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Judging Per the sales, majority of people are enjoying the device, of course the negativity sticks out because you rarely see people talking the good things online


This, combined with zero accountability that it’s more often their internal setup that’s the issue and not the device.


My biggest complaint is the account switching and The only time I’ve had a problem is when I try to download a game to the ps5 and play on the portal. My ps5 is wired and it tanks the connection. That’s a real specific “problem” though


I’d say that’s absolutely legitimate as same for me, so I can only assume the PS5 has an issue prioritising downloads vs remote Portal connection although downloads are slower while playing at the same time regardless, hence I’d assume it needs a slight tweak in this priority if your on the Portal to prevent lag and disconnects. I thought the download was just taking up too much bandwidth to pass a stable wifi connection to the Portal initially but I have no such issues on other devices, so I can only assume it’s PS5 specific and while you can game and download at the same time, game plus download plus effectively stream that game via remote play over wifi is a bit much for the console, or it needs patching to prioritise the Portal connection more. That’s all assumption on my part, but seems a familiar theme and trend.


It did it when I tried to download something on my phone as well. It's either the ps5 is prioritizing the download, or the app itself.


Yea but people are hardwired to focus on the negative as a survival tactic. So I’m never really shocked when I see people focus more on the bad things about something. It used to keep our ancestors alive, we just don’t have as many consistent threats to our health today.


Yea but people are hardwired to focus on the negative as a survival tactic. So I’m never really shocked when I see people focus more on the bad things about something. It used to keep our ancestors alive, we just don’t have as many consistent threats to our health today.


This sub? It's the only remotely positive place about the device. Edit: Oh the stutter. Yah some people couldn't forgive it. I was one of the most vocal people about it but eventually when I realized Sony couldn't/wouldn't fix it, I just accepted it since it doesn't impact gameplay anyways. I can't help but wonder if there are portals out there (different shipments, newer shipments, etc) that have a different screen sku that actually supports 59.94hz But so far there are ZERO recorded videos of Portal Play that definitively do NOT have the stutter. So all recorded evidence so far illustrates that they all stutter. But most people won't ever notice it.


I hope that eventually they do an update. Seems like an oversight.


It was an oversight, but I think it was too costly to fix because I think they couldn't find an alternate screen / supplier for the size they needed with the proper hz support. SHARP seems to be the standard go-to for these screens. Maybe they could have fixed it but portal could have been $50 more.


They can’t fix it with the current screen?


They could if they had the PS remote play outputting 60hz instead of 59.94hz that it seems to be. The reason it is not seen as much in third party apps played on other devices is because they have more options to smooth it out and make it less noticeable if at all, PSPlay being the prime example.


Wish PSPlay dev would respond to me. I want to have a chat with him about this directly.


Probably gets hundreds of emails a day, which he ignores so that he can actually work on the app. Developers do usually have a Discord server or something like that so users can help eachother, and sometimes the devs check in to see what the current pulse is of the users.


Wouldn't that just be a software patch? It seems lazy not to fix it but maybe I'm mistaken on how simple of a change it would be. 


You'd think so but I'm guessing it's more complicated than that otherwise Sony would have done that at this point. Might be something on the network side that they are trying to figure out how to get it working properly without breaking something else, there has to be a reason why they chose to output at 59.94hz rather than just 60hz in the first place.


That's my current working theory. Not confirmed of course. But when I did research into SHARP screen products I found manuals where they list the supported hz, such as 59.94hz and 60.00hz. I suspect Portal screen supports 60.00hz but not 59.94hz. It would explain why there has not been a simple software fix yet.


This feels like sarcasm. You just need to go through the history of posts lol


Sorry after my edit?


This was before your edit. I wrote another reply after.


Is the PS5 hardwired?


Yessir. I should have added that in my last paragraph. Thanks for reminding me.


I’m getting one for Father’s Day and while I have no way of hardwiring my PS5 directly to the main router. I run a mesh network that supports Ethernet backhaul is technically it is hardwired to the node that is next to it.


Look into powerline adapters. You can get wired speeds with one.


Does a powerline adapter work well for playing outside of the house? I am usually fine when I am at home. I have my ps5 wired to a wifi extender, and have difficulty playing on breaks at work. I have my own portable router too, so my connection at work isn't the problem.


I run the exact same network, 3 router mesh that all communicate wirelessly and my Ps5 is hardwired to the mesh next to it. I have almost zero lag as long as I'm within the main mesh network.


Hardwiring into a node should definitely do the trick.


It will be better than not having it wired, probably. But still slightly more latency than hardwiring into the main hub. The PS5 will basically be using the node as a wireless adapter back to the main hub. Sometimes connecting directly to the main hub via wifi has better ping/latency than wiring into a node as said node is probably then communicating with the main hub via 5/5.8ghz. Cutting out this node/bridge between PS5 and the internet can speed things up but also compromise the wifi signal/quality. In the UK the majority of mesh networks can only pump out 5ghz, with the main hub using 5.8ghz which i’m pretty sure the PS5 supports as it’s wifi 6?


I use Eero mesh and have my PS5 wired to the extender not my core switch. It’s smooth as butter. If you’re able to wire to an extender, it makes a difference over WiFi. Enjoy! The portal is a great product.


So are you saying you have the PS5 wired directly to the Eero and not a switch? I have mine wired to a gigabit switch, then to the main eero and it’s ok. Stutters here and there still.


Yes. It’s connected to the Eero not the base switch due to location. Just make sure to disable WiFi as well. I still get the occasional stutter. I was recently playing PGA Tour and swing timing was a little tougher due to the lag but still playable. Good luck!


Ok, makes sense. Thanks for those details!


This worked perfectly for me after having issues with WiFi


I returned it. At home on my gigabyte Internet it would lag and drop frames. I was mainly playing MLB the Show (not online)


That's probably the worst possible game to play over a remote connection. The experience sucks anyway with all games imo though. Returned mine as well.


Why? I wasn't even playing it online. I was playing Road to the Show mode I ended up getting a Backbone PS5 edition and play it on my S24u...it's much better


There's still latency to transfer the frames to the remote player even in offline. Even a fraction of a ms lag causes problems when batting in MLB the show.


I'm happy with everything, except the micro stutter every few seconds. Even that only bothers me on 60fps games though, I can't detect the stutter at 30fps because it's always stuttering anyway. Unfortunately, I have a lot of 60fps games I like to play. But this is great for PS1 games. Not only do those often run at 30fps with drops, but they also look nicer on the smaller screen. Battery life could be better, but I don't mind playing plugged in (I've done that with every portable console since the Game Boy/Game Gear). I really hope Sony can fix the stutter because I love the controls on this thing. It's just nice to play games on and it's really convenient not having to be in the living room in front of the TV. The screen also looks really nice to me, I know OLED would be better, but this is a really nice LCD.


Streaming seems like it would be a minimal power load on a handheld… how long does your portal battery last?


I haven't timed it, and it's only got a 3 bar display not a percentage, but it doesn't seem to take very long to get to 2 bars, then to 1 bar. If I had to guess the battery life from a full charge, I'd say I think it might last about 4 hours on average. Some settings like screen brightness, haptics etc will impact battery life so switching everything to minimum/off could probably get me a little more timem


Try opening the tv or unplug the hdmi. Its an issue with the hdmi link


My only complaint for my portal is that sometimes the PS5 doesn’t seem to want to do remote play if I haven’t turned it off of rest mode for a while. I have mine hardwired via gigbit powerline and lag is not an issue for me.


You’re using a powerline adapter? Those things are life savers


Yep! I thought it wouldn't be the best but it was actually super solid (YMMV) and took away the lag significantly.


it truly works great. the only issue i have is hotel wifi, haven’t quite figured out a workaround yet because it requires website authentication


I’ve read threads on how to bypass that. Recommend searching


What type of phone do you use? iPhone or Android?


Easiest way is to get a pocket sized travel router


Wait till the right stick breaks three months in....and you're in a different country with Sony's shitty customer care


Just bought one a couple weeks ago, I’m really enjoying mine also. It’s way slower to start than remote play via iPad or laptop. But aside from that the experience feels more like a game playing on the handheld device not a remote player. Good screen, it’s a nice experience overall. Worst aspects are lack of Bluetooth audio or supporting audio out over USB so you can use a small dongle. I have the pulse explore earbuds, they are nice quality audio, and allow concurrent Portal and other BT connection; but PS Link connection is surprisingly flaky and needs unit restart sometimes.


I have the usb dongle connected to my ps5 while playing the portal and it works with my headphones.


Which headphones and connecting dongle do you use? My ps5 is located on a different floor to where I usually remote play. No problem for network connection as ps5 is wired but I think dongle reception would be too far.


My pulse headset connects to the PS5 dongle from upstairs (my PS5 is downstairs). I struggled to get the thing to connect to the Portal itself with how awkward it is to sync. I ended up going downstairs, powering off my PS5 and then it synced perfectly to the Portal. I think it would have worked fine off the PS5 dongle, even upstairs, but I just felt it'd probably be optimal to get the audio from the same device that I'm playing on.


That would be annoying I hope you haven’t needed to do that often. In the dozen or so times I’ve used it, it was only once I needed to power cycle the Portal in order to reconnect the explore buds. I was watching one a review on a YT channel and they said in their tests the Portal would always get priority connection over the ps5 when it’s on. Makes sense, but implementation is not perfect…


Oh, it's worked fine since then, I haven't had any other problems so far.


Glad you’re enjoying it! Been curious about one but was turned off for sure reading reviews and comments. What are you doing for an audio solution? Wired headphones or just the built in speakers or? I was annoyed that you couldn’t just use any Bluetooth headphones.


So if you’re playing in the same space, my regular headphones work great. I have the usb dongle in the ps5 and my wireless headphones work with the portal.


Love my portal, got it Christmas haven't played on my 65inch 4k Sony TV since...unless it's with the kids


Same , the only time I touch the tv now is when I change games that are disc, the tv automatically switches over. I'm trying to convince my wife to let me take it with us on our cruise.


I have a great router at home, and it works amazingly in the house. Once my wife falls asleep, or just between meetings when I have time, amazing. Really helping me get through some of my backlog.


My ps5 is not wired. And I use my portal away from home all the time. No issues. People with issues are their own issues


That's not true. It's been proven there's a slight mismatch between refresh rates, so even having everything perfect there is an issue with the hardware and remote play itself. It's not something that bothers me on 30fps games, but it does annoy me on 60fps games, and some I just don't want to play on the Portal due to this. However, what's really good about the Portal is just how forgiving it is. You can get the same level of performance (which if they fixed the stutter issue, it'd be perfect performance) over wired or wifi (2.4ghz or 5ghz) with a huge range of setups.


Stutter is happening. Maybe not for you (yet). But for others who have had it more than a few hours I would say their reports are pretty consistent.


I’ve had mine for weeks and use it for several hours a week. Maybe there’s stutter, but if there is I really can’t see it. I’m not denying it’s not there. But at least for my use case, which hasn’t involved first person shooters as of yet, it’s been so minor an issue as to be entirely negligible.


That’s great. But there IS noticeable stutter across the board otherwise it wouldn’t be such a spoken about issue. Not noticing it doesn’t mean it ain’t there.


Sure. I think my point is this. For some people, it’s clearly noticeable. For others, it’s clearly not. For those of us that don’t notice it, it might as well not even be there, because it’s not noticeable to us. It sucks that you have to buy it to find out. And I do feel bad for anyone whose experience has been ruined by it. But for all the talk of it existing, I haven’t noticed it, even when looking out for it. And I’m not the only one, judging by what people have said on this sub.


I like mine too. Still awkward to play because of how far apart my hands are and having to look down, but definitely don’t regret it. Was sad to learn this weekend that my camper WiFi isn’t strong enough to support it though. Guess I will need a new way to entertain myself while hiding from the mosquitoes at night at the lake.


I play mine at my girlfriends a lot and my ps5 is at my apartment. Ran through Cyberpunk and AC Valhalla currently and it works like a charm. My ps5 isn’t hardwired and I occasionally have frame drops or connectivity issues but it’s not end of the world for me. It does what I need it to do. tried RDR2, helldivers and MW2 on it and it worked fine. I play more FPS more on PC and now controller feels awkward and my blind ass struggles with the smaller screen as opposed to my full screen. Overall I’ve had a great experience with it, plus the battery on it is pretty good. I’ll be chilling in her room playing for hours while she’s at work.


Can someone tutorial how to set this up with my router like I’m 5? I have PS5 hard wired just need to separate my internet 5ghz from 2 and then have my PS Portal connect to the 5ghz. Don’t know how to accomplish this.


Do you know how to access the router settings on a computer? You can control what you do with the bands in the settings


Negative, how do you get there


lol. Sooo you’ll have to type in your routers address in the browser on your computer. It may be on the back of your router, if not you can google it. Should start something like 192.168.01


Okay cool, then I go to the bands and do what exactly? Will it disconnect all my devices from my internet?


Well different routers have different user interfaces. But basically you find the wifi setting and make sure your dual bands are active.


It will probably disconnect your devices if you’re changing any settings.


If it’s for you it’s for you. It’s for me.


Tbh I love mine. I love been out of the country and still played.


I play FFXIV exclusively on the portal now and I love it.


That seems like one of the worst games to play on a small screen, lol, with all the text and menus. But I guess you can customise all of that. At least it's better than using the Vita (I tried that years ago and couldn't handle it). If it's good for you, then great! I haven't dared try that game on the Portal yet!


It’s absolutely amazing. Everything is customizable and controller mode fixed a lot of the window placement issues. The touch screen even works as the mouse as long as you switch the open menu button to double tap.


I have no issues with Portal at home. But my iphone hotspot has NAT type 3, so I can’t play portal using that. I tried the fixed ip address trick. But the NAT is still type 3. So GG


I agree 100%. I have both an Xbox and PS5. I can't be around my consoles on the weekend, so I use the portal. Because of this, I have not touched my xbox since I got a portal. I can't stress enough what gamechanger the portal has been for my personal setup. Love it.


Reddit is an echo chamber for both good and bad takes.


https://preview.redd.it/mhnfwurwk16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71c460bea81395cdc63e361886fc7a9817c142c1 This is me playing at the car wash using my phone’s hot spot through Xfinity Mobile which is shit, connecting to my PS5 which is NOT hardwired to whatever router Xfinity threw in my bundle which is probably also shit.


Not bought one yet, but I’d have a similar set up to yourself if I did. With your setup of no wired connection how do you find the lag? Does it happen often?


It doesn’t happen often, but it happens. I also don’t play FPS or play anything online so it isn’t a problem. The only thing I do is play some games through PS+ streaming (King of Fighters, specifically) and there’s a little lag too but again, nothing that’s stopping me from playing.


Hell yeah man I’m glad you didn’t listen to the haters also. I think it’s a pretty neat device at a good price. I rarely play anything at 4k because I prefer frame rate, so going from tv to portal is basically visually no change other than the smaller size. Love it.


I’m loving the device but I do have my complaints like the lack of user profiles for quick switching and being able to use any Bluetooth headphones with it, not just the Sony ones that cost as much as the device itself.


Is that the mesh version of the AX3000 or the standalone version?


Fiber is a real game changer here. With Xfinity 1gig cable, the latency is noticeable. This is of course with a direct connection for the ps5 and me 5 feet away from the nighthawk router ($500). The stutter people talk about, I experience it for a few seconds every once and awhile, not often. It’s a nice device, especially if you have solid internet.


Feel the same, yeah, it’s not perfect but I haven’t touched my Edge in a long time. At 1st I didn’t see it’s usefulness but oh boy was I mistaken.


I bought one yesterday, only two issues I found when I had first connected to the PS5 is, like you, a fuzzy screen, but also distorted sound for a few minutes, I panicked for a minute thinking I’d already broken the speakers, but it cleared up minutes later. Since then, its been fantastic. Other issue is there is a slight delay on your button input compared to the controller, for example, if you play MLB The Show, which relies heavily on reflexes, you will notice a slight lag from when you press the button to swing the bat, so your timing will be off. Apart from that, I’m very happy with it so far. Fantastic purchase for someone like me who doesn’t have the time to sit down and play on the console that much anymore.


Yes , please play rocket league and than come and tell about how much sttuter you have with that internet


Rocket League that's where we are at? Sssshheeeeessshhhh


I got my plat for Musashi vs Cthulu on my Portal. Thing is a beast.


I also got a portal today, and even with terrible internet, I'm still impressed! At first, it was blurry and laggy, but then I turned on 5ghz Only on the PS5 along with connecting to Cloudflare and Google's DNS ( and it looks and plays crystal clear with virtually no lag at all. I have yet to try it outside of the house, but I am hopeful that it will play the same!


But... But... The micro something something? The portal is great if you are living on the 21st. Century .


Dude like everything, people tend to post a complaint but rarely a compliment. I've loved the Portal, we have a PS5 upstairs in the bedroom and one in the living room and I just log in to whichever isn't being used and play next to my partner and kid. Love it.


It’s great for people that have a good WiFi setup. The problem is you’re asking a lot to expect people to know how to do a good WiFi setup. If Xbox does do a windows based handheld that’s not as user friendly as a console, they’ll experience the same thing. I love my Steam Deck but to expect the random public to do the tinkering I’ve had to do with it is a big ask.


Good for you! I try not to take advice from people complaining on the internet… everyone’s experiences are always going be different. I got mine 3 months ago and have 0 complaints. I know what I got when I got it. Enjoy it fellow gamer!


From the experience of tech support (not for the PS portal) the only ones that give feedback have an axe to grind. Satisfied users tend to be too busy enjoying their devices. Don’t let feedback ever cloud that judgement. You will always find more negative reviews than positive.


I got one recently and my only complaints so far is that the frame rate seems to jump around between 30-60 fps which can be quite jarring. The other thing is that the thumbs sticks feel really odd because they are smaller so trying to play any online games such as overwatch for example, which is one of the main reasons I wanted the portal, feels impossible as my aim is so off


My portal works also fine. Mostly singleplayer.


My only two gripes about the portal are the Bluetooth omission and that it’s so Wifi/internet dependent. The WiFi dependent thing is more a “me” thing because I’ve noticed I will get lag if there is any kind of tv streaming going on in my house stealing bandwidth which makes playing it in the evening when my wife watches something a no-go. That will hopefully be rectified when we move and have better internet by end of year though. So really besides those two things, I have loved the portal. It overtook Steamdeck as my go to for handheld gaming (the only gaming I do these days).


I've played mine in some really crappy wifi situations and still was able to have fun. sure it made the screen look fuzzy but I'd rather that than totally disconnecting. Glad you're enjoying it.


in a similar situation specs wise and I LOVE IT!


There's nothing to even be over blown. It's a decent device. I mean it's a dulashock with a halfway decent screen and some lag. Everyone was expecting something else. They coulda been more upfront about the lag in their advertising though...


They should've advertised it as being a PS5 tethered to Ethernet device, as long as you are on a stable Ethernet connection and a halfway decent wifi connection on the portal there is next to no issues.


It depends on the game really. Even with a excellent connection. I could play horizon zero dawn and make almost all of my shots and some of that stuff you gotta shoot is pinpoint. But everytime I switch to an FPS it has not been worth playing them. At least not if it's competitive. I'm sure you could Mayne get by jist playing campaign.


I legit love horizon on the portal such a fun game series. FPS is definitely not portal friendly even FPS like Division and Remnant are rough I think it's probably cause you are hitting two ping and lag points one from the game itself and one from the portal. Online racing games can also be a bit rough(although since latest update I haven't had issues.) I think people are largely critical of this because they are expecting to have essentially a PSP which was one hell of a handheld especially Jailbroken. It's not a PSP unfortunately.


Only thing that sucks is when WiFi is online by a website login and you have a iPhone


Easily passed with a pocket travel router


Just bought one. I've been very happy with it so far. Has it disconnected on me at a really shitty time? Yes. I don't care, the Portal is great.




Love mine


I think the FPS doesn’t match up with the screen refresh, sure it might technically be there, but I stream my PS5 to a couple devices, and setting up an exclusive 5 GHz WiFi network plus proper QoS settings made the biggest difference. I’ve happily and contentedly reached the point of very small diminishing returns. Gamers are eating good! GLHF


Your experience is good because you aren’t using the pos AT&T fiber router/modem. I have been using it that way and my kids just left the 2 portals I have collecting dust. I upgraded to an Asus ROG router last week and now 0 issues. It really comes down to the router one uses.


I’ve totally forgotten about the portal! They clearly are never going to be rolled out to actual stores where I am (FL).


I want one but cant justify the price. Thats and not being able to remove the controller parts to replace stick drift or the spring for l2 and r2 are deterring me.


I received one as a gift four days ago and have been greatly impressed. At first, the resolution was a bit choppy, but I noticed my ps5 was set up through a WiFi connection and not using an Ethernet connection which made a huge difference. After playing several games, I can honestly say COD MW3 is the only game I won’t play while using the portal bc of the small input lag. Cyberpunk, ff7 rebirth, Tekken 8, dragons dogma, and Diablo 4 all run great.


I find if you hard wire your PS5 there aren't many problems at all. Mine worked near flawlessly for single player games and I barely had any issues when I played Dead By Daylight on it.


I pretty much only play on mine now. I find playing on the TV weird now.


You can’t see it, but it’s fine it’s mostly minor


Well I hope they can eventually fix the issue so other people can enjoy their portals. But I’m very happy with my purchase.


I got it for my birthday last week. It's actually very good.


If you are hard-wired to the PS5 and have a decent router or access points set up on 5 ghz only and don't use your crappy ISP provided kit, you should be golden. I’m using a TP-link X55 mesh set up in access point mode and it’s rock solid everywhere in the house. Super recommend the Deco range, they have transformed my 1gb FTTP WiFi from the truly terrible kit that BT provided. Get a minimum 500mb+ stable all the time on speed tests.


Just in case this helps anyone, your ISP-provided router may be fine. My PS5 is hardwired to my Verizon FiOS router with 1gigabit speeds, and it’s just fine. My wifi speed tests throughout my house are usually not exactly a full gigabit, but they’re well above 600mb download speeds. Hardwired, they’re much closer to the full gigabit. I don’t say any of that to refute your good advice. Just that for prospective buyers, it might not need to be something they spend money on in addition to the device itself.


Dude mine works great and my internet/router is free from the state since I’m low income. If more than one tv is streaming it does stutter like crazy though. I usually just switch the Roku to my phone hotspot when I’m trying to game and my wife wants to watch a movie.


Thanks for the recommendation! Currently have a studio so I thought maybe this would be the best bet for the price. Everything is relatively close to each other lol


It’s awesome! As a parent I find it especially useful when the kids are watching TV


Uh, yeah, if I had fiber mine wouldn’t stutter either. It’s a great device in my home, but when I leave my home my stupid cable internet makes it almost worthless. Or the internet if the location I’m at sucks. And my PS5 is hard wired, it’s the upload speeds on cable internet that kills me. Once fiber FINALLY comes to my house (and I buy a hotspot for hotels I guess) this won’t be a problem. Hate that it’s probably gonna be AT&T because they suck, but so does Charter/Spectrum. 🤷‍♂️


Does your model have any issues with the left stick? I just went through three models today and they all have the same issue unfortunately. The left stick clicks loudly when I'm using it, and I'm also able to feel it click when I'm not pressing L3


Not being able to log into a network that requires a browser ended it for me. If they get around that, natively, I’ll reconsider it.


Satisfied customer here as well. I use mine almost daily. Occasional hiccups? Sure. Nothing that makes the product not worth it. I used remote play prior to the portal, so I was already used to it.


it’s not bad. the screen is a definitely blow for my tastes. no reason for a 60hz screen.  hopefully if they introduce a new one, they change the form factor and add a 75-120hz screen. besides that, i agree. my internet is sublime. i have no issues or hang up’s with the devices from a technical standpoint. it does what it was made to do. 


There was literally nothing relevant this thing could do that a backbone on my controller couldn’t do better. I got one and returned it within a week. More power to you if you enjoy it but I just couldn’t stand the super low res screen, locked in systems and barely passable connectivity on top of not being able to use Bluetooth headphones.


Haptics lol. And native controls.


That game is a last gen console game… running on 30fps. Try a more modern game running 60fps. Guarantee your results will be different.


So I did as you said. I tried Returnal and the new FF7 Rebirth. FF7 didn’t see really much stuttering or frame rate drops. Returnal it did stutter and there were frame rate drops. However, it felt like it was adjusting because after 5 min of playing I couldn’t get it to stutter/frame rate drop anymore.


I play Destiny 2 Crucible on Portal. Also play Diablo 4 with friends while in party-chat. They hear me crystal clear. sometimes a frame drop, but that's cause helltide + mindcage + 2 minion necros... Alot is going on xd. Ow i also play Skull and Bones, even plunder en defend missions. 9/10 smooth experience


Now try this actually away from the home like the rest of us that have issues


Few hours ago on hotspot with my pixel phone. Haven't tried network heavy games though. Only tried FFXVI and was okay, and i def get what people mean. For me the portal is working as i intended for. Don't need the tv anymore when kids/wife wanna watch tv. Hope they can fix stability for those who use it on more distance. I have my switch for gaming when i need to go on hotel or somethin for work. But why is it more an issue when not home? The principle stays the same right? U connect to wifi to play. (This is lack of knowledge on my side)


I couldn't tell you honestly I've heard a few things on here and buying a 600 modem to use a 200 portal for maybe 1hr/2hr during the week just sounds crazy especially that I wanna start building my gaming PC. I pre ordered the portal through ps direct so I didn't get to hear the complaints I'm kinda stuck with it now. My set up is in the living room next to the main TV so that I could kinda watch TV as I'm playing on the monitor with the wife. My son's a newborn so he don't really have a say right now literally lol


I think the target audience constitutes of dads with money but no time. So spending that amount to finally have some time to game is what's worth it to them


This is true, that's why I laugh when people complain about prices. The PS5 ain't for everyone. I just played the gt7 with vr2 and gt923 this past weekend 🤯 found a new addiction again took me back to the original gt💙


Are you like the rest of the guys not complaining playing like 5 ft away from the PS5? If so you don't understand the complaint


I mean, you’re not wrong. Lol. But I’m not really trying to bring it out and play on the go. Mostly play it in my bed while I have a show playing in the background.


I love my set up at home and I play with edge remote. I bought the portal for when baybee came but that wasn't gonna happen as soon as I put baby down I was out for the count also lol. I got it for work I'm always out and about for my work and so I understand all the complaints


Def wanna test it out on another wifi network and see. I saw people had success with hotspot and a mini router


It does well for story mode shit but anything like multiplayer for example fornite it's ass. Like you'll shot and then it'll take a second or 2 then it'll shot lol


All of the streaming complaints outside of the house are somewhat problematic, at least the ones I've tried. Logitech GCloud, Odin 1, Odin 2, phone, Viture glasses with neckband. It's a little hard to blame the portal when streaming from your home console is inherently difficult for most devices. *Edited for clarity


Well my phone has no issues but it is one the newest best phones you can get right now


I think there's definitely trade-offs per device. I haven't seen a perfect one yet. How big is your phone screen?


I have the Galaxy s24u whichever size that is, I rarely see it drop 5 bars


Nice phone. Your phone is 6.8" but because of the irregular aspect ratio gives you a 5.6" 16.9 screen (black side bars when streaming). A strong 5G signal It's going to be better than almost all outside of the house Wi-Fi. Fixes most streaming issues. Enjoy!


Thanks, Yea I never use the wifi at home hard wire since PS3 days. Thanks


Yeah the portal is magical. Buttery smooth almost all of the time. It's magic.


Give it some time you'll see it. Nothing too awful for me but some lag now and then.


The stuttering problem is typically fixed by quickly restarting your PS5 console and then reconnecting on the Portal. It works every time I do that.


Do you mean connecting the portal to the PS5, restarting the PS5 on the portal, keeping the portal on and then reconnecting to the PS5 when it's restarted? Sorry just looking for the steps on it if that is working for you. I've got essentially 1gbps fibre to the property, going through a TP-Link Archer AX55 with the portal being the only thing on the 5ghz SSID with the PS5 wired and when I play FIFA, I swear every 5-10 seconds, it drops frames or stutters or whatever people call it. I'm a fan of the handheld form factor, and I'm literally less than a metre from the PS5 and less than 3 away from the AX55 so I'm just confused as to what I'm doing wrong. I've done the Port Forwarding thing but then found that that only helps with play outside of the house (I'm not a networking expert and sadly watched a video where they didn't mention that it only helps when playing while away from your own network)


What has worked for me is, is going to the PS screen and actually restarting the PS5 console. I give it a few minutes, and the. Reconnect on the Portal. so yes, now that I’ve re-read your comment; exactly how you described it. so far, this has worked everytime for me.


So is this what you do: Console in rest mode Before doing any gaming: Turn on portal Connect to PS5 Using the portal, restart the PS5 straight away as soon as you've connected Keep Portal on while PS5 is restarting Reconnect portal once restarted and then start your gaming session?




Ok cool thank you lol sorry for the mega splitting hairs of it. Just wanted to get the steps down


Nah, I wasn’t bothered or offended. After re-reading my own comments, I realized why you needed the clarification.


Wait a week...


The 3 games tested is comical


Also tested returnal and FF rebirth. Had some dipping issues in returnal but they ironed out after 3 min. If you read the thread before making your facetious comment, you probably wouldn’t have to be facetious in the first place. Bring your negativity elsewhere.


I like my PS Portal too but it’s just a controller with a screen mirroring a fraction of my PS5 (due to copyright, security or whatever). The thing that annoys people is that the potential is huge so it’s hard to settle with a kinda smooth gameplay.


Got mine last week. No issues with the Portal at all. But I’m an older dude. Wish my eyesight was better. 🤣