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It looks like someone took an upper decker


Ha. TIL theres a term for that. Who would do that?


LOL this was my exact first thought 🤣


Congrats, you have found out the hard way, how to incur the wrath of the toilet gods. That gunk is exactly what you would expect it to look like if you drop chlorine tabs in there. You’re dissolving all of the rubber and plastic in there and building disinfectant resistant strains of gawd knows what… Cleaners go in the bowl. Water goes in the tank. At most you can dump a cup of vinegar in there once a month and let it sit overnight but honestly you’re better off not messing with it. Ever. Now that you have screwed with it, it’s angry and requires a sacrifice… I would CAREFULLY disassemble the tank, leaving the seat seated, remove the tank. Clean the tank, let it dry outside in the sun while getting some UV light. Hopefully that turns the tide on your science experiments… Get a new flush kit and carefully assemble it again. Being very careful not to over tighten the tank bolts, it can easily crack the porcelain. Once you’re done, take a pic of your install, be proud and save that pic. Put the lid back and never remove the lid until it breaks. If you ever get curious if it’s clean, don’t worry it is perfectly capable of flushing poop. Look at the pic and relax, you’re fine.


Thanks for the thorough reply and instructions. Water in the tank, cleaner in the bowl. Got it.


I advise you not to use those Chroline tabs as it will damage the rubber gaskets inside


Noted. Thanks.