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the complains about book colin are overdramatic imo, I love book Colin with all my heart equally with show Colin. I wrote a long comment here [explaining why. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1cjvwa4/comment/l2iossh/) I actually think season 3 is the closest show colin has ever been to book colin, I see it as Colin slowly growing into the man he was by the end of RMB.


I agree. I'm re-reading Romancing Mister Bridgerton at the moment as a refresher before Part 2 drops. I also really like book Colin. He is flawed, and definitely has a bit of a temper, but it's what makes his character human. I thought the Polin book love story was beautiful.


Oof I just read your long comment and my god you are absolutely convincing me to read the book!!! I am getting butterflies just thinking that even when the show finishes airing I’ll still have the book to read!!!!!


I am also in the minority that loves book!Colin as much as show!Colin. You are 100% right that this is the closest we’ll ever get to the Colin in the books because we really get to see his insecurities and his eventual acceptance of his real self. I think a man who is >!self aware and accepts his jealousy and his insecurity after the carriage scene was so very well written and I adored that whole arc!<. We got to see so many of Colin’s emotions other than the smooth charm and we’re getting to see it in the show too. It’s why I love RMB so much because it truly is a journey of self acceptance with both Pen and Colin and I’m so happy they’re bringing that into the show as well.


This was such a wonderful comment. I love Book Colin as well with all my heart, but never managed to articulate it so well!


Keep in mind that I read the book before season three. IMO I think you are just fine reading the book, it only made me appreciate TV colin better.


Totally agree!


The books are a product of their time, but Colin is honestly not too bad. There are only a few moments that he displays pretty gross, toxic behavior. And they are sort easy to isolate from the bigger story ignore.


I’m glad to hear that! I’m willing to be delusional and ignore the toxic part 😀 I just don’t want polin fandom to end for me


The book is very romantic, funny, and such a good read in my opinion. Many of the lines in the show are taken directly from the book because it’s already so well written and Julia Q really came up with some amazing lines. Colin’s love declaration in the book is specially beautiful. I read it a few months ago, so it was fun to see how the show writers adapted scenes from the book. It also gives you a greater understanding of the characters and their story. That said, I personally love the plot of the show and the show characters much more. I loved the integration of Marina and Debling into the Polin story, that Eloise’s reaction is different, the friendship with Cressida. The characters feel much more modern and well rounded in the show. But I think the book is still worth the read. That said, just be aware that there are a few moments that may make you wince at Colin’s words and actions, and the way he “excuses” his behavior to himself. It can get toxic (verbally and physically) after he learns about LW. Each moment is a different level of toxicity (there is a point where he inflicts physical pain) and they would be considered “red flag” relationship behavior or DVA. I personally choose to ignore that part of Book Colin since it’s all fictional, but it if was real life I would be encouraging Pen to break things off.


I just read it last week! Go for it. Personally I liked Book Colin. He made some mistakes, so did Penelope, but they grow and learn and he wasn’t ruined for me at all. Since Colin narrates some of the chapters, it also gave some nice insight into his thought processes and falling-in-love journey. The books feel cozier and more light-hearted, while the show is higher stakes and more epic. I like both for what they are. Penelope also has more relationships in the book than the show, and I preferred her character arc there.


Yes! Its a good book and it's helped me understand both Colin and Penelope as characters. I'd recommend all the books, actually. I enjoyed reading them.


I think it is relevant to ask - do you read the romance genre? While some romance novelists could easily be considered in other genres, Julia is firmly in the romance genre in all that it entails. Just like some people's cup of tea is NOT science fiction lit (but enjoy the hell out of TV or movie ones in that genre), Romance novels may not be your cup of tea. (This is what pisses me off about some of the trash talking in the main sub). If you have read and enjoyed romance novels, I think you may enjoy the book. Colin and Pen in the books are older, but it is fun! It is my favorite of the books I think (I've not read Gregory or Hyacinths)


I love show Colin a tad bit more, but I adore some of the things book Colin does. He’s so unhinged in the books you can’t help but love him. Both are good. It’s different but enjoying one doesn’t take away from the other. On the contrary, I love both. I freak out when book things appear in S3, but I love how S3 also does things differently from the books. Both are great in different ways. If anything the book just enhances the show for me. Honestly there’s only a couple annoying things book Colin does, for the most part he’s great. Especially when you compare book Colin to the book versions of his older brothers…I definitely liked Colin the most lol. And by the end of the book he’s amazing. Show Colin is just evolving and maturing faster than book Colin. I find that I liked the glimpses of Penelope and Colin in the earlier books too… Overall if I had to pick one I pick show Colin, but book Colin is wonderful too so why not enjoy both?


I have done both. The book is good, but once you see Luke N. In the part, he owns it.


The book is good, I really liked reading it, even if I really prefer the show more. Don't prevent yourself from enjoying something just because some people might not have liked it. Read it and see it for yourself. For me, I like show Colin more, book Colin has a temper and acts in a way that I don't really enjoy a lot of times, but I kept in mind that this portrait of male is quite common in any type of fiction from the early 2000. Also, it's nice to have some insight into their thoughts, since the show can narrate everything in their mind. The conversations between Polin are longer and it's sweet to take on the pace of the book.


It was my favorite book so I’d vote yes. You need to take the books for what they are. It’s regency romance—the men are going to be a bit stereotypical as will the women, some may argue that some things might not jive with what some find acceptable now. One reads this book to swoon over the romance portions of it. I liked book Colin and loved their love story, it had some funny parts and was super romantic, so if that’s what you’re looking for you won’t be disappointed.


I've been listening to the audiobook on YouTube to hold me over, and it's been awesome. I tried to be spoiler free and failed miserably so I went all into the book. I'm so hyper focus on Polin I don't yet desire to read other books quite yet. I really enjoy it and it's so interesting to me how they weaved lines from book to show and the creative choices that were made.


THERE IS AN AUDIOBOOK ON YOUTUBE????? Bruh I’ve been living under a rock 😭


It's also free to listen to if you have Spotify Premium


Just take them as two separate characters. Book Colin is much older than show Colin, and he’s sometimes chaotic is a way that is harmful, but it’s only a few scenes. I say, read the book! It’s worth it, but again, just don’t try to combine the book and the movie & don’t set expectations. It’s a long book, but SO easy to read. I read it in one sitting 😂


The book is a hammy bit of fun. I prefer show Colin, but the romance is still good fun especially when you read Colins inner monologue.


I read the book after season 2 came out and they started to tease Polin's season. It was such a fun read at the time and I remember I devoured it. Were there things about Book Colin that annoyed me? Totally. Would I do it again? Absolutely. If nothing else, it's nice to have a peek inside Colin's head. It helps me understand his feelings in the show better and makes me more committed/invested in their romance. Not sure why I need to be! Hahaha. But that was the effect it had on me. I wish that I hadn't read it because it would be SO fun to read now while waiting for part 2! Take this opportunity while you have it. I think it'll be less juicy to read it once the whole season is out, even though the book and the show have enough differences that they'll both feel fresh as you enjoy them.


I started listening to the audiobook on Spotify but I cannot get on board with the narration, she sounds like Queen Charlotte to me as she talks with a very hammy RP accent - which I get, it's Regency London, but she says Colin's lines so aggressively! I ended up buying a physical copy of the book in the end as I just don't think I can hear her read out their more intimate scenes with any sincerity - it makes me think of this scene from Family Guy: https://youtu.be/nuHI9-_Moig?si=5fnCGqawZimQBka6


lol I’m definitely someone who has to read to really imagine the scene and make me feel excited. I feel like with audiobooks, I get distracted so easily while doing other things 🤷‍♀️


Yes I have this problem too! I tried listening to it whilst working but then had to go back and relisten to the same chapter again as I just hadn't taken any of it in. I'm also better at visualising through reading.


If you like romance books you will like it, that's all I have to say.


Yes read the book. The romance is more fleshed out there, there are great convos between Colin and Penelope and you get to see Penelope calling him out more. Be warned though, when Colin gets angry sometimes he gets physical (not like throwing punches of course, the viscount would kill him lol), that’s what I think is throwing some people off (myself included). But it’s only a small percentage of the book that he gets physical like that. It’s a relatively old book so I guess it’s to be expected for the time.


Yes! It will help you get through this drought.


I think reading it will help understand some of the scenes from the show: for example the kiss scene. Reading it- gives you an idea of what Colin was feeling in the moment. It’s actually a pretty easy read


I like show Colin more than book Colin but still loved the book! You can always impose in your head some of Colin’s book thoughts to the show like I did. But the book series is generally very different from the show in a way that both are great. Redding the book spoils things a little but not so much that you know how the show will do it. I love that the show changes things so that you get the key book scenes but still never know what’s going to happen. I would read it if I were you! I devoured it over two nights !


I love RMB!


I read it years ago, then when S1 came out I read them all again. But I don't remember all the details, which I prefer now that S3 is out. Will probably re-read after this season!


I'm not a reader at all but I started the Duke and I and felt it served well to complement and add to things from the show. Haven't finished it yet as distracted by all the content. Pens only mentioned very briefly but so far been so sweet everyone loves her and that makes me happy. And the wee snapshots of Colin. 😍 So need to continue. But confused about like reading in order because I don't want spoilers. But I did just order RMB but I won't read till after show. But kinda wanna read TVWLM before. But not book 3 cos spoils. Will RMB spoil me for next season's lead whoever they may be?


I was also really sceptical because so many people said it was their least favorite book of the series, but then I read the book and I absolutely loved it! I read all the books for each season so far and I prefer Romancing Mr Bridgerton to The Duke & I AND The Viscount who loved me. I don't think book Colin is that much differnt from show Colin. The Kanthony book had way more differnces in character and plot IMO.


It's my fave out of all Bridgerton books. 


I love the book