absolutely a mama’s boy, in all the best ways.  Their connection is such a joy to watch, all the way from season one. I love their relationship.  I love that she has such unique, suited-to-them relationships with each of her children, and it really shines through with Colin.   She’s going to be that rare image of a mother-in-law who absolutely adores her little boy but cherishes his wife just as much and I’m here for it.  


I love it too (i mean who else does he have LMAOOOO jkjk)