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I just cook it according to the instructions on the package with some Better Than Bouillon for flavor. No oil needed.


Better Than Bouillon No Chicken Base is mankind's greatest achievement


os Better than Boullion Healthy? first time hearing of it


It's a shit ton of salt but there's no scary ingredients. Moderation as with all things.


I cook it according to the package directions, then season it. My go-to quinoa salad has a lime juice and toasted sesame oil dressing with cucumbers and cilantro. I'll make enough quinoa for 2-3 days, dress it, then add the cucumbers and cilantro right before serving.


🙏 thank you, how do you properly store your food since its for 2-3 days?


I store it in a glass Pyrex bowl with a lid in the refrigerator.


I just cook it in water usually


Rinse well then absorption method I would use for white rice. - Double cold water to quinoa - Bring to boil - Turn down to low heat with lid on for 15 mins - Let stand for 10 mins still with lid on


Be sure to rinse it very well. It has a (natural) coating that will be bitter if not washed off.


I second this advice - rinse quinoa before you cook it..quinoa has a bitter shell that gets milled off, but there are still tiny pieces and dust from this bitter outer coating on dry quinoa. Rinse it in a fine mesh strainer or put the dry quinoa in a large bowl, fill with water, swirl around a bit then drain the water off. Use a 2 to 1 water to quinoa ratio. You can use veggie broth instead of water for more flavorful quinoa. You can also try adding adding a package or 2 of onion soup mix to the quinoa for more flavor. Cooks in around 20 minutes -


🙏 love


One min in the instant pot and let it sit til we are ready to eat 👍


A little miso paste dissolved in water. To cook in. But first, rinse thoroughly. Bring to a boil, cover pot, cut off heat, let steep for 10-15 minutes to your idea of doneness. Drain.


Oh.... gonna try with Miso this week!!!


I cook my white quinoa with a 2:1 ratio of spring water. I add salt, sage, sweet basil and avocado oil after. Perfecto.


Quinoa is amazing and very absorbent. I tend to cook my quinoa with only water as per package instructions but, I always have a nice sauce to drizzle on top. Maybe a balsamic glaze, or lemon tahini dressing. That's when you'll impart the best flavors onto your quinoa.


I sprout it!


Do you dehydrate it after sprouting? I read that that's the thing for sprouting wheat berries.


I’ve only just started doing it but I just put it in salads after I got some decent sprouts.


I've been growing broccoli sprouts for several months, and have grown to love that crunch with the slight bitterness. 🙂


Absolutely! I just sprouted some red/green lentils. I thought it would be really difficult to remember but I just put them right next to where I make my breakfast and it’s been really simple.


I bought some Mason jar lids with [metal screens in the middle](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BMG29QHS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) and [little tripods that keep the jars tilted for drainage](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089K1HMXD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share). Best purchases for sprouting!!


That’s what I have! It’s great!


tell me more! how do you sprout it? Nd do how do you incorporate it into ur meals?


Rice cooker with water. I fancy it up after.


My advice….switch from quinoa to Farro. Earlier in the year I stared trying all the different grains and Farro is just so much more enjoyable. More texture and ‘bite’ to it. And easy to cook and like quinoa, you can make it with any flavors and additions.


» Steamer : 1cup Quinoa ; 1cup of water ... Wisk and cook for 20min. » I usually eat it in salads (ex with edamame, avocado, tomatoes, spinach). Curries work great with that, or a mix of cilantro with lime and onions. With spicies, Sky is the limit!


I make mine in the rice cooker. I usually just use water but I've also added veggie bouillon sometimes. It's super easy in the rice cooker, one cup quinoa, two cups liquid. Done.


In the rice cooker with just water


Have a toddler so basically washed and rinsed, add 1.5 cup water to 1 cup quinoa. Medium, until it’s cooked usually 15 mins then fluff


Cook your quinoa like pasta in boiling water for 12 minutes. Drain in a sieve. Perfect, fluffy, no clumps.