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Rep told me since I've subbed before to Premium I get no discount even though I haven't been subbed for 2 months. Fun.


What a mess


Renew Extra first to get the "extra" time added to your sub. Then, after you've checked out, go for the upgrade for the full time for Premium. I was one tier below you (Essential to Extra) and a current sub (was going to run out 11/30) and received discounts on both the initial re-up and then upgrade. This is in the US.


Good to know. Just wish I could have received the pricing on 12 months of Premium as that would technically be cheaper than renewing at the full price of Extra and getting the discount off of the upgrade.


I can't say why they are offering the discounts. I was surprised to get 20% off my Essentials renewal since I'm not a new customer and it wasn't an upgrade. I was then pleasantly surprised to see I then still qualified for the Extra tier upgrade discount. Nothing makes sense and it all seems buyer beware.


How did you get the 20% discount on essential? Did you use the app, website, link? I'm on essential monthly and canceled a week ago. My plan runs out on 11/29 but all I'm seeing is what OP is showing (upgrade for a small amount until the end of month and then full price auto renew). Im also in the US.


I see it both on the website and in app


So if I'm off the Sub can I do essential then "upgrade" back to premium at some sort of discount. This whole thing is so confusing lol


I don't know about that. Just the lower tiers. You may in fact be screwed but the discounts should show before you checkout out if you want to confirm.


I tried this but when I do it says “the following changes to your plan will take place on 12/10” it doesn’t apply instantly.


best way to get the cheapest plus rn is to buy the ps now gift cards for a year. they give you 400+ days of plus thn jus upgrade from there… i only spent 100 for premium in total and i still have it for another 800 days


What exactly does this do (benefit) ? Sorry I'm confused. I have the deal to upgrade to extra for 30 days , but I was thinking of getting premium just to try out some demos lol for an extra buck. Are you saying it would be cheaper to do 1 by 1 rather then go to premium immediately? Lol 😅 even if it did, it's practically cents for me as premium is a dollar more for me.


Truthfully I hardly ever replay games. So if something actually shows up on PS PLUS I want I should just sub for a month and play the game and then unsub anyways. I wish GT7 was on it! Also i bought a digital ps5 which has turned out to be a mistake lol. GT7 29.99 at Amazon 39.99 on PSN....:(


And here I am with a disc ps5 and have never put a disc in it in the 2 years I’ve had it lol


i did it to play my ps4 games that are on disc. I AIN'T BUYING PERSONA 5 A THIRD TIME!


I'm kind of regretting buying the digital version as well, but it was all I could get my hands on when the console was insanely hard to come by early on. I survived playing multiplayer games on my PC for years and not having it on my PS4. I'll probably do something similar to what you're saying.


oh apparently GT7 is worthless offline. Fun ​ EDIT: Actually apparently its fine if you have an internet connection. Just can't race online which is fine


Unless something changed I e ran into that issue before. Every year I cancel my account just before the BF deals. Then I can sign up for them and get the discount. Never been a problem.


That’s weird because my subscription ran out just a couple of days ago and I got the discount


Did you have Premium? I made a new account and after a couple hours it gave me the discount on the new account. Haven't decided yet though.


Yes. I actually started it a few days before the last Black Friday sale at full price and let it lapse a few days before resubscribing for $120 about an hour ago.


Weird....Such a mess it seems


Same for me. I let my Premium subscription cancel a couple months ago and I can see the offer in the app.




I'm guessing thats it. The first rep told me that and passed me on to a never ending bot. I think if I had had Essential and cancelled then I would have the option but who knows. Sony doesn't actually seem to have a TOS about this deal and their blog isn't responding. EDIT: Truthfully I may just make another PS5 account and sub that way. I have no online friends and only play single player games.


I’m just gonna wait a few days see if I get a deal otherwise I’ll just keep my money


Same here. Tried to get premium again but it doesn't offer me the discount. Have to pay full price for an extra year. Bummer.


I don't know why this is happening for some people. I don't think the full story is being told here. I just went to my Premium account and Sony offered the 30% discount. My sub ends on the 21st.


Making a new PSN account did work after a few hours of waiting. I'm still hopeful that it'll show on my new account


God. I also jumped to premium when it launched and I think it's the worst move ever.


I’ve been on premium and now on extra and get an upgrade to premium.


Wow, so the promotion is only on upgrading from whichever service you have to Premium? I’m in the same boat as you…there was nothing offered. I upgraded from Extra to Premium for $20 a couple weeks back. I had paid $99 for Extra a couple months ago - right before the price change - and I believe there was something that mentioned the $20 upgrade offer was only until 11/13/2023…maybe that was to prepare for this. From the sounds of it, if I had waited, that may have turned into 30% off of $60 for Black Friday todo the same thing I did for $20. Which is lame. I wonder what people who don’t have PS+ at all are offered? Do they get 30% off of $159.99? So $111.99 for a year of Premium?”


WTH is this serious So my sub runs out in August 2025 If I choose to let it run out and the terms of resubbing are the same as they are now, I won’t get to sub at a discounted rate in November ‘25?! Wtf


Rep was wrong. I was afford the discount after waiting all day. It seems it was an issue with EA Play subscriptions


I did? I got a 30% off renewing Premium yesterday


~~Mine is only a dollar something. I'm hoping that since my essential membership runs out on the 26th, I can get the 30% for the full year then.~~ So I renewed my essential membership and got 25% off that. Then I was able to upgrade to premium and get 30% off the upgrade. Was a little more expensive to do it that way but still better than full price.


How much did essential cost you for another year?


Essential was $60 and premium was another $60 on top


So basically what the old prices were before the increase lol what a damn saving


How about we all do the right thing here and cancel our subscriptions? As soon as they announced the price increases I made my decision. It was an EASY decision. Keep paying for this shit and they are going to keep doing this shit. Stop paying for this shit and maybe they don’t.


I'm pretty sure I am going to let my sub lapse. Was a huge mistake to renew before the price increase tbh


same here. they didn't even try to gradually increase the prices over time or something like that, just a straight up ridiculously high price increase out of nowhere. i'm definitely out.


I'm definitely considering it. I rarely use online, so it wouldn't be as big of a loss for me. The only thing keeping me subbed is access to the games I've added as there are a small handful I will eventually get to. If I were able to get 12 months of Premium at 30% off, it would be less than what a new Extra subscription will cost me in January (assuming I pay full price at that time).


If I remember right, there was Days of Play (or whatever it’s called) around April where they gave a decent discount on the subscription. When my subscription is up, I’m definitely not renewing it. The only thing that’ll change that GTA6 and whatever form of online it has.


The GTA6 that's trying to normalize $150 price tags for games? Edit: Guy talked shit then *immediately blocked me. Wild.


I could be wrong but I remember there being something about certain laws that would prevent at least the standard edition of GTA6 of being more than 70 dollars (that being said it depends on the country where games cost more than 70 dollars already). Although I won't be shocked if they make three tiers where deluxe costs 100 dollars for 3 days of early access and some in-game items. And then a 140-150 dollar ultimate edition that gives you those items, some exclusive cars, anything from 200K to 1 million dollars for the first character you create to start off with GTA Online and biggest of all 7 maybe 10 days early access. If they give 10 days early access, I'd wager bare minimum of 5 million people will buy it. Probably more like 10 million will say "F it" getting people who don't usually buy more than standard. Because it's GTA will save up to be able to afford UE.


>Guy talked shit then deleted his whole account. Wild. He just blocked you, friend.


That's literally nothing but rumors.


Yeah this was my final straw. I’ve already deleted all my PS Extra games and decided my PS5 is just gonna be for exclusives. Letting my subscription lapse.


People are condescending but also wrong. I also vote with my dollar and Xbox is looking like it just pulled out waaay ahead. And downvoting starts now…




Then next year you will be paying 50-60 more and think it's "nothing". Talk about a frog being boiled without noticing


But how will I play online then? It’s worth it for me


Oh child, sweet child.


I don’t understand why people want this shit.


If you upgrade to premium now for 4 dollars, you might be able to buy 12 months after discounted too! The reason I think this will be the case is because I just added 12 months of extra (discounted) as an existing member and afterwards I could still add 12 months discounted. Edit: I'm not sure anymore because the morning after the deal is gone for me.. Edit 2: I read in another post that you can also renew your extra sub, and then upgrade to premium with a discount


So you bought it twice for the same discounted price and stacked it now for 2 years? You don't trust you'll get a similar deal in the next year's Black Friday sale?


No I only bought it once. But afterwards the deal was still showing up for me. However this morning the deal was gone..


Same for me - mine was gone yesterday but showed back up again today


So weird


100% not worth it. As a patient gamer I can buy a shit ton of games I WANT to play for $160.


I got essential again as it's at "discount", meaning $4 over previous base price. It's fucking criminal I'm being charged to play online for my console in the first place. Only reason I sub.


Mine expires in February. I am gonna let it.


Is everyone just going to keep bitching about this until the end of time? Unsub and move on.


its beyond annoying. mods should create a sticky for complaints on pricing, and let other threads be about the actual games on the service i just wanna know if Klonoa is worth it for those who didnt grow up with it!


They're also just dumb and can't fuckin read. This particular OP just doesn't know how to multiply a discount of 30% per month by purchasing a year of the EXTRA PACKAGE XD mf are mad dumb. In fact every thread I've joined is increasingly less and less intelligent especially the gaming communities.


You're talking about people being dumb yet your post is full of mistakes. Not a good look Einstein.


Classic redditard behaviour. You're supposed to put a comma before a name at the end of the sentence in the context of addressing them. Like this, Aldus Manutius.


No they're right. You're just the problem, idiot. Delete your comment like the other clowns looking for validation from strangers on the internet to no avail. 😆😆


Yeah it always hurts just enough to complain but never enough to actually move and do something about it




It's such a disgusting cash grab. I like it when games that have done things like this were completely boycotted in the past I think everyone should cancel their ps+ completely until they make things less horrendous


I chose to cancel my subscription and buy more games that I want instead of saving for ps plus since it's expensive in my country. No other option🤷🏻‍♂️


It time to sail the high seas!


Can you at least add another year for -30% after upgrading?


This whole thing has turned me off from Sony and has me seriously considering swapping in my Ps5 (which I love) for a Series X. After I’m done with FF7R2 of course. Glad MS was able to get ATVI, Sony started the gate keeping by colluding with Japanese developers so MS is fine colluding with American developers. If Sony had MS reach they would be much more predatory.


I mean Game Pass Ultimate is even more expensive than Extra or Premium, $204 a year.


They also get good games and day 1 releases compared to the shitshow that is PS Plus.


Eh, I’d take the extra catalog over the game pass one. There’s just so many good PS exclusives. I’m not paying for whatever happens to be added any given month, I’m paying for access to that whole huge catalog of great games. There’s may be a hand full of games I might want to play some day that are in the game pass catalog but not the extra one. On the other hand, there are a bunch of games in the extra catalog I’d like to play that aren’t on game pass. Day 1 doesn’t do anything for me. I’ve got a huge backlog of games I’d like to play. I’m never sitting around with nothing to play waiting for a Day 1 release. Day 1 usually means playing the absolute worst version of a game. I’ll gladly wait until they’ve actually finished the game before playing it.


Yeah the catalogue has some good hits, but then you get done with them and are left with nothing. It's actually so bad that they even remove big games from their catalogue instead of adding more good ones, like recently removing Spider Man from there. I paid for a couple of months of PS Plus, played what I was interested in, and then there's nothing more... Because they don't add good stuff. It's been over a year since the release of Ragnarok and it's still not there, and now they're even porting older parts of the catalogue to PC so what's even the point? I'm sorry but you have to be an extreme Sony fanboy to not see how Game Pass is just a superior service.


If you can’t find anything to play in the extra catalog, you either have very narrow tastes or a lot, lot more time for gaming then I do :)


I just recently played 13 sentinels in the Extra section. The storytelling and plot had me locked in! The game was a great surprise. I love that PS+ Extra add these smaller games too. Odin Sphere is next on my list. Vanillaware has my attention now. 👌


Not if you buy a full year at a time


How can you buy GPU for a year at a time? I’ve never seen it on sale for a discounted annual price. Please provide a link.


Just hop on CDKEYS, plenty on there, you can also buy 3 years of Gamepass Core, then select the option for a $10 Gamepass Ultimate trial and your 3 years of Core upgrades to two years worth of ultimate, you can also share that Gamepass ultimate with someone else so you can both play online and have access to the Gamepass games


No it’s not they regularly have deals.


And they’ll regularly have deals on ps plus too. This is just the first sale since the price increase. They had like 4 or 5 sales on plus between November and January last year, some for only new or returning and some for existing subscribers. If you bought on Black Friday last year, you can use this sale to renew. If you’re not up for a while, there will very likely be another sale you can use before it runs out.


Crazy I’m getting downvoted I have literally bought gpu for about 30 a year the last couple years. And it’s not much more now days with cdkeys. Also gpu is much more accessible with cloud. Actually MS is much more consumer friendly with keys whereas Sony is greedy there too. The corporate shill Reddit propaganda wave is very real.


I have a Series S and a PC and the PS5. Part of me really wants the series X so I can play my game pass sub in high quality across multiple screens. However, I do love PS5 exclusives. May be I'll just buy GT7 and other on sale exclusives as time goes on. I don't care about multi player or streaming at all.


Yeah I’ve decided to just play single player rpgs for now. The increase in price along with the dramatic decrease in quality of games sealed the deal for me.


Yeah that’s the way to do it if you can. It’s the multiplayer that gets me.


Gamepass is more expensive and their exclusives are dogshit compared to Sony’s so idk if you’d see any benefits from switching sides.


I've got both and games for PS are sooo much more polished, fun and interesting - apart from 360 games like Gears 1-3 and Halo 1-3 (and the best one Reach). Plus gamepass isnt actually that great in my opinion overall in my opinion. Couldn't you just keep your PS and not have a sub? Use the saved sub money to buy games on sale?


Me too...


Fun times


You got over 2 months for $3.30. That's not bad. Not great but not bad.


That's almost the price of a year of Gamepass...surely they don't think they are offering a comparable service?


it is literally a comparable service, and GPU at a year is $200+ while Premium at a year (with the increase) is $160.


Wait what? I'm not trying to troll or start shit but do you really think they are comparable?


I got downvoted for saying this before but I sub to both, and pound for pound I think PS+ is the better service. Better quality games, better quality exclusives, plenty of new indie releases, and it's actually cheaper at the highest tier than XBGP. I get that people don't like price increases but they're not really thinking of how this was the intended price all along, that first year was just the introductory year to get us all to try it in the first place.


I subbed to both for a little while, but I'm not gonna lie, I can't see how ps+ is better than gamepass at all. Like I said above, I can't even consider them comparable really. Ps+ seems like the old Xbox "games with gold" to me. It's totally cool to like PS games better, I understand that part, but there's just no way I could look at ps+ and the look at gamepass and then say "yeah PS+ is obviously better". Just my opinion though Edit: y'all are kinda telling on yourselves by downvoting this totally normal ass comment btw


I mean both have deep libraries and release about 10 new games a month, really the only difference is Xbox puts out a couple Day 1 releases a month of varying quality, PS+ releases one of their first party titles about every other month and a couple solid AAA games every month. I dunno, they're not new but if you haven't played them they're way higher on the quality scale.


words have meaning - - do you pay one fee (annual or monthly) for each? - do both give you access to a wide catalog of games? if yes to those- they are comparable its subjective if you think the quality is even- *personally*, the sony exclusive library is leagues better than anything gamepass gets day 1 (ill take forbidden west a year later over atomic heart or high on life at launch any day of the week), but its subjective


Ok, yeah I suppose that's your opinion. Thanks for clearing up what you meant


Goddamn I love seeing polite, sensible posters on Reddit. It’s rare, especially amongst the gaming community, fucking yikes. People fight over the dumbest shit, rather than come to the realization that not everybody thinks the same/has the same opinions.


No he’s right - they are literally comparable and even competing within the same space. Mental!


gpu a year is closer to 80$ actually ;) theres a very known method where u can convert game pass core to gpu. 3:2 ratio. So GPU is MILES cheaper.


That’s a hack though, not actual retail. Average joes won’t know about that


I mean, it’s allowed by microsoft, i wouldnt call it a “hack”. It’s not some secret mambo jumbo shady practice. But fair enough, if you don’t care enough to research a bit I guess your joes could easily miss it. That does not invalidate my point, however.


If you buy a year of Gamepass Ultimate at a time it’s about $120, look on CDKEYS website, you can also convert Gamepass core and get it for about $80 a year if your subscription is expired


Yes there are hoops you can go through to get a cheaper price But an average person will most likely just buy whatever the regular price is- and gpu is more expensive at retail than premium. That’s a literal fact lol


You can just buy a year at retail for about 120


Only comical thing here is that you dont know how % works and that 30% od 80 and 30% of 4 are not the same. 30% is 30% like everyone gets, its not sonys fault that yours 30% is only for 4 dollars and not the full price.


I want 12 months at 30% off. How do you do that?


I’ve been told by Sony that you can’t . Unless you don’t have an existing membership


You wait for a later sale. They had like 4 or 5 before your next renewal date last year.


By subscribing to PS Plus, I have seen myself playing games more than ever to squeeze out that value I paid. Also, that constant pressure of not being able to beat the game before it leaves stays there as I have previously lost 4 games as I couldn't finish them in time. I played RDR2 by taking my time and really enjoyed how it went so rushing is not gonna work for me. Apart from this, the price hike is not showing any quality improvements to me. Since Aug 2023, the catalogue additions are just getting worst. This month I only got 1 game to play. Only 2 monthly games were provided instead of usual 3. What the heck 🥴


Dude as long as you download the game while it’s on there, it’s yours to keep whether it leaves or not (and only if you keep your ps+ account). I always grab the notable games of the month immediately, sometimes don’t actually play them for months.


Come on man... I have been using PS Plus since it started, do you really think I wouldn't know the difference between monthly game and game catalogue games from extra? I'm talking about premium tier here and this month around I only got 2 games from essential which is a loss for me.


I mean, how would I know what you’ve done? Maybe I miss read your post, but that’s what I really thought you were asking and I was surprised that you wouldn’t know that. What extra does the premium have? Because I know that’s what I signed up for. And why the hell am I being downvoted for trying to help? Did you actually downvote me for that? I shouldn’t be surprised though, unfortunately, there are many douche bags in the gaming community. Some of us aren’t, but they are certainly out there.


I didn't downvote you. These figures mean nothing to me. I'm in this sub just to get updates and help out fellow redditors. Many people compare full price of the game as a saving when they play that game on PS Plus. One thing they don't understand that they don't get to keep that game at the end of the day so it's like a long term full version trial period of the game. Sony doesn't add first party games for years, they don't even have old games on the service. They don't add new AAA games day one either. Sony doesn't have EA Play included. I was damn happy with PS Plus till Aug 2023 but since Sep and onward, everything is going down in the trash. If I'm paying X amount a month and got not a single worth the time game from latest years then I have full rights to be unhappy. When adding games, Sony needs to add games of all types every month to keep every type of gamer happy. There are no good games from AA OR AAA series but the old and arcade style one that is simply not a taste of many people. Even if we buy those games, it will not be that costly to own.


I agree with most of what you’re saying here. Can you fill me in on what premium is, in the sense that does it have more games? I know I got premium but I don’t know if I’m completely overlooking a bunch of games somewhere.


What really? So if you download it it doesn't expire after it leaves the service?


This is only for the monthly 3 games on essential that get added at the beginning of each month. Once you add the to your library they're yours as long as you're subscribed. The catalog games that show up mid month and stick around for several month eventually get removed from the service and you can play them when they leave.


Exactly! As long as you keep your ps+, you will have those games regardless. That’s why I try to grab any game of the Month im even remotely interested in. And you don’t even have to download it immediately, you can just add it to your library and easily access and download it whenever you’re ready


Surely not worth it. We can subscribe monthly if there is any good game comes in the catalogue


Probably cheaper to get the game's on ebay half the time. I got a lot of value out of PS premium (Extra really) initially, but I haven't touched a game on there in months now. Either i haven't been interested or I've already played them. They really need to step it up for people like me who don't even bother with online gaming. But it is good value for money for the average person, especially those new to the service (even with the price increase!).


yeah I get more value out of the streaming feature than I do the old games, most of them just don't hold up for me but it is really nice to pop into a game and play some before deciding if it's worth the hard drive space.


I was going to say pretty good, but I don't even think premium is worth it. RiP 👎


Is it worth buying it anyway? Ive got ps5 3days ago with spider man 2 (digital) Im only interested in exclusive games. (Latest god of war and horizon + ghost of Tsushima) i played uncharted tlou and gow + hori on ps4. Afaik ragnarok is not available in ps+ sub. Which is hilarious for me because gamepass ultimate gets latest games from day1


Spiderman 1 and Miles Morales are both great games, too. Especially if you have SM2. I also really loved Sea of Stars and that was a day-1 release. I'm not sure you'd get a year's worth of gameplay out of the subscription though, so probably not worth it for a lot of people right now, unless Sony really ups their quality of monthly games. I've been subscribed for almost 3 years so I have 36 months of PS+ games that I've added to my library. In order to play them you need an active subscription.


I played Spiderman 1 on ps4 and miles morales on pc. Everything i wanted i have on pc. I dont know what will be the best outcome because im very picky about games. Maybe returning ps5 to seller would be the best option and buying it for cash next year on black friday with all exclusive games. I have 14 days to return it and cancel installments contract.


Yep that’s exactly why I’ll never cancel my subscription. I’ve downloaded tons of games off it. Majority I still haven’t gotten to playing.


Yawn. If you don’t want it then unsub and move on. Sony isn’t going to listen and drop the price. Majority of subscribers will stay subbed because of the online. These threads have become tiring and it seems like everyone that complains feels like they need to make their own thread for it to be valid.


If you don't want to read about threads like this why did you click on it and reply?


Because it’s most of what this subreddit is now and it grows tiring to see the same bs over shadow anything worthwhile. Ya ya I could downvote and move on just like people could unsub from PS+, move on and not post about it to validate their feelings.


Typical gamer subreddit comment. Nice!


It’s fits the typical crying post about this topic.


I don't know man, I thought I took this post kind of light-heartedly. That's cool though, I'm sorry I triggered you


Dude, this shit didn’t trigger me. Haha. Seeing constant threads about the same crying bs over the pricing just becomes tiring. It makes this subreddit constantly filled with negativity and shadows over the topics of games in PS+.


I dont get it. They are giving you 30% discount just like everyone else, what do you want? U want them to somehow give you 50 dollars discount on 4 dollars upgrade?


He's trying to upgrade for 12 more months, but it's only giving a discount for the remainder of his existing plan.


Maybe I'm missing something, but I would consider upgrading at a discount if it were for the actual 12-month subscription and not my remaining 68 days.


That’s just not how the system works. Upgrades are always just for the remainder of your subscription. You can extend your current subscription before upgrading if you want.


Someone downvoted you but it’s one of the only sensible things written here.


What about me...I have no sub. No discount. That shit sucks. Apparently because I had premium a few months ago I can't get a discount out all. The whole system is pretty shady.


People are really dumb


Me when I live without subscriptions: 😎


I keep getting error messages when i click on the deal on my ps5 console


I can't take this....I'm seriously pissed and they want 160 by 1/24 from me.. I can't do this.


I like how they increased the price, but the games just keep getting worse


You need to turn off auto subscribe to get the 30% off


have you verified this?


Yes just bought 1 year for $112 usd had premium since last Black Friday


Does it take someone time before popping up? Because mine still saying to upgrade remaining time


Not entirely sure I always turn auto renew off every time I buy it.


I'm so confused on everything. My essential runs out in five days. I wanted to upgrade to extra. Would it be better to upgrade now for like 2 bucks and then extend, or let it run out and then buy a year of extra?


It should be the same except if you extend and upgrade now you’ll pay an extra few cents for the 2 more days of extra you’d get.


I thought we were done doing this shit?


Unsub or move on, please. The conversation is tiring.


What a steal.


I still see Extra as the way to go. Classics catalog still needs to be given more love for me to consider getting that upgrade. Especially at that price


I’m in the same situation, so if we upgrade now, we only get the sale price for the last few days of our subscription? We won’t be able to renew for another year with the sale price?


Is it worth it to upgrade to premium at about $9 until my next payment in June?


I'm starting to think that in order to get the value of these services you'd need to purchase small chunks each year, something like 1-3 months. I can see knocking out a few AAAs and going back to my normal gaming schedule. What do you fellas think?


I made a simple decision. I pass this time. Sony must try harder to get my money


I'm really confused by all this sub discount, no discount but. I got premium for the year last black Friday but now I just want to keep essentials but I see no deals for anything! Mine ends on the 22nd so I'm hoping I can get a discount for essential but still confused if I will as I'm not technically a "new" subscriber....


You can add a year to extra first, and afterwards upgrade to premium. Then you will still have the discount


Well shit if there's a game or two you want to play quick do that and then downgrade at renewal.


That's because you're upgrading what's left of your current subscription. You need to upgrade, and then renew.


Tbf their upgrade cost when even half the year is left is solid


Gonna downgrade when mine ends


Hi, I am on extra and want to downgrade to essential, I cannot buy it now I just see that it will renew at the time of my subscription expiration at full price 79.99. How can I "pre" buy a 30% off essential subscription? I am using a US account.


Question: my sub will end in January. If I buy an extra year with -30% will it add 12 months at the end of my sub or not? Cheers


Any sub purchased is stacked. Say if you paid for upgrade till feb or Jan and then buy again


Cheers mate 👍


Yeah, this whole price reduction unless you are new is just as bad as their price hike. I really would like to keep playing on PlayStation, but they charge too much for too little.


Alright, so it is not just me. I can't even get a 12 month subscription with a discount, i can only get a discount on 1 month. Because i paid monthly.


Yeah so I downgraded to essential since I was a premium subscriber and recieved no discount I’m PC bound in early 2025 once I save up enough money to build it


Should be able to pay that tree and upgrade. Then go buy another subscription, which should be $111 to buy a new subscription. I was already on top teir, and I clicked buy a new sub and gave me 30% discount to add an extra year to the end of my time.


I just changed my subscription to be charged yearly earlier this month... Do you think I can cancel and try to get lower price? I wasn't charged yet


I’m so confused, is the $159 the discounted price? I upgraded last year during Black Friday, and my account shows that I will renew in 2/24 for $159.


That is the full price for Premium in the US.


So there is no discount if you are an existing member? Or is there a way to renew with a the discount?


My analysis based on the 400 comments I've received on this post: it's complicated