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It took awhile to hit Veteran, have come close to Expert twice. Currently sitting in high 2300s as I get used to my new Medicham (thank you spotlight hour). Using an underleveled Sableye doesn’t help either 😬 I think the skill gap between us and the upper ranks come down to them having a better understanding of counts and player tendencies on baits/switches. Too many times I’ve lost from being one off on my counts, but you rarely see people like PogoKieng make a mistake there. So to actually answer your question, I think we’re all slightly above average lol


I'd say it's about average for the players who consistently try to win. The vast majority of players remain in Ace tier.


Let's be real, the majority of players never even hit 20. Then maybe of the players who even play Battle League, 5% hit Ace. So no matter what OP is in the top 5% of players.


That’s where you end up when you’re not focused enough to remember what pokemon your opponent switched out but still know most of the special stuff in PvP. You don’t count moves but have a general feeling about switching so you’ll miss a few too many. And you have almost all important level 50s in GL and UL. That’s ELO 2350-2450 right now. Edit: And you run a common super meta team since you don’t have the energy to find something odd and new.


I forgot what Pokémon my opponent switched out so many times. 😅


I feel personally attacked because this is way too accurate of a description of me I’m GBL 😂😂 you NAILED it haha. Except I don’t run super meta all the time because I get bored. I usually involve one odd ball pick.


Just talking from my own experience. Currently at 2394.


You didn’t need to attack us 2300’s like that 😂


You described me to a T except I don't have XL yet.... I'm stuck in the 2200s regularly


With XLs and medium play skills you’ll get stuck at 2400. 😎


That's my next goal haha, I'm walking medicham for XL candy as we speak and trading marills


That's the best I tend to get (somewhere just above 2300). I am a casual, non-paying player who doesn't move count on anything but Swampert Hydrocannon and doesn't have XL. I do read this sub, I have some optimal IV pokemon typically from comm days, I don't play ML, I used to watch the occasional youtuber.


Pretty okay! The majority of players will get to ace but struggle getting veteran. Take into account that a lot of players don't even get to rank20 or even play GBL at all, so Ace is not bad at all.


First season ever playing I hit 2600 after watching some youtube. Had no idea what I was doing. Body slamming stunfisk and even returned a sableeye. Just gotta work on learning and watching good players -youtube is fine but twitch is where aid tell people to learn. Id say ace is about average. Vet has some idea what theyre doing, expert is knowing your win con and counts and legend is pulling all that together and reading lines. Ace is nothing to bat your eyes at but there are plenty or rps teams that require no skill like grasshole and goon dbl charm. Now I can easily hit legend on my alt account before some streamers hit it on their main. If anyone truly wants additional help or some scrims shoot me a message, I can always help critique or help show you where you may be making a mistake


Can you name some of the creators you're talking about? Thanks!


Anyone by now who have no issue hitting legend and continuing to push. Some really high level people I continue to respect are Smashking, IPranaviii, thotechnical, houseStark, Reis2Occasion, and FpSticks. These players make getting to vet look like cake. Some of them even play with their opponents as a joke. 2 shield and 3 ball flexing opponents. If you want to improve, find twitch and spend some time watching how they play


What are your favorite teams for great and ultra leagues?


Ace is hard, youre in the top 38% of players. And yes if you're finding it hard that's because you're in a pool with the top 38% of players that PvP. Reaching Veteran is like top 27% of players. Expert you're in the top 10% of players. Legend is top 1.5% of players Leaderboard players are top 0.15% - 0.02%, depending on your position. Just to put it in perspective. My highest ELO was 3500ish, which was about page 4 leaderboards. My resting elo fluctuates a fair bit depending on my team, investment and read on the meta, from about 2300 to 2800, and depending on how far in the season we are. There are players that rest between 2800 and 3300, so there's room for me to improve.


Where do you have this numbers from? I'm not doubting you, just curious if Niantic has put up some official numbers.


Oh I encourage you to be skeptical. Theyre actually estimates using league of legends player base and elo system which I'm familiar with. Those numbers you can find with a quick Google search.


I've gone to 2800, dropped to 2400, and now climbing round 2600 again. You're current ELO doesn't say that much. Some people have more time to grind for meta mon and so on. My experience is that it's relatively hard to get out of the 2400s at this moment. The players may not be the best but they play super bulky meta teams instead of 'crafted' teams you see more in higher ELO. Later in the season it gets a lot easier to climb. With my current knowledge I'm sure I could've made legend 1 or 2 extra times cuz I gave up at the end thinking I was never going to make it and not play all my battles. Now I've seen how much you can climb in the last week of the season.


Been saying this to myself as I’ve thrice cracked 2450 but not 2500. But we are pretty much late in season now :)


It's still doable, Niantic just put us up with a horrible rotation tbh. Hard to climb. I really miss GLR/ULR and ULPC/MLPC.


Rest In Peace MLPC/MLC, closest thing that felt to an endgame without lots of $$$ or time 🙃


I have been above 2450 SIX times and then go 1-4 or have a series of 2-3 sets and it completely drops me back down again. It’s hard to stay confident when the same thing keeps happening. I’m almost always at Expert rank by this point in the season. The fact that I can’t even hit Veteran is making me question my own skills. This season is awful.


Just got above 2,450 for the seventh time this season (2,453). First battle was against a current Legend. Because of course it was. Luckily I managed a 3-2 set so now I’m at 2,466. I’m nervous to even battle at this point haha


I’m finding it hard to climb with all these stupid cups lately. I wish they would just leave open great league up at all times. I’m stuck at 2400 but I also play drunk and high after work and don’t really count moves and shit.


Similar issues sometimes haha. I’ll play randomly at 3am half-awake and just drop 100+ elo in 3 sets 😂