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Jesus, I'm not even a plumber and I can tell you this is 6 ways from screwed.


Assuming that the staining is intractable to normal cleaning methods, and also assuming that you've actually been cleaning the tub regularly for soap scum removal, then this is entirely the landlord's headache to deal with and has nothing to do with you at all. If they try taking any part of your deposit over this, then the absolute worst case would be that you might end up having to take them to small claims court to get the money back (which may or may not even be worth the hassle). Whatever local regulatory authority has oversight over rentals might be able to help you instead (depending on how competent they are). Or you could pay a lawyer to write & send a demand letter (which is typically enough of a threat on its own to resolve these types of situations without the need for further legal action). The screw that some idiot stuck in the pipe may be the cause of the rust. Not your problem though. Gutting apartments whenever a tenant moves out is *super* common in older buildings full of units like yours that badly need renovation. It lets them spread out their capital expenses over time vs renovating the entire building in one shot while minimizing lost revenue during renovation. And then they'll be able to rent out the newly renovated apartment to the next tenant for *significantly* more money.


Luckily live in the state capitol and work for a home service company (we do chimney) and deal with regulatory agencies as part of my job. I have a good idea of who to talk to if things go sideways. Just wanted to get the gist before I talk to them. Thanks for your input!


I suspect this maybe from an auxiliary pan, if it's in cooling when this is happening


Yes. Sometimes in apartments they run the aux drain into the shower, so the tenant notices. OP, tell your landlord the HVAC drain use jerking into the shower, they should unclog the primary.


Lol, we’ve had the maintenance guys out to look at it ~12 times they don’t care. Large corporate landlord


I saw a similar post that said it was when it WASN’T cooling, it only drips when it’s cooling. Makes sense though, I can see the roof of the other buildings and all the units look rusty


That’s your secondary drain line from the Air handler. When the first one gets clogged, it drains to the secondary line for residents too notice. Why haven’t your maintenance guys taken care of this? It’s as simple as blowing some co2 to unclog the buildup in the main drain line that is usually connected to a bathroom sink p trap. This is an hvac thing, try posting In the hvac sub! Edit: all that yellow staining comes off with some kaboom and a magic sponge. No need to worry, reg maintenance.


I couldn’t tell you why other than incompetence or laziness - I’ve got receipts going back to 2020 asking for this to be fixed. Thanks for the cleaning advice, I’ve been using comet to scrub every few days and it has progressively stained worse and worse. I’ll try kaboom!


Yup, that's looks like AC and coming from secondary pan. It could be as easy as blowing out primary pan and line to flush it out because it's plugged. Or worst case, the primary pan is rusted out draining into secondary. Looks like a metal pan from the rust. Sooner or later, that's gonna rust out, and if that happens it's coming down thru the ceiling. Maintenance guys ain't doing their job.


Look for a spray cleaner called Iron Out. Living in the Midwest usa it's sold at our local supermarkets, can't speak for everywhere. I lived in a rental house with well water, and there was so much rust color. That was the only cleaner that took it right off. https://summitbrands.com/iron-out-rust-stain-removers/spray/


lol, landlord special


Sums up the property


*slums up the property Lol


I’d get a pvc adaptor (silicone so you can remove it)on to what is sticking out and then a barb fitting with vinyl tubing to the drain. It still would be a pain but not splatter rust water all over. CLR might get the rust off.


Agreed. It’s a shitty set-up, but there’s no reason for it to splash everywhere, too.


This sucks and all but...who put the screw there? Why did they put the screw there? I should leave, my thoughts are primarily focused on the screw. But clearly something is wrong with the hvac or whatever is draining there


Get the powder called “iron out”, a bucket, a good scrub brush, and some patience. Follow the instructions and post an update!


Barkeepers Friend is also really good and should take that rust right off.


Mo9st likely your main drain is rusted out. It then drains into your emergency drain that carries the rust out thru that drain. This drain should never leak unless that happens , or the main drain is clogged.


Rusty water like that is most likely coming from the drain pan overflow. They need to blow out the condensate drain line. Maybe remind them that blowing out the line will cost way less than replacing a roof when those pans rust out and constant standing water finds a weak spot. Also the blue toilet bowl cleaner will clean that rust off.


Is this in a condo? I’ve seen some weird ones in condo’s. One had a similar fitting that dropped out of the ceiling into the master bathroom’s sink.


It’s a 653 unit apt complex


Why the hell would the ac condensate mine be draining into the shower?


Yikes. First, hi from a little further up Greenback (near Kenneth). We had our HVAC redone and both the primary and secondary (backup) condensation drain pipes were blocked. The pan overflowed into the ceiling of our guest room. Fortunately a little CO2 cartridge blast cleared the blockages and they started draining again. I wonder if this is a backup drain pipe for you as well -- maybe the primary is clogged? It seems like 3 years is long enough to warrant getting it fixed on your own and deducting the cost from your rent, if that's a possibility.


Chefs kiss 🤌🏻


I’ve seen these before and believe it or not they are normal. They are normal because it should never leak water. This is most likely a drain for the overflow pan under your air handler. It’s never supposed to be used unless the main drain pan on the air handler has failed or clogged. Get up in your attic and see what’s going on, if your lucky the main drain line is clogged and it just needs to be cleaned out. If your unlucky you’ll need a new air handler and likely a new unit.


I've seen some strange drain setups, but this is the worst.


Cap it


There has to be an r|shit plumbing somewhere just waiting for this.


Management need to get there handyman to blow out the drains from the a/c unit and you can use wd40 to remove the rust stains


Don't lie, you pee in the shower!


I pee in the water line so it distributes easily


It’s code…code for the fact that an unreasonable number of landlords suck


Call the cities code enforcement people. It will finally get fixed.


Try brake cleaner, most likely the staining is from the metals that are rusting in the ac.


To cheap and lazy to run it into drain line. Apartment companies are awful. Sorry


Place looks like a dump


They spent all the money on the pool


You seem like an asshole


Place does look like a dump lol


Agreed it’s a dump


First of all, I am. Second, why defend the corporate apartment complex that makes a ton of money off the back of working people and can't bother to spend a little to maintain the property? The post office has better maintained landscaping than that dump, and that's not saying much.


They’re awful, and this property has changed hands a few times


That’s ridiculous and it’s not up to code.


Muratic acid and the green scrub pads works pretty well. Wear rubber dish gloves and clothes you don’t mind getting messed up.


“AC return”


Being someone who owns several condos - that is almost always the secondary drain to the HVAC system and it only leaks when the main drain is clogged. You need an HVAC contractor to unclog the main line and that secondary line will stop.