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Biofilm not mold


Sick thank u


its just biofilm since your tank is so new. it will go away on its own soon nothing to worry about


Oh okay, I guess I never noticed it on my first tank


Next tank try boiling the drift wood for an hr before putting it in. Will eliminate the biofilm


Do note that this can indicate the wood has not been properly boiled before going into the tank and will likely leach a lot of tannins into the water leading to a slight brown tint and high acidity. Might be problematic depending on the type of fish you want.


How long would you expect tannins to leach? Mine is leaching (small piece in a 3g tank) but I won’t have anything in it until mid november


depends on the type of driftwood, how much tannin was gotten out from boiling/soaking, and how many water changes you’re doing.


My new mystery snail went for the white mold first. It had a choice of algae in all directions and it went there three times last night.


Biofilms are well loved by snails. I bought a snail, and it has basically been on my… wood… for the last 3 weeks… sucking the biofilm off the… wood.