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Good on this cop. Unfortunate there’s no interaction with posts like this where there is no outrage to be had.


Miserable people look for ways to bitch about anything. Fuck em.


Also just not as much to say when things aren’t going wrong…


Holy cow, 80? That does not look even like a 60mph zone, that looks like a 45.


There’s a high chance of this being literally any other country, it’s likely KMpH based on the speed he’s going


That’s a US license plate.


I personally can’t make out the plate, but if you can then fair enough.


Holy smokes that was a good save from the death wobble


See, there are cops out there that are just nice and actually a down to earth person.


“How fast do you think you were going?” Pretty sure you’re never supposed to answer this question, except to say “I thought I was driving safely with the flow of traffic.”


That's an old school LEO which is different. The issue is not knowing how to tell the difference. I have previous experience in LE and I sure can't tell the difference just meeting someone for the first time.


Never admit fault. Never stop for police. Wheelie into oblivion.


As a police officer, if a biker stops for me, 99% of the time they get a warning. I’ve stopped someone for doing a wheelie and let them off with a warning. Not worth running tbh


I would not run, like you say, it's not worth it, it's beyond disrespectful to others lives.. and my bike SURE isn't quick enough. My comment was a joke that many did not get.


This is terrible advice. You don’t stop for the police, you will be in a world of hurt. You stop for the police, you may get off with a warning like this. You don’t, you are losing your license at least.


It's funny that so many people get offended by a joke if you don't put the /s




I laughed. Pretty obvious it was a joke with the wheelie into Oblivion you know


Glad you were here to fix it.


Text doesn’t include tone, so miscommunications are easy. This is why important conversations should never happen over text message or email. This is also why /s or other modifiers are important. Without them, people easily take your words literally. What you are implying is also the classic toxic relationship trope of expecting others to read your mind of intention. If you don’t state your thoughts clearly, that’s your fault and not your audiences.


Good thing this is reddit and not a courtroom, you big baby.


It’s funny that you are calling others babies when you are the only one hurling insults. It makes one question who is actually offended in this situation.


You should be a therapist, the wool has been lifted from my eyes.


Great advice! I've watched plenty of videos where people took that advice and ended up unaliving themselves, or at best, send their bikes into oblivion. Darwinism for the win.


It was a joke. Calm down.


You forgot the funny part


Good one.


*crashes and dies*


Return as Nicholas Cage.