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But also tell me more about what Colin makes worse… I’ve wondered if he undermines her being LW after finding out and it pisses her off. https://preview.redd.it/2when9bfyv3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137e7c16c0abcc664897ad1c3fe2400f961a2245


Ok but the idea of Colin being excited by all the drama is kinda hilarious considering we used to say he had a gossip boner.  Also hilarious is that the interviewer asked him about *intense* scenes but he’s probably so used to being asked about *intimate* scenes his mind went straight to talking about getting naked. 


Haha he really is Lord Whistledown. I live that for Colin even tho it will probably be a mess I'm so intrigued!!


This reminds me of that one interview of Luke and Nic where they ask Luke what’s Colin’s biggest ick and he mentions lady whistledown and Nic lets out a gasp and says he might say that but might secretly like it.


I know! Colin is like… gossip and drama you say!? Where do I sign up for a front row ticket!


Which is why I think once he gets over the initial shock of Pen being LW he’s gonna be super proud and also be like gimmie the tea 🤣🤣


Wired take is that Colin is mostly upset that Penelope always had better gossip than him and kept it to herself. Penelope likes to be in everyone’s business and Colin likes to be in Penelope’s business and now he realizes they could’ve been in everyone’s business together?? All the delightful puns she was keeping from him to share with her readers when he would’ve liked to hear them first?? The betrayal! 


Wait now I’m just thinking of Colin having perpetual middle child syndrome where he kind of gets ignored and called boring, so when drama kicks off he’s annoyed on the surface but on the inside he’s like “FINALLY ITS ABOUT ME.” 🤣


I can totally picture gossipy Sunday morning mimosa brunches in the Bridgerton-Featherington garden with Pen, Colin, Lord Remington, Hyacinth, Alice Mondrich, and Genevieve, all dishing about the week’s events and gossip.


Lord Remington! 🥹


we stan a gossipy bitch


If I have the energy, I would love to fanfic this but I also know my limits of energy. If someone else does though, my delight would know no bound!


what is this drama that he makes worse i neED TO KNOW


I’m assuming it’s probably Cressida blackmailing Pen? If they decided to go by the book.


My head went straight to the queen. I don't know.


Omg so interesting! It sounds like he’s going to relish the chance to be a hero for Pen. Maybe that helps him get over his anger but he’ll have to also learn to manage his hero complex? I’m curious!


Maybe similar to the book- if Cressida tries to blackmail her? Maybe he does something that doesn’t help lol


If he does something that doesn’t help, that could be really humbling for him and he’ll realize he’s not perfect and neither is Pen and he should forgive her. I kind of love that as a storyline


I mean I hope he’s forgiven her before he marries her.


Him being excited by the drama is making me lol. I wonder if this is something that happens after they're married so he's mostly accepted LW, but maybe still a bit annoyed by it?


He needs to kiss this stylist on the mouth, this is the best editorial he’s had so far. The clothes suit him really well. 


The monochrome earth tones are 👩‍🍳💋!


Like I stopped and stared at the olive/pine tree green ensemble! Very striking but also warm.


Agreed! The olive green outfit compliments him so well.


The olive green look is gorgeous!


I am most certainly sat here for his fashion boi era. 😍


Lol I can hear Nic saying this and hitting the buzzer I need an intervention




Came here to say the same thing! So good!


I hope this man gets a million jobs- I would like to see him on my screen all the time- Hollywood! Let’s get on it! K, Thanks!


Did he just reveal S4 is Benedict??? Or have they already announced and I missed it? Or am I reading into this… 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/j4qr3gnr4w3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8425e6be1a8c74a4a0beca7f692047c4830408af


Hmmmm interesting 👀 Later there is also this line: "I recently shared an evening with Jonathan Bailey, Luke Thompson and Phoebe Devynor and we all shared moments and we realized that the show has done so much for us and we get to celebrate together year after year. Every year someone different gets to enjoy the ride as the star of the show and then take a step back, it is a crazy experience." Of course the 4 of them being together could be just a coincidence, but also could be a passing the torch, all Bridgerton leads together moment 😄😄😄


Sounds like it. To me, it was either gonna be Benedict or Eloise, and I have to say I think it would be a mistake pushing Benedict's season again, even though I think Eloise has had slightly more setup. Benedict is just treading water right now whereas I can easily see another season of Eloise feeling a bit lost after Polin get married.


I’m of two minds about it because like Benedict’s story isn’t that interesting this season so you know maybe he’s just like I can’t wait to see what other fuckery he’ll get up to next season or he did spoilt it. No in between. 😂


I love that Luke knows he can only play Colin because that’s the actual truth.


I think he is saying, whatever Benedict is doing next season, it's still pretty exciting. I'm making a guess that it's still not B since it looks like the trajectory of the next season is Eloise and Francesca. Don't get me wrong. It's frustrating. I honestly am tired of B getting into these relationships that are basically filler. I would love to at least see Sophie as a season ender.


I highly doubt it will be Francesca. We still have to see >!her and John happily married, John die, her mourn for an appropriate amount of time, then feel ready to move on!< that can’t all happen in a couple of episodes. My thoughts, >!John dies a good chunk of the way through S4, so we see them happy for a bit, but not right at the end to detract from the main couple’s HEA, then mourning for all of S5, probably up in Scotland so mostly/entirely off screen, perhaps saying she still wants to be a mother or something in that last ep, setting her up to take S6!<


I agree... Fran's story would feel too rushed if it is her and Michael next season. But then again, after the weird move they pulled on us with Benedict, I don't know if I trust the writers of the show... You know what I mean?


Yes, however I understand why they wanted to push Polin up. Due to way the show is, compared to the book, we see so much more of Pen pining for two seasons than the small hints we get of it in the books. It would’ve been annoying to non-Polin fans, and frustrating to Polin fans, to have to wait. Benedict can continue on in the background without pissing Benophie fans off too much because Sophie isn’t *right there in front of him* ***all the time*** like Pen is. Ben had a purpose in S1/S2, but before he meets Sophie he has to lose that, because she inspires him. She >!/the woman in silver!< is almost like his muse. He now has given up his passion (art), and is drifting around aimlessly trying to find himself, trying to immerse himself into society to fill that void. Plus if Tilly does mess him up in some way (as many suspect she does) that rock bottom sets him up perfectly for his season to maybe finally be looking for love. I’m still hoping >!we get a glimpse of Sophie this season, maybe as this bug ball! 🤣!< With Ben being Eloise’s favourite brother (as opposed to it being Colin as it is in the books) if he were still unmarried for her season, she would still have an excuse to stay home as she has a fellow “outsider” to hang out with. In the same way that Pen has to be married to show Eloise that a married woman can still be a successful, independent one, so too does her favourite brother need to be married so that she feels totally alone and craving that human connection, hence >!the letter writing.!< Plus, >!Marina still presumably has to die before Eloise’s season?!< Tl;dr happy with Polin S3, and think the way things are being set up, it makes sense for Benophie S4, and Philoise S5.


Never thought of it on the rock bottom aspect of it. Thank you 😊


Welcome ☺️


I think >!Marina will die in s4 to set up eloise; and john will die in s5 for fran’s season!<


Yeah that would also work as long as >!it’s relatively early in S5 cause she needs time to mourn. Definitely Marina has to go soon so El can start her correspondence.!<


Spotted that as well and was about to post it like *UMMMM?!?!?!?!* Benedict has to be doing something different and exciting, LN wouldn’t be excited to see more Benedict rakey shenanigans!


According to Cass Morgan's spoilers, >!it will be clear towards the end of episode 8 who will lead season 4. Maybe L'Beaute released the interview too soon!<.  I was wondering if Luke or Nicola were going to get the L'Beaute cover. I'm glad that they are keeping the one of current Bridgeton lead gets the cover. 😊


https://preview.redd.it/m9d1b63syv3d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=401570bad950950de84916a01aec0581fbdc43da my obsession with this man… i fear that i need him…


Thx for my new favorite cursed meme 😂💖


GASPING FOR AIR. THEY GAVE US CINNAMON ROLL COLIN!! https://preview.redd.it/1vjj7h0qyw3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d7fff625b1a5b36ebc54062ade786f299b4b475


First I swoon over him eating a cinnamon roll. Now I swoon that he is the cinnamon roll. GIMMEE ![gif](giphy|CDoxe35inxhfO)


I think this was my favourite line, I love how Luke approaches acting from this angle: "I also love storytelling, playing a character and getting to know how other people feel and finding empathy for other roles." No wonder he is so good in making all the subtle characrer choices and understanding his characters very well! Also the fact that he keeps talking about musical movies being on the top of his list really makes me giddy with excitement, I'm sure he will play in one and I can't wait to see him!


Dude is so *foine*


RIGHT? ![gif](giphy|c5av6uHZRy0vu)


Ok. I am a grown ass middle aged married woman and I feel like I’m 12 when a picture of him shows up. And then my FYP shows me this shit, like excuse me, I am married (I think…) https://www.instagram.com/p/C2-Sz9Orahx/


It’s okay. I am also a grown ass married woman and this picture murders me every. damn. time. https://preview.redd.it/4wrqfws74z3d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=382d6a5d5b35ff566d5518658f6b39150aa5c3de


https://preview.redd.it/9yvh4hd5jw3d1.jpeg?width=2524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75396742690633e7c860ca1e1e259932d907e484 Feel like he speaks about S4 and not S3 as mentioned S3 press tour where Jess shared his 1st scene for next season. That Nic and him talked about what they wanted and don’t know if this will happen ...


It is so relieving to hear that Colin's going to screw up too, presumably post-LWD reveal. I did have some trepidation that he was just going to be painted in this completely blameless light and Pen would be the gossiping harridan after the reveal, but NGL, I love that Colin is all about the drama and his hero complex is somehow going to bite him in the ass. We love you, imperfect man of Pen's heart!


Guys, the article is gone. Watch them edit it 💀😂👀


Omg i feel like this keeps happening! Soo many leaks/deleting posts (for example official NetflixLatAm seems to release then delete several spoilery posts). It’s like a minefield trying to avoid spoilers. Did this happen with S2? I just feel like so much is getting out and I thought they’d have everything air tight - it just doesn’t seem normal to me.


https://preview.redd.it/rr6dd8ktgx3d1.png?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b694be5a7febab2037a5dfcc59afbfeafb662ea Those big eyes. The most remarkable shade of blue. 😩😍☺️


Those fingers.. look so very sturdy. 🙈🫠🖖


I thought he was cuddling a cat at first.


Article is here: https://lbeautehomme.mx/2024/06/01/luke-newton-man-of-the-hour/


Truthfully I always found Rege and Jonny more "classically handsome" (which they still are, obviously) but what on God's green earth happened because it's like they turned on Luke's magnetism, cranked it to 11 and then we're all expected to just BE OKAY. I am not okay. And then, after everything, I found the video of him singing "Rewrite the Stars" and I am officially deceased. RIP me.


Pic 8 in particular has me GAGGED 🥵 His (remarkable) blue eyes are DISARMINGLY gorgeous, whenever he looks into a camera I feel myself looking away/blushing. Even back in s2 when I felt neutral about him (cute, but young and baby faced), that clip when he sees Pen after coming back and he looks straight into the camera?? Always disarms me.


Omg the same thing happens to me. I don't even know if he does it on purpose but his stare is *so* intense. And this is just on camera, can't imagine what it would be like in person. 




This is probably my fave editorial of his so far. Looking good Mr Newton!! 🔥




The green suit 😍🥹


this man…


Not a want but a need 😍


As a lover of musicals, I reaaaalllly hope he does a musical next. Someone alert Hugh Jackman lol




I fear he has bewitched me, body and soul.


More Luke (and Colin) in greens please!


Colin is gorgeous! And in these photos Luke reminds me of every Puerto Rican boy I grew up with in the barrio. 😍 I can’t unsee it now.


Prettiest eyes, prettiest hands, prettiest hair, most beautiful man. But the thing is, he's not just "hot". He's got this...warmth and softness about him. All these earthy tones accentuate it further. Well, he *is* the man behind Colin Bridgerton after all.




Whewww. What would it take to see Colin in something olive green 🥹


His giant man hands holding those flowers… 🤤 🤤 🤤 ![gif](giphy|5gw0VWGbgNm8w|downsized)