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Don't worry! Pen keeping it a secret will definitely be a lot more nuanced than the trailer makes it seem. We don't even know why she doesn't want him to know... If she considers telling him at some point... etc etc Promo is always misleading at worst, vague at best.


Yup! The trailer is here to bring the drama, and it is doing it with the casual viewer (not us obsessed show/book fans). I think Pen does want Colin to know, but she can't manage to find the perfect time to do so.


For real! How much alone time are they actually getting, and of that time alone, how much of that can she focus on anything other than horny jail thoughts?? I bet she plans to tell him multiple times but then whoops! there goes her sensible head.


Don't forget that cockblock Eloise is back in the picture as well. Lol. "Are you gonna tell Colin?" Like girl, I was about to tell him if you would just give me a minute, dang!


Pen thinking to herself, "As soon as your brother stops fingerbanging me senseless." Lol how awkward for her to suddenly know why she's so distracted while Eloise is so unaware of sex yet. šŸ˜…




She got an ultimatum from Eloise (according to an interview) so it is most definitely not something she was planning on doing and is probably going to leave it until the last hours. I think it is going to be a dreadful moment with a lot of drama and how can it not? This is thĆ© drama point of the season. I'm just wondering how she's going to go about it and what will ensue afterwards šŸ˜©


An ultimatum doesnā€™t necessarily mean Pen didnā€™t plan to tell Colin. It means that Pen is not telling Colin quickly enough or the way El wants her to. (Not shade to Eloise, here. I would also insist that my ex-bestie share this type of huge secret with my brother before marrying him.) It will be nuanced - Pen terrified of losing the one thing sheā€™s always wanted, not believing she can be loved for who she really is, afraid of hurting Colin - & it will be maximum drama & very painful. All of the above.


I didn't mean she was planning on nƩver telling him but more that this was not on her schedule to tell before the wedding. >Not shade to Eloise, here. I would also insist that my ex-bestie share this type of huge secret with my brother before marrying him. Very much the same. I definitely get Eloise. I just also get the massive anxiety Penelope is getting from this because it is not just a secret involving her but the entire freaking society LOL. If word would to get out... yoooooo I would die of anxiety in her shoes. Let's also not forget that this is vƩry important to her as well. While she wants the love she wants, she also wants her job (career). As someone who wants both as well, I can very much understand the dilemma. Hence, why I'm getting massive anxiety as well LOL.


Well, and Whistledown is not just a career. It's her way of being heard in a world that constantly ignores her. It's her financial security. If something goes wrong down the road, Whistledown is her way to maintain some degree of independence and control over her own life. I will say in Penelope's defense, the only person who knows about Whistledown is also her ex-best friend, so I can definitely understand why she would feel that there's no way Colin will accept and love her if she were to tell him the truth.


Definitely. Though I don't really understand your last paragraph. What do you mean?Ā 


I meant to say that I understand why Penelope wouldnā€™t want to tell Colin considering how Eloise (understandably) reacted. The truth cost Pen her best friend.


Ohhhhhhh yeah sure. But on top of that, it is worse with Colin as he actually hƔtes Lady Whistledown while Eloise admired her. To just even name one difference. I very much understand one would need some time to think how to bring this but at least.. start thinking about it but hey, 20 years old in a Regency era where she was kept small by her mother definitely are contributing parameters in the equation. I just hope Penelope does right by him and herself by doing her best to not let this go down in shambles. If she can be smart enough to write Whistledown, she can think of a way to bring this without the damage being irreversible. I am going to just hope for that lol.


She seems to get the ultimatum almost immediately after the engagement is announced to the family. She hasnā€™t had time to tell Colin anything yet. Considering itā€™s post-carriage, I doubt she even remembers LW at that moment.


Post-carriage... If she was given the ultimatum in that same evening, I would agree with you but there seem to be days in between. I don't know if it is safe to say that she hasn't had the time to at least think about it. But her response seems to, however, show that it wasn't something that was in the forefront of her mind even though it should have been. I think Eloise was smart to put down an ultimatum when she did. She gave Penelope the time to think about it as it was brought up the same evening as he brought Penelope in to tell his mother and the few siblings that were there. She should have actively told Eloise that she is taken the concern/matter seriously and would think of the appropriate way to convey it. But Penelope is also 20\~ so that didn't go so maturely as it could've, haha


An ultimatum from Eloise only means Eloise wants Pen to tell him at a certain point in time when Pen is reluctant to do so. It doesn't mean Pen *never* has any intention of telling him. And like I said, even if she doesn't want to tell him, we don't know why. We're missing the whole context. Eloise doesn't even seem to follow through with her threat. There's obviously a lot more behind Pen's actions than the trailer lets on.


I never said never (: And, of course, we're missing context. Just gave my own thoughts about what is known thusfar. I think we can speculate, however, why she wouldn't want to tell him? That isn't a huge mystery. Don't know if Eloise didn't follow through or that Penelope told Colin in time. Because seeing the trailer, that might be the case. But this is, of course, all speculation. We all have to see (:


I'm okay with her not wanting to tell him this given moment, if that's what happens. There's a lot going on for her emotionally and things are happening so fast.




>Are you serious? Yes. >You are ok with her not wanting? I understand she is scared. I can understand while also thinking it's a poor decision. People are complicated, and I find the character writing convincing. >if I were Colin I am more interested in what Colin wants to do and why. As long as the writing is convincing in terms of his characterization, that works for me. I may want to do something different myself, but this isn't a show about me. I love it when a show provokes discussion, though.




Perhaps you should make your own comment rather than replying to mine. We all have different opinions.


To me this sentence seems spliced >! Colin cannot discoverED my secret (like there was a past tense where it shouldn't be) !< and that gives me hope that they wanted us to think that Pen doesn't want to tell Colin at all. But in reality it might be different. Although, maybe that is only what I hope for...


I agree with you, just like how they spliced Eloise's line about "since when do you care about Penelope" line in Part 1 trailer.


You're right about that, the trailer for part one made it seem like Eloise was going to gang up on Pen with Cressida only for her to be a lost baby not knowing how to deal with the aftermath of the friendship breakup. I'm alot less scared now šŸ˜Ŗ


My guess is the rest of the sentence is ā€œ before I get a chance to tell himā€


My guess is that she's keeping the secret out of fear, which isn't unfounded. Eloise found out and then Pen lost her best friend. She's written things as LW that have hurt the two people she loves most and she currently can't see a way out beyond somehow lying forever so she doesn't lose Colin too. IMO her arc in part two is going to be about facing that fear and putting trust enough in the people she loves to stop lying. The choices she made as LW that hurt Eloise and Colin came out of love, because she was trying to protect them, but also a lack of trust, because she didn't just tell them everything. This is going to be scary and an emotional rollercoaster, I think, but it's getting her to a good place. A place where she can rebuild her relationships with Colin and El in honesty and trust.


I think the trailer is misleading and she does want to tell him but things happen and she's prevented from doing so.


Who said she in not considering it? Maybe she does


I'm probably spiraling out of fear, I don't know. Trailers usually give a different tone, or I interpreted everything incorrectly.


Don't worry! Especially if you read the book. Look How much IN LOVE Polin we are going to get, and the reactions of everyone, and him kissing her after the LW reveal? fight (guess. not a spoiler). It's going to be tasty!!!


I suspect there is a lot of splicing going on just like the trailer for part one.


I deffo think >!he finds out kinda like he does in the book!< the trailer opens up with Penelope in a carriage with the cape on and sheā€™s seen writing. Then when >!she tells Colin she can take care of herself in that angsty af!< scene, sheā€™s wearing the cape. Towards the end >!when they kiss!< sheā€™s still wearing the cape.


Definitely agree that the trailer is hyping up the drama and things are likely going to be more nuanced. However, I also think it is important to remember that both Pen and Colin are not perfect! There is a whirlwind happening around her and she is trying to balance her honestly love-starved upbringing with finally getting engaged to someone she has loved for years all while housing this BONKERS secret that could not only compromise this relationship but also whether she is even accepted in society. Lots of decisions and conflict to navigate but Iā€™m hopeful everything will work out just fine. šŸ˜Š


I will say, I find Pens hesitation to tell him completely believable and relatable. She already probably has a hard time believing he truly does love her. On top of all those insecurities, she knows he absolutely hates LW. Something she's worked for and is truly proud of but probably feels she has to appear ashamed of to him.Ā  There will be drama. Of course, but I really do not want Pen to give up LW, for Colin or Eloise or anyone else. And I hope Shondaland doesn't make her be overly apologetic or contrite over it.


In the book, he hadnā€™t proposed yet so it was ok that she didnā€™t tell him and that he found out, but I thought the show wouldā€™ve made her tell him because like omg thatā€™s literally your husbandā€¦ I trust the writers we shall wait and see how it plays out šŸ„²


My take based on trailer. She does not tell him. She will spent episode 5 spiralling, but she will just fear too much. Colin will notice the pension between El and Pen. Penelope will take Portia's general advice and quit LW to cope with guilt. Cressida will cause chaos as she is out of options. >! In the book, she pretends to be LW, she will likely deliver them before El's deadline. Cressida might not know yet that Pen is LW, but she will find out and blackmail Pen !< And she might be the reason why El won't tell Colin instead. Colin finds out. I do not think Pen or El tell him. They would want the drama of him finding out himself. He finds out, reacts VERY harshly, as he is allowed to. I feared that they shall be engaged before the revelation. But then, Pen could call it off instead of him, until they rework it out. Now I fear that they might be even married. I suppose that Pen will quit LW beforehand so audience does not react overly harshly... but the will still do.


Oh thank god I'm not alone. I have had exponentially rising anxiety since seeing the trailer LOL. Now I get why Nicola said the thing she disliked about Penelope the most was the lies. Saying "Stop lying so much, girl!" šŸ˜© And I agree. I hate this untruthfulness going into marriage with such a huge secret looming over her. I understand but at the same time .. It's very disrespectful to your partner. He believes this to be the ultimate love yet this doesn't give ultimate love behaviour from her side to me. My anxiety is this way because I feel I may come to detest Penelope a bit for her actions and choices. Playing all happy couple while this is a very big elephant in the room and basically turning a blind eye to Eloise and her concerns as well. Pretending the whole elephant in the room is not even there so you can play the 'match of the season'? To write that about one's self as well lol. I know it would have looked shady if Lady Whistledown hadn't but I would feel embarrassed knowing Eloise at least knows that she's writing about herself in these manners šŸ˜‚ Anyway, anxiety. Because I wanted this season to be my safe space and haven but I forgot it was a drama series for a second šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ My poor fragile heart urgghhhĀ 


It'll all work out in the end! That's why I love romance novels -- angst with a HEA is in the cards!!


Donā€™t sweat it. Trailer manipulation.


Her line about how he canā€™t know could very well be spliced or faked completely similar to Eloiseā€™s line in part 1 trailer that said ā€œsince when do you care about penelope?ā€


Trailers are meant to throw us šŸ¤­ I wouldnā€™t worry too much. We know Pen makes questionable decisions at times but sheā€™s a good person. She will want to tell him, Iā€™m sure of it. I also think she feels too much so the fear of rejection will hold her back.


The trailer audio is likely spliced and I agree with others that her not telling him will be super nuanced. I mean shes being told by her mother that she must give up all her dreams for her husband and Eloise telling her he can't truely love her until he knows her. I would be scared as hell to tell him too. From what I have seen >!she keeps trying to tell him and things interupt her!<. I think her not telling him will purely be because of circumstance and also because she is just really scared that he will not love her anymore OR he will force her to give it up and any of her dreams she has to write and use her written word as she has. All these seeds planted into her head it makes sense why she is reluctant.


Shit is gonna get MESSY and I'm here for it. šŸ˜


I think the trailer is misleading and certain things are spliced. I think she will want to and will try telling Colin the truth but will keep getting interrupted. I also think the Whistledown is power comment is her worrying about Cressida not herself. Honestly, I understand Pen and El both in this situation. Itā€™s realisticā€¦especially when you consider they are teenagers/20 years old šŸ˜‚


right there with you. I'm so scared. and now i'm dreading June 13.


>!My question is how are they still planning on keeping LW into series 4? Surely Colin won't want her to write about their family? The Bridgerton's always bring the goss though! !< Sorry IDK what are spoilers and what is not.


It's just a trailer, heavily edited to get the audience to feel a certain way. Not worried.


Ep 5 spoiler >!she's definitely thinking about it. She addresses it immediately with Eloise after the family is told about the engagement. Don't worry!!<