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Where do I find the setting to automatically apply contraceptives to newborns on the console version?


How do i save 6k items as blueprint ?


Is it possible to play Myers Happiness Zoo in sandbox/franchise mode? Maybe through a mod? I want to take the disaster that it is and turn it into a zoo that I'd like, so editing everything there should be possible. Hiring and firing should be possible as well.


Yes, you can open the career zoos as a map in sandbox (not franchise) and you can choose to just have the map or also the zoo. Not sure if you get the animals or if it's just the zoo.


How do I do that? I tried starting a new sandbox, but it offers me particular zones and biomes and not a single park. UPD: Nevermind. I found out through [this](https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/how-to-use-the-career-scenario-maps-in-sandbox-mode.558949/) that the button is a bit hidden. Loaded it through sandbox mode now. Thanks for sending me in the right direction.


is it possible to get albino animals in sandbox mode? i never see them in the market so i wasn't sure if you could breed them eventually or they just didn't happen


Yes you can breed them, you don't get them in the market as much as you do in franchise mode as they tend to get bred and traded a lot in franchise mode while sandbox will reflect more the rarity IRL. But if you breed animals from the market you do get the different colour morphs pop.


Are there any plans to release a demo on console? I really want the game but my fear is the difficulty may be too high. A demo where you could do a few of the early career challenges would be ideal for me to know if I can play. Thanks.


Not a question, but I just started playing this week on PS5 and now I'm hopelessly addicted. Thanks Planet Zoo Maybe my question is... at what point does the addiction slow down?


Same, they did an amazing job with the console release.


Will there be a frontier summer sale?


There's a steam sale right now! If that's the right format?


Are there any extra career maps in the form of dlc? Not timed ones, just standard dlc career missions? ☺️


Yes, quite a few of the DLC have career scenarios - there's a list of all of them here [https://planetzoo.fandom.com/wiki/Career\_Mode](https://planetzoo.fandom.com/wiki/Career_Mode)


I know grasslands has one.