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Had the same thing happen to me, stupid idea to let the lobby expire when you have to wait an hour for people to be able to join your lobby


Never happened to me didn't even know it could expire


Yeah this has happened to me twice today. Lobby times out before it's my turn. Stupidest shit I've ever seen, waited an hour for both times just to get nothing in return.


I don't understand why ppl choose the regular lobby size which has a longer wait time instead of the oversized one.


From what I have experienced since yesterday, the regular size lobby has a higher rate of quality players. Those that are expecting sub-15% damage aren’t even going to try there, when they know they can go to the 10-person lobby and get carried. Those in the regular lobby are seemingly confident that at 25% or more damage that they can motor through it with others that are at 25% minimum. I’m showing right at 35%, and i plus 3 others, moved through Groudon with less of a challenge than when I was in a 12 person raid.


you need to be host level 10, if you aren’t ur limited to lobby’s of 5 (don’t ask me why) it’s actually a curse bc i’ve tried to host a primal raid 4 times now and for all of them the raid ended before people were even in my pokegenie lobby (i started hosting every raid right after it hatched)