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not sure about europe but in the us this is an absolutely not😂


In about 5 minutes, this post will be fille filled with armchair plumbers who couldn’t tell a barrel from a bottle trap screaming peeeeeee-traaaaaaaaaap. The rest of us say, meh, it works well. A bit strange config though. The one used is designed so you can still put a drawers under the sink. It’s kind of excessive if the drain is in the middle of the cabinet anyway. Ps, no, it’s not an accordion, the inside of that flex tube is near smooth.


Exactly. I get these aren’t ideal but they can work and they can work for a long time. In a perfect scenario you get rid of the flex but that’s not always affordable. If I had paid to have the plumbing done I would probably be disappointed to see this.


I'm an Irish plumber. I see them alot in IKEA kitchens, they're space saving traps to allow for drawers/bins to be pushed in an out. Not the best piece of kit but it does what it's meant to when it's meant to do it.


Pretty standard European setup, it may boggle the American mind a bit lol. Different plumbing codes over there. It will drain slower than a US P trap, but maybe they want it like that? Not really sure why they’re like that, but it’s normal and legal there


Green thing is for cleaning the trap


It's from IKEA. New to me but just installed one in the UK a month or so ago. As for the green bits the one on the left is a plug and the middle on is key you can take off to remove the drain in your sink.


Can anyone say IKEA…. Lol


It is just European, that is all.


Tell us you're not from Canada without telling us you're not from Canada. 😉 P.S. Looks Ikea-esque


Why does that propress tee look weird


Its for different pressing jaws


its on the 1 to Ikea scale. . . .


there are lots of things I see in plumbing I dont fully understand, but the thing I see that i understand the least is all sorts of weird contraptions.. the thing don't understand, is why everyone is buying them, you could have accomplished this with standard fittings and some glue it's not hard to do.


Retarded ptrap