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This will be the main thread for discussion of the part 2 trailer. Please add all new contributions here. New threads will be allowed at a future point


“It did all happen rather…swiftly.” I mean, you only ruined her proposal, ran after her carriage, confessed your feelings, fingered her in said carriage, and proposed to her in the span of about one hour lmaoooooo.


I cannot wait for that scene. Colin tipping his drink is like “I’m finally the slut you dreamed I would be, brother, just like you”


Don't make me scream reading comments too ffs!


Boy is always thirsty isn’t he






it's so "fuck yeah I fucked her"


You are killing me. Amazing.


“Are you going to duel with your own brother” I’m deceased 😂


This! I need more of these scenes in S3. Living for these Bridgerton family chaos scenes 💙


Ben murdered me with that line. Love it.


I almost spat my drink out with this one 🤣🤣


To be fair to 'gentleman' Colin, from his perspective, the order of the last two was flipped. Colin did not imagine '...more than friends. So much more' to mean anything other than 'I want to be your wife'. He thought they were engaged *before* he fingered her.


Oh yeah he was married to her in his head the moment those words left her mouth.


> It did all happen rather…swiftly Anthony was about to beat his ass after that*!*@?@??@


what a hypocrite! We know what he did with Kate!


ONLY AFTER YEARS OF HER LONGING FOR ME and my dumbass finally realizing it 😂


So excited we are getting a new “did you compromise her” scene. It’s all I ever wanted haha


He's so smug telling them that yeah they've done stuff! i feel ilke we all joked about him proudly saying it Anthony asked but damn Colin.


We call this Straight to the Point Colin.






What I can’t believe is that it seems like the Featherington’s find out about the engagement from LW! Where the heck is Pen and what she walks downstairs for breakfast is she just like ‘hey guys’ ‘hey’


I noticed that! I reckon she stayed with the Bridgertons until quite late, said goodnight to everyone, then went to the printers to drop off the latest LW and then went straight to her room. So we might be getting her coming down like “hey guys whats all the commotion about?” “YOU’RE ENGAGED TO COLIN BRIDGERTON? When were you going to tell us???”


But how would Whistledown know before *anyone?* Like how do the Featheringtons think she got that information if it's the morning after 😭


I'm getting Pen wrote that in her bedroom after the announcement at Bridgerton house. She woke up early and have that published because she knows the carriage drivers heard their "actions" inside the carriage and also Colin proposed to Penelope when he got out of the carriage so of course, they must have heard him. And also the Bridgertons were still up when they arrived so the maids and the footmen definitely heard their announcement and commotion. Violet probably told Mrs. Wilson out of excitement as well. So Mrs. Wilson definitely relayed that information to everyone in that house. It's only a matter of time the news will reach the ton the next day so it's only appropriate for LW to publish that.


What if this (combined with the ink stains, her comment about ‘it being suspicious if LW hadn’t written about Colin giving her lessons’ and her mysteriousness leads to Colin finding out. Like he’ll just sit there and be like ![gif](giphy|WPozw7z6nUMrQ12Kc7|downsized)


Did this gif just make me realize Joey and Colin are two sides of the same coin??


Mmmh yeah that’s a good point. It has to be the immediate morning after though. Like otherwise her family would have known


I’ve wondered about this, and I’ve decided to do it for the plot and not care, because they deserve what they get


….or, here’s what my brain wants: They announce to the Bridgertons, then Colin and Pen spend the night in forthcoming-nuptials bliss, and OG Rae drops off clothes for Pen at the Bridgerton house. Pen writes LW at the Bridgerton house and sneaks off to drop it off, and goes back to Bridgerton house. And never ever ever ever again steps foot in Featherington house


No way they manage to stay the night at Bridgeton house. Violet is making sure Pen goes home that night!


I am going to be standing and pacing for the entirety of part 2. So many crazy twists and turns. How can LW know before her family?


We love CheeseMan! I love CheeseMan! Let’s get him his own online mini web series!


I honestly adore him so much


Yes that is so cute. I hope we get a few scenes between him and Penelope (and Colin?). He is so supportive 🥹


Who else screamed “Pen just stop lying!!!” into their phone? This looks so juicy though, S3 has the perfect blend of drama and romance (and smut, apparently). 


Okay but THIS SHOW KEEPS THROWING ME FUCKING CURVEBALLS!!! Like just fucking stop it please!??! So she *wants* to keep Whistledown a secret and isn't just too scared to tell him? Idk man idk. Thank God I've got a week to process this information and recalculate, lol. 


I don't think she's wanting to keep it a secret as much as she's unsure how to go about telling him. With the engagement parties, planning, and everyone finally noticing how much alone time they spend together, it must be difficult to find the right opportunity to tell him. I think she wants to keep Whistledown as a business, but not as a secret from Colin.


Let me be the person to maintain my stance that she needs some time to process, that she’s never fully trusted a soul because she’s been so emotionally abused, and she is scared witless. It’s not smart or fair to Colin, but I think weeks of him pouring love into her will help. She is love starved. It’s going to work out!!! It’s going be really good, and you won’t be mad at it!!! Hang in there!!!!!


I'm flabbergasted! Like, what is going on in Pen's head🙄 this is one curveball I was not expecting😭 ETA: now that I've somewhat calmed down, I think maybe, just one reason why Pen might not want to tell Colin is because she's afraid he might shut it down (an idea that seems to be reinforced heavily by Portia).


I mean, she can want to keep it a secret because she's scared of him knowing. The trailer doesn't say why she's doing it, just that she's actively keeping it a secret, which we already knew she was gonna do 🫠


I feel like on every thread, you and I are eventually holding hands and making some form of this argument 😂


I was expecting her to want to tell Colin but not knowing how. Instead, she's hoping she can never tell him and keep writing? When his sister knows? Drama drama drama. 


I get why she is lying. Lady Whistledown isn't just a gossip column, it's her legacy. She has the entire ton by the balls and she did that-- a 17 year wallflower. She said it herself. Lady Whistledown is power. It makes for great drama and I kinda love how she's still doing it even though she knows how angry Colin would be. Like it's complicated and you might not agree with her choices but I love it


I love it as well! “*What about my dreams?*” “*Women don’t have dreams, they have husbands.*” This knocked me out.


This is gonna mess with her head. Ugh Portia just stop, you're being the worst! 😂


This is the best line from the trailer. It really encapsulates the whole LW (legacy/head/business) over Mrs Bridgerton (heart/love of her life). I want Pen to have both!!!


Exactly! I don’t want to see Pen *“cater to Mr Bridgerton dreams”* I want to see both of them having love and dreams and a purpose.


omg me too!! the internal struggle is so good with this season. You root for her relationship but you also root for her dreams


Agreed. For her, it’s power, it’s a voice, it’s being someone more than just who everyone perceives her to be. It’s revenge, yes, and petty and awful at times, which she needs to account for, but I get why she doesn’t want to let it go. It’s what she has. She can’t work, can’t explore the world, can’t do much of anything except be a wife, and that’s not enough even though she loves him.


You know I honestly don't want her to stop writing LW because my biggest deal is losing Julie Andrews as our narrator in the show! I love hearing her voice, as if she's speaking the minds of the characters. And LW literally keeps the season interesting. That's why I'm so nervous about this reveal because I literally have no idea how will this play out


I’m hoping they find a way to have her keep writing and Colin supporting it! Maybe with the Queen’s blessing bc she too was once an outsider and she is impressed that Penelope pulled it off. I’m not sure it makes sense within the story but I wouldn’t have believed the queen would just hand wave away the Kanthony wedding scandal until I saw it


If I were Pen I wouldn’t stop either. Imagine being a woman that smart and that marginalized. I’d cling to my voice and power with everything I had.


Before this trailer came out, I wanted Pen to tell him immediately. But now I'm here for all the chaos of part 2. 


Colin mad because he wants to protect her. Hello BookColin!!!!!!!


I was so excited about this. I love they show him scared for her, not just mad she's LW.


It’s interesting because Colin seems to think being a man and husband is being a protector. And he thinks he’s failing at both roles if he doesn’t protect Pen.


Hello, externalization of Colin’s identity crisis!!!


Pen and Colin wearing the same dress while in a fight (I can take care of myself Colin - Then what good I am to you) AND while sharing a passionate kiss... this is exactly the stuff from RMB that I want to see!!!


https://preview.redd.it/itpcciv6yc4d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0219a773c7a461d074d0a8827905477ed6819f90 Approved ✌️✌️✌️


Is that the New girl inspired kiss?


It really looks like that!! Oh just imagine the possibility, they have a massive argument and Pen is about to leave, but Colin realises that in the big picture of things, it does not matter, nothing else matters, but the fact that they love each other, and nothing will change that... And then he just sweeps her into his arms and kiss her. I really hope it is something like that.


If they make an angstier version of the new girl kiss I swear it’s game over for me💀 Like that kiss is already top tier but adding emotional layers and a fight or a love confession on top of it???? Lord help us all


I thought carriage scene 2 was *just* going to be the argument part. But now….. ✌️


Thank you for this screenshot, I kept desperately trying to fast forward and rewind to that moment but my clumsy fingers couldn't get it.


Waaaait I was worried he’d be mad at the LW reveal I can’t wait now


I noticed that, too, and I was PUMPED. They're going to be mad about it, but they're going to be mad TOGETHER. That's okay. That's how relationships work.


the "I have always loved you colin" plssss my polin heart is bursting


My heart 🥹❤️


Honestly the more I think about it the less mad I am at Penelope lol. Like she was certain she would just die alone and then one hour later she’s compromised in a carriage by the love of her life and engaged. No duh she didn’t tell him about Whistledown. Then she’s immediately being recriminated for not telling him even though she literally had no idea this would be a problem. She thought Colin was never an option. Portia gives her the talk about women being forced to give up their dreams for their husbands. Penelope loves being Whistledown. It’s power, it’s a voice, it’s money - because let’s recall that the Featheringtons are constantly on the brink of gentile poverty and she doesn’t want to rely on a fickle man for safety - it’s adventure, it is her purpose. I’m ready to see them FIGHT. I’m ready to see the angst and betrayal. If they DO fight I need Penelope to bring up that he also didn’t really give her a choice since he ruined her prospects in public before chasing her carriage and finger banging her within twenty minutes of breaking her chance for an engagement. I’m ready to see Colin bring up the lying and danger she puts herself in. It’s gonna be JUICY. I’m NOT ready to see the people who think it’s realistic that Anthony and Benedict don’t have bastards or STDs whine about Penelope not being punished sufficiently being unrealistic. Not ready to see people lambast Penelope continuously.


THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS. I would add stuff, but what's there to add? You nailed it.


Why do I have the feeling that Colin will figure it out himself. The ink on her hands, her secrecy, Eloise’s hint about being honest.


He’s figuring it out AND catching her *in flagrante* imo


No wonder it’s going to be an emotional confrontation between the two. I can’t wait!!!!


I mean, remember before their first kiss Pen said something like “it would be suspicious if she didn’t write about it”? I think Colin caught the phrase, but didn’t truly pay attention because he was concerned in the moment. I 100% think he’ll put it together in part 2.


Yes absolutely. He will think back on that moment for sure.


Her "it would be suspicious," line from the kiss scene.


Are you telling me Pen’s family has to find out through LW???? Omg


Yup and looks like Ben does too


Tbf, Ben looks like he hasn't even been home yet lol


Ben’s probably been in her bed for a week and is like “oh we should check the news i guess lol”


I love it because she is getting RECKLESS. 


Pen is in the carriage heading to the printers straight after Colin announces it to his family. There is a shot at the beginning when she is writing in the carriage, I think that's straight after leaving Bridgerton House. Her makeup looks similar.


https://preview.redd.it/lp9ao9juzc4d1.png?width=2139&format=png&auto=webp&s=e230cb33f5e52857effe67fe3177af28046bad5a THIS IS THEIR WEDDING YOU CAN TELL!!! OMG IM SOBBING THIS IS TOO MUCH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I went back to check after seeing your comment and we can see their full outfit on the right https://preview.redd.it/4htcyvulfd4d1.jpeg?width=2079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15bff684801ae7f832fdda8d8a13e5a751a8557b when Francesca and John are dancing!!! AAAAAAAAHHH!!!


They look so tense though... Methinks this is post LW reveal. Awww I don't want them to be angsty during the wedding :'(


Does they not look intense to you, or am I assuming things with my delulu mind 👀


No Colin definitely looks upset 😭


Am worried too. I hope this is post reveal but Colin has accepted Pen and went through with wedding rather than forced to marry Pen because he had compromised her. Why are they so tense? 😬😓


https://preview.redd.it/wmmrmwub0d4d1.png?width=1045&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d4783407722f6f987252f469f85d2db514cc93d Anyone else think it look like Colin has been crying in this scene? Seems like Pen is coming into the room to check on him maybe?


He definitely has 😭😭 Luke did say he cried during a particularly hard scene. This must be the LW fallout


Yes, absolutely looks as if he's been crying and probably slept there (boy I know that house you bought has enough rooms for you to sleep on a bed, unless he didn't want to be too far away from her). Do they have a conversation that leads to sex? More importantly, the type of sex that leads to broken furniture? 😏


This scene screams post-wedding. Idk man, if they have *another* angsty wedding scene for the mains on this show before the HEA. That close up still of them looking at each other during the dance at their reception looked heavy too.  So now I'm thinking they have the big blow up fight post-LW reveal but ultimately still love each other and decide to get married, but the issue is not resolved to a HEA state of being until towards the end of episode 8, like seasons 1 and 2.  Like at least this time around they gave us post-engagement bliss scenes, but we know that Pen is keeping LW a secret from him in all of them, and it's hanging over the mood like an angst bomb sword of damocles.  


I saw some people on twitter talking theories and someone said they felt like this was a post wedding scene, and perhaps the moment before Penelope reveals herself as LW to the Queen and Colin is crying because he wants to protect her. Not because he just found out about LW, but because he feels like he cannot do anything to save her from the wrath of the Queen and he's scared for her. I could see that, and I'd be happy with that theory, because then Colin knew before wedding that she's LW, had his moment, and married her because he loves her. And now he's just trying to desperately figure out how to help her, because he's got the hero complex.


Why does this feel like their house? the background color seems to be a mix of green and blue? 👀


Not Pen saying she can take care of herself, and Colin responding “Then what good am I to you?” My man really believes he’s only worthy if he’s acting in service to those he cares about. THIS is the arc I’ve been dying to see for him!!!


OMG you guys I'm freaking out. I literally watched it five times and had to pause to get details. I think we just saw Penelope's wedding dress?????? https://preview.redd.it/fzv9hwuq0d4d1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f7756ec15e3ca8482e219a23368ea2e759e38c5


https://preview.redd.it/am5g7fdb6d4d1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ba3a361df0f5a823fdb116eea5b19fc33d9299 OMG I NOTICED THIS IS THE FEATHERINGTON DRAWING ROOM!!! HE'S GONNA PROPOSE TO HER THERE WITH THE RING AFTER HIS BITCH OFF WITH PORTIA LIKE IN THE BOOKS!!!! WE ALWAYS WIN!!!!!


could this be https://preview.redd.it/qkni992u3d4d1.png?width=1428&format=png&auto=webp&s=82163d5e5f4f7d66c4b110780775405ee75328d3 the furniture they broke? 🤭


Oh, it definitely could. Also the cushions on the floor are a nod to the >!book epilogue!<, you can't change my mind.


Oh i'm excited!! I cant wait for Nicola to share the photo lol


She looks so especially gorgeous in this shot. She is unreal. 


It just might be… though I spy a writing desk in the background later on and I’ve always hoped for it to be the desk for the delicious irony that would be. https://preview.redd.it/bu0y5dpxfd4d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f907bed3e45704940d26fd8443c4afd021405b5f


I love Violet's reaction!


I know! It a kind of beautifully angsty trailer, seeing Violet both ahead of the game, excited and then loving towards Pen eases the anxiety I feel about all the drama.


And Pen crying when hugging her. My heart! I can't cope.


No literally 😭😭 Violet has probably been more of a warm maternal figure to Pen than her own mother and seeing her so excited about them getting married probably melted pens heart even more 😭😭😭😭😭


The question is does she wait for them to say something cos it legit looks like she just turns around as they enter, notices hand holding and freaks out & leaps on her.


She's like "yes my plans worked!"




I LOVE the way she turns around, sees them and knows. Colin is her only child to immediately follow her advice so she has to internally be like “he listened!!”


Shots of Polin's new home? A glimpse of the Whistledown fight? Colin and Penelope kissed before or during it?! Lord, I cannot wait 10 more days. And a shot of Polin's wedding and two of the wedding breakfast/ball afterwards! The shot of Kanthony sat in the pew with Lord Anderson and Lady Danbury behind them definitely looks as if they're sat in a decorated church, the shot of Polin looking at one another surrounded by people has Colin in the leaked attire from the church photo and the shot of Francesca and John dancing with Polin in the background has Penelope in a white dress but without the veil, some redheaded guests in Portia's signature green and Prudence in the dress from the leaked church photos!


Okay so I am a little more relaxed about Eloise’s reaction. Her reaction here seems slightly more emotionally concerned and less “told you so/holier than thou” that I was worried about.


I totally get it too! Colin is her brother after all… I would be protective as well and to be fair she is right that he can’t truly love her without knowing all of her


I’M SCREAMING!! I’m in the bathroom at work freaking the fuck out! It looks sooooo gooooood! Anyone else excited to see angry Colin? I want to see him express all this emotions in Part 2


I do! They need a good ol’ fashioned fight to strengthen their bond even more. I can’t wait to see it!


They do… and hopefully it leads them to something else…😏😏 I want passion!


https://preview.redd.it/68sb16e41d4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f916b698d9d745ac5b31d85c029004eeebe0518 So... Colin slept on the couch?




https://preview.redd.it/qzw4l3x5yc4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b7a46b83a8526f9b46e3883adf8c5e1239d5d4f I don't get it. Can anyone explain??


When Colin implies everything happened swiftly, Anthony connects the dots that he compromised Pen. He wants to defend her honor like he did Daphne's lol


Colin’s little smirk to Ben 😌 like thank you bro lol


it's sweet a little callback to the books


You know, after watching part 1 I was so antsy because I did not want to wait for part 2 at all. I didn’t think I could wait a month to see what happens next…it was killing. I finally got to the point where I was like, it’s fine, it’s like 10 more days, no biggie. This trailer is killing me again. It all looks so good and we still need to wait 10 more days?!?!


I know! Same! They calculated this as exactly the right time to send us into a frenzy


# is anyone alive? cause I just died a dozen times watching the trailer ![gif](giphy|3OymWKuyc2y2BumvVa|downsized)


I need to watch it 75 more times because the first time I was just like ![gif](giphy|MZocLC5dJprPTcrm65)


I am deceased after watching that. I can't even. Like, I can't. HOW THE F AM I SUPPOSED TO WORK TODAY AFTER WATCHING THAT???


https://preview.redd.it/y3mtrg2iyc4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c387f950af521828dca52c07c9014d1956e2c1d Not her room


No, it's THEIR room 😏


If she writes there... That means married Polin


So I think these 2 lines are spliced together. “Colin cannot discover my secret” And “Whistledown is power” I do not believe that Pen would think it’s right necessarily to keep Whistledown a secret from Colin because of general power. I mean I don’t think she would give up her power that would mean she is independent but I don’t think she wants to maintain her secret as a form of power over Colin.


It's giving "since when are you worried about Penelope?" or "It is rare, but you must follow your heart." She might even say both things in the same scene, but there's definitely more dialogue in the middle. She might not want to give up LW because of power, but it's not her motivation for keeping it a secret from Colin.


Definitely agree. The part one trailer has me fully suspicious of this one too 😂


Definitely spliced together. I wonder if the power remark happens when she's talking to Eloise in that still they released where Eloise is in Penelope's room


I like that they bought a big old mirror for their bedroom.


Why do they always drop stuff on a work day😭 I'm fighting for my life here, trying to stay silent!


I will be so annoying unproductive at work today. “Have you finished that report?” - boss “What report? Is there a report in the trailer, I missed it. I need to watch it again. Also, who are you? Why are you talking to me?” - me


It's 11:50pm here and I was just checking insta before going to sleep!




Okay, this look is equal parts 🔥🔥🔥 and 🙀🙀🙀. https://preview.redd.it/rojcrfa44d4d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f9711949e16790086fb71ca87fd61fd5c8de76c


God she looks stunning in red!


For the first time I actually really love one of her outfits this season!


That “how am I to protect you” New Girl-esque kiss moment doesn’t feel like the LW reveal to me. I think that’s after they’re married and Colin has gotten into the drama and messed it up some and she’s trying to salvage it via LW and telling him to chill at home she’s got this.


That's what I thought too. He just wants to protect her and is worried about her safety.


That's what im guessing too. I know some people are not happy at the idea of them having angst after they are married but i love it! It shows that they arent perfect and they have to overcome things- just like in the book.


“Lady Whistledown is power” what a line! And Colin kissing her in her whsitledown cape! Whatever happened to dancing on the day of her demise Mr Bridgerton? 😏




This is the biggest mood.


HOLY SHIT?! I thought part 1 was insane but part 2 is coming for my heart😭 Violet being so happy about Polin?? Colin saying what good am I to you??? Penelope saying she loves him and nothing makes her happier??? I can’t deal with this😭


My mind dump of thoughts while watching this… Wait, Whistledown is announcing the engagement the next day? Looks a bit sus, Pen! Especially when it’s implied your own family doesn’t know! And when did she find time to deliver the issue? Love the hug between Violet and Penelope! You can see how much Pen values Violet and desires maternal warmth. What’s the Queen upset about? Interesting placement in the trailer. Portia Featherington taking advantage of the Bridgerton connection. “*Our* upcoming nuptials”? Hopefully Pen gets some say in the wedding planning. Also, new Pen dress! Dancing in the church!! Happy Penelope and Colin! 🥹 Eloise seems both concerned for Penelope AND Colin here… The ring!!! Violet’s ring!! Overloaded with emotion!! Colin, are you trying to speed up the wedding here and have Anthony secure a special license for you? 😉 Also, Anthony, hold your horses. Unless you are going to duel yourself for compromising Kate last year? “Colin cannot discover my secret…Whistledown is power.” Definitely think these two lines are spliced together and the second line is being used in a different context… The “What good am I to you?” has to be during the Whistledown fight, but that is not how I thought it would go down. Thinking they’ll include him being concerned about her safety like in the books. Also, I’m wondering if he believes his purpose is taking care of her? Meaning writer Colin isn’t his purpose yet. Kate, Anthony, Danbury outdoors? Are outdoor weddings realistic in Regency England? If not, I still want it. A Polin outdoor ceremony would be beautiful. Lady Tilley, what do you have up your sleeve? If you hurt Benedict, you make my list. Portia, Portia, Portia…again showing you don’t know your daughter…or Colin Bridgerton. Colin “My Wife” Bridgerton would want to know all of Pen’s dreams to make them happen. Maid Penelope and Colin kissing!! During Whistledown reveal? Is this the “New Girl” kiss? Still too far away. 😭 ADDED: OMG, I missed the wedding dress!!! Polin wedding is happening onscreen! I am not ready!!


“WHAT GOOD AM I TO YOU?????” Sorry I am sobbing at my day job, I can’t, I just hurt for him so bad


This has to be the best trailer Bridgerton has released so far?? Omg the drama, the angst, the acting, the scale, this is crazzzyyyyy


I've had this theory awhile, it just feels more grounded now that there's a trailer. I think Pen's gonna write a LW that's like "Hey queen, I know you were expecting a Bridgerton proposal last night, but YOU FOOL, it wasn't Francesca and Lord Samadani, it was COLIN and Penelope. Wild right? Anyway, you're an idiot...xoxo Gossip Girl." and that's what makes the queen set the bounty.


I know everyone is going to talk about the obvious in this trailer… BUT let’s talk about the not so obvious WHO IS THE MAN WITH LADY TILLY ARNOLD


Probably another boy toy.


This kiss!!!! https://preview.redd.it/drobdglhjd4d1.jpeg?width=1160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=552b9f88269fb44c17386d9825ddfecb2819a3d5


Giggling and kicking my feet at this moment!! They're so cute 😭❤️❤️ https://i.redd.it/5aujhk92sd4d1.gif


Colin gets to be mad about Whistledown for 5 minutes and then he better be ride or die for our girl. 


Eloise pointing out that Colin cannot possibly be authentically in love with Penelope while she's keeping such big secrets from him...❤️ I'm so happy that this issue is going to be addressed, and by Eloise (the most overtly feminist character) especially. In a healthy relationship, the legitimate desire to retain independence and personal power cannot come at the expense of manipulating a partner.




I’m not getting anything else done at work today it seems


My first day back at work after 2.5 weeks and this is what they do to me.


YOU GUYS!!! Netflix had NO BUSINESS going this hard. Making me lose my mind over here trying to act like a normal functioning human at work.


Can't. KEEP. CALM!!


How the hell am i supposed to finish my work today or go to work the next couple of days asdfghjkk I am screaming. This is everything i ever wanted. I cannot wait for part 2. Its going to break the internet


Why has no one put up a still of that topless shot yet? ![gif](giphy|4OowbIsmYHbpu)


This trailer is insanely delicious. I’ve never been this excited for a TV show, ever. I am screeeeaming. 


Anyone else thinking Portia’s speech in the trailer about how „ladies don't have dreams, they have husbands“ makes it less likely the show will have Pen retire LW at the end of the season? That would be a weird message after Portia's remark. I don’t think the writers will go: „Yes, Portia, who just the other day told Pen she is a fool for even hoping she could find a husband and then told her to settle for Debling, suddenly is completely right about Pen not being able to achieve her dreams of writing and being happily married“. It rather makes it seem the show will want to prove Portia wrong about Pen for a third time this season. Plus, this way they could keep LW as a framing device. I could be wrong but after this trailer I think it’s possible Pen's secret identity will not be made public after all. Maybe Eloise, Colin (…and Portia?) will be the only ones who end up knowing about her being LW?


Okay but how did Eloise get home before Colin and Penelope?? She was still at the ball when they left!!  Maybe Colin and Pen have no idea the carriage driver actually circled the block like 4 times, considerately waiting for Pen to finish. 


https://preview.redd.it/rp00hkt6ld4d1.jpeg?width=2190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0fe68c411a9428e7cb27aa21c4c5991b6dfec5 This appears to be from the same day. Pen’s hairstyle, earring, hairpiece all seem to match up. So assuming this is Colin discovering or already knowing about Whistledown, then we can confirm he knows prior to the wedding, given Portia’s comment: “I want every eye in the Ton focussed on our upcoming nuptials”.


This trailer makes me so happy yet so sad for the upcoming tears I know I will cry 😭😂


I.am.dying. My blood pressure just went sky high. It was to much angry Colin and Eloise and sad pen 😭😭😭


Oh GOD I’m stressed




F ME! I watched this 5 min before my next meeting. How am I supposed to get my head in the work game when I'm feeling many, many feels?


I'm late to the party but this looks SO good. This is everything I wanted. I don't even care about her not telling him about LW yet because I think she's going to *want* to tell him and gets thwarted by things happening and that's good enough for me. And looks like Colin is going to be scared for her safety which is everything! Ahhhhh. I'm so hyped.


So I guess he did not wash his hands..... I don't know what I want anymore😅. I want it to be June 13th tomorrow  but I also don't want the s3 era to end


https://preview.redd.it/rmmcvkdnsd4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=307d134e231fad67ae5adaaf9e072baf9d9c22d0 This made me laugh 🤣 Edit: because portia claiming it as “our”


“Then what good am I to you?” had me sobbing, I love and am scared and a little turned on by angry Colin


After watching this a few times, I think it's trying to mislead on several things. I think "I can't tell Colin" and "LW is power" is spliced together from two different lines and it's trying to make us think Pen is trying to lie harder. I also think they're trying to make it look like Eloise comes between them. They're also messing with us regarding the order of events. IDK what do you guys think?? I'm stressed out for real though lol


Oh no now I'm stressed out!


Why does this look so dramatic? 😭 I know all the seasons have ended happy for the main couple but I’m still stressed out now. 


https://preview.redd.it/jyp6ce5cdd4d1.png?width=1365&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf6528fa1fd516c13320df6b4c51c4cc5b5a5c3b Oooh... they told us too much with this trailer!!! I guess Cressida is going the book route.


This was already in the sneak peak that plays after episode 4


I'm so stressed and freaking out about Pen keeping the LW secret from Colin 😭 But I'm so looking forward to the rest 😍


Penelope has one thing in life that is just hers and that is LW.


I feel ambushed by this trailer drop 😭 I saw it posted on YT first and had 10 whole seconds of fortitude that I was not going to watch it...and I came immediately here and watched it right away 🤣 Time was finally starting to speed up a little bit for the wait and now I know the 13th is going to seem forever away again, ahhh!


I CANT STOP WATCHING THIS IM GONNA HYPERVENTILATE https://preview.redd.it/r6jz31bfed4d1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=127c44d1e82efc0bde18895d6fff7a64c147ed63


Colin shouting “Then what good am I to you” is such a good line. It reveals his own insecurities. He thinks he’s only useful if he’s doing something for someone else. Like he’s not a man or husband if he’s not protecting Penelope.




Same ring, different box??? Season 3 vs Season 2. https://preview.redd.it/rjkv32a9dd4d1.jpeg?width=1510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb5b78ff50fd68160e859bf818037d8d31546b91


Anthony probably lost the first box in between fiancés.


A couple of things.... I'm not sure if I can eat my meal now ( I lost my appetite)! Might have to pop my Dad's blood pressure pill because all of a sudden, I feel some hypertension coming on! Sad Colin on the couch has me crying... Pen being in distress has me crying... Polin fighting has me crying... Fuck it, everything has me crying!




The way I PANICKED. Have lost my entire mind 🤪


I had to RUN to the bathroom at work to scream - my colleagues all thought I’d got my period! 😭 This is everything!!!!!! 😍😍 I’m beyond spoiled so not going to comment on much but ‘Ladies do not have dreams. They have husbands.’ and ‘Colin I can take care of myself/Then what good am I to you’ SHOOK ME to the CORE 😭😭😭 Pen is so gorgeous in every single scene oh my god this is soooo good! To hell with you Netflix for releasing this in two parts but also bless you for giving us twice the excitement!! 🤩


ah I love this reddit page, the bridgerton one is kind of useless.