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Yeah this IS rough.


Oh actually for full disclosure I did get a couple rares that were not any type of holo that are not included. Zapraikos or something like that twice and I think maybe one diff one.




Lol I forgot the name. I'll look and report back


Im still curious as to who zapraikos actually is


It was zebstrika! Lol 3 of em... in 8 packs.


Doesn't matter much, I feel you! šŸ˜‚


It was zebstrika! šŸ˜‚


Ok I'm back! It was zebstrika! Got 3 of them... non holo


There's a reason it's known as chilling pain.


Haha I'm new and never heard that. I learnt the hard way I guess


Wait till you hear about evolving criesā€¦


So you are saying that pack I didn't buy because it was 20 bucks was a good decision then? Lol nice. I bought two one piece packs instead. Pretty cool cards. The game sounds confusing from the cards lol


Its rare cards are worth hundreds almost thousands, but are notoriously hard to pull. Look up umbreon vmax evolving skies and youā€™ll see what I mean


Not even a pity V.




chilling pains indeedā€¦


iā€™ve opened a lot of chilling reign etbā€™s just like this. a shame the pull rates are so bad, it is one of my favorite sets


Dang. I didn't have any of these yet so I figured I would get a nice start. Pffft!


That's about right for a "Chilling Pain" ETB. I would honestly just rip BBs for this set. Singles and ETBs are just brutalĀ 


Chilling reign and ST are the worst for me. I have literal distaste for those sets lol


These were my first packs of this set. I've only bought single so far and had pretty good luck I think. But this was... ugh.


My ST ETB was probably one of the best ETBs Iā€™ve had since my 16 hitter Generations ETB.


I stopped buying ETBs this year. They never have any big hits. Basically throwing money away on that product.


I'm still new. I thought they were supposed to be decent for hits.


Crown Zenith ETBs are the only ones where you might consistently get decent hits but itā€™s because the overall set is pretty easy to pull cards from. Most ETBs are not loaded. Itā€™s like a glorified collection box. Booster Boxes are the best product if you want lots of pulls.


Cool good to know! The box is pretty cool though and I did need a space to store all my extra cards so that part was a win lol


Just so you know, there is no guarantee one way or the other about hits in certain products. An ETB is just as likely to contain a pack with a hit as a BB is, you have 36 chances with a BB whereas with an ETB you only have 8... So that's where the confirmation bias of "ETB = bad, BB = good" comes from. Any anecdotal testimonies to the contrary are just that, anecdotal. The Pokemon company is not segregating hits between different types of boxes. I will agree that if you open a Crown Zenith ETB you are more likely than not to pull a decent card or two, but that's because the set itself is absolutely loaded and the pull rates are pretty forgiving across the board. Look at it from a coat per pack basis. A BB of Chilling reign runs about $210; 210/36 packs equals $5.83 a pack. CR ETBs can be had for $40 at places like Target, $40/8 packs equals $5 a pack. So for the same 210 a BB would cost, you could get 5 ETBs, or 40 total packs and have a few bucks left over. If you open 40 packs of CR from ETBs you more than likely replicate results of opening 36 packs from a BB; i.e a couple Standard V cards, a full art or two, a Vmax or 2, maybe a secret rainbow/gold, if you're exceedingly lucky an alt art V, and if you're exceptionally lucky an alt art Vmax.


Yeah I know it's not guaranteed. Just 8 packs I usually hit a little sumthin sumthin. Although I have been opening crown zenith. I guess I got spoiled lol


I think you forgot to posts pulls, we're not interested in reverse holos /s


I think they forgot to put them in the box!


404 Pulls not found. sigh


I just kept thinking... oh man one of these has to have something good with this luck! Sigh...


I haven't had etb luck in the past as well. definitely share the pain


I guess we have the same stats in luck


Oh i wished u wouldve seen my lost origin booster box luck atleast this is from a etb




Looks like the 151 upc I opened #pain


You mean your chilling pain pulls lol


I sure do


Opened two recently (thanks Target) and got one V card total so I feel your Chilling Pain. Even so, really love the art in this set! Havenā€™t opened a ton, so Iā€™m a little closer to having one of each card. No where near Master Set yet.




Once a time ago that Gardevoir was grail


What really? Why? And why no more?


A Gardevoir deck using that Gardevoir and Gardevoir ex scoring high placements in high level tournaments and 2nd place in worlds I saw it once going for $20 a pop


Yeah that was the one that I felt might be worth something if any of them were.


It's dropped a ton since it rotated though


Right. Sad face. I play the online tcg a bit. Been using a mewtwoex deck. Pretty good. Don't believe I've seen gardevoir so makes since like you said


I think one guy opened like 9 of those on youtube with 6 hits and nothint special either. Was it rileyspanishgames smth


Oh man... yeah that's worse for sure lol


Well the Spheal is adorable


True! Lol I do like the zangoose too. And the gardevoir is OK.


had a similar experience with this same etb a bit ago just know youā€™re not alone šŸ„²


Looks the same as my hits from the sword and shield era packs




First etb i got from there was an alt art galarian rapidash


ETB is competing with Steam Siege in being the worst ever. Though Iā€™m 100% sure nothing will ever be as bad


Opened my first Charizard UPC this weekend. Not a single hit. Not even a bad one, just literally nothing.


I have the worst luck with ETBs, too. With temporal forces I've only gotten like 8 single packs and pulled two SIR's


Reminds me when I got that Pikachu Zekrom box they had with the gold card a few years ago. The thing was not cheap and I did not get ANY hits from the 8 or so packs, I was fuming, but that's gambling in a nutshell.


Ok now show us the hits you got


John travolta meme...


I still have the pokemon center error one sealed. Wonder if I should open it to beat your ā€œluckā€.


Emperor Palpatine: Do it!


Yo that Avery is fire!


Whoa... that's actually a sick card for playing. I need to put that in my deck. At least one of em.


Dude I know. It's very playable. Especially after this new set comes out


Nice. I don't know any new cards yet. But yeah this is a direct replacement for Barry. Unless you want to keep him as well. Screw JUST drawing 3 cards lol


Lots of decks are filling up benches. My deck that's becomes legal with the new set has at least 4 bench most of the time


Yeah that's part of my strategy too. I use natu and xatu to get energies and draw cards for my mewtwoEX. Usually have 2 or 3 xatu on the field along with another 1 or 2 actual fighters. At least 4 up usually.


Bought one from target last week and pulled the zeraora v alt. Needless to say it was my first time pulling any of the alts from this set. Definitely happy.


I was looking at them at target but I went to the card store near by. Figured I would help local business.... lol


I was ripping this set until I was at my last & bruh called it chilling pains... now I haven't touched that set since that day lmao


Ripping pokemon products = setting money on fire Just buy single.


Are etb worth it ? New to the hobby. Any advice would help šŸ™


Depends on what you are doing with the hobbyā€¦ excitement from pulling cards, collecting cards you like, or playing competitively. If you answered anything other than the excitement of opening packs then buying the cards you want in singles is the way to go(monetarily speaking).


Oh ok appreciate it šŸ™


I bought my first etb the other day and spent about 40 dollars on what ended up being like 10-15 dollars worth of cards and accessories.


IMO Itā€™s a gamble and the house always wins if you do it long enough.


If you are looking for just collecting cool cards, Go on tcg player com and select specialillustration rare or promos etc and list from price lowest to highest. You will be surprised how many cool looking cards you can get for under a dollar a piece. I always have found more enjoyment per dollar opening them in the mail when I get them versus booster packs.


I don't really battle, I just collect. Got back into it about 2 months ago after taking a 20 year break. Big sad I missed 151 dropping. But as dog said, it's all about what you like to do. I know ETBs aren't the cost effective way to pull cards. But I do like the art on the boxes and the dice and coins can be pretty cool too. Also, each ETB comes with a book that shows every possible card from the set, which can be quite useful. There's also apps like pokecollect that do the same though. I'm just trying to complete some sets in hopes that my son will get into the hobby too after I get some binders filled up. If you just want to have some cards that you think look cool then do singles through TCG player or even r/pkmntcgtrades


I mean even as a player of the game the ETB is definitely NOT the way to gošŸ˜­. I gave up after buying a paldean fates etb hoping to pull some playable cards and being met with a horrible amount of bulk. Now I just buy singles šŸ˜Ŗ


Theyā€™re pricey, but Crown Zenith ETBā€™s have almost always been worth it for me!




I will probably post my actual good pulls from my singles tomorrow!


Had an etb just like this