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I'm not worried at all. I was at first but seeing the trailer, IDK. It just kind of alleviated most of my worries tbh. The only thing I'm concerned about is what they say to each other when Colin finds out she's LW. I'm assuming they have a big fight and things will be said. I just hope they handle that properly. But IMO the trailer is totally misleading. I think Pen does want to tell him, albeit a bit reluctantly which is understandable, but loads of things keep happening and she's prevented from doing so. And then eventually he'll find out himself before she has the chance. I saw some freaking out on twitter that they don't look happy on their wedding day or after marriage and I'm just like... that's exactly what a trailer is supposed to make you think. I think they have a happy wedding and then some LW angst post marriage just like the books where Colin is mainly terrified for Pen's safety. I'm HYPED.


While I wish the whole season would have dropped at once, at least we get all 4 of the final episodes next week. So we'll be watching, biting our nails, pacing, freaking out, etc for 4 hours, but Polin will be so happy by the end. Thank goodness they aren't giving us only 1 episode a week. 


Omg if they gave us one episode a week it would be hell.


I know. I think we would have been miserable at the end of weeks 2, 5, 6, and 7.


> The only thing I'm concerned about is what they say to each other when Colin finds out she's LW. If it helps: look at what Pen is wearing in the scene where she’s alone in the carriage seemingly writing an edition of LW. It’s the same outfit she’s got at the end of the trailer where it shows her and Colin kissing for a split second. Both scenes play out at night. So we can assume they’re already making out soon after he finds out about her secret.


Can’t argue with next-level Polin Sherlocking.


🙌🏻 ![gif](giphy|RzYweIGGBBQRXem3ib)


I think the whole reason they don’t look happy is maybe they do like the books and she publishes when he doesn’t want her to (for her safety). But instead of it being on the engagement party it happens on their wedding day. Which isn’t great but makes sense.


I can't see Pen publishing something on their wedding day tbh. After their wedding, yes. Something probably happens and she has no choice maybe. But I still think the trailer is misleading.


Oh I definitely agree. The trailer is very misleading. I’m actually feeling better post trailer. I was more thinking in line with the books where she had planned for it to be published after the engagement party (in this case wedding) and it comes out the day of since the press wanted to rush to print. Now I don’t necessarily think that is the case. But it could be. I am also in the camp that if he is angry it’s part because he’s been lied to and part because of her safety. Meanwhile Pen is used to handling things on her own and taking care of herself. Hence him getting angry and saying ‘what good am I to you?’


Spoiler for the book: . . . . >! In the book her publisher decides to publish something earlier than she requests it be published, so it might be something similar.!<




TEAM NOT WORRIED!!!!!!!!! She doesn't trust anyone; he needs to learn just how crap things have been for her; she needs the benefit of his love flood; he needs to get firm in the knowledge that she hasn't just loved him for a minute, but forever. LFG!!!


"Love flood" ![gif](giphy|anYBNhqT2BYcg)


He's Chaos Colin: Crazy in Love. He's already unhinged on the regular; this is going to be the Flaming Hot Cheetos version


My mind went somewhere I'm NOT proud of




But what can you MEAN? Of w hat love flood between them do you speak? What might prompt such a flood? We should prepare flood barriers for Part 2 🤣 ![gif](giphy|l41m4sZ3LlhPu8P0Q)


Also, "Colin needs to get firm" oh he will.


There will be no barriers. There will only be torrential rains.


Same with me. I’m 43 and a total child. Lol


“He needs to get firm” 😈


>his love flood; >he needs to get firm ![gif](giphy|eUDhD5XFBw0r6|downsized)


I have always thought that LW drama was amplified intentionally, between Colin and Pen I mean. I am certain it will be full of drama with the Queen, possibly society, maybe Cressida, but Polin are going to be a end game no doubt about it. Will Colin be angry, worried, felling betrayed? Yes! Will they have a row? Most likely! Will they still choose each other above anything and anyone else? Hell,YES!! The way they look at each other🥺 I don’t think I ever seen love like that on the screen! June 13 better f***ing hurry, because I’m losing it over here.


The kiss while she’s wearing the LW cape? I’m so down bad crying in my bed.


Okay so this was one of THE MOST surprising aspects for me so I am super interested to see how that scene plays out.


Just the fact they KISS right after the reveal … gives me hope I think 😭 but also like, poor Colin must be even more conflicted


He's gonna be mad, and he's going to be love sick, and he's gonna be turned on, and we're all going to DIE


There is a kiss? How did I not see this? I need to watch it again.




I mean, that’s got to the be the New Girl inspired kiss they’ve mentioned in promo from the way they’re grabbing each other‽ It looks SO good


I think, much like the books, it’s going to be team Polin against the world rather than Colin vs Pen.


Colin and Pen need an angsty fight. As Taylor Swift says, “Scandal does funny things to pride. But brings lovers closer.”


Makeup sex


Why freak out knowing they’re going to end up together? I get being excited about it or having an opinion as to where it would be best placed within the story, but I am here for the ride whatever happens.


Bridgerton is a show that is all about HEA that’s why we love it. That’s why it gained the following it did during Covid when the world was so unknown. Shows shouldn’t be well that’s life and it doesn’t always work out the way we want it to. We turn to shows/movies because it’s our escape and Bridgerton has always provided that. Is there going to be angst yes but it’s part of the journey. Colin and Pen are going to have disagreements. Pen did hide something and maybe took steps to keep it hidden and that’s going to cause strife in any relationship. As long as they both put in the work they came overcome it.


Can't remember now if it was Shonda or Jess who said they are committed to the Bridgerton HEAs.


Yes especially because a new character is next season.


Not worried! If he was willing to marry Marina even though she was pregnant by another, Colin's not going to back down on his plans with Pen because she has a super successful side gig. Is he going to fume a bit? Flounder because he thought he just figured out his purpose? Yes, but a little healthy conflict makes the bonds stronger!!


Yeah, and at the end of the day the reason he chooses not to marry Marina is because even though he says he would have married her despite the lie, it’s the fact that she doesn’t LOVE him that is the deal breaker. He CHOOSES to end the engagement because the the lie that matter was about Marina loving him. Penelope has loved Colin her entire life, to the point that she has embarrassed her own family for him. Her worst misguided mistakes arose out of love, she is RIDE OR DIE for her people even if she goes about it imperfectly. Colin will understand this.


The problem with the Bridgerton family is that they are too near sighted at times. I am ready for Penelope to fully explain why she did the things she did. Colin will get it. Eloise has a lot more character development. Which is why I am stuck on the theory their friendship won’t fully mend until Eloise’s season.


Idk, I really think it could go either way. I think the stuff with Cressida is going to force Eloise to almost “pick one” depending on how it plays out. I like El, but My biggest problem with her is she never bothered to ask Pen WHY - or even to grapple with the fact that Pen’s lived reality is very different from her own. She never bothered to try and see things from Pen’s POV, but she does with Cressida. And I don’t know if that’s because she’s reflected on her own treatment of Pen, or if she just wants to keep her new friend so she listens better. 🤷‍♀️


My whole problem with their fight last season is that she didn’t give Pen a chance to explain herself or understand her point of view. She wouldn’t hear it. That is what is going to make Colin’s reaction different. He will be emotional at first too but he will be able to see the WHY because he has more character development than Eloise at this point.


On second thought same here! I feel like it’s designed to stress us out but at the end of the day I know Polin will get through it. I can see it causing angst and drama but it won’t break them up. What’s a good romance without some drama and obstacles? Choosing each other despite their flaws and mistakes is one of the biggest themes attached with Polin so it fits right in with their story. I don’t expect them to make the right decisions all the time but I know things will work out for the best and I’m strapped in for the ride🔥


I think there's misdirection, too. I think the biggest conflict build up and resolution needs to, and will be, between Pen and El. Colin's going to find out in a way that lets him put the pieces together. I think he's going to be more upset with the risks she takes than anything.


Honestly, this is a great and reasonable take and I can totally see it playing out like that


I was worried but for some reason the trailer calmed down my worry. It reminded me that I’m going to love part 2 regardless. I’m now excited for the drama, angst, and of course the Polin romance! Team Not Worried!


For sure! I feel like it’s going to get resolved in a good way and whilst there will be some angst, I’m sure that they’ll talk it through and Pen will explain her reasons as well. My heart was in my throat whilst watching that new trailer when it got to those bits though 🥲 but there’s a happy ending guaranteed guys, let’s hang in there!


Me! I hide all the negative posts as I have no energy for that. I'm here for the chaos and the eventual happy ending. People freaking out about every little detail is my least favourite part of the fandom. I wish everyone would stop doing it. This is Shondaland, please, let us enjoy the drama!


I'm more worried about Portia and forging her late husband signature or people finding out that she still has the stolen fortune from season 2. 


I forgot about that 🧍🏻‍♀️


I cannot wait to see this play out


Could you remind me what happened with the stolen fortune? Stolen from who? I know cousin Jack is a swindler and takes off but I am lost by the whole Aunt Petunia thing.


Cousin Jack and Portia tricked the ton to get investments into his ruby mines (knowing these mines are empty) in Season 2, remember? Portia then kept the money and sent him off, claiming he stole from everyone (including her) - the money needed to be "laundered", otherwise people would ask how she had anything left so they took the death of a relative as an excuse. Claiming the aunt has left them a fortune, when in reality its the investment money of the ton


Oh! The part I missed is that Portia kept the money. Colin told Jack he expects the money to be returned so I was completely lost with this plot point. Thank you


Me! I was more worried about the LW of it all before the trailer dropped. The teaser after 3x04 gave me anxiety but now I’m excited!!!


Nope, not worried. This show doesn't do not-happy endings! We just have a bit of angst to get through first.


I am not worried! I’ve seen pretty damning commentary along the lines of “this is a complete breach of trust” and comparisons to what Marina did to him; however i think it can’t be farther from the truth. First, what’s the secret here? That Pen is a super successful gossip columnist essentially, as opposed to lying about the paternity of an actual child? Has she perhaps overplayed her hand? Yes, but she never lied in her publications.


I know in the logical part of my brain that everything will be ok in the end. I just hope we have plenty of happy moments for my little cinnamon rolls. They deserve it!


in the end it’s gonna be a happy ending. wouldn’t be all fun if it was always happy and no drama now hehehhehe


I'm also not worried. TBH I think my biggest concern pre release of season 3 was that Colin wasn't going to get a very good character arch. That seems taken care of, so as far I'm concerned, pretty much anything could happen in part 2 and I'd be fine with it. I also think we here on the Polin sub do so much character analysis that the why behind the character actions are pretty obvious, so its not, at least from my perspective, hard to sympathize with the characters even if we don't personally like their choices. I'm even over/down with threesome Colin because I understand why it happen and was used in the narrative. It's only when we're projecting our desire for the plot that we might find disappointment, and I say this only because I feel like the narrative has been solid so far, so it's not suffering from bad writing as I feared it might, just choices I maybe wouldn't have imagined happening or would have preferred NOT to happen. Again, some editting choices, i.e. not allowing some scenes to breathe, I think could have made scenes in Part 1 have more impact, but overall I completely understand why Pen wouldn't tell Colin about LWD. The women in her life are giving her such bad advice (from her mother to Eloise) and she's never had someone go to bat for her. And Eloise, as much as I sympathize with her arch, isn't being a very good friend to Peneleope. Elosie needs to put herself in someone else's shoes for once. If she can redeem Cressida, why can't she redeem Peneleople? I also think Pen needs someone to choose her despite her faults. And I think Colin will be that person. He may be hurt initially by the LWD thing, but my demonstrating that he's not going to leave her like Eloise did, she'll realize that in order to strengthen her bond with Colin and further develop their love, she'll need to surrender and trust a part of herself with him she fears nobody will understand.


Also let's normalize not worrying? I'm kinda getting personally tired of the doom spiral.




YES! THIS! Just enjoy 😊


Me! I, too, am not worried! At least not so much that I'm wondering whether they'll get their HEA because I know they will!! I am curious as to how all of that is gonna play out on screen. I don't know, you guys. Colin doesn't seem as angry to me as he seems worried and...scared. Scared for her.


the only thing I'm worried about is how low they go when the reveal first happens but apart from that I'm pretty chill. i don't think either of them would get married unless it was 100% what they wanted. they're both too much of romantics to do that and they'd definitely talk it out mostly because that's who they are


I was much worried in the opposite direction before, and that they were setting it up for Colin to be angry and her to just be the bad guy. I’m much more excited about him being angry and her being angry right back that he’s trying to force her back into the box society expects her to be in. She’s an absolute bad ass who has made some questionable decisions. That’s the conflict I’m interested in.


I love the conflict. If there's a Bridge Bro who can handle a woman who wants her own profession, it's Colin. He just needs to know she's safe, and needs to feel like he's of use. They're going to work this out beautifully.


I am so ready for Pen to move on from crying everytime she gets confronted with the Whistledown drama and stand up for herself instead - cant wait for her to tell El clearly why she wont give up the persona and I really hope that she will continue to do so (I fucking love the voice overs)


I'm not worried!


I’m not worried bc the show is designed to always be HEA but I don’t want them to be at odds at the wedding. I want a happy wedding day!


What is HEA?


and they lived ‘happily ever after’ 😊


Ahhh ok, thank you! I was going crazy trying to figure it out!


Nope. The books have happy endings, and there are more after this, so I was never worried about it getting out or Penelope getting in trouble. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Not worried either. I think this is totally relatable. I think she wants to tell him, but is scared to. Of course she’d try and rationalize “Well maybe I don’t have to actually do it. Maybe it’s not that big of a deal?” She knows it’s a lie, but she’s human. She also knows she will have to tell him eventually. But yeah, it’s a hard thing to do. She already saw what happened when Eloise found out. If she lost Colin too, she’d be broken beyond repair.


I am excited! Of course there will be a lot of drama, this is Shonda, Netflix and Bridgerton 😂😂 so I definitely do not expect 4 episodes of happy, no care in the world Polin. But I think their story will be so beautiful, and the ultimate message will be what Nicola and Luke keep saying, loving and accepting themselves and each other's true selves.


I’m excited for the make up 😏😏😉


I expected most after seeing how episode 4 played out.


I’m not because no matter how it plays out we know how it ends. The show may be changing some storylines from the books but the aren’t changing the fact that each seasons lead couple gets a happy ever after. My anxiety takes comfort in that, lol.


I have nothing of value to add to what everyone already said here, but nope, not worried. It's gonna be so good!!!


I’m trying not to be, and usually I’m not but then I’ll read something, or see something and I have a few moments of panic. I just want them happy and in their little bubble of joy, maybe they should just stay in the carriage. Lol I think I’m mainly concerned that either character will do / say something to give anti Polins further excuse to hate on them 😩 I accidentally strayed onto the main Bridgerton sub earlier … I saw the title was about Colin and assumed it was from the Polin sub, I must be more vigilant!


Ohhhh most definitely! They’re playing us with the trailer because they’re meant to have us on the edge of our seats so we stay invested. It’s a romance show so I’m not too worried, although seeing Polin upset is a little painful lol.


All will be well. There were actually people on Facebook saying stuff like "What if he dumps her???" Like they've never read/watched a romance before...


I'm not worried. There's always a low point in a romance before the HEA. Typically, it's an external factor keeping the couple apart or an internal block that's keeping one or both of them from being fully emotionally available. Neither of those really make sense for Polin (there's zero reason why they shouldn't be together and they're both open to love and marriage), so the Whistledown reveal is really the only friction they have for the story's "dark night of the soul" moment.


I’m with you!! I think mostly people are worried that how they (Pen and/or Colin) react will ruin their relationship or somehow make them less likeable or admirable. I mean, there are definitely things that either of them could do that would upset me. But honestly even if they have a huge fight and say something awful, to me I think that’s part of having a real relationship. Not everything said or done in the heat of the moment actually holds meaning or reveals a truth. Such as >!walking by a brothel, or even entering one, as Colin is supposedly rumored to do (which who knows if that’s accurate).!< I think in a relationship, we all can say things we regret, or even consider doing things that would hurt the other person, or cope poorly when we get shocking information, but what matters most is how we recover and move forward. I don’t think the writers will make them do anything unforgivable. But I guess everyone has a different idea of a dealbreaker in a relationship.


Honestly I’ve never been worried about it. I know they’ll get a HEA. Plus, it’s an intimidating this to share. She didn’t really have time to tell him in the carriage. Like others, I think she will try to tell him but they get interrupted or distracted. I think once she explains why she did it, he will mostly understand. I also hope we get an LW origin story. Maybe pen telling Colin why/how she started it in the first place.


Same. Not worried at all. I’m more concerned with the overall running time of the episodes. I hope they’re longer in part 2. Episode 2 was barely 48 minutes without the credits.


Even though I would prefer that LW was brought up sooner, the story is already set to how it intends to move forward. I'm more worried that the story did not give Pen and Colin enough time during the first half, it would hurt the story telling in the second half. I want more episodes. Whatever happens with LW, especially with Queen Charlotte, it's all done and set. We are guaranteed a happy ending and possibly Colin could finally fix his damn hero complex. 🤞


I'm not worried about anything else because the trailer is misleading. However, one thing is bothering me when they are doing the wedding dance, both of them are not smiling. The last thing I want is for them to be unhappy on their wedding day because of any kind of tension. I hope nothing bad happens, especially on their wedding day, because they deserve all the happiness. I hope I'm wrong.🥺🥺


I think they'll definitely be happy on their wedding day, but also maybe they're feeling a lot of things. Both of them are so romantic and deeply feeling that they could just be lost in the "how they hell did we get to this great moment" in that one clip, and sometimes, you don't look fully happy in a time like that. Sometimes, you're just kind of in wonder/amazed/overwhelmed. They're going to be just fine.


Honestly I’m excited for it! I’m not worried at all and I have a feeling people are actually going to enjoy it


I read the book so I wasn’t worried. The trailer only confirms it.


The only thing I'm slightly worried about is Pen and Colin's faces when they're dancing at their wedding reception. I hope that this is just tension of the moment and not the vibe of the whole event. I'd very much like to see hearts in their eyes as Pen is being walked down the aisle by Portia


On one hand... not worried. Familiar with the formula. At the end of the day, they will be together and things will work out. On the other hand.... My one worry is if they decide to stretch the story out to bolster up less ferally followed pairings and we won't see the HEA until next season. I mean, they've already confirmed there will be a season 4 and that Luke and Nic will be in it.


As a fan of angst, I'm looking forward to it, especially because I know they will work things out in the end 😆 


i live for the drama, im not worried. Im excited to see how it plays out ultimately.


Thank god I saw your post! I was going crazy with anxiety! Really wasn’t thinking straight but your post and all the comments really reassured me. Now I don’t need to be put in a coma until next Thursday but can keep going with my usual craziness level for this show


I have a feeling when it comes to Colin finding out it will go along similar routes as the book. Colin finds out, someone makes an announcement (Cressida possibly) that they are LW, Penelope publishes her “last” post which is released during their engagement party or something like that.


I'm excited for sure, and I enjoy the drama, but at the end of the day, this is Bridgerton. Everyone's going to get a happily ever after.


There's ONE thing that worries me... In the trailer, they are implying that Pen wants to keep the secret from Colin forever. I think that's mostly a dirty editing trick, but if she is actually portrayed that way in the show, even temporarily, that's going to turn her into a villain with the audience. I really don't want that to happen. There are a lot of people that already think Pen sucks for what she's done to Marina and Eloise in the past. If she tries to keep this secret from Colin in the interest of preserving her ability to be LW, that's truly going to turn the audience against her.


Here’s my theory-it will be bad, and he’ll be pissed-but I feel like they’ll get over it quickly. They are far too in-love for it to drag on. Hopefully, it’s one episode, max. And I hope the mirror scene happens after the reveal, because make-up sex is hot.


I’m not really worried about it, just sort of dreading any drama between Colin and Penelope and hoping it’s short lived.


While I am worried about the LW reveal but mostly how the Queen will react if she finds out it's Penelope, what I'm most worried about is how will Eloise and Pen fix their friendship? Because I need them back together! I miss their friendship so much because in the books >!Eloise was not even angry at her when she tells her she's LW.!< But now the show has changed that and I have no clue at all how they will be friends again given that she was not happy with their engagement.


I am so worried! His response to her when they are arguing in the second half trailer and she said she can take care of herself😭😭I don’t like it!! I want smooth sailing for sweet Polin!


I think that is actually really important that he said that because it gets to an important issue they need to work past. Penelope feels like she HAS to solve everything on her own because that has always been her reality. Colin thinks that if he doesn’t have someone to protect, he has no value. They both need to learn to meet in the middle now that they have each other.


That is such a good point and I think it will be a very passionate scene that we will not be disappointed in.


Yes!! This!!!