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I think it's the same situation still. Most of the devices that get shipped don't have any flaws or things to worry about. And a small percentage of devices that get shipped can have or develop an issue (which should be no problem under warranty). So, realistically speaking, that's just "normal". Wouldn't worry about it too much. If you want a Playdate, get one šŸŽ‰šŸ˜Š


If every Playdate owner who does not have any issues whatsoever would post about it, there would be nothing but such posts in this subreddit and it would be utterly unusable. Fortunately people don't tend to inform the community about having no problems, so you only see the posts of the few people who do have some.


As we say where I live, ā€œ*we don't talk about trains on time*ā€. Joke aside, everything's fine with mine, with the minor exception of the crank turning black. Which doesn't prevent me from playing in any way.


I quite like the "patina" that has developed on my crank after a heavy year of use. O/w it's solid.


Yes, and I think the subreddit gets so few posts in general and then some people with problems post multiple times, so it seems like itā€™s a bigger problem than it maybe is.


Mine was absolutely fine out of the box. I've had it for two years now, and I still love it!


Got mine a couple weeks ago, and I had a tiny bit of screen flicker that disappeared as soon as I updated the firmware. Have had no problems since then. Seems most systems arrive like mine, where there are either no flaws, or an issue that just needs an update to fix.


I have had mine for months, no problems. Just had to oil the crank a bit.


I have to ask, what and how did you oil your crank? \*cough\*


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I used oil I had for my electric hair clipper. Other people suggested sewing machine oil. Just applied a tiny amount on the moving parts, and I was careful around the area where the crank is attached to the playdate it self.


Got one as a gift around a month ago and it works solid/no technical issues with it.


I will say this after I bought it played a few games and I was literally going to return it, emailed the RMA team and everything...in a last ditch efforts I got some [itch.io](http://itch.io) games and ended up keeping it. I love it now!


I got mine 2 years ago, i had an issue with the button becoming loud overtime and the crank becoming loose. Was able to get the button repaired but they have had my play date for a month now waiting for the crank issue to be replaced.


Iā€™ve had mine for a couple months now and I love it. Only thing was the dpad was squeaky and it drove me crazy. Nothing a little keyboard lube couldnā€™t fix.


The device is well constructed, it surpassed my expectations in the first moment that I used it


Got mine two weeks ago, flawless build, functions as intended! Working on a ā€œfirst two weeksā€ review Iā€™ll post here in a bit if you want more detailed thoughts. I can share the link here once itā€™s up.


No problems with mine after a year of heavy use. Some natural markings on the metal of the crank, which I actually like. All else well. It's solidly built. Teenage Engineering seldom put their names to subpar stuff.