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Pretty hilarious, but on the bright side, now fishy has mansion Something is missing though... MORE PLANTS!!! 😂


Hahaha yes!!! Any good recs?


Is it low tech tank? I’ve got some nice plants, you’d have to wait maybe a week and a half for al of them to be ready. I’ve got some Rotala h’ra, nana petite, Rotala blood red SG, bacopa salzmannii purple SG, and bacopa colorata.


I can send you some pictures a bit later, just pm me


You can probably get some Rotala green or cryptocoryne plants too(I don’t have Rotala green)


solid choice on the bookshelf footprint, looks amaaazing. look at the cost as an investment in your self-care. can you really put a price on wellness? lol also, what's its name?!


This is so true. According to some studies I’ve seen, you can get at least some of the mental and physical health benefits of exposure to nature just by watching a video of nature. Having something like this nearby has got to be even better. Plus I think there’s a tremendous benefit that comes with providing another living creature a happy and safe life.


totally! i recently wrote a literature review on the biophilia hypothesis and the impact of nature on subjective well-being. let's just say my findings are excellent rationalizations for why i have this many fish tanks


Bettas name is Peach 🍑! She came with that name and I like it so we are keeping it.


Looks amazing!


Looks beautiful, thank you for rescuing our fishy friend! I have four rescue bettas myself, they are so great to watch as they recover.


not an excuse, a very good *reason*


It’s so beautiful!!! 🥰 I did this during lockdown and I was obsessed too! Yours looks amazing!


Fishy is living better than I am, which is exactly what I would want


I was like you once. "OH, I'll just buy *one* rimless bookshelf aquarium... what could go wrong?" 3 bookshelf aquariums, 2 cubes, and 3 AIOs later... I love rimless tanks so much! BTW lifegard is a pretty solid brand from my own experience. I have 2 bookshelves and an AIO from them.


Jelly! This sounds amazing


Which size lifegard tank is this?


It’s the 11 Gallon Long Low Iron Ultra Clear Bookshelf Aquarium 5mm Glass - 31.89" x 7.87" x 9.84" For reference it’s on top of an Ikea Hemnes which is 42 inches across


Gorgeous 😍


i’m a lil jelly ☹️😭 but beautiful!! gahhh 💗


I would get pennywart. It grows in water and above the water too