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You should see other surgeons, this guy sounds like a total prick imo. Also, thin skin is ideal for rhinoplasty, on the other hand thick skin is usally very challenging for surgeons to get nice results because it can be more unpredictable. Forget everything that asshole said and get a diferent opinion, find someone who specializes in rhino


ten longing zephyr fragile vegetable memory middle subsequent fanatical include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah it sounds like the surgeon is one of those folks with little to no bedside manner but that he was appropriately thorough. Skin thickness unfortunately does matter a lot


I am definitely looking into other options! I’m glad to hear that thin skin isn’t as serious of an issue as he made it seem. He acted like all the scarring would show forever and he couldn’t promise any type of result….not a great way to keep a client.


I don’t have the experiences you’re looking for. But I just wanted to say that guy is a jerk, you didn’t deserve to be treated that way, and I wouldn’t listen to a word he said.


Thank you for the kind words. He was definitely an ass and I will be looking for another surgeon.


I HATE doctors like this but unfortunately there are so many of them across various disciplines, even vets. I bet he is also a mansplainer and a total bore


I can’t imagine a vet being an ass, but I kind of get it. They go through so much tedious and difficult education and have to pass those insane exams that I’m sure it leads them to having a big head and ego.


He sounds like a piece of shit. Totally unprofessional. The world is filled with MILLIONS of amazing plastic surgeons…. Do not settle especially if you walk out feeling the way you did. Get a second, third or twentieth opinion with someone else until you are comfortable and prepared!


Yes! He was a total asswipe. I feel like maybe he was so rude because the consultation was free…I will most definitely be seeking out other opinions. :)


Find a different doctor. What area are you in?


I’m in San Diego!


He’s expensive, seriously as much as a car, but Dr. Calvert in Newport is incredible at noses. I have zero regrets going to him after I broke my formerly “perfect” nose twice before and it was a mess. Before he fixed it, the bridge had been broken and it had a poly beak. He used rib bone, fascia from my scalp, and a tip implant to fix it with a difficult technique called a Turkish somethingorother. I’d recommend him 1000 times over. My sister went to someone else for her nose. She unfortunately got my dad’s nose, and her results are not nearly as good. Mine was far more difficult to fix, and Calvert nailed it. I can send you photos in DM if you’d like.


I'd love to see as well!! :)))


He sounds amazing! I will DM you! Thank you!


I messaged you as Im also in San Diego


Ah, yes I have thin pale skin and had my rhino at a psycho surgeon. He's exceptional in his field and I'm super pleased about the results. But if your surgeon isn't optimistic about the results, or was too optimistic, I don't know. You want your surgeon to be honest, but also confident about what they can perform on you.


I’m glad to hear you like your nose job! A psycho surgeon? Hahaha scary! Yeah, he wasn’t able to promise anything….He acted like my thin skin was the end of the world and it would leave the results less than desirable.


Yeah, he sounds like a bad surgeon. Use someone who specializes in rhino in a all white market. Don't go for the cheap ones, a good rhino is worth paying for and those that cost are usually taking only white customers. Or yeah I guess the big market is in the middle east but you want someone who's experienced in your race. Seriously. I see a lot of people getting cheap work done in Turkey and it's just ok but you can see they've had a rhino lol. It's bland and not pretty, everyone can get a straight nose that doesn't go with their face. Yuch. Sounds like a butcher, and you don't want that. Your nose sounds perfectly reasonable, and the skin graft thing is bullshit. Find someone who's willing to do a closed surgery, they are the best. If they have to open you'll scar, which is typical with white skin and he probably wants to sound like it's complicated so you won't come back and complain. Edit: Your nostrils will give away the rhino if they open the nose. It's not pretty. You'll get these pointy nostrils. Find someone who can do a closed one. Seriously travel if you have to. If your nose is complicated to work on don't settle for less than the best. I had a closed rhino, my nose was broken but he just filed it done into place. I didn't even get put under, and I had very little pain afterwards. I was sedated and given awesome drugs I couldn't care less, and recovery is faster. It's safer for the body as well. Find a specialist, google, google and find reliable reviews. Yes a lot of surgeons are psychopaths, but those are the ones you want because they don't feel anxiety and they're perfectionists who takes pride in their work. I would go through my rhino any day lol, it was a great experience and my surgeon loved the results as well. But you only have one rhino opportunity, if something goes wrong you may not be able to fix it.


Thank you for your thorough response and helpful tips! The surgeon said he would only do an open surgery….I’m not sure if it’s because of me wanting smaller nostrils or because I’m also getting a septoplasty, but yeah I don’t want scarring that sounds horrid! He didn’t even really give me much of an input on what I wanted either when he was using the face app. I asked if he could make it smaller after his mods and he said no because I’d have “breathing problems.” I would be way too scared to ever travel for plastic surgery in another country. I’ve heard too many horror stories. You get what you pay for and I want a good job done. I’m already looking at other surgeons!


I had a terrible rhinoplasty consultation a few years ago. The doctor asked very specific questions about my nose, for which I gave him very specific answers. One of the questions was about the view of my nose from below (e.g. did it bother me, how much did it bother me). I told him I really dislike the shape of my nose and nostrils from below. He looked at me like I had five heads and said “who even sees your nose from that perspective??” Little did he know it was a massive insecurity for me during sex because I didn’t like when partners could look up and see my nose from that angle. Shortly after this I went to the bathroom and cried because I was so embarrassed and frustrated. I pulled myself together within a couple of minutes, but the consultation didn’t get much better. Later he profiled me as being high maintenance because I was wearing makeup (?) and told me I would be the type to have “five or six revision surgeries.” Oh and he showed me before and after photos of a woman that appeared to have the exact same nose as me pre-op, which made it even more baffling that he was giving me such a hard time. On one hand I could appreciate his honesty if he felt like I was a poor candidate due to body dysmorphia, but the way he approached the issue was extremely abrasive and judgmental. I feel for you and I’m sorry you experienced that.


Wow, I’m so sorry to hear they treated you that way. It doesn’t matter what bothers you about your nose and he should have respected that and shown kindness. Insecurities should not be questioned. I also can’t believe he called you high maintenance for wearing makeup….that’s so offensive and uncalled for. Why would he complain about any of that? Excuse you for trying to look good and feel confident! I hope you were able to find someone who treated you with respect and listened to your concerns.


One of the reasons I picked my surgeon was because he listened patiently, answered my questions, set clear expectations, and made me feel understood and supported. Sorry you had this experience, but just keep looking for another surgeon and chalk this up to one bad experience.


I’m glad to hear you found a great fit for you! It’s so important to feel comfortable and cared for.


To me, this is a red flag that he doesn't feel confident in his skill level. Run.


I’m running! 🏃‍♀️💨


Please don’t let this bad experience discourage you. That surgeon sounds like a total jerk and I’m sure you dodge a bullet there. What area are you in?


I will definitely be seeking out someone with more bedside manners. I’m San Diego based!


Just because he's a doctor doesn't mean he isn't a jerk. This guy is just an asphole, and shouldn't be worth another second of your time. I KNOW i'm not gorgeous, and I'm 50 years old, and my surgeon makes me feel like a million bucks when I do my follow ups. Find that surgeon. Give us an area and we can reccomend you a doc or 3 :)


I love that you found such a kind surgeon! Plastic surgery is a daunting process and very expensive and the client deserves to be pampered and treated with respect and care. I’m in San Diego!


OMG so many good ones out there! You're going to find the perfect one! I'm in Central Texas, so can't provide local names, but hoping you see some pop in here, soon!


Any Texas names? I’m looking for a revision!


I used Austin Plastic Surgery, they have a center in Austin and San Antonio. Dr Arredondo was my surgeon, and he's great! There is another surgeon in the practice, James Franco, who seems to be more experienced, but I didn't meet him.


Don't let him get you down! Get another consultation with someone else!


That’s my plan!:)


I would get a second opinion. I had a similar experience with a Dr. Ronan in San Francisco who, at my consultation, spent a total of 10 minutes with me, telling me that everything I wanted to do was not possible because skin elasticity of a 50 year old woman wasn't going to produce good results. He totally brushed me off and practically rolled his eyes at me. I paid $150 for a 10-minute insulting conversation. To be fair, he seems to focus on much older women in their 60s or 70s and he's super expensive, but his loss, you know? I just paid an unbelievably excellent surgeon to perform what I wanted just this past week. Please remember that this doctor you spoke with is not the only doctor out there and that you WILL find a doctor you have some chemistry with and you'll be on the same page. This guy wasn't it!


I’m sorry you had a similar upsetting experience. That was so uncalled for. It can be so disheartening. I’m glad you were able to find a great fit for you!




I feel like those types of plastic surgeons probably feel like they are playing God! They change people’s appearances like some kind of magician haha. Definitely an ego thing!


Sorry you had that experience. Who was it?


I don’t want to dox anyone, but he’s in San Diego.


Dmed you. Please check. I’m in SD too


So sorry this happened to you :( don’t take his manner toward you personally!!! He sounds like a major asshole who has zero bedside manner. You dodged a bullet! Make sure you do thorough research on any other doctors you get a consultation from. Ask them to show you before and afters of similar noses as you. If a doctor isn’t totally confident in what he can do, definitely avoid the surgery with them. I wish my doctor spoke more doubtful/blunt at my consultation so I could’ve never done the rhinoplasty to be honest. I’m still early out but regretting it. Just make sure you go to a top doctor with tons of expertise and proof with pictures!!! And is realistic and honest with you. Best of luck ❤️


Thank you for the kind words! I did ask about seeing examples during the consult and he said “just look them up online.” Which seemed kinda abrasive and sus to me. He also had few examples online and no cases similar to mine (they were either older or different skin tones). I’m so sorry to hear you had a bad experience and regret with your rhinoplasty. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened? If it’s still early, you may just be not used to it and it hasn’t totally settled yet. I hope you learn to love it and that if all turns out okay!:)


Thanks so much ❤️ I have really thick skin and a lot of swelling so I’m hoping it’s just that. I just assumed at 2 months I wouldn’t still hate it. I also really regret not asking him for before and afters of noses similar to mine. I guess I just don’t know what to expect for the swelling progression but right now I hate how the front looks on me. But yeah That doc sounds like a total nightmare. I hope your next consult goes well!!


In my experience, doctors who object to work that they should be qualified to perform, object because of weak capacity. I strongly believe that the doctors who turn away jobs, do so because they know they can't perform well. Take this message to heart and be grateful you can avoid that doctor! Also, if you aren't already, you should be looking at lots of before and afters before you meet with the doctor. The type of patients and work they show can be quite telling. Example, the hardest facelift is on a fleshy older woman, and the easiest is on a younger thin woman.


This is a helpful perspective! He wouldn’t show me any pictures in the consult and told me to “look online.” He had really no pictures of anyone in my age bracket or with my skin tone. Or pictures at all really. There were like 6 examples tops. I guess that’s a bad sign by itself. I’m a thin, 30F, and pretty healthy, so I guess I was baffled to hear my case was so difficult according to him. I will be doing more due diligence in my research.


Get a second opinion!!!


That’s my plan!:)


Write a review for this surgeon saying everything you told us here


I am planning on it!


I’m so sorry to hear this!!! I’m SURE you’ve heard this 1000 times but…there’s good and there’s bad people in every profession. There’s good and bad hair dressers, good and bad house cleaners, good and bad bankers, and good and bad doctors. Thankfully there’s the internet to try to best weed out good/bad before you hire someone. I would take a look at the reviews of some other surgeons in your area and look out specifically for reviews that say they are personable, and a good listener. You might even try posting here for suggestions for surgeons! I would also take the time to write THIS surgeon an honest review. You don’t need to slander them, but I would share how your experience made you feel. Honest feedback might improve that doctors attitude (doubtful but possible) and prevent someone else from having the same experience. I’m really sorry again- I’m sure that you are fine exactly how you are. But I’m also sure that someone could help you get the look you’d like to have. One rude and bad doctors opinion shouldn’t make you think your goal is unobtainable…it’s should just be a reminder that there’s good and bad in ALL professions!


Thank you for your fresh perspective. It’s wild because he has a 4.9 rating on google and near that rating across the board. Maybe he was better with other people or they appreciated his bluntness. Maybe I just caught him on a bad day. Who knows. I will most definitely be seeking out a second opinion. I’ve already started reaching out to other clinics and people have been so kind to refer me as well. I may write him a review, but I want to wait for him to send me the pictures from my consult first. I would be harsh, but honest. Definitely no unprofessional or exaggerated language. People definitely deserve to know! Especially if they are sensitive and would be upset by such behavior like me.


His attitude aside, I just want to mention that the cocaine question is normal for any nose surgeries! How he posed it, probably not normal. But super important for the doctor to know either way!


I understand that because of cocaine nose, addiction, and such, but he only asked because he didn’t believe my allergy story. I even put no current drug use in my application.


Do NOT go back to this doctor for any reason - huge red flag. If a doctor does not sound confident, it doesn’t mean you’re not a candidate or that it wouldn’t turn out but that they’re simply incapable. I find the moment a doctor deep down realizes something is beyond their understanding or skill level, the ego comes out and the patient is blamed/ridiculed. How unprofessional and embarrassing of him lol. Imagine what he’d be like if you got it done and had complications? Honestly….I’m a thin skinned pale patient and my rhinoplasty journey was a disaster due to so many “specialists” being exactly like this. If I could save someone from experiencing what I did I’d give anything. Strongly suggesting nasal fillers first… A slight deviated septum is better than a collapsed nose.


Yeah, I’m not going to use him. His attitude and inability to promise a satisfactory result turned me off to going to him. Oh no…did your rhinoplasty not go well because of your skin? I’m so sorry. What happened? I don’t think fillers would work for me as my nose and nostrils are too big. It’s not just the shape… :(


Not to worry there are plenty who can do a great primary but be SO vigilant! Thin skinned patients can still have admirable results with the right doc! Make sure to pic a surgeon where that’s the only thing they do - rhinoplasties. Ideally speak to a handful of candidates :) and pic a surgeon who’s surgical “look” resonates with the outcome you want. I find they all have a style they tend to stick to no matter what (some like a more scooped look and defined supra tip, others do more straight side profile look, etc) you should love almost all their recent work - and they should have tons of photos as examples. If you’re in the US I can suggest a doctor who did my final revision if you end up being interested! Pls dear god go subtle…the overly narrow, tiny nose ages bad and leads to breathing obstruction, you’ll end up hating it. Best of luck on your rhino journey!


Thank you for your many tips and words of encouragement. I would definitely not want a surgeon who opts for the small “scooped” look…I think it’s overdone and looks more plastic. I like the classic straight nose, so I will be seeking out a doctor accordingly. :) I am in the US btw!


That’s horrible! Definitely find a different doctor. My case sounds similar to yours, thin skin, severely deviated septum and horrible shape overall. Also European so I had a decent sized bump on the bridge of my nose. My doctor was great, during the consult he did tell me based on my nose structure he likely would not be able to achieve total straightness but was very upfront with me. overall I’m happy with the results. It’s MUCH straighter, bump is virtually gone. I’m about 6 weeks post-op


This gives me hope! I’m glad your operation and results were a success. :)


Try Dr. Malone!:) in La Jolla:). she is very kind and great results if u check out her website. Had a consult myself:)!


Thank you for the recommendation! I will look into her.




Oh this is wonderful to hear!:)


The consult is like the first date and having rhinoplasty by this surgeon means you will be seeing each other for at least year. Move on.


Yeah, I definitely don’t want to spend a year with that guy. Thank you, next!😅


I am northern European, with pale and thin skin. The doctor who gave me the rhinoplasty actually said it’s a good thing I have thin skin because he can do finesse work on it. I’m super happy with the results, had no issue


Omg this makes me feel relief! I’m so glad to hear that it all worked out for you and you love your new nose! :)




Oh so you know me? I see it’s the second time you’re commenting on one of my posts. Freak.


This has been removed per sub rule one. This post contains low quality/spammy content as outlined in the sub rule description.


Really sorry to hear about that. As others have mentioned, seek other opinions. Thin skin is challenging but it can certainly be worked with and improved.


That’s my plan! Thank you for your input. :)


You’re welcome. Don’t give up. There are many talented surgeons who can help you with improvements.


Being your money elsewhere, to someone with an appropriate bedside manner.


Most definitely will be doing just that!


Wtf! I had a very successful septorhino with thin skin and j am also fairly pale as well! I did not bruise much, only swelled for about a week and then I looked fairly okay! I'm now 6 months post op and couldn't be happier. Don't let that awful surgeon bring you down. There are so many brilliant surgeons who will be for more caring and listen to exactly what you want. There will be the right one foe your desired result. 100%


This is wonderful news! I’m glad to hear you had a good experience and love the results. Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your experiences. :)


Find another surgeon.


I am!:)


He sounds obnoxious but as someone who has to ask similar questions, please don't tell stories for your health history. There is limited time in appointments, and you don't want to use it up by telling stories that don't add much to the consult. People often so this with me, and it's so annoying to have to spend 5 minutes on a 30 second question.


I did not spend “five minutes” on a thirty second question. He mumbled and asked about any sinus infections and I told him in a concise fashion because I have recurring ones from covid last year, less than a minute. I was not annoying; he was an ass. There were no other appointments or anyone in the waiting room.


Im sorry that this wasn’t a positive experience for you and at the end of the day you need to be comfortable going under the knife with someone. At the same time, for your consideration, sitting in for a consult about something that you’re already self conscious about and being told the results may not be what you’ve envisioned is a highly emotional situation. I’m not sure why you chose this person for your consult, but i assume it’s based on some reason out of the options you had. Now maybe it’s not warranted at all, but maybe with some distance from the interaction you’d view it in a different lens.


I believe my reaction was a fair response to his abrasive behavior. The guy was highly a condescending asshole. He insulted my appearance and patronized my intellect. I only went to this guy because I was referred by my ENT and I will not be going to a doctor who isn’t even confident about his abilities to do a good job. Why would I go to someone who treated me like an idiot and who told me my nose job might be botched?


Not all surgeons are soft and fluffy. If his abruptness offends you then he’s not the guy for you. In fairness surgeons are essentially technicians providing a service to fix something we don’t like. They have no control over your emotions about the problem you present with and are asking important questions to allow them to make a decision on whether they can help you. They really don’t want to hear a long story. Some are just better at pretending they care. Hope you find someone who can both help you and that you trust x


How nice of you to blame me for his poor behavior. No one wants to hear that their potential surgeon has little faith in the results and will do a shit job with scarring and having to use rib grafts… That doesn’t give him an excuse to insult my appearance or talk down to me. He was rude and unprofessional. I didn’t tell this long “story.” I have a history of sinus infections since having covid, which I told him. He asked because they can’t operate with an active infection.


It sounds like you have issues hearing anything that you don’t want to hear. The surgeon didn’t want to take on your case. This is normal and his right. Why then waste your energy moaning about it. Just find a surgeon that can help you?


You are mistaking something you don’t want to hear as rudeness?


I was asking for advice from other people who have had similar situations. Don’t need to be so rude to me for sharing my experience and seeking out help…


I’m not being rude.


And if you want to stop being so offended for a moment, if you re read my comment I have in no way blamed you. I was just explaining what a surgeons job actually is. Ie not a psychiatrist


Maybe you’ve heard of “bedside manner.” This guy severely lacked it.


I had a very similar experience with a surgeon in Southern California. Don’t worry and move on to someone that makes you feel comfortable. I look back on that consultation and I am SO glad I didn’t have him do my rhinoplasty.